Combatant Mage (Black Clover Supplement)

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Combatant Mage[edit]

Arcane Warriors[edit]

Those who follow the Combatant Mage path are arcane warriors, blending magic with martial prowess. They push the limits of both spellcraft and combat skills, honing techniques that allow them to wield magic as a weapon alongside steel, unleashing devastating attacks that seamlessly combine both forms of power.

Creating a Combatant Mage[edit]

Mereoleona, a Combatant Mage, ablaze with fierce, fiery power, Deviant Art, [[1]]

To create a Combatant Mage, consider these questions: Why did you choose to blend magic with combat? Do you seek the thrill of battle enhanced by magical prowess? Are you motivated by a desire to protect others, using both spells and skill to defend? Or perhaps you’re drawn by the challenge of mastering both physical and magical arts?

Quick Build

To make a Combatant Mage quickly, follow these suggestions: First, make your highest ability score Strength or Dexterity, based on whether you prefer melee or ranged attacks, followed by Wisdom to fuel your spellcasting. Second, choose the <!-background name-> background.

Class Features

As a Combatant you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d10 per Combatant level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + Constitution modifier per Combatant level after 1st


Armor: None
Weapons: Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons
Saving Throws: Strength or Dexterity, Wisdom,
Skills: Choose two from the following: Arcana, Athletics, Perception, Intimidation, Survival, Insight, Stealth.


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

Table: The Combatant

Level Proficiency
Features Mana
1st +2 Mana, Grimoire, Combat Style 4
2nd +2 Magic Flight, Magic Power 8
3rd +2 Battle Mage 12
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 16
5th +3 Extra Attack 20
6th +3 Combat Style (2) 24
7th +3 Resistant 28
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 32
9th +4 Reinforced Body 36
10th +4 Combat Style (3) 40
11th +4 Extra Attack (2) 44
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 48
13th +5 Constant Reinforcement 52
14th +5 Ability Score Improvement 56
15th +5 Combat Style (4) 60
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 64
17th +6 Beyond the Peak 68
18th +6 Combat Style (5) 72
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 76
20th +6 Instantaneous Activation 80


Starting at 1st level, you, as well as any other mage, has the ability to use Mana. Mana is an important aspect of every mage that has ever lived, as it is their source of "magic power", which is used to cast magic spells.

You have a number of Mana equal to your level added four times. Whenever you use mana for one of your features, it is spent. You regain all mana lost on a short or long rest.

Mana Types

There is a variety of mana types a mage can use, with some being beneficial while others being dangerous.

Mana. The normal mana, also known as just Mana, is located everywhere around the world and is the mana the great majority of mages use.
Dark Mana. Mana from the underworld is called Dark Mana in the living world, due to its more sinister quality. This mana boosts the power and capabilities of magic but carries the risk of corrupting the bodies, souls, and magic of both users and victims alike; thus, its usage is classified as Forbidden Magic.
Whenever you use Dark Mana, you must make a DC 5 + the amount of Dark Mana used Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, you become corrupted by dark magic and become Berserk until you are knocked unconscious. On a success, you can keep control of your body, however the DC increases by 1 (to a maximum of 30).
If you are an Pure Elf and become Berserk, your subrace is changed to Dark Elf.
If you are any other race however, when you become berserk you gain devil horns on your head that remain indefinetely unless you are a Devil Host.
Natural Mana. Natural mana is the magic acumulated by nature which can only be used by those skilled in the Mana Method.
Mana Exhaustion

A mage that uses all of their mana could end up with severe exhaustion and be rendered unconscious. When you are reduced to 0 Mana, you must make a DC 20 Constitution saving throw. On a failure, you receive two levels of exhaustion. On a success, you receive only one level of exhaustion, or none if you have Endurance. If you fail the saving throw by 5 or more, you are also knocked unconscious.

If your mana has been reduced to 0 or below, you won't regain any mana when making short rests until you make a long rest.

