Itadori Yuji, Shinjuku Showdown (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement)
Itadori Yuji[edit]
Medium humanoid (Cursed Vessel), neutral good Armor Class 25 (unarmored defense)
Saving Throws Str +17, Dex +14, Con +18, Cha +12 Cursed Energy. Yuji has 126 cursed energy which he can expend. Cursed Energy Recovery. While in combat, Yuji regains 1 Cursed Energy per turn, up to his maximum. The combat must be one where his life is at risk. Cursed Armor. Yuji can spend up to 5 cursed energy to give himself temporary hit points equal to the cursed energy spent times 10 and 10 damage reduction for 1 minute (no action required). Yuji can only benefit from this feature again after 1 minute or having its temporary hit points reduced to 0. Cursed Strike. When making an Unarmed Strike, Yuji may spend up to 7 Cursed Energy, adding 1d10 Necrotic damage per Cursed Energy spent to its damage. This may also be used when the creature hits a Nat 20. This energy persists until he hits a target or 1 minute has passed. Additionally, Yuji may add 5 Necrotic damage to attacks that use cursed strikes. Curse-Empowered Strikes. Yuji's unarmed strikes are considered magical for the purposes of overcoming resistances, and deal 1d12 extra necrotic damage (already included). Brawn/Evasion/Endurance. Whenever Yuji makes a Strength, Dexterity or Constitution saving throw, he takes half as much damage on a failure and no damage on a success. Speed Supremacy. Once per turn, when Yuji takes an action, bonus action, or reaction, or uses his movement, he can blind his enemies in a quick burst of speed. The feature used will require twice as many reactions to react to. If a creature also possesses this feature, they can expend their use of it for the round to make reactions function as normal. If a feature or action allows him to make multiple attacks or force multiple saving throws, only one of them will receive the benefit of speed supremacy. Additionally, Yuji gains one additional reaction per round. Taijutsu Initiate. Whenever Yuji spends cursed energy into his cursed strike feature, it counts as if he has spent 8 instead and gains a bonus to the attack roll equal to half of its damage dice. However, it still cannot add more than 7 dice to the damage. Taijutsu Master. Whenever Yuji makes an unarmed strike, he gains a +3 bonus to its attack and damage rolls (already applied in the sheet). Divergent Fist. Once per turn Yuji can choose to focus until the end of his turn. When Yuji hits a target with a Cursed Strike on that turn while focusing, he makes a Charisma saving throw with DC 15. On a success, it causes a second impact, dealing additional damage equal to the cursed strikes damage roll, at which point Yuji stops focusing in this manner. If an attack is benefiting from Divergent Fist, it can't Black Flash. Cursed Adrenaline Rush (1/long rest). At the beginning of his turn, if Yuji is at or below 852 hitpoints, he can decide to have a Cursed Adrenaline Rush. For 1 minute, he gains 852 temporary hitpoints, his movement speed doubles, he no longer needs to spend Cursed Energy in his Cursed Strikes, and either his Strength or Dexterity score increases by 4, as does its maximum. At the end of this period, Yuji needs to make a DC 30 Constitution saving throw, gaining 3 levels of exhaustion on a failure. Blood Weight (3 Cursed Energy). As a free action, Yuji can cause a creature he can see with his blood on them, such as literally on them or staining their clothes, to be weighed down by his blood. For each Blood Point worth of blood on the creature their speed is reduced by 5 feet, if this reduces their speed to half it’s normal value they have disadvantage on Dexterity saves, and if it reduces their speed to 0 they automatically fail Dexterity saves. Yuji must spend 1 Cursed Energy at the start of the weighed down creature’s turns to maintain this effect. You may determine how many blood points a creature has on them as it being equal to how many blood points a technique that hit them cost before reductions. Reattachment (3 Cursed Energy, 3 Blood Points). As part of healing as a a reaction to taking damage that removed a limb, such as using Reverse Cursed Technique, if the removed limb is not destroyed Yuji may grab the severed limb and pull it back on, significantly reducing how much healing he actually need to do. The limb is reset to the amount of hit points it had before it took the damage that removed it and Yuji regains that many hit points. Flowing Red Scale (3 Cursed Energy). As a Free Action, Yuji increases his body temperature, pulse rate, and the number of red blood cells to greatly enhance his physical capabilities. For 1 minute:
Flowing Red Scale Focus. Yuji can concentrate his Flowing Red Scale into a certain part of his body or on a specific task to amplify it’s effects on that part, such as in his eyes to increase dynamic visual acuity or into the circulation and heat of his blood to melt ice on him. At any time (no action required) Yuji may choose Perception checks or ability checks using one stat amongst Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution, foregoing an amount of benefits of his choice from Flowing Red Scale and Flowing Red Scale: Stack until the end of his next turn. The first benefit forgone grants advantage on the chosen kind of checks, each benefit after granting a +2, for the same duration. Yuji may do the same for Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution saving throws, however this only grants him +1 to the save for every 2 benefits sacrificed after the first. Crimson Overflow. Yuji can condense, accelerate and launch his blood at maximum speed, efficiency and lethality. Every feature of his cursed technique costs only half as many Blood Points (rounded down, already included). Additionally, every time he spends additional Cursed Energy in his cursed techniques while Convergence is active, every 1 Cursed Energy he spends will count as 4 added, although this still cannot make the bonuses go above the maximum. This works for damage, duration and temporary hit points in case of his Cursed Armor. Finally, he gains an additional Reaction per round. False Slash. Whenever he casts dismantle he can choose to make it miss to gain advantage on the next two melee attacks on his turn. Hand of Slashing (4 Cursed Energy). As a free action Yuji coats his hands in small slashes until the beginning of his next turn. For the duration, once per round he may try to grab a melee weapon attack that was made against him. The attack roll is reduced by 5, if it is smaller than 20 he simply grabs the attack, negating it completely and ending their attack or multiattack action. If they attack with a natural weapon or unarmed strikes, they take 24 slashing damage. Battle Rhythm. Once per turn, when Yuji misses one of his Melee or Ranged Weapon Attacks, he may re-roll the attack, adding his Strength or Dexterity modifier a second time to this re-roll. If the initial attack had advantage or disadvantage, both dice are re-rolled when this feature is used. 50 Meters In 3 Seconds! Yuji has two reactions per round. Reinforced Immune System. Yuji has advantage on saving throws against being poisoned. Strong Body. Yuji reduces all non-magic damage he takes but psychic by 8. Taijutsu Sorcery. Once per turn, Yuji can make an unarmed strike with advantage. If he already had advantage on a unarmed strike, he raises the critical hit range for the attack by 1. Cursed Rain of Blows. Whenever Yuji uses Cursed Blast of Blows, as a Free Action he can spend 3 more Cursed Energy to make yet another Cursed Blast of Blows Cursed Blast. Once per turn, Yuji can raise the limit of one Cursed Strike to double his proficiency bonus (14). Cursed Energy Tracker. Yuji can focus on one creature for 1 minute, seeing the “sparks” of cursed energy that always happen before cursed technique usage. For that minute when that creature forces him to make a save using their cursed technique or makes a cursed energy attack roll against him using their cursed technique they must roll a Stealth check, using Charisma instead of Dexterity, against a Perception check from Yuji. If he wins Yuji gains advantage on the saving throw, or the attack roll is made with disadvantage. Negative Flow. Whenever Yuji is under the effects of the conditions frightened, berserked, bloodlusted, is under 852 hit points, missing a limb or in an encounter that's total CR is higher than 24; he will gain 2 temporary cursed energy at the start of his turn which cannot go above 32 cursed energy. Focused Rage. While under any of the circumstances listed in the Negative Flow feature, Yuji can begin concentrating to increase the temporary cursed energy gained at the start of his turn to 5. When the circumstances listed in Negative Flow end he can no longer concentrate on this feat. (This feat can be concentrated on even while under the bloodlust or berserk conditions). Colossal Physique. Yuji counts as two sizes larger for the purposes of grappling, shoving, disarming and the weight he can carry, push, drag, or lift. Yuji can add his proficiency to all Strength checks he makes. Any attack roll Yuji makes which uses Strength deals twice as much damage to objects and structures Once per turn as part of a successful melee attack, Yuji can force the creature hit to make a DC 25 Strength saving throw . On a failure, they are knocked back 70ft in a direction of his choice. If the creature collides with an unsecured object or structure, then the creature and the unsecured object or structure receive 1d6 bludgeoning damage for every 10 feet the creature had left to travel after colliding with the surface. If it was another creature, they instead both take damage equal to half of Yuji's damage roll (rounded down). If his attack was a critical hit, the creature automatically fails their saving throw and are knocked back twice the distance. Whenever Yuji makes a Strength check or saving throw, Yuji can give himself advantage on the roll. He can do this 7 time per long rest. Untraceable Speed. Whenever Yuji takes a reaction, he may move up to half of his speed as apart of the reaction. He may do this 7 times per round This movement cannot be used to exit domains. If this movement would cause him to leave the area targeted by an attack he’s reacting to or the area of a saving throw he’s reacting to he may roll an Acrobatics check to attempt to fully dodge. In the case of an attack he rolls against the attack roll, causing the attack to miss regardless of his armor class on a success. On a failure the attack happens as normal, though he still moves as normal. This roll automatically fails if the attack was a critical hit, unless Yuji is 10 or more levels above the attacker’s level, or CR if they don’t have a level. If Yuji fails this roll by no more than 3 against an attack targeting one of his limbs with the Limb System then though he can’t fully dodge he may change which limb is targeted. In the case of a saving throw he roll against the DC, being unaffected by the saving throw on a success. On a failure the saving throw happens as normal, though he still moves as normal. Brute Slam. Once per turn as part of an unarmed strike, Yuji may make a grapple attempt against a creature. If he succeeds, he may pick up the creature and slam them against a solid surface within 10 ft. of hiself, such as the ground or a wall, dealing another roll of his unarmed strike in damage. The surface takes twice as much damage as the creature, and if it breaks