Historical Firearms (Broadbarrel Supplement)
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This shows firearms which called powdergunnes in their native campaign setting — Broadbarrel. It is meant to be used in Broadbarrel, but can be used in relatively any campaign setting with firearms.
https://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Gunner’s_Kit_(5e_Equipment) This is used to use the guns.
https://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Broadbarrel_(5e_Campaign_Setting) This is the campaign this was made for.
https://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Guns_(5e_Variant_Rule) This is the rules for guns.
https://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Lead_Poisoning_(5e_Disease) This is what happens when you get shot by lead.
https://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Cancer_(5e_Disease) This is what happens when a raygunne shoots rays at you for long enough.
https://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Ablaze_(5e_Variant_Rule) This is what happens when you get set on fire.
Gun Properties[edit]
These are the properties for guns that are not listed in the SRD.
Most firearms in fantasy settings aren’t perfected, however if your campaign is more modern, you may wish to forgo this rule. In parentheses next to this property tag for the gun is a misfire score, when an attack roll is made, if the roll is equal to or less than the misfire score, the weapon will misfire, missing the shot, and doing one of the traits written after the misfire score, those being the following:
- Jam
The gun jams and can no longer be fired until fixed, it can fixed during downtime, or with a full action during battle. Doing so requires a successful tinker’s tools check with a DC equal to 8+the misfire score of the gun. This check is made with advantage if it is done during downtime.
- Explode
An explosion occurs inside the gun, causing the wielder to take an amount of fire damage equal to the misfire score of the weapon, and causing all further attack rolls with that weapon to be made with disadvantage until fixed, it can fixed during downtime, or with a full action during battle. Doing so requires a successful tinker’s tools check with a DC equal to 8+the misfire score of the gun. This check is made with advantage if it is done during downtime.
- Break
The gun is broken, and can’t be used in any way except as a improvised weapon until fixed, it can fixed during downtime, or with a full action during battle. Doing so requires a successful tinker’s tools check with a DC equal to 8+the misfire score of the gun. This check is made with advantage if it is done during downtime.
- Bend
The barrel bends, attack and damage rolls made with the gun are made with disadvantage until fixed, it can fixed during downtime, or with a full action during battle. Doing so requires a successful tinker’s tools check with a DC equal to 8+the misfire score of the gun. This check is made with advantage if it is done during downtime.
Extra Note[edit]
Do please note that when you get a 1 on your attack roll with a weapon that has a a misfire score equal to or greater than 5, it won’t just misfire, it will be completely destroyed, and cannot be fixed, rendering it useless forever.
This is identical to the loading weapon property, however, instead of loading the gun, it’s cocking the gun. Because of the time required to cock this gun, you can fire only one piece of ammunition from it when you use an action, bonus action, or reaction to fire it, regardless of the number of attacks you can normally make.
This gun uses an advanced clockwork system to automatically load a bullet into the gun through the magazine, as a result, you can fire any amount of ammunition on your attack, instead of just one. There is a number in parentheses after this property tag, this is the gunfire quota, you must fire that amount of bullets to deal normal damage, if you shoot less bullets, the damage roll is made with disadvantage, if you exceed the gunfire quota, the damage roll is made with advantage. For every bullet fired after the gunfire quota’s amount, you get a +1 bonus the attack roll, and every bucket not fired to meat the gunfire quota’s amount gives the attack a -1 on the attack roll. Projectiles fired from an automatic weapon must be of the powdered variant, and the trigger must be a matchlock trigger, otherwise, it can’t be used automatically. If you are a DM and you don’t like the idea of automatic firearms in a campaign like this, you can choose to either remove weapons with this property, or simply change them so that they have multiple barrels, similar to a ribaldequin, and maybe they take longer to reload or they are heavier and require a strength requirement to wield or maybe an entire other rule not listed here.
Due to the explosion used to propel the bullet, it pushes the gun back into the user, this is called recoil. For every projectile shot with the gun, it gains a recoil point, if the amount of recoil points the gun has is equal to or greater than it’s recoil score, listed in parentheses next to the property tag for the gun, the gun is unsteady, meaning attack rolls made with the gun are at disadvantage, and the misfire score doubles. You can steady the gun as a reaction to the gun being unsteady if you wish, setting the recoil points to 0.