Mana Skills

As a Mage, you have been trained in spells and naturally started to learn Mana Skills. You must choose one Mana Skill you meet the prerequisites of.

Whenever you gain a level on this class, you can choose another one of your choice that you meet the prerequisites of.


Also at 1st level, upon turning 15 years old, a mage can attend an annual ceremony where they receive a special book, known as a grimoire. At first, a grimoire is mostly empty, but as the user grows as a person, new spells are inscribed on the blank pages.

Magic Attributes

Unlike mana that exists in nature, the mana that is situated within mages has a specific nature to it, known as an attribute. These attributes are one of the aspects that differentiate one mage from another, with the attribute that a mage possesses is the one that they are born with. You must choose one of the Magical Attributes available at the Mana Attributes page.

Grimoire Origin

Grimoires vary in style, size, width, and even symbols. You gain one of the following grimoire covers based on the kingdom you received your grimoire:

Clover. Your grimoire came from the clover kingdom, having a clover in it's cover, generally being of 3 leafs. If you have the Blessed magic feat, your clover will have 4 leafs. If you choose the Devil Host magic path, your clover will have 5 leafs.

Diamond. Your grimoire came from the Diamond Kingdom, having a diamond on it's cover.

Heart. Your grimoire came from the Heart Kingdom, having a heart on it's cover.

Spade. Your grimoire came from the Spade Kingdom, having a spade on it's cover.

Grimoire Size

The size of a grimoire is defined by the potential and mana of it's wielder. Your grimoire will have one of the following sizes depending on your mana total:

Tiny. To receive this grimoire you must have a 11 or lower Wisdom score. Your grimoire is very tiny, showing your very small amount of mana. This type of grimoire is rare even among commoners, since it's a absurd lack of mana and potential. You have a number of spells equal to half your level (rounded down).

Small. To receive this grimoire you must have a 12 or 13 on your Wisdom score. Your grimoire is small, most commoners have this kind of grimoire, it has an ordinary potential but it's mana is still low. You have a number of spells equal to your level. Whenever you gain a level on this class, you have one new spell you can learn.

Medium. To receive this grimoire you must have at least 14 or higher on your Wisdom score. Your grimoire is medium, a few amount of commoners possess this type of grimoire while a majority of nobles have them. You have a number of spells equal to your level added twice. Whenever you gain a level on this class, you learn two new spells you can learn.

The following Grimoire sizes can only be obtained if you have the Coverless Grimoire magic feat.

Large. Once you have learned at least 40 spells, your grimoire reaches large size. You cannot carry your grimoire in your grimoire pouch anymore, having to carry it yourself or keeping it floating on the air at all times.

Huge. Once you have learned at least 50 spells, your grimoire reaches Huge size.

Gargantuan. Once you have learned at least 60 spells, your grimoire reaches Gargantuan size.


While you have small cantrips that help you slightly during the day to day life, the spells you obtain with your grimoire will be what truly define you as a Magic Knight. All of your spells are automatically written in your grimoire as you learn them, with all of them costing mana points.

Learning new Spells. You can learn new spells at the rate described at your grimoire size. You cannot forget or switch a spell once you learned it. You must learn a spell of your current Magic Knight Rank, which is described at the Magic Knight Rank table.

Creating Spells

Each spell a mage has is corresponding to his personality and generally follow a theme. Whenever you receive a new spell, you can create another spell or enhance one you already know. Regardless of what you do, you must use the Spell Creation system.

Casting Spells

Casting spells can be both easy and hard at the same time. Some spells require you to make an attack roll or the target to make a saving throw. The saving throw DC and spell attack bonus are calculated as follows:

Spell save DC: 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier.

Spell attack modifier: your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier.

Combat Style[edit]

Also at 1st level, you specialize in a specific style to destroy your opponents in up close combat. You must choose one of the styles listed at Combat Styles.

Your Combat Style grants you features at 1st level, and again at 6th, 10th, 15th, 18th levels.