the creature takes another 2d6 damage of an appropriate type. Heavy Slam. Whenever Yuji takes the Attack action against a creature he is currently grappling with, he may forgo an attack to violently slam the creature into the ground. Yuji makes a contested Athletics check against the creature who contests via Athletics or Acrobatics check (Their choice). On a successful check, his opponent is driven into the earth beneath him ending the grapple early, taking bludgeoning damage equal to two rolls of Yuji's unarmed strike damage dice and being knocked prone. On a failure, the creature escapes from his iron grasp, causing Yuji's grapple to end early and the creature may move an additional 5 ft. away from him as part of their successful check. If Yuji scores a 20 on the Athletics) check whilst using this feature and it was a success, the creature takes bludgeoning damage equal to four rolls of his unarmed strike damage dice and gains disadvantage on attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks and Strength or Dexterity saving throws until the start of Yuji's next turn. Cursed Martial Artist. Yuji's unarmed strikes when benefitting from the Cursed Strike enhancement have their critical hit range increased by 1 meaning while using curse empowered strikes Yuji can land a crit with a 19 or 20. Additionally, whenever Yuji scores a critical hit with an unarmed strike, he can roll one additional unarmed strike damage die when determining the extra damage for the critical hit. If Yuji has taken the Attack action on his turn using only unarmed strikes then make any unarmed strikes as a bonus action which benefits from the Cursed Strike, the enhancements cursed energy cost is reduced by 2 (to a minimum of 1). Heavy Finisher. Once per round as part of hitting a melee attack, Yuji can spend up to 10 cursed energy to make his target make a Strength saving throw. On a failure, they take 1d10 necrotic or bludgeoning damage per cursed energy spent and are thrown back 10 + the amount of cursed energy spent times 20 and are knocked prone. On a success, they take half as much damage, are half as pushed and are not knocked prone. If the creature hits an object on the way they both take 1d12 bludgeoning damage. If it hits a structure, it stops completely and takes 1d12 bludgeoning damage per 10 feet left to travel, with the structure taking twice as much damage. If it hits another creature, the creature hit must make a Dexterity saving throw or also take the damage of the Heavy Finisher and be pushed as well. Yuji can also use the heavy finisher as a way to get someone stuck in the ground. Once per round as part of hitting an melee attack against a prone creature, Yuji can spend up to 10 cursed energy to force his target to make a Strength saving throw. On a failure, they take 1d10 necrotic or bludgeoning damage per cursed energy spent and are restrained in the ground. On a success, they take half as much damage and their speed is halved until the beginning of Yuji's next turn. If they fail by 5 or more, they are also Confused until the beginning of Yuji's next turn. They may remake the Strength saving throw at the beginning of their turns, ending the condition early. Improved Reverse Cursed Technique. Yuji has a healing pool of 1200 that he can use with his reverse cursed energy. If he is suffering from a physical effect injury such as a concussion or something similar, one of these effects can be healed for every 10 hit points healed with reverse cursed technique. If you're not using the Limb System variant rule, Yuji regrows back limbs for every 20 hit points he regains. Yuji can use his RCT until his healing pool ends before getting burnout, during which he can't use RCT until his healing pool recovers. At the beginning of his turns while in a combat where his life is at risk, he regains 10 hit points of his healing pool back. His healing pool automatically goes back to full at the end of a long rest. Unmatched Fortitude. Yuji has advantage on the saving throws made to maintain his Domain Expansion in an equal Domain Clash and saving throws made to keep concentrating on opening a hole with his domain. Finally, Yuji can reduce damage he takes by 30. Cursed Enhanced Body. As long as Yuji has 1 cursed energy or more, he may add 2 to his attack and damage rolls with unarmed strikes or weapons he is proficient with (already applied). ACTIONSMultiattack. Yuji can make three attacks. Claws of Calamity. Melee Weapon Attack: +28 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 29 (4d6 + 15) bludgeoning damage and 23 (3d12 + 5) necrotic damage. Exorcise. Yuji automatically destroys a cursed spirit within 30 ft. of him that he can see that has a CR of 3 or lower. Strong Throw (3 Cursed Energy). In place of an attack, Yuji can choose a creature or object of a size up to 1 size category larger than him within his unarmed strike reach, and make an athletics check contested by their athletics or acrobatics(their choice) or a set DC for objects, 5 for tiny, 7 for small, 10 for medium, 15 for large, 20 for huge, and 25 for gargantuan. On a success, Yuji can throw the creature or object up to 60 feet, dealing Xd6 bludgeoning damage to them and anyone in the path they’re thrown in who fails a Dexterity saving throw, where X is his Strength modifier times the creature or objects size category number above small (minimum of 1), so 1 for medium, 2 for large, 3 for huge, and 4 for gargantuan. The d6s become D8s if the target is large, d10s if they’re huge, and d12s if they’re gargantuan. The cost also increases, to 4 cursed energy if the target is large, 5 if they’re huge, and 6 if they’re gargantuan. Crimson Binding (1 Cursed Energy, 2 Blood Points). Yuji pulls blood from the surroundings creating a net that