Guns that are explosive deal their damage to everything within an amount of feet of the target equal to the explosive score of the weapon, listed in parentheses next to this property tag, however, the damage roll is made with disadvantage, unless the affected object or creature is the target, to where it is made with advantage.
This gun has a sharp tip at the end, now, melee attacks with this gun deal an amount of piercing damage equal to the damage roll listed in parentheses next to this property tag.
This gun is more powerful or heavy than most other guns, and as such must be mounted onto the ground with a tripod, bipod, monopod, or other similar hook that comes attached with the gun when found. It can also be mounted onto a low wall. Attack rolls are made with disadvantage if the gun is not hooked and the hooked score listed in parentheses next to this property tag is greater than the strength score of the gun. Hooking a gun is done as a bonus action. Unhooking the gun can be done as a free action. While the gun is hooked, the wielder’s speed is 0.
All guns can store ammunition, some more than others, this property lists that. In parentheses next to this property tag is the capacity score, this is how many rounds of ammunition can be loaded in the clip, magazine, or other container. When you shoot a gun, it expends an amount of ammo from the container. If there are 0 rounds of ammunition in the container, it cannot be fired until reloaded. It can be reloaded as one of the following actions, listed after the capacity score of the gun, separated by a comma. It will be abbreviated on the property tag. Some of them can be reloaded as an attack too, they will have the abbreviation ATK listed after the action to reload, seperated by a slash.
- Action ACT
- Full Action FL
- Bonus Acton/Reaction(reaction to the gun being unloaded) BAR
- Free Action FE
Extra Note[edit]
Whenever a free action is mentioned in this, by free action, I mean object interaction, it’s just easier to say free action. Likewise, you can only use object interaction once in your turn, as the rules of object interaction dictate.
Some guns shoot a lot of bullets in a single attack that aren’t entirely accurate, giving it spread. Attack and damage rolls are made with disadvantage. Instead of selecting one target when making an attack, it affects all targets in a cone, if the targets are within the normal range of the gun, it functions as previously stated(attack and damage roles made with disadvantage and effecting all targets in a cone), if the targets are beyond the normal range of the gun, the targets make a dexterity save with a DC of 8+the wielder’s wisdom score, due to aiming, perception, and other similar reasons. If the wielder is proficient in the perception skill, they can add their proficiency modifier to the save DC of the previously described save. If the targets fail the save, they take half damage, and no damage on a success. Targets beyond the long range of the gun automatically succeed the save.
This gun is single fire yet isn’t the most accurate, and likely strikes from the top with an arc trajectory. Whenever you fail an attack roll with a gun with this property, it goes in a different direction, and hits somewhere in the distance. Roll a d8 to determine the direction with the following table when said attack roll misses, the attack will go in that direction an amount of feet equal to the roll written after this property tag in parentheses on the gun with this property. If there is an applicable target where the bullet hits, they take the damage instead of the original target. If the gun is explosive, the explosion will be centered on that point.
Direction | North | Northwest | West | Southwest | South | Southeast | East | Northeast | |
Roll | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
Some guns are especially heavy or long or just plain big, and as a result, people have difficulty holding them. When a gun has the unwieldy property, it requires a strength (sleight of hand) check with a DC equal to the score listed in parentheses next to the unwieldy property tag to pick up/unholster, and at the end of every round that you use and are wielding the gun, meaning it is unholstered and you make an attack with it, you must make a strength save with a DC equal to the score listed in parentheses next to the unwieldy property tag. If you fail the strength save, the guns becomes unsteady, and if the save fails with a 1 on the roll, it is dropped.
Extra Note[edit]
Do please note that it is acknowledged that the skill uses the wrong ability, it simply fits better as that ability with that skill.
These are official models, and are manufactured in bulk, organized in martial and simple weapons.
Extra Note[edit]
The stat blocks contain rarities and prices, this is not a mistake, this is simply to describe how rare they would be for enemies and finding them in shops, or just looting them, but also posing a price when it can be bought.
Extra Note[edit]
While Range, Misfire, Recoil, and Capacity all have their own place on the table, they all still count as properties as they should, but since all firearms have them(except the ones that have gun mods to remove them or are certain special guns like the Coilgunne which doesn’t have misfire because there is no chance for it to misfire) they get their own column on the table just so that it’s easier to read.