Magic Flight[edit]

At 2nd level, you got the basics of Mana control down, so you became able to fly with objects. While on top of an object or vehicle that's not more than 1 category smaller than you, you can spend 1 Mana to grant that object flying speed equal to your walking speed + 5 times your proficiency bonus (no action required). You can fly on top of said object, and may keep hovering in the air.

You must spend 1 Mana at the end of every 10 minutes to keep the object flying.

You can only affect one object or vehicle at once with this feature, and may end your Magic Flight at will. This ends early if you have no mana remaining or fall unconscious.

Magic Power[edit]

At 2nd level, you start exhaling magic power. Magic Power originates from the soul, being a product of mana making its home inside of you.

Your magic power is equal to your level. However, your magic power can increase depending on your mana amount. For every 10 Mana you currently have, your Magic Power is increased by 1.

Magic Bullet. Magic Power grants mages the ability to use something called Magic Bullet. You can spend a number of mana up to your Spellcasting modifier (minimum of 1) as an action.

Make a number of Ranged Spellcasting attack rolls equal to the amount spent against one or more creatures within 30 feet of you. On a hit, they take xd4 (with X being your spellcasting modifier) of a damage type relating to your Magic Attribute.

This damage die increases to a d6 at 5th level, to a d8 at 11th level and to a d10 at 17th level.

You do not need to have your grimoire out to utilize this feature.

Magic Pressure. Mages can show their dominance and superiority by exerting pressure on others with weaker magical power. You can as a free action or as part of making an Charisma (Intimidation) check spend 1 mana to force one or more creatures (whose magic power is lower than yours) within X feets (10 times your magical power) of you to make a Strength saving throw. On a failure, they take xd4 (with x being your level) of a damage type appropriate for your magical attribute and gain a condition appropriate for your magical attribute. On a success, they take half as much damage and suffer no conditions.

Magic Forcefield. When a mage gets filled with overwhelming mana, they may choose to create a magic forcefield. Whenever you have at least 20 Magic Power, you can create a magic forcefield as a free action. The forcefield is a sphere that circles a 10 times half your magic power foot radius of you.

The Magic forcefield grants the following effects:

  • You have advantage on spell attack rolls against creatures inside the Magical Forcefield, and creatures have disadvantage on saving throws caused by your spells while inside. The creature must have a Magic Power lower than your own by 10 or more.
  • If a spell tries to hit a creature inside the Magical Forcefield, it automatically fails if the Magic Power of the user is 10 or more below yours.
  • Whenever an object or creature whose magical power is 10 or more below yours starts their turn in the area, they take damage as if they have failed a saving throw against your Magic Pressure feature.

You must spend 5 mana at the beginning of your turns to keep this active. Also, you can deactivate your Magic Forcefield at will.

Your Magical Forcefield can end early if you are reduced to 0 hit points or knocked unconscious.

Battle Mage[edit]

At 3rd level, due to your combat style requiring you to go out in the front lines, you have learned how to utilize Battle Maneuvers.

You gain three Battle Maneuvers of your choice that you meet the prerequisites of.

Whenever you gain a level on this class, you gain an additional one of your choice that you meet the prerequisites of.

Ability Score Improvement[edit]

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 14th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

You may choose to not gain an ability score to pick a Magic Feat of your choice.

Extra Attack[edit]

At 5th level, you can now attack twice instead of once when you take the attack action. This becomes three attacks at 11th level.


At 7th level, your strength as a mage allows you to resist certain area effects. Choose one of the following ability scores:

  • Brawn - Strength
  • Evasion - Dexterity
  • Endurance - Constitution
  • Discernment - Intelligence
  • Intuition - Wisdom
  • Repulsion - Charisma

You can only choose the option associated with a certain ability score if you have a 16 or higher in that ability score. If none of your ability scores are at or above 16 you may only choose the one that is your highest, or any of your highest in the case of a tie. When you are subjected to an effect that allows you to make a saving throw of the chosen ability to only take half damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage if you fail.

