Mana Skills (Black Clover Supplement)
Mana Skills[edit]
A Mage's growth depends on their mana control, as it aids them in casting spells or reinforcing their body with Mana.
Down below is the multiple tiers and different Mana Skills that come alongside them.
Junior Skills[edit]
A Mage of any skill level can learn these skills.
Focused Sensing[edit]
Prerequisites: Mana Sensing.
You can focus yourself into locating Mana by spending a bonus action, entering a concentration state. If you don't move or break concentration until the beginning of your next turn, your Mana Sensing range is doubled until the end of your current turn.
Leg Reinforcement[edit]
Prerequisites: Mana Reinforcement.
You can focus all of your reinforcement into your legs, increasing your jumping height by a lot. As part of jumping, you can spend Mana up to half your proficiency bonus (rounded down). The distance you can jump is multiplied by the amount spent + 1.
Mana Reinforcement[edit]
Perhaps the most basic and essential skill for mages out in the frontlines, reinforcing themselves with mana to make them stronger. As a reaction to being forced to make a Strength, Dexterity or Constitution check, you can spend Mana up to half your proficiency bonus (rounded down) to grant yourself a bonus to the check equal to the amount spent.
Mana Sensing[edit]
You become aware of the Mana of any objects and creatures within 5 times your proficiency bonus times your class level feet of you, however you only know superficial information. Once you feel a creature or object, you don't know its exact location, only that it's within range. The GM can only tell you the Magical Power difference:
- Non-threat (-10 or more)
- Immensely Weaker (-7-9)
- Far Lesser (-4-6)
- Lesser (-1-3)
- Equal (+0)
- Greater (+1-3)
- Far Greater (+4-6)
- Immense (+7-9)
- Unbeatable (+10 or more)
If you are an Innate Mage, you add your level twice to the range.
Mana Suppression[edit]
By suppressing your own Mana, you can hide from opponents but leave yourself open to attacks. You can activate this Mana Skill for 2 Mana as a bonus action. While this Mana Skill is active, you cannot be detected via Mana Sensing. You are concentrating as if you were concentrating on a spell for the duration of this skill, breaking concentration if you spend Mana on any other feature outside Mana Suppression.
The Mana Skill ends after 1 minute has passed or you break concentration. At the end of every minute, you can spend 2 mana to keep suppressing your Mana for another minute.
Offensive Mana Reinforcement[edit]
Prerequisites: Mana Reinforcement.
You've improved your offense, increasing your capabilities to reinforce your physical attacks. As part of taking the attack action, you can spend Mana up to half your proficiency bonus (rounded down). You receive a bonus to one melee weapon damage roll that use your Strength or Dexterity scores until the end of your turn.
If you are a Combatant Mage, you gain the benefits to all melee weapon damage rolls until the end of your turn.
Reflex Increase[edit]
Prerequisites: Mana Reinforcement.
By increasing your agility and reflexes, you became able to dodge much better at the battlefield. When you roll for initiative or as a bonus action during your turn, you can spend 1 Mana to add half your Spellcasting modifier (rounded down to your AC until combat ends.
Speed Reinforcement[edit]
Prerequisites: Mana Reinforcement.
You've learned how to reinforce your overall speed alongside the speed bonuses. As part of moving, you can spend Mana up to half your proficiency bonus (rounded down). Your walking speed increases by 5 times the amount of Mana spent until the beginning of your next turn.
Intermediary Skills[edit]
Only mages of 5th level or higher can learn these skills.
Defensive Mana Reinforcement[edit]
Prerequisites: Mana Reinforcement.
You've learned that you can utilize Mana Reinforcement defensively as well. Choose one of the following scores: Strength, Dexterity, Constitution.
As a reaction to making a saving throw using said score, you can spend Mana up half your proficiency bonus (rounded down). You gain a bonus for the saving throw equal to the amount spent.
You can pick this Mana Skill up to three times, however you can't choose the same score twice.
Instinct Sharpening[edit]
Prerequisites: Mana Reinforcement, Mana Sensing.
Your instincts have become naturally sharpened by Mana. You add your spellcasting modifier to any Intelligence (Investigation) or Wisdom (Perception) checks while you have at least 1 Mana.
Improved Mana Sensing[edit]
Prerequisites: Mana Sensing.
Your Mana Sensing has a wider range. Your range is increased to 10 times your proficiency bonus times your class level.
Mana Identification[edit]
Prerequisites: Mana Sensing.
Whenever you feel a creature's Mana via Mana Sensing, you now know what type of mana it is, such as regular Mana, Natural Mana or Dark Mana.
Mana Overload[edit]
You've learned how to fill your spell with Mana, increasing its speed and potency. Once per round as part of casting a spell, you can spend up to half your proficiency bonus (rounded down) in Mana. The Spell's attack roll or DC increases by half the amount spent (rounded down, minimum of 1).
