Pathfinder Guild (Existence Supplement)

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For those who ever played Pathfinder Society, the Pathfinder Guild is similar in structure, but what it also is, is far more primitive than ever imagined. The PFS has had hundreds of years or more to get organized with the different nations coming to an understanding with how things work. The PFG has none of that. Organized only in the last few years, with direct intervention of the gods to have it occur, there have little influence anywhere and have few services they can offer their members. In turn, their members are given a lot of leeway and are allowed to keep anything they find.

The way the PFG works is simple. Go out, explore, especially any of the ancient ruins of the Three that can be found, and report your findings back to the guild. Any powerful artifacts found might be requested for study, but the majority of all things found, money made, and contacts created are yours to keep. In turn, on occasion, the PFG, or a nation within, will send a mission requirement out to be completed. Though there is no real penalty for denying the mission, completing the mission, and any sub missions the nations involved have, does earn fame within the guild and is usually a very good way to make money.

Every nation has a capitol Guild Hall in their capitol city, and some have guild halls, albeit much smaller ones, located in other cities as well. Through magical means, these guild halls can communicate with each other at all times, and there is always someone on duty to receive any communications inbound. The capitol guild hall is the location of each nations PFG leaders, and where missions originate from and where the artifacts they are studying are kept.

Due to the direct intervention of the gods in hopes of creating a lasting peace, the Pathfinder’s Guild is considered neutral at all times. Members are not supposed to actively participate in hostile actions against other nations in the name of their own nation, and should continue to work with fellow PFG members at all times. Unfortunately, this does not always remain true, and many independent members act in line with their nation’s interests, regardless of the threat of punishment. After all, the PFG is young enough that it simply does not always have the reach, or knowledge, to punish offenders.


There are no set entrance requirements to the PFG. Instead, each nation chooses who and who will not be allowed to join the guild, based on their needs and desires at the time. What is common though is the ranking system once a member is brought into the guild. The rank of a character depends on their fame within the Pathfinder Guild itself, regardless of nation.

Bronze (0): This is the basic recruit. You will need luck here because you are likely just cannon fodder.

Silver (10): Having been around the block, you have been promoted. You may oversee one or two Bronze members, but for the most part, you are seen as little better, but at least you are no longer a red shirt.

Gold (25): Often times, the Gold members are the ones in charge of a small PFG expedition in order to recover a specific artifact. Because of how new the PFG is though, there are not many Gold members, thus ensuring more than one group of pure Bronze and Silver members out there. Gold members may also be in charge of a small lodge, and often have a few contacts in the city they are stationed in, and the local area.

Mithril (50): Amongst the most senior of members, this rank is reserved for those who have done great deeds for the PFG, or just got lucky when the guild was founded. These members are the organizers of local guilds, and often have quite a few contacts throughout their nation.

Adamantine (100): Each nation only has a few adamantine members, for they are the ones doing the vast coordination of movement from the guild, working to raise the number of members, and overseeing any punishment that may be required. These are the active commanders of the PFG.

Commander: One commander per nation, with no commander above any other. The commanders are expected to remain neutral regardless of the conflicts that their nation enters into. Commanders are considered to run the entire PFG from their nation, and have the final say in any action the PFG conducts within their borders.

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