At 20th level, you can choose one additional saving throw to benefit from this feature.

Reinforced Body[edit]

At 9th level, you have been using reinforcement magic so much your very body became more durable. You gain proficiency in Constitution saving throws.

Constant Reinforcement[edit]

At 13th level, your body is always under magical reinforcement. You add your Wisdom modifier to Strength, Dexterity and Constitution saving throws caused by spells.

Beyond The Peak[edit]

At 17th level, you have surpassed your physical limits, making you go beyond your own peak. You must choose one of the following peaks to overcome:

Beyond Might. Your Strength score increases by 4, and so does its maximum. Whenever you score a critical against a creature with a melee weapon attack, they must make a Constitution saving throw against your Spellcasting DC or have their AC reduced by your Strength modifier until the beginning of your next turn. A creature can only be affected by this feature once per round.

Additionally, you count as one size larger for all intents and purposes, however your actual size doesn’t change.

Beyond Speed. Your Dexterity score increases by 4, and so does its maximum. Whenever you take the dodge action, you roll three dice and pick the highest result for Dexterity saving throws, and creatures roll three dice and pick the lowest result when making attack rolls against you.

Additionally, whenever you take the Dash action you add your movement speed twice instead of once to your movement.

Beyond Durable. Your Constitution score increases by 4, and so does its maximum. Whenever you take damage from any source, you can spend a reaction to halve the amount of damage received from said source. If the total damage becomes smaller than your Constitution score, you instead take no damage.

Additionally, your hit point maximum increases by 40.

Instantaneous Activation[edit]

Finally at 20th level, by mastering reinforcement magic, you have learned a method to activate it without any effort. Once per turn on your turn, you can activate a Reinforcement Magic spell that targets only yourself or an object you’re wielding with no action required.

Combat Types[edit]


A Duelist imbuing his weapon, source [2]

The Duelist focuses on imbuing a regular weapon with mana, which they then use to cast spells and perform tactics.

Fighting Style

Starting at 1st level, you have grown accustomed to fighting in a certain way due to your training with weapons, acquiring your very own fighting style.

You choose one of the fighting styles described below. Whenever you gain an ability score, you may change your fighting style for another one of your choice.

Classical Swordplay. While wielding a finesse weapon and no other weapons, you gain a +1 bonus to your attack rolls and AC so long as you are not wearing Armor or wielding a Shield.

Dual Wielding. When you take the Attack action while two-weapon fighting, you can make the single bonus attack with your off-hand weapon as part of your Attack action, instead of your bonus action, adding your ability modifier to the damage of this attack.

Great Weapon Fighting. You add your proficiency bonus to damage rolls with Heavy Weapons.

Heavyweight Fighting. While you are wielding a heavy melee weapon, you gain a +1 bonus to damage rolls and you have advantage on Strength (Athletics) checks to Shove.

Lightfoot Fighter. While wielding a light melee weapon, you gain a +10 to your walking speed and do not take opportunity attacks from the last creature you attacked on your turn as long as it was made with a light weapon.

Protector. When a creature you can see hits you, or a target within 5 feet, with a melee attack, you can use a reaction to add your proficiency bonus to the target's Armor Class against that attack. You must be wielding a melee weapon.

Point Blank Shooter. When making a ranged attack with a ranged weapon while you are within 5 feet of a hostile creature, you do not have disadvantage on the attack roll. Your ranged attacks with ranged weapons ignore half cover and three-quarters cover against targets within 30 feet of you.

Sharpened Shot. You gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls you make using ranged weapons.

Two-Weapon Fighting. When you engage in two-weapon fighting with at least one single-handed ranged weapon, you can add your ability modifier to the damage of the second attack.

Pole Fighter. When holding a polearm such as a spear, quarterstaff or glaive with 2 hands, your reach increases by 5ft.