Simple Firearms[edit]
Name | Cost | Ammo Type | Range | Misfire | Recoil | Capacity | Properties | Damage | Rarity | Weight |
Palm Pistol | 20 gp | Bullet(Mini Cal.) | Ammunition (range 30/75) | Misfire (2, Jam) | Recoil (3) | Capacity (1, FE/ATK) | Loading, Light | 1d6 | uncommon | 1 lb |
Flintlock | 35 gp | Bullet(Low Cal.) | Ammunition (range 45/110) | Misfire (4, Bend) | Recoil (2) | Capacity (1, ACT/ATK) | Loading, Special | 1d8 | common | 6 lbs |
Pistol | 60 gp | Bullet (Low Cal.) | Ammunition (range 50/115) | Misfire (3,Bend) | Recoil (4) | Capacity (10, BAR) | Cocking, Versatile | 1d10 | common | 4 lbs |
Short Musket | 80 gp | Bullet (High Cal.) | Ammunition (range 80/160) | Misfire (4,Explode) | Recoil (1) | Capacity (1, ACT) | Loading, Two-Handed, Hooked (14) | 1d12 | common | 10 lbs |
Musket | 100 gp | Bullet(High Cal.) | Ammunition (range 100/180) | Misfire (5, Explode) | Recoil (1) | Capacity (1, FL) | Loading, Two-Handed, Hooked (15), Heavy | 2d6 | uncommon | 18 lbs |
Rifle | 125 gp | Bullet(Med. Cal.) | Ammunition (range 95/200) | Misfire (2, Jam) | Recoil (3) | Capacity (3, ACT) | Two-Handed, Hooked (13) | 3d4 | uncommon | 15 lbs |
Blunderbuss | 130 gp | Roll of Shot | Ammunition (range 30/60) | Misfire (4, Break) | Recoil (2) | Capacity (1, ACT/ATK) | Loading, Versatile, Bayonetted (1d4), Special, Spread | 3d4 | rare | 10 lbs |
Scattergunne | 150 gp | Roll of Shot | Ammunition (range 20/45) | Misfire (3, Break) | Recoil (1) | Capacity (5, FL) | Cocking, Versatile, Spread | 3d6 | rare | 20 lbs |
Shotgunne | 200 gp | Roll of Shot | Ammunition (range 25/50) | Misfire (3, Explode) | Recoil (2) | Capacity (2, FL/ATK) | Cocking, Two-Handed, Bayonetted (1d4), Spread | 4d4 | very rare | 25 lbs |
Drumgunne | 265 gp | Bullet (Low Cal.) | Ammunition (range 50/85) | Misfire (4,Jam) | Recoil (10) | Capacity (10, BAR) | Two-Handed, Automatic (5) | 1d20 | legendary | 18 lbs |
Machinegunne | 500 gp | Bullet (Mini Cal.) | Ammunition (range 40/75) | Misfire (5, Explode) | Recoil (15) | Capacity (20, FL) | Hooked (16), Spread, Automatic (10), Heavy, Two-Handed | 5d4 | legendary | 30 lbs |
- Flintlock Specialty
The flintlock has the special property, this is because it functions with a flintlock instead of a matchlock, giving it the following gun mod:
- Flintlock trigger
If you remove this gun mod or switch it, the gun will no longer function.
- Blunderbuss Specialty
The blunderbuss has the special property, this is because it can fire bullets, here are the specifics:
- The ammo type used to fire bullets is the following: Bullet(High Cal.)
- When firing with bullets, the spread property of the blunderbuss does not come into play.
- When firing with bullets, the normal range increases by 15, and the long range increases by 30.