envelops an opponent he chooses within 30ft of him. The target must succeed on a DC 20 Dexterity throw become restrained. The creature can spend it's action after being restrained to roll a DC 20 Strength saving throw, breaking itself free from the effect on a success. Slicing Exorcism (5 Cursed Energy, 3 Blood Points). Yuji creates a Rotating wheel of blood at high speeds to use as a bladed projectile, that is a 5ft circle. For 1 minute, he can use a bonus action to move the Wheel of Blood to a place within 30ft of it's current location that he can see. When this wheel moves through a creature's space the creature must make a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save the target takes 17d8 Slashing Damage, on a successful save the target takes half as much damage. A creature may be forced to make this saving throw once per round. Blood Tidal Wave (10 Cursed Energy, up to 100 Blood Points). Yuji creates a tidal wave of blood from his body. All creatures who enter a radius around him or start their turn within it must make a DC 20 Strength saving throw, taking Xd8 bludgeoning damage and falling prone on a failure and half as much without falling prone on a success, where X is 1/5th the amount of Blood Points spent (rounded down). The radius is an amount of feet equal to the amount of Blood Points spent, to a maximum of 30 feet. If Yuji spends blood points such that the radius would exceed 30 feet then at the start of each of his subsequent turns the radius expands in increments of 30 feet until it matches the radius for the amount of Blood Points spent, at which point the tidal wave ends, remaining centered on the point at which Yuji first cast it. Piercing Blood (8 Cursed Energy, 7 Blood Points). Yuji focuses blood into a highly pressurized piercing beam that deals massive damage to targets and structures. He pull bloods into his hands and fires it at a target within 60ft of him, making a ranged attack roll with a +11 to hit. On a hit the target receives 19d12 piercing damage. If Yuji spends the maximum on his Convergeance before using the technique, it becomes a 5 foot wide, 120 foot long line that forces all targets in that line to make a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they will take the piercing blood damage, and half as much on a success. When Yuji activates this cursed technique in it's line form, he can create a new line during subsequent rounds by spending half the initial Cursed Energy and Blood Points as an action. He needs to maintain this state as if concentrating in a spell. Blood Rain (4 Cursed Energy, 4 Blood Points). Yuji shoots a beam of blood into the sky that later falls down as hundreds of droplets of piercing blood. He launches a pressurized beam of blood directly upwards. He can choose for it to fall down at the end of the same turn or for it to fall after up to 5 rounds, at the beggining of his turn at said round. When the Blood Rain falls, all creatures in a circle with 30ft of radius must make a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take 15d8 piercing damage, or half as much on a success. Blood Terrain Infusion (8 Cursed Energy, 6 Blood Points). Yuji spreads his blood through the ground to destroy and manipulate it. He puts both hands on the floor and spreads massive amounts of blood in a 30ft radius circle centered anywhere he chooses as long as he's inside it. All creatures in the circle must make a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw, receiving 5d10 piercing damage and being knocked prone on a failure, or only receiving half as much damage on a success. If Yuji spends the maximum on his Convergeance before using this technique, he may create a 100ft tall cylindrical pillar in the area of the circle, elevating every creature in it to the top. Him and any creature that has passed their saving throw may choose to escape the area before being elevated. Additionally, he may use this technique from a further range without needing to be in the area if in the past minute his Piercing Blood or Blood Rain techniques have hit the ground, as they impregnate the soil with his blood, making him able to cast this ability on that area. Blood Wave (6 Cursed Energy, 5 Blood Points). Yuji rapidly makes a huge wall of blood expand in an area around him and then dissipate. He expands a circular wall of blood around him up to 30ft. All creatures in the area must make a DC 20 Strength saving throw. On a failure, they take 15d6 bludgeoning damage and are pushed to the end of the wall's range. On a success, they take half as much damage and are not pushed, breaking through the blood. When Yuji spends extra Cursed Energy into this technique with Convergence, it's maximum range increses by 10ft per Energy spent. Blood Spikes (8 Cursed Energy, 6 Blood Points). Yuji manifests sharp spikes of blood that rapidly fire at enemies. Yuji can summon up to 10 blood spikes that he can hurl at targets within 60ft. Each spike requires a ranged cursed energy attack roll and replaces an attack in the attack action. On a hit, each spike deals 4d10 piercing damage. If Yuji has spent the maximum amount for Convergence before using this technique, the number of spikes increases to 15, and their damage increases to 10d10. Blood Caltrops (7 Cursed Energy, 5 Blood Points). Yuji summons caltrops made of crystallized blood that hover and strike any enemies that enter his space. Yuji creates 10 blood caltrops that hover in a 30ft radius around him for 1 minute. Whenever an enemy creature enters this area or begins their turn there, they must make a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, they take 6d8 piercing damage and their movement speed is reduced by 60ft, on a successful save, they take half as much damage and their movement