Mana Imbuement

Also at 1st level, you've learned how to imbue weapons with mana overtime to make casting spells from them an easier task. Over the course of a long rest, you can bond with a non-magical melee weapon to use as a catalyst for your mana. The weapon now counts as magical for the sake of overcoming resistances and immunities, and whenever you cast a offensive or defensive spell that requires you to be holding a weapon while wielding said weapon, the cost is reduced by your proficiency bonus (to a minimum of 1).

Duelist Tactics

At 6th level, fighting for duelists is a challenge due to most mages having the means to keep them from afar, but by using a plethora of tactics they may confuse and strike their opponents.

Tactics. You learn a number of Tactics of your choice equal to your proficiency bonus from the list below. Whenever your proficiency bonus increases, you gain a new Tactic.

You can only use one tactic per attack. You can use more than one tactic per turn, however you cannot use more than one tactic on one attack.

Every time you gain a level in the Combatant class, you can change one tactic you know for another you meet the requirements of.

Tactic Dice. You have a number of tactic dice equal to half your combatant level (rounded down, to a minimum of 1), which are d6s. A tactic dice is expended when you use it. You regain all expended tactic dice when you finish a short or long rest. At 10th level, the dice becomes a d8. At 14th level, the dice becomes a d10. At 18th level, the dice becomes a d12.

Saving Throws. Some of your tactics require your target to make saving throws against the tactic’s effects. The saving throw DC is calculated as it follows:

Tactic save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength or Dexterity modifier (your choice).

Weapon Stance

At 10th level, you’ve learnt how to create a unique weapon stance. As a bonus action for 2 tactic dice, you can enter a weapon stance for 1 minute. Your stance depends on the weapon you're currently wielding, as shown below.

Heavy Stance. - To benefit from this stance, you must be wielding a weapon with the heavy or two-handed properties.

  • You have advantage on checks and saving throws to resist being forcefully moved or knocked prone.
  • While in this stance, your damage die tier with Heavy weapons is increased by one.

Lightweight Stance. - To benefit from this stance, you must be wielding a weapon with the light or finesse properties.

  • You add half your proficiency bonus to Dexterity checks and saving throws.
  • You may perform two-weapon fighting without spending a bonus action.

Defensive Stance. - To benefit from this stance, you must be wielding a weapon with the versatile property.

  • You reduce damage from attack rolls by your Combatant mage level.
  • Your Armor Class increases by +2.

Pole Stance. - To benefit from this stance, you must be wielding a weapon with the Reach or Versatile property

  • Your reach is increased by 5 feet for melee weapon attacks.
  • Once per turn when you attack, you may choose to hit all enemies within your reach, rolling an attack roll and hitting all targets in that area for your weapon’s damage.
Improved Spell Economy

At 15th level, your weapon has become a better focus for spells. The cost of spells while wielding your bonded weapon is now reduced by your proficiency bonus added twice (to a minimum of 1).

Inspired Attack

At 18th level, when you give your all into an attack, you get fired up to make another one immediately after. Once per round when you score a critical hit with your bonded weapon, you can make one additional attack with it.


An arcanist wearing an armor with a created weapon, source [3]

Arcanists are refined warriors, enhancing their weapons created by magic to draw their maximum potential.

Arcane Enhancer

Starting at 1st level, you go beyond what most mages do with weapons created by their spells. As part of creating a melee weapon with a spell, you can grant it one of the enhancements listed below for the duration of the spell. You can do this a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, regaining all uses after taking a short or long rest.

Increased Power. The weapon deals additional damage on a hit equal to your proficiency bonus.

Maximum Precision. The weapon receives a +1 to its attack rolls.

Sharpened Edge. The weapon's critical hit radius is reduced by 1. For example, if a weapon only scores a critical hit on a 20 they start scoring a critical hit on a 19 or 20.

Rebounded Strike. Once per turn when you miss an attack roll with the weapon, you can reroll it and must use the second result.