Martial Firearms[edit]
Name | Cost | Ammo Type | Range | Misfire | Recoil | Capacity | Properties | Damage | Rarity | Weight |
Handgunne | 30 gp | Cannonball | Ammunition (range 35/60) | Misfire (5, Explode) | Recoil (1) | Capacity (1, BAR) | Hooked (13), Light, Unwieldy (12), Loading | 2d4 | rare | 12 lbs |
Revolver | 45 gp | Bullet (Low Cal.) | Ammunition (range 60/120) | Misfire (2, Bend) | Recoil (3) | Capacity (6, ACT) | Versatile, Cocking | 1d6 | common | 3 lbs |
Pepperbox | 75 gp | Bullet (Low Cal.) | Ammunition (range 55/80) | Misfire (3, Jam) | Recoil (2) | Capacity (4, ACT) | — | 1d8 | uncommon | 8 lbs |
Arquebus | 90 gp | Bullet (Med. Cal.) | Ammunition (range 70/130) | Misfire (4, Explode) | Recoil (2) | Capacity (1, ACT/ATK) | Hooked (14), Loading | 1d12 | common | 10 lbs |
Hunting Rifle | 110 gp | Bullet (Med. Cal.) | Ammunition (range 150/400) | Misfire (3, Bend) | Recoil (3) | Capacity (5, ACT/ATK) | Hooked (14), Two-Handed | 2d6 | uncommon | 12 lbs |
Heavy Rifle | 130 gp | Bullet (High. Cal.) | Ammunition (range 80/145) | Misfire (4, Break) | Recoil (2) | Capacity (7, ACT) | Hooked (16), Cocking, Inaccurate (1d4), Heavy, Two-Handed | 3d4 | rare | 35 lbs |
Carbine Gunne | 165 gp | Bullet (Low. Cal.) | Ammunition (range 65/125) | Misfire (5, Jam) | Recoil (8) | Capacity (15, ACT) | Hooked (14), Automatic (5), Spread, Two-Handed | 3d6 | rare | 22 lbs |
Spingunne | 180 gp | Bullet(Low Cal.) | Ammunition (range 65/140) | Misfire (6, Jam) | Recoil (25) | Capacity (50, FL) | Hooked (18), Spread, Automatic (20), Heavy, Two-Handed, Unwieldy (14), Special | 2d10 | very rare | 35 lbs |
Minigunne | 250 gp | Bullet (Mini Cal.) | Ammunition (range 70/145) | Misfire (8,Jam) | Recoil (50) | Capacity (200, FL) | Hooked (20) Spread, Automatic (30), Heavy, Two-Handed, Unwieldy (16), Special | 2d12 | very rare | 45 lbs |
Gonne | 360 gp | Cannonball | Ammunition (range 70/120) | Misfire (6, Explode) | Recoil (1) | Capacity (1, FL) | Hooked (18), Loading, Inaccurate (1d6), Bayonetted (1d6), Heavy, Two-Handed, Unwieldy (18) | 3d10 | legendary | 50 lbs |
Hand Mortar | 400 gp | Explosive Round | Ammunition (range 40/80) | Misfire (8, Explode) | Recoil (2) | Capacity (1, ACT) | Hooked (17), Loading, Inaccurate (1d8), Explosive (5), Heavy, Two-Handed | 2d20 | legendary | 10 lbs |
Misslegunne | 1600 gp | Explosive Round | Ammunition (range 90/150) | Misfire (10, Explode) | Recoil (1) | Capacity (1, FL) | Hooked (20), Loading, Innacurate (1d20), Explosive (10), Heavy, Two-Handed, Unwieldy (15) | 10d6 | legendary | 25 lbs |
- Spingunne Specialty
This gun is prone to overheating, this means the following: If this gun shoots more than 30 projectiles in a single attack, it will deal an amount of fire damage to the wielder equal to every projectile fired after 30 during the attack, and this gun will misfire if it shoots more than 50 projectiles, the kind of misfire being the following misfire type: Explode.
- Minigunne Specialty
This gun is prone to overheating, this means the following: If this gun shoots more than 30 projectiles in a single attack, it will deal an amount of fire damage to the wielder equal to every projectile fired after 30 during the attack, and this gun will misfire if it shoots more than 50 projectiles, the kind of misfire being the following misfire type: Explode.
Broadbarrel Lore[edit]
Some lore about people who deal with guns in the world of Broadbarrel.
Trixie Adams[edit]
Tricks Adams is a half gnome tinker who travels for work, going from place to place, modifying powdergunnes for her clients. She is credited for creating a clockwork system, Trixie Automatics, that made automatic weapons mainstream, as before, they were highly expensive and dangerous, due to automatics being a new technology. Most everything that utilizes automatics has ties to her in some way, including the mini caliber bullet, which she invented. The automatic system uses a mainspring that is wound up to move the projectiles into place so that they can be fired, which is part of the reload.