If you are an Spellmaster Mage, your spell gains a bonus equal to the amount spent.
Mana Skin[edit]
Prerequisites: Mana Reinforcement, must know three Mana Skills that require Mana Reinforcement.
Mana Skin is the maximum capacity of basic reinforcement spells, which allows mages to walk through Grand Magic Zones and dungeons without the constant pressure.
As a bonus action or as a reaction to being targeted by an attack roll or saving throw, you can spend 4 Mana to activate Mana Skin, gaining the following benefits:
- You are not forced to make saving throws caused by mana accumulated in the environment.
- You are under the benefits of the Mana Reinforcement Mana Skill as if you have spent the maximum Mana amount for the duration of this Mana Skill.
- Choose an amount of Mana Skills that require Mana Reinforcement up to half your proficiency bonus (rounded down). You also benefit from them for the duration of this Mana Skill, also counting as if you had spent the maximum amount.
You are concentrating while you are utilizing this Mana Skill. You must spend 4 mana at the end of every minute this Mana Skill is active, and you can deactivate it at will.
Mana Speedster[edit]
Prerequisites: Speed Reinforcement.
Your speed reinforcement evolved, allowing you to reach even greater velocities than before. Your speed now increases by 5 times 1.5 the amount spent.
Mana Tracking[edit]
Prerequisites: Mana Sensing.
By becoming better at sensing Mana, you're able to sense even the Mana of those trying to hide themselves. Whenever you use Mana Sensing, you can roll a Intelligence (Arcana) check as a bonus action to increase your detecting abilities. All creatures within the radius of your Mana Sensing using Mana Suppression must make a Dexterity (Stealth) check against the roll. If they roll lower, they are detected even while hiding. If they roll higher, they stay hidden and become immune to this feature for 1 hour or until they deactivate Mana Suppression.
Reinforced Blow[edit]
Prerequisites: Offensive Mana Reinforcement.
You've learned how to reinforce a single blow to increase its power. As a bonus action, you can spend up to your proficiency bonus in Mana. The first melee weapon attack you hit deals 1d6 additional extra damage based on your Mana Attribute (or force damage if you have none) per Mana spent.
This Mana Skill lasts for 1 minute, and you are concentrating for its duration.
As you level, your dice for this Mana Skill increases, as shown in the die table below.
Level | Damage Die |
5-10 | D6 |
11-16 | D8 |
17-20 | D10 |
If you are a Combatant Mage, your damage die for this Mana Skill increases by one tier.
Skin Reinforcement[edit]
Prerequisites: Defensive Reinforcement.
By evolving your defensive capabilities, you've learned how to coat your body in a layer of mana to reduce the damage taken in battle. As a bonus action on your turn, as a reaction to taking damage, or as part of using Defensive Reinforcement, you can spend 4 Mana. Until the beginning of your next turn, you reduce all damage by your proficiency bonus.
Supernatural Reflexes[edit]
Prerequisites: Reflex Increase.
Your reflexes can grow to supernatural heights with reinforcement. You now add your full Spellcasting modifier to your AC.
Unstoppable Charge[edit]
Prerequisites: Leg Reinforcement.
When reinforcing your legs, you can even ignore difficulties on the way. When you take the dash action, you can spend 2 Mana to ignore non-magical difficult terrain while dashing.
Senior Skills[edit]
Only mages of 11th level or higher can learn these skills.
Advanced Mana Reinforcement[edit]
Prerequisites: Mana Reinforcement.
You've grown better at reinforcing yourself with Mana, now being able to extract the full potential out of your body. Mana Reinforcement and any Mana Skills that require Mana Reinforcement can now spend up to your proficiency bonus in Mana instead of half.
Durable Defense[edit]
Prerequisites: Skin Reinforcement.
Your reinforced skin has become really durable, being able to only receive a few bruises from most attacks. Your damage reduction is increased to half your class level (rounded down).
Explosive Blow[edit]
Prerequisites: Reinforced Blow.
When you enhance a blow with your Mana, it creates a thunderous explosion from the impact. When you hit a creature with Reinforced Blow, you can choose to do one of the following:
- Force all creatures within 5 times the amount spent feet of the creature to make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take the additional damage caused by Reinforced Blow.
- The creature is pushed 5 times the amount spent feet away in a direction of your choice.
- The creature is knocked prone.
If you are a Combatant Mage, the range for these skills are doubled.
Last Minute Reflex[edit]
Prerequisites: Supernatural Reflex.
You have learned how to utilize your Mana reinforcement to dodge at the last moment, even if only slightly. If you are hit by an attack roll that hits your AC exactly while Increased Reflexes is active, you can spend a reaction to halve the damage taken.