is not reduced. If Yuji has spent the maximum amount on Convergence, the number of caltrops increases to 15, and their damage increases to 8d8 and their movement speed is reduced by 120ft. Blood Meteorite (6 Cursed Energy, 4 Blood Points). Ranged Cursed Energy Attack: +11 to hit, range 30 ft., one target. Hit: 97 (15d12) bludgeoning damage and the target must make a DC 20 Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they will become stunned until the beginning of Yuji's next turn, on a success they're not stunned. This technique can be used without convergence being active and is not affected by Water Dilution. Dismantle (1+ Cursed Energy). When taking the Attack Action, Yuji spends 1 Cursed Energy and then can spend up to 16 Cursed Energy to replace one of his attacks with a cursed energy attack roll against a creature within 320 ft of him. On a hit, the target takes 1d10 slashing damage per cursed energy spent in the attack (not counting the initial 1 Cursed Energy) and must make a DC 20 Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they are bleeding. On a success, they receive no additional conditions. This attack roll is made with advantage if the target cannot see invisible objects. Multiple attacks may be replaced with dismantle, but cursed energy may be spent for each attack. This cannot replace attacks from features such as Cursed Blast of Blows. A creature needs blindsight to see the slash. Grid Slash (1+ Cursed Energy). As part of using Dismantle, Yuji can spend up to an additional 16 Cursed Energy to force all creatures in a 10 times the amount spent foot long, 30 foot wide and 30 foot tall line starting from him to make a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take his dismantle's damage or half as much on a success. Cleave (1+ Cursed Energy). As an Action, or replacing an attack as part of the Attack Action if Yuji targets a creature he is grappling or an object, for 1 Cursed Energy and then up to 21 Cursed Energy he makes a melee weapon attack roll against a creature. On a hit, they take 2d6 slashing damage per cursed energy spent (not counting the initial 1 Cursed Energy) and must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they are bleeding. On a success, they receive no additional conditions. The cursed energy is not spent if he misses. This feature adapts its output to attempt to cut the target down in one fell swoop. When Yuji spends cursed energy on this feature, he will learn how much cursed energy he needs to spend for the average damage of his cleave to reduce the target to 0 hit points from their current hit points, taking into account temporary hit points, damage reductions and thresholds, resistances and immunities, and any other feature which would directly affect the outcome. He will be told the maximum amount if he cannot reduce them to 0 hit points from their current amount by this calculation. If a creature is reduced to 0 hit points by this feature, they are cleaved into various small pieces. You need blindsight to see the slash. Spiderweb (1+ Cursed Energy). As part of using Cleave on an object, Yuji can spend up to 21 Cursed Energy to turn the ground in a 10-times-the-amount-spent-foot-radius circle into difficult terrain. All creatures within range must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take 2d6 bludgeoning damage per cursed energy spent and are pushed 5-times-the-amount-spent-feet away from him. On a success, they take half as much damage and are not pushed. Ground and structures targeted take maximum slashing damage. Basic Barrier (1-5 Cursed Energy). Yuji creates a dome starting from himself with a 5ft. radius and a 10ft. height. For each cursed energy spent, the barrier’s maximum radius and height both increase by 10ft, but Yuji may choose to make it smaller if he wishes. This barrier has 10 hit points times the amount of cursed energy spent, it has resistance to all damage from the inside, is vulnerable to all damage from the outside and is immune to Poison and Psychic damage. This barrier has 20 AC and automatically fails saving throws. This barrier lasts 5 minutes. Yuji can deactivate his basic barrier at will (no action required). Curtain (5 Cursed Energy). Emerge from the darkness, blacker than darkness. Purify that which is impure. Yuji covers the sky and the ground within a 2165-foot radius with a sphere of darkness. Upon activation, a dark, almost liquid-like matter drips down from the sky to form the outer barrier wall in the shape of a sphere that extends underground, appearing as a dome from the surface. The curtain changes the sky becomes dark despite the time of day, provoking any cursed spirits out of hiding. Those without levels in the Jujutsu Sorcerer class cannot see anything inside the barrier, merely seeing as if nothing but the vegetation was there. Creatures who can see into the ethereal plane or have levels in the jujutsu sorcerer path can see the black sphere. The curtain lasts for 50 minutes. Yuji's curtain has 60 hit points. This barrier has 20 AC and automatically fails saving throws. It is also immune to Poison and Psychic damage. Yuji may choose to make his curtain smaller in radius, however it cannot be smaller than a 100-foot radius. New Shadow Style: Simple Domain (5 Cursed Energy). Yuji surrounds himself with a 15 ft. barrier for 1 minute. The circle has 350 hitpoints. Any cursed techniques or spells that target him or targets an area that overlaps with his simple domain, will now target the barrier instead, reducing its hit points by the damage it would cause. To use this technique, Yuji must remain still without moving and must maintain concentration as if he was concentrating on a spell. If he is in a Domain Expansion then he negates it's sure-hit effect