Ryan Colt[edit]
Ryan Colt owns a company called General Munitions, which sells pretty much, “every gun under the scorching, scalding, burning, sun,” as their motto would say. He hasn’t invented much, but he owns the most popular munitions and ammunition company in all of Broadbarrel.
Kowalski Birmingham[edit]
Kowalski Birmingham like explosions and a whole lot of bullets. He invented all explosive guns and the explosive round, selling them at a very steep price, which he constantly has to lower because a single explosive round is not worth, “600 darned gold peices!” He has a fairly small company that doesn’t sell to consumers, rather selling to retailers such as General Munitions. He also made the more modern version of shot rolls, as well as scattergunnes, shotgunnes, but he isn’t known for those.
Hunter Shalom[edit]
Hunter Shalom isn’t very smart, but his memory is high, which has lead him to being a manufacturer, selling what he builds to retailers, and buying blueprints from inventors. He doesn’t have a company though.
Ammunition Types[edit]
All guns use ammunition, or at least, the official models, here are the types.
Bullet(Mini Cal.)[edit]
- Description
The mini caliber bullet is a ball half a centimeter in diameter.
- Lore
It was made by Trixie Adams to suit automatic weapons that couldn’t handle higher caliber rounds, otherwise, they would easily jam.
- Uses
It is used in automatic weapons, as well as smaller weapons such as the palm pistol.
- Stats
Attacks made with this bullet deal piercing damage. Price of 1 copper piece per bullet.
Bullet(Low Cal.)[edit]
- Description
The low caliber bullet is a ball one and half centimeters in diameter.
- Lore
It was made by early firearm manufacturers, nobody in particular.
- Uses
Used with smaller, less powerful guns.
- Stats
Attacks that use this bullet deal piercing damage. The price for 1 bullet is 5 copper pieces.
Bullet(Med. Cal.)[edit]
- Description
The medium caliber bullet is a ball has a diameter of 1 inch.
- Lore
It was the first bullet made, besides the cannonball and other similar projectiles. It was used in every early firearm, but some newer models uses different ammunition.
- Uses
It is used in regular sized weapons that shoot regularly powerful shots.
- Stats
Attacks with this bullet deal piercing damage. The price for 1 bullet is 1 silver piece.
Bullet(High Cal.)[edit]
- Description
The high caliber bullet is a ball with a 1 and a half inch diameter.
- Lore
It is one of the newer rounds of ammunition, designed by General Munitions, which hired Hunter Shalom to manufacture it.
- Uses
It is used in more powerful, bigger guns.
- Stats
Attacks with this type of ammo deal piercing damage. The price for 1 bullet is 5 silver pieces.
Roll of Shot[edit]
- Description
Shot is a collection of tiny steel balls rolled in paper to function as a case. It’s roughly 1 inch in diameter and 1 inch long, in the form of a cylinder. Each ball is spherical and roughly 1 millimeter in diameter.
- Lore
It was made by Kowalski Birmingham to enhance the effectiveness of certain firearms.
- Uses
It is used in blunderbusses, scattergunnes, and shotgunnes.
- Stats
Attacks with this type of ammunition deal piercing damage. The price for 1 roll of shot is 1 gp.
Explosive Round[edit]
- Description
The explosive round is a foot long, three inches wide, and cylindrical, though the forward facing end is rounded for aerodynamics. It has a compartment filled with nitroglycerin (called halamda in the Forgetten Realms, and hellfire in Broadbarrel; it is not pure nitro though, it is more of a nitro foam, as there are many bubbles inside so that there is oxygen for combustion) and a flint shard which creates a spark when the impact of a hit strikes the flint to the steel. The explosive round is not welded together, instead, it is glued together with a brittle glue, which breaks upon the impact of a hit.
- Lore
It was made by Kowalski Birmingham to make shots explosive.
- Uses
It is used in guns specially designed to hold explosive rounds, so that the projectiles explode on contact.