Mana Hunting[edit]
Prerequisites: Mana Tracking.
You became a true Mana Hunter, none shall escape your senses now. Creatures have disadvantage on the Dexterity (Stealth) check if their spellcasting score is lower than your passive perception.
Massive Range[edit]
Prerequisites: Improved Mana Sensing.
The range of your Mana Sensing has grown to spectacular heights. Your Mana Sense's range is increased to 25 times your proficiency bonus times your class level.
Mana Zone[edit]
Prerequisites: Mana Skin.
Mana Zone is an advanced version of mana skin that allows the user to control the mana in the surrounding area. You can activate Mana Zone as an action, or a bonus action while Mana Skin is active for 10 Mana. Your Mana then furiously expands, covering a radius equal to 5 feet per 10 maximum Mana you have. You gain the benefits of Mana Skin (doesn't stack if you were already receiving its benefits) without needing to concentrate, in addition to the following:
- You are constantly under the effects of the dash action, and gain a flying speed equal to your walking speed while inside the radius of your Mana Zone and can stand in mid air. This doesn't count as hovering, since you are simply standing on air.
- You can cast spells from anywhere within your Mana Zone, even if you can't see it.
- For the purposes of Mana Sensing, creatures automatically fail to use Mana Suppression against you while inside your Mana Zone.
- You have advantage on Intelligence (Investigation) and Wisdom (Perception) checks while inside your Mana Zone.
- At the start of your turns, you regain 1 Mana per 5 feet the Mana Zone occupies with its radius. Mana regained this way cannot overcome your Mana maximum, and may only be spent on Spells.
You must spend 4 Mana at the start of your turns to keep Mana Zone active.
Mental Reinforcement[edit]
Prerequisites: Instinct Sharpening.
You've learned how to reinforce your own mind with Mana. Choose one of the following scores: Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma.
As a reaction to making a saving throw using said score, you can spend Mana up to half your proficiency bonus (rounded down). You gain a bonus for the saving throw equal to the amount spent.
You can pick this Mana Skill up to three times, however you can't choose the same score twice.
For the purposes of Mana Skin, this counts as a Mana Skill that requires Mana Reinforcement.
Stronger Spell[edit]
Prerequisites: Mana Overload.
When you put everything into your spell, it gets stronger and harder to avoid. If you spend the maximum amount in Mana Overlead, a creature that fails the saving throw by 5 or more loses the effects of the Resistant feature for the purposes of the saving throw.
If you are a Spellmaster Mage, the creature instead only needs to fail by 3 or more.
Grand Skills[edit]
Only mages of 17th level or higher can learn these skills.
All Seeing[edit]
Prerequisites: Massive Range.
Your Mana Sensing has grown to such a level some even could call you "all seeing". Your Mana Sense's range is increased to 50 times your proficiency bonus times your class level.
Challenging Spell[edit]
Prerequisites: Stronger Spell.
Your spell has grown to new heights to keep challenging your opponents. Creatures that fail the spell save by 3 or more have their Resistant feature.
If you are a Spellmaster Mage, the creature receives this detriment if they fail the save, no matter by how much.
Magic Mind[edit]
Prerequisites: Mental Reinforcement.
Your mental reinforcement has grown, with you now being able to fully protect your brain from exterior forces. You can now spend up to your proficiency bonus in Mana when using Mental Reinforcement.
Mana Scoping[edit]
Prerequisites: Mana Hunting.
No one can escape your watch when searching for Mana. You now add a penalty to the creature's roll equal to your Spellcasting modifier (minimum of +1).
Maximum Velocity[edit]
Prerequisites: Mana Speedster.
You've reached the peak of speed reinforcement, being one of the fastest mages alive. Your walking speed now increases by 5 feet times twice the amount spent.
Painful Hit[edit]
Prerequisites: Explosive Blow.
You've reached immense reinforcement levels, being able to make your hits truly hurt. When you knock a creature prone with Explosive Blow and it was a critical hit, you can choose one of the following conditions for them to suffer until the beginning of their next turn:
Perfected Layer[edit]
Prerequisites: Durable Skin.
The layers of your body have an absolute defense only the highest mages can successfully penetrate. Your damage reduction is increased to your class level.
Ultimate Reflexes[edit]
Prerequisites: Last Minute Reflex.
Your reflexes have reached the pinnacle of mages via enhancement. Now when you are hit by an attack roll that hits your exact AC, you can spend a reaction to instead take ¼ as much damage as you'd normally would.
You can also use this when a creature hits you by rolling +1 above your AC, however then you only halve the damage.
Arcane Skills[edit]
Only mages of 21st level or higher can learn these skills.
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