on himself and any other people inside the area, as it only affects the barrier. Yuji's refinement for his Simple Domain is 50. Domain Expansion (30 Cursed Energy). Yuji opens his Domain Expansion as a full round action. BONUS ACTIONSMartial Arts. Whenever Yuji makes one unarmed strike on his turn, he can make one unarmed strike as a bonus action. Cursed Blast of Blows. Immediately after taking the attack action, Yuji can spend 3 cursed energy to make two unarmed strikes. Cursed Patient Defense. Yuji can spend 3 cursed energy to take the dodge action as a bonus action on his turn. Cursed Wind Step. Yuji can spend 3 cursed energy to take the dash or disengage action as a bonus action on his turn. Explosive Blow (8, 10 or 14 Cursed Energy). Yuji concentrates on channeling a very condensed portion of his cursed energy into either his limbs or a weapon for 8 cursed energy. For 1 minute after he performs this bonus action, the next melee attack he lands adds half of his attacks’ damage dice (rounded down) as extra damage onto the damage roll for his attack. If Yuji receives damage from any source, he must make a Constitution saving throw against a DC of 10 or half the damage taken, whichever is higher, to keep concentrating. Alternatively, as a bonus action when Yuji lands a melee attack, he may expend 10 cursed energy to add half of his damage dice (rounded down) to the damage roll of his attack. For 14 cursed energy as opposed to 8 or 10 cursed energy, the melee attack that Yuji uses with this feature will instead add his attacks’ damage dice to the damage roll as opposed to only half. On a successful melee attack that benefits from Explosive Blow, the creature is knocked back a number of feet equal to either Yuji's attacks' ability modifier or Charisma modifier times 10 in a direction of his choice. If the creature collides with an unsecured object or structure then the creature and the unsecured object or structure receives 1d10 bludgeoning damage per every 5 feet the creature had left to travel after colliding with the surface (To a maximum of 10d10). If it was another creature, they take damage equal to half of Yuji's attack’s damage roll instead. Blood Spit (1 Blood Point). Melee Cursed Energy Attack: On a hit the target's face is covered in Yuji's blood for 5 rounds. For 3 Cursed Energy as part of covering a creature’s face in blood or no action required while a creature’s face is covered in blood Yuji may cause the blood to burst, dealing 4d4 piercing damage to them and 2 eye limbs on their face as well as making them blinded until the end of their next turn. If they were preforming any kind of action when Yuji bursts the blood they must make a concentration save or fail to preform the action, all resources used wasted. Once Yuji have used this, the feature ends early. Yuji may also use this feature once per round as part of taking damage. Convergeance. Yuji compresses and condenses blood to it's absolute limit for 1 minute. During this technique's duration, whenever he uses one of his cursed techniques he can spend up to 5 additional Cursed Energy (and an equal amount of Blood Points) to enhance the technique's potency. For each Cursed Energy he uses, the technique will receive one additional die of damage or 1 additional turn of duration. Additionally, only while Convergeance is active, Yuji can use the following techniques: Piercing Blood, Blood Rain, Blood Terrain Infusion, Blood Wave, Blood Spikes, Blood Caltrops and Blood Shield. Slash Skating (4 Cursed Energy). Yuji coats his feet with slashes and utilize them to skate around for 1 minute. For the duration, his walking speed is doubled and he ignores difficult terrain. He may end this at will (no action required). Slashing Body (10 Cursed Energy). Yuji coats his whole body with slashes, creating a barrier that rips and rends the air around him. For 1 minute, he reduces all damage taken except psychic and thunder by 29. Whenever he attacks with an unarmed strike, he deals an additional 1d8 slashing damage. Untraceable Speed. Yuji may take the dash action or make a Skill Check he is proficient in. Taijutsu Sorcery. Whenever Yuji uses the multiattack action, he can push, shove or grapple a creature as a bonus action. New Shadow Style: Simple Domain (5 Cursed Energy). Yuji uses his Simple Domain. Reverse Cursed Technique. Yuji spends any amount of Cursed Energy, regaining 20 hit points for each energy he spends, and removing the same amount of healing from his healing pool. REACTIONSBlood Shield (6 Cursed Energy, 5 Blood Points). Yuji creates a protective barrier of blood around himself, absorbing incoming damage. Yuji forms a blood shield with 132 hit points . This shield absorbs damage before any other effects apply. When the shield's hit points are reduced to zero, any remaining damage is quartered, and Yuji takes the remaining damage. If Yuji spent the maximum amount on Convergence, it now can shield other people. When used it now covers an area in a 10 foot radius, centered on Yuji, blocking others from damage. Any remaining damage is still halved, but is only dealt to Yuji. Manji Kick. As a reaction to being targeted by a melee attack, Yuji rotates his body down, imposing disadvantage on the attack. If it misses, as part of the same reaction Yuji can give a massive kick in his opponent's face. Yuji makes an unarmed strike against the creature. On a hit, the opponent will be stunned until the beginning of Yuji's next turn or until they take damage from an outside source and receives his unarmed strike damage. Deflective Shockwave. As a reaction to someone entering the range or a ranged attack roll being made against Yuji, Yuji punchs the ground violently, creating a powerful shockwave in both air and ground. Every creature