- Stats
Attacks with this deal fire damage and knock the target prone, provided they fail a Dexterity save with a DC equal to the damage they took, which is made after they take damage. If the DC is greater than 30, they automatically fail. They also deal 1d3 bludgeoning damage to the target, but only the target, regardless if the the gun used to fire this projectile has the explosive property, though that damage roll is made with disadvantage. The price for 1 explosive round is 5 gold pieces.
- Description
The cannonball is a solid steel sphere that is one decimeter wide.
- Lore
It was the first projectile made to be fired with gunpowder, originally used in cannons, now used in certain firearms.
- Uses
It is used in handgunnes and gonnes.
- Stats
Attacks with this type of ammunition deal bludgeoning damage. The price of 1 cannonball is 3 gold pieces.
Ammunition Variants[edit]
Ammunition can be made differently, here are some of the variants:
- Leaden
The projectile is made of lead, and the target is poisoned for the rest of the round and at the end of the battle, if still alive, gets lead poisoning (called shotcurse in Broadbarrel), see the links section.
- Waxed
This projectile is made of wax, the damage type switches to nonlethal bludgeoning, and the damage doll is made with disadvantage. Additionally, if the gun using this variant of projectile has the explosive property, it does not come into play for the attack where a waxed projectile is used. If the waxed projectile is an explosive round, it will not knock the target prone.
- Aerodynamic
This projectile gets a pointed end, deals an additional 1 piercing damage, and adds a +1 bonus to the attack roll.
- Flint
The projectile is laced with flint dust, and the attack that uses this type of ammo deal a bonus 1d4 fire damage, though that roll is made with disadvantage.
- Powdered
The projectile comes with explosive powder already inside of it, lowering the reload time from one to the other in the way shown below, and allowing you to reload as an attack, if it doesn’t already.
- FE -> The reload is part of the attack
Automatic weapons are not effected by this.
- Silvered
The projectile counts as silvered, meaning targets with resistance or immunity to non magical attacks are vulnerable to attacks made with this bullet.
You may add multiple variations to the same projectile. For every variation you add multiplies the cost of the bullet by two, so, for example, a powdered roll of shot would cost 2 gp, a leaden powdered roll of shot would cost 4 gp, an aerodynamic leaden powdered roll of shot would cost 8 gp, and so on so forth.
Unique Powdergunnes[edit]
These are special guns found only in the Broadbarrel campaign setting, you could use them in other settings, but the lore will be off by a long shot, heh, long shot, get it? ‘Cause guns....
- Lore Overview
Yes, it is always written in all capital letters, and yes, it always has the word haha written before it. It’s basically a rotary autocannon that Kowalski Birmingham made for the sole purpose of it being awesome.
- Description
It has three long steel barrels connected at the base and the tip by metal sheets with holes in them, the holes being where the barrels fit in. It uses a container of water located in the base of the gun which evaporates under the heat of Broadbarrel, turning a “turbine” with the steam which rotates the barrels and the mechanism that feeds ammunition in. The base of the gun contains the previously described water container, as well as a handle and a lever. When the level is pushed down, the match inside of it is forced into the barrel, which ignites the propellant that shoots explosive rounds out of the barrel.
Obtained: Wielded by Kowalski Birmingham himself. Cannot be bought.
Ammo Type: Explosive Rounds
Properties: Ammunition (range 40/120), Capacity (20, FL), Misfire (10, Explode), Recoil (6), Automatic (5), Spread, Two-Handed, Heavy, Unwieldy (22), Explosive (10), Hooked (22), Special
Damage: 50d3
Rarity: Artifact
Weight: 100 lbs
By the end of a long rest, all of the water in the water container of HAHA BIG BOOMINATER will have evaporated, and new water must be placed in the container, which takes 1 minute, and expends a gallon of water. If there is water to expend, but not a gallon, then it will evaporate by the end of a short rest instead. If there is no water to expend at all, it cannot be refilled. Additionally, it is so heavy that it needs two people to hold it, tracked vehicles such as carts and sleds will also suffice.
Trixie’s Automaton[edit]
- Lore Overview
An automatic gun that is really, really automatic; it fires itself! It was made by Trixie Adams to protect her while she slept.
