White-Clad (Better Fire Force Supplement)

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Many members of the White-Clad congregating, source, [1]

The White-Clad are a cult organization that is led by the Evangelist. Using the Bugs to create artificial Infernals, they sought the Eight Pillars whom possess the Adolla Burst, to achieve their ultimate goal of re-creating the Great Cataclysm. When making a White Clad think what made you join the White-Clad? Did someone kidnap you and make you join? Do you think the earth should turn into a sun?

Skill Proficiencies: Deception and Religion

Tool Proficiencies: Thieves Tools

Equipment: You start with a white hood and white robes. You also start with a dagger. In your robe pocket you have 15 gp.

Feature: White-Clad Groups[edit]

The White-Clads are separated into 4 groups: the Kinghts of the Ashen Flame, the Kinghts of the Purple Smoke, the Destroyers, and the Great Cataclysm Execution Squad. Roll a d4 to determine which group you're in.

d4 Group
1 Knights of the Ashen Flame
2 Knights of the Purple Smoke
3 The Destroyers
4 Great Cataclysm Execution Squad

Knights of the Ashen Flame[edit]

The Knights of the Ashen Flame are the most devout members who will gladly do anything, even suicide missions, for the sake of the Evangelist. You cannot be convinced to abandon Evangelism no matter what anyone does.

Knights of the Purple Smoke[edit]

The Knights of the Purple Smoke are infantry type soldiers who fight for the sake of the Evangelist. You perform best on the front lines of the battlefield, whether it be alone or with comrades.

The Destroyers[edit]

The Destroyers are the most powerful members of the White-Clad organization who mainly specialize in assassination and fighting alone. You fight best alone and can overcome any foe.

Great Cataclysm Execution Squad[edit]

The Great Cataclysm Execution Squad is a squad of White-Clads who's only mission is to make sure the Great Cataclysm happens once more and turns the Earth into a second sun. Once you have devoted yourself to a task, nothing can stop you from completing it.

Alternate Feature: Guardian of a Pillar of Adolla[edit]

Instead of being in a certain group of the White-Clads, you were chosen to guard one of the 8 Pillars of Adolla. You will protect whoever you were assigned to protect by the Evangelist even if it costs you your life.

Suggested Characteristics[edit]

d8 Personality Trait
1 I Exhibit extreme devotion to my cause or belief, often to the point of irrationality.
2 I am skilled at influencing others for their own advantage.
3 I Keep secrets and maintain an enigmatic presence.
4 I am Naturally charming and able to attract followers.
5 I Derive pleasure from the suffering of others.
6 I Possess a high level of intellect and strategic thinking.
7 I Exhibit fervent support for my ideology or cause.
8 I Display a strong will and determination to overcome challenges.
d6 Ideal
1 The Purification of Humanity. To cleanse the world of its impurities and sins, transforming humanity into a pure and enlightened existence.
2 The Ascendance of the Sun. To create a world bathed in the light of the Eternal Flame, where all beings are united under the warmth and guidance of the sun.
3 Devotion to the Evangelist. To follow the teachings and directives of the Evangelist, spreading their message and ensuring their vision is realized.
4 The Embrace of Fire. To embrace fire as a transformative force, believing it can bring both destruction and rebirth.
5 Unity through Suffering. To unify humanity by exposing them to the trials of suffering and hardship, believing that shared pain can create strong bonds.
6 The Pursuit of Knowledge. To seek out and acquire forbidden knowledge, believing that understanding the mysteries of fire and the human soul is key to evolution.
d6 Bond
1 Feels an unwavering loyalty to the Evangelist, viewing them as a guiding light and mentor.
2 Shares a deep camaraderie with other members of the White Clad, feeling a strong sense of brotherhood.
3 Is haunted by the memory of a mentor or leader who fell in their quest for purification.
4 Has vowed to protect a specific individual or group that symbolizes hope for a better future.
5 Shares a traumatic experience with fellow members that binds them together through mutual understanding.
6 Is driven by a shared goal with a scholar or researcher from the White Clad to uncover ancient secrets related to fire and humanity.
d6 Flaw
1 Becomes excessively fixated on their beliefs, often disregarding logic or the well-being of others.
2 Has a low tolerance for those who question or oppose their views, often responding with hostility or aggression.
3 Willing to sacrifice their own well-being for the sake of their cause or the people they care about, to the point of self-destructive behavior.
4 Struggles to show weakness or vulnerability, believing that doing so would undermine their authority and resolve.
5 Quickly judges others based on their beliefs or actions, often severing potential friendships or alliances.
6 Holds an inflated sense of their own capabilities, often underestimating challenges or threats.
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