in range must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking a roll of Yuji's unarmed strike damage and falling prone on a failure, or half as much damage on a success. Additionally, Yuji gains a +7 bonus to his AC against the ranged weapon attack roll that triggered this reaction. Yuji may add cursed strikes to this damage as normal, and the range of this ability is 5 x (the number of damage dice of the cursed strike + 1) feet. If he spends the maximum amount of energy in the cursed strike, he may choose any number of creatures in the area to not be affected. Untraceable Speed. When Yuji moves into range of a creature or a creature enters his range he can make one melee attack. He can only do this once per creature per round. Human Wall(8/long rest). Upon hitting 0 hit points, Yuji rolls a 10 (1d12 + 4). He regains the amount rolled in hit points. Taijutsu Sorcery. Whenever Yuji takes the Attack action on his turn, he may take the Dodge action as a reaction however this Dodge action only causes melee attacks against him to have disadvantage. If a creature rolls a natural 1 on a melee attack against him whilst he have performed this variation of the Dodge action, Yuji can make one attack against that creature if it is within range once per round. Cursed Martial Artist. As a reaction whenever a creature fails a melee attack roll against Yuji, he can make one unarmed strike as a reaction against the creature. On a successful hit, this unarmed strike may add +5 to the damage roll. New Shadow Style: Simple Domain (5 Cursed Energy). When targeted by a cursed energy attack roll or saving throw, spell or seeing a domain expansion open, Yuji uses his Simple Domain. Cursed Enhanced Body (1-5 Cursed Energy). Whenever Yuji makes a Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence or Wisdom saving throw, he may add the number of energy spent as a bonus to the saving throw. Reverse Cursed Technique When Yuji receives damage, he may use his Reverse Cursed Technique. LEGENDARY ACTIONSThe can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature's turn. The regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn. Attack. Yuji moves up to half his movement and can make a Claws of Calamity attack. Improved Reverse Cursed Technique. Yuji uses his Improved Reverse Cursed Technique. Cursed Technique (2 Actions). Yuji may use one of his Cursed Techniques. Domain Expansion (3 Actions). Yuji uses his Domain Expansion. |
Awakening (Variant Rule): Being a talented sorcerer from birth, Yuji was already destined to be strong, but due to being Ryomen Sukuna's former vessel, there is still potential left within him, ready to be unleashed. Certain features and actions are not useable by default, but can be awakened by hitting a certain number of Black Flashes, as detailed below:
Jujutsu Sorcerer. Yuji has 24 levels in the Jujutsu Sorcerer class. Domain ExpansionYuji's domain resembles his hometown of Sendai City, with several locations from his childhood spread around within it. At the beginning of his turns, all creatures inside the domain except him receive 2 Cursed Energy Attack rolls from Yuji's Dismantle. The Dismantles count as if he has spent 20 Cursed Energy. If Yuji has the Soul Dismantle binding vow active, these Dismantles count as Soul Dismantles as well. Refiniment Points. Yuji's domain refinement points are 100. Domain Durability. Yuji's domain has 600 hit points. Technique Efficiency. While inside his domain, Yuji may use Dismantle and Cleave for 0 Cursed Energy. Blood ManipulationBlood Points. Yuji's technique uses Blood Points as a currency alongside Cursed Energy to fuel it's techniques. Yuji uses his own blood for the technique, and may gain Blood Points by expending his own hit points, gaining 1 Blood Point per hit point spent. Yuji may also use blood from his surroundings to fuel his techniques, up to 10 ft away, gaining an appropriate amount of Blood Points as determined by the DM. Due to the versatility of this technique, all of his techniques that involve manipulating his own blood count as a Lapse technique. Blood Crystalization. Yuji will gain resistance to piercing, slashing and bludgeoning damage when he activates his Cursed Armor, and is also able to spend Blood Points instead of Cursed Energy to activate it, spending 1 Blood Point per 1 Cursed Energy. When he deals damage with his Cursed Strikes or Curse-Empowered Strikes features, he may change it's damage type to piercing, slashing or bludgeoning. In addition, while his Cursed Energy Armor is activated his unarmed strike damage die tier is increased by 1. Water Dilution. Yuji's mastery over Blood Manipulation is profoundly impacted when submerged in large volumes of water. While he is at least half submerged, he cannot use any of his Cursed Technique features that manipulate blood externally. The sheer volume of water disrupts the integrity of blood, preventing it from holding it's shape and making external manipulation impossible. While Submerged, he cannot use the Crimson Binding, Slicing Exorcism, Blood Spit, Reattachment, Blood Tital Wave and Convergence for the duration of his submersion or while in heavy rain. If he attempts to do so, he spends cursed energy and blood points as normal but nothing happens. Cursed Techniques. When a feature refers to Yuji's cursed techniques, it refers to Blood Crystalization, Crimson Binding, Slicing Exorcism, Blood Weight, Blood Spit, Reattachment, Blood Tidal Wave, Flowing Red Scale, Convergence, Piercing Blood, Blood Rain, Blood Terrain Infusion, Blood Wave, Blood Spikes, Blood Caltrops, Blood Shield, Blood Meteorite, Dismantle, Grid Slash, Cleave and Spiderweb. This Body is Mine. Yuji has advantage against effects that would alter his form. Cursed Womb: Death Painting. Yuji