- Description
Trixie’s Automaton uses a mainspring to turn all the gears so that it can work. It utilizes galena(lead sulphide) that detects a source of heat, and when it does, it creates an electrical spark which lights the match in the matchlock mechanism, turning it on and keeping it on until it’s no longer hot; when it dies. The spark that the galena makes helps locate the source of heat via relative positioning, from there, it excites magnetite inside of it which turns iron gears, unlike the other gears, typically made of non-ferrous material such as lead, as those gears turn, it zones Trixie’s Automaton in on it’s target. Additionally, it has a few magic runes inscribed inside of it that regenerate lost ammunition, allowing for infinite fire. It has some small wheels that allows it to be pushed around. Other than that, it’s not much different than your average chaingunne.
Medium construct, unaligned Armor Class 21 (Natural Armor)
Skills Perception +11 Overheating: Whenever Trixie’s Automaton makes an attack, it gains a heat point. When it reaches 11 heat points, it takes 1 point of fire damage per heat point after 10 at the end of it’s turn. It loses 1d2 heat points at the end of every round. Heat seeking: Trixie’s Automaton can only make attacks against creatures objects that are hot. It automatically attacks the closest hot thing that it sees, unless it is turned off, which can be done as a bonus action if the person turning it off knows how to and is within 5 feet of it. While it is turned off, it cannot make attacks. It can be turned back on the same way it is turned off. ACTIONSBullet Barrage (Recharge 4-6): Trixie’s Automaton lets out a barrage of bullets in a 60-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw, taking 98 (12d12) piercing damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Creatures more than 30 feet away from Trixie’s Automaton have advantage on this save. Fire: Trixie’s Automaton let’s out a supple amount of bullets, pick a target within 45 ft., each creature within 5 feet of the target must make a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw, taking 30 (12d4) piercing damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The target has disadvantage on this save.
LEGENDARY ACTIONSThe Trixie’s Automaton can take 2 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature's turn. The Trixie’s Automaton regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn. Interception Fire (Recharge 3-6): Trixie’s Automaton makes a Fire attack. Cooldown: Trixie’s Automaton loses 1d3 heat points. Reload (Costs 2 Actions, Recharge 6): Trixie’s Automaton’s Bullet Barage recharges. |
Extra Note[edit]
Trixie’s Automaton is treated as a creature for the purposes of the fact that it attacks by itself.
Buyer’s Bounty[edit]
- Lore Overview
A gun made by Ryan Colt to be sold in auction.
- Description
Buyer’s Bounty is made of 100% 24 karat gold and studded with high quality, perfectly cut jewels of varying sizes. Other than that, it seems to be shaped like a modern day RMB-93. Instead of the normal loading system of a shotgun, Buyer’s Bounty has a coin slot that allows coins to be placed inside which are fired like shotgun slugs. Instead of using powder to fire the coins, it uses a spring, which is primed via the gun being cocked.
Obtained: Sold at an auction hosted by Ryan Colt. (Specifications determined by DM)
Ammo Type: Coins
Properties: Ammunition(range 30/65), Capacity(5*,ACT/ATK - See special property for special capacity rules), Misfire(2,Jam), Recoil(6), Two-Handed, Cocking, Special
Damage: See the special property.
Rarity: Artifact
Weight: 25 lbs
- Buyer’s Bounty Specialty
The damage dealt by the types of coins loaded and how many coins are loaded. Copper coins deal 1d4 damage per coin, silver coins deal 1d6 damage per coin, electrum coins deal 1d8 damage per coin, gold coins deal 1d10 damage per coin, and platinum coins deal 1d12 damage per coin. This damage is bludgeoning damage. Up to 5 coins can be loaded at a time.
- Lore
Made by Hunter Shalom, this gun is very simple, but easily replaceable and modifiable due to it’s built in instructions.
- Description
This gun consists of a metal tube capped at one end so that it functions as a barrel and a small hole on said cap to fit in a firing mechanism. Other than that, it’s a blank slate, except for one aspect… engraved on the metal of the Forge-a-Firearm is instructions and blueprints for how to build said firearm and some simple guidelines for modifying it.
Obtained: Commonly found in bundles of 5-20 at most gun shops, without mods. Also found in the population.
Ammo Type: Bullet(Med. Cal.)