Weapon Style

Also at 1st level, you focus on creating a specific type of weapon to enhance with your magic. You must choose one of the following weapon styles:

Heavy. Whenever you hit a creature with a heavy weapon, you may add your ability modifier one additional time in its damage.

Light. Whenever you make an additional attack with two-weapon fighting, you add your Wisdom modifier to the attack roll.

Reach. Whenever you take the attack action while wielding a reach weapon, the first attack you make has its reach increased by 5 feet (10 feet of reach would become 15 feet).

Thrown. Whenever you make a ranged attack with a thrown weapon, your total range is doubled.

Versatile. Whenever you attack with a versatile weapon, you gain the benefits of the versatile weapon with or without wielding it with two hands. Additionally, attacks made with versatile weapons while wielding them with both hands now increase their damage die by one tier.

Combat Aura

At 6th level, whenever you activate an enhancement, an aura starts to radiate off of you, even if its not completely visible. Whenever you have an enhancement active, you must choose one of the auras listed down below.

Arcane. Your Spell Save DC is increased by 1 while wielding the weapon.

Defensive. You gain a +1 to AC while wielding the enhanced weapon.

Fast. You can take the dash action as a bonus action while wielding the enhanced weapon.

Offensive. You have a +1 to attack and damage rolls while wielding the enhanced weapon.

Piercing. Damage with the weapon ignores resistances but not immunities to its damage type.

Superior Enhancement

At 10th level, you've focused yourself into one of your enhancements to get an edge against other arcanists. You must choose one of the enhancements below to be improved. Whenever you gain an ability score, you can change your choice for another enhancement.

Augmented Output. The weapon deals additional damage on a hit equal to your proficiency bonus added twice.

Sure-hit. The weapon receives a +2 to its attack rolls.

Sharpest Edge. The weapon's critical hit radius is reduced by 2. For example, if a weapon only scores a critical hit on a 20 they start scoring a critical hit on a 18, 19 or 20.

Rebounded Strikes. Twice per turn when you miss an attack roll with the weapon, you can reroll it and must use the second result.

Arcane Duelist

At 15th level, your enhancements come back faster once you're in combat. Whenever you reduce a creature to 0 hit points with a enhanced weapon, you regain a use of your Arcane Enhancer, up to your maximum.

Additionally, whenever you roll for initiative with no uses remaining, you regain one use of Arcane Enhancer.

Aura Master

At 18th level, you have mastered enhancements, to the point it feels like its nothing to you. You can now gain the benefits of two auras at once.


Magical Mark

Starting at 1st level, as a ranger you've learned how to mark creatures with magic to make your shots hit harder against said target. As a bonus action, you can mark a creature you can see within 30 feet of you for 1 minute. For the duration, attacks made with ranged weapons created by your spells deal 1d8 additional damage on a hit.

Also, for the duration you have advantage on Wisdom (Survival) and Wisdom (Perception) to track said target.

You can only have one creature marked at once, with the oldest mark disappearing the moment you mark another creature.


Also at 1st level, you became especially adept with ranged weapons. You gain one of the Archery options down below. Whenever you gain an ability score or when you reach 20th level, you can switch one of your Archery options for another.

Controlled Shot. When you hit a creature with a two-handed ranged weapon, you can roll one additional damage die but must choose one damage die to remove.

Deadeye. You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls you make with ranged weapons.

Ready Defense. You gain a +1 to AC while wielding a ranged weapon.

Point-Blank Shooter. When you make a ranged attack against a target within 5 feet of you, you do not have disadvantage in the attack roll. When you make an opportunity attack, you can replace its one melee attack with one ranged attack.

Sharpened Shot. You gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls you make using ranged weapons.

Ranger Style

At 6th level, you've developed your own style while wielding ranged weapons. You must choose one of the following ranger styles:

Defensive Archer. Your AC is increased by +2 against attacks made by a marked creature. Additionally, while wielding a ranged weapon created by a spell you can take the dodge action as a reaction to being targeted by an attack.