has consumed 6 Cursed Womb: Death Paintings (they count as cursed objects). Yuji has 81 Soul Knowledge and gains the following benefits: Soul Intuition. Yuji has become knowledgeable about the working of the soul and he is able to deduce if an ability or feature relating to the soul has been used after seeing it. He can deduce whether a feature, once it has been successfully used, was related to the soul, such as the Resonance feature of the Straw Doll Technique or the Mastery of General feat when used on the trapped soul of a vessel. Teachings of the Soul. Yuji has learned enough about the soul now to be able to teach others the basics. Over the course of a long rest he may create a book or other learning device which functions as the book of souls does. He cannot benefit from your own book. Soul Outline Perception. Yuji finally learned how to see the outline of his own soul, learning how to heal from Soul Harming attacks. Whenever he is dealt damage that is considered Major Soul Harming, temporary hit points from Cursed Armor will now apply to damage dealt. In addition whenever he heals himself using the Reverse Cursed Technique, he can heal damage that was considered Major Soul Harming. Additionally, after becoming experienced with his own soul, he has learned how to affect the contours that line the souls of others. All damage caused by him that spent cursed energy such as cursed strikes or using a cursed technique is considered Minor Soul Harming. Soul Harm. All damage caused by Yuji that spent cursed energy such as cursed strikes or using a cursed technique is considered Soul Harming. Soul Separation. Yuji reached the pinnacle of soul knowledge, now being able to separate two souls. Whenever he hits a Cursed Vessel with a Soul Harming attack and his attack roll is 5 or higher above its AC, he can force the trapped soul within to make a Charisma saving throw (DC = 8 + the Cursed Vessel’s Proficiency bonus + half of the Cursed Vessel’s Charisma modifier, rounded down). On a successful save, the soul hampers the Cursed Vessel’s capabilities by reducing all of their Strength, Dexterity and Constitution scores by 2. If a soul is being controlled by a Complete Vessel, the soul has disadvantage on the Charisma saving throw. If the Cursed Vessel is at half of its hit point maximum or lower, the soul gains advantage on this saving throw. Alternatively, instead reducing the ability scores of a Complete Vessel, he may instead attempt to reduce their cursed energy output as a result of their connection to the body weakening. On a successful save of the trapped soul, the amount of Cursed Energy the vessel can spend on their Cursed Techniques is reduced by 1. If the trapped soul succeeds on this variation of the saving throw 3 times, the amount the Vessel is able to spend on cursed energy enhancements is reduced by 1. All effects of a trapped soul succeeding Soul Separation are reverted after a number of completed long rests equal to half the trapped soul’s level(rounded down). If a Complete Vessel or an Incomplete Vessel has been reduced to 0 hit points within 1 minute of a trapped soul making a successful save to hamper the cursed vessel, the cursed object is destroyed within the body. The body reverts to its original state and the trapped soul is treated as if it were knocked unconscious with 1 hit point remaining unless the body was damaged to a point that the body would be treated as dead as opposed to unconscious. When Yuji scores a critical hit (It must be a Natural 20 for it to count) with an unarmed strike that benefits from Cursed Strike, he can choose to land a Black Flash. Before the damage calculation, roll a d6 to see how much additional Necrotic damage Yuji's Black Flash will add onto the damage roll using the table below:
In addition, the amount of dice he rolls from a critical with this attack will increase by one additional damage die, and the Black Flash simply does not occur if the attack wouldn’t otherwise hit(such as if negated by an ability or the attack roll isn’t a crit and doesn’t hit the opponent’s AC). Yuji's next attack on the same turn will trigger a Black Flash on a Natural 7 or higher, known as a Black Flash DC. For every other Black Flash after the second, the Natural attack roll must be 1 higher than the previous. (Ex. Third Black Flash lands on a 8, the DC becomes 9. Fourth lands on a 9, the DC becomes 10.) Failing to land a consecutive Black Flash results in the DC being lost, requiring another Natural 20 to regain it, beginning at the starting DC. In The Zone. Yuji gains the following benefits for a number of minutes equal to the black flashes he hit in the turn; the benefits will last from during the turn he landed the Black Flash until those number of minutes after it:
Yuji's Binding Vows. Yuji may decrease Dismantles range to touch and make a melee cursed energy attack roll while using it. If he does this, the dismantle now makes every attack he hits force the trapped soul to make the Charisma saving throw for Soul Seperation. He no longer has to roll 5 or more over the vessel’s AC.
Otherworldly Body, Humanoid Prison, Blessed by The Sparks. Athlete History, Colossal Physique, 50 Meters In 3 Seconds!, Untraceable Speed, Reinforced Immune System, Strong Body, Human Wall, Resilient (2x), Very Resistant. Slam Master, Cursed Martial Artist, Taijutsu Sorcery, Heavy Finisher, Black Flash, Personal Record. Basic Barrier, New Shadow Style: Simple Domain, Domain Expansion. Immense Cursed Energy, Overflowing Cursed Energy, Cursed Energy Tracker, Negative Flow, Focused Rage. Reverse Cursed Technique, Improved Reverse Cursed Technique.
Improved Durability. This creature uses the Improved Durability rule. |
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