Precise Sniper. You ignore three-quarters and half cover when attacking creatures marked by you. Additionally, you don't suffer disadvantage from attacking at a long range with weapons.

Surprise Shooter. Once per turn, you can deal an extra xd6 (with x being your proficiency bonus) damage to one creature you hit with an attack made with a ranged weapon if you had advantage on the attack roll. This creature must have been marked by you.

You don't need advantage on the attack roll if another enemy of the target is within 5 feet of it, that enemy isn't incapacitated, and you don't have disadvantage on the attack roll.

Redirect Shot

At 10th level, you have learned how to potentially turn a wrong into a right with magic. Whenever you miss an attack roll with a ranged weapon created by one of your spells against a marked creature, you can turn the miss into a hit, even if it was a nat 1.

You can do this a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus. You regain all uses on a short or long rest.

Seeking Attacks

At 15th level, once a creature is marked, hitting them becomes much easier. You have a +1 to attack rolls against creatures that were marked.

Piercing Shots

At 18th level, marked creatures are completely defenseless against you. Whenever you score a critical hit against a marked creature, it ignores any resistances or damage reductions they have.


A Brawler showing off his strength, source [4]

Those who follow the Brawler combat style are focused on unarmed combat, utilizing only their body as a weapon.

Martial Arts

Starting at 1st level, your practice of martial arts has granted you mastery in combat styles that use unarmed strikes. You gain the following benefits while you are unarmed and you aren’t wearing armor or wielding a shield:

  • You can roll a d6 in place of the normal damage of your unarmed strike. This die changes as you gain Combatant Mage levels, as shown below in the Martial Arts table.
  • You can use Dexterity instead of Strength for the attack and damage rolls of your unarmed strike.
  • When you use the Attack action with an unarmed strike on your turn, you can make one unarmed strike as a bonus action, assuming you haven’t already taken a bonus action this turn.
Martial Arts Table
Class Level Martial Arts Die
Level 1 D6
Level 5 D8
Level 11 D10
Level 17 D12
Martial Techniques

Also at 1st level, you developed some techniques to aid you in unarmed combat.

Exchange Blows. As a reaction to being targeted for a melee attack roll, you can spend 2 mana to make one unarmed strike.

Flurry of Blows. As a bonus action on your turn, you can spend 2 mana to make two unarmed strikes as long as you've made at least one unarmed strike this turn.

Patient Defense. You can spend 2 mana to take the Dodge action as a bonus action.

Magical Step. You can spend 2 mana to take the Dash or Disengage action as a bonus action.

Physical Superiority

At 6th level, due to the constant battles that you had up close with your opponents, you had to evolve your body to reach a greater physique.

Superiority Dice. You gain six Superiority dice. Your superiority dice is a d8. Whenever you use a superiority dice, it is spent. You regain all superiority dice on a short or long rest. You gain two more superiority dice at 9th level, and two more at 13th and 17th levels.

Superior Maneuvers. You know 3 superior maneuvers of your choice, being available down below. You can change a maneuver you know for another whenever you gain an ability score in this class.

Perfected Technique

At 10th level, you've perfected one of the basic techniques you learned. Choose one of the following upgrades to learn:

Exchange Blows. The creature attacking you has disadvantage in their attack roll.

Flurry of Blows. You now make three unarmed strikes instead of two when using this feature.

Patient Defense. The dodge action granted by this feature now grants you a +2 to AC for its duration.

Magical Step. Your dash action now adds your movement speed one additional time.

Battle Thrill

At 15th level, while in battle, you regain all of your energy just to fight! Whenever you roll for initiative and have no Superiority Dice remaining, you regain a number of them equal to your proficiency bonus.

Relentless Barrage

At 18th level, you are unstoppable in combat, especially when you start attacking. If you take the attack action and hit all attack rolls, you can make one additional attack that must be a unarmed strike. These attack rolls must have been unarmed strikes.


You cannot multiclass into this class. You must start in this class and multiclass it out.

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