Properties: Ammunition(range 40/80), Capacity(1,BAR), Misfire(3,Bend), Recoil(6), Loading, Light, Special
Damage: 1d12
Rarity: Common (unlike all other unique powdergunnes)
Weight: 25 lbs
- Forge-a-Firearm Specialty
Any checks made to repair, mod, or craft this firearm are made with advantage. When forged or found(but not bought), the crafter chooses up to three gun mods to apply to the weapon at no cost(tinker’s tools check still made).
Special Firearms[edit]
These are special firearms that can be found in any setting with firearms, but are unique in some way in the fact that they cannot be bought, and are usually found in a specific location. Feel free to add your own additions to it, as the more the merrier, just make sure that it isn’t already a gun and can’t be modded into one.
This is a siege weapon that can be handheld, though usually has high recoil and is very heavy, not to mention the lesser damage.
Name | Cost | Ammo Type | Range | Misfire | Recoil | Capacity | Properties | Damage | Rarity | Weight | Origin |
Microgunne | 5,000 gp | Bullet(Mini Cal.) | Ammunition(range 60/120) | Misfire(10,Break) | Recoil(20) | Capacity(100,FL) | Two-Handed, Heavy, Unwieldy(20), Hooked(20), Automatic(20), Special | 1d100 | artifact | 85 lbs | Chaingunne |
Coilgunne | 20,000 gp | Crossbow Bolt | Ammunition(range 100/300) | — | Recoil(1) | Capacity(1,Part of Attack) | Hooked(20), Heavy, Unwieldy(17), Two-Handed, Inaccurate(1d8), Special | 6d20(piercing) | aritifact | 50 lbs | Railgunne |
Blaster | 10,000 gp | — | — | — | — | — | Reach, Light, Versatile, Special | 2d8(radiant) | artifact | 8 lbs | Raygunne |
Coehorn | 5,000 gp | Explosive Round | Ammunition(range 80/200) | Misfire(10,Explode) | Recoil(1) | Capacity(1,FL) | Hooked(20), Loading, Heavy, Unwieldy(15), Two-Handed, Inaccurate(1d12), Explosive(20) | 3d20 | artifact | 35 lbs | Mortar |
Flamer | 10,000 gp | Explosive Round | Ammunition(range 20/25) | Misfire(8, Explode) | - | Capacity(2,FL) | Hooked(20), Two-Handed, Heavy, Unwieldy(14), Spread, Special | 18d2 | artifact | 30 lbs | Firegunne |
Striker | 10,000 gp | Roll of Shot | Ammunition(range 30/60) | Misfire(8,Break) | Recoil(5) | Capacity(20,FL) | Hooked(20), Heavy, Two-Handed, Unwieldy(16), Spread, Automatic(3) | 2d12 | artifact | 45 lbs | Shredder |
- Microgunne Specialty
This gun is prone to overheating, this means the following: If this gun shoots more than 30 projectiles in a single attack, it will deal an amount of fire damage to the wielder equal to every projectile fired after 30 during the attack, and this gun will misfire if it shoots more than 50 projectiles, the kind of misfire being the following misfire type: Explode.
- Coilgunne Specialty
The coilgunne has a magnetic field that grants a +2 AC bonus against attacks made from ferrous material.
- Blaster Specialty
The blaster is considered a melee weapon as described in the properties section and as such doesn’t follow the guns variant rule, additionally, targets attacked by the blaster are poisoned and blinded for the rest of the round.
- Flamer Specialty
The flamer doesn’t shoot explosive rounds, it just shoots the explosives inside, meaning it won’t deal any bludgeoning damage to the target.
The needlegunne turns junk into sharp flechettes that can be fired from the barrel.
Cost: 600 gp
Ammo Type: Blowgun Needles
Properties: Ammunition(range 40/120), Capacity(20,ACT), Misfire(5,Bend), Recoil(2), Spread, Bayonetted(1d10), Special, Two-Handed, Heavy
Damage: Varies (piercing)
Rarity: Very Rare
Weight: 20 lbs
- Needlegunne Specialty
The needlegunne can turn any item into blowgun needles via press, in which it shoots. The item can be turned into it’s gp value worth of blowgun needles. A maximum of 10 blowgun needles can be loaded at a time during a reload. Whenever it is fired, all loaded blowgun needles are expended, and the target(s) take 1d4 piercing damage per expended needle.
The Firearm of the Archmagi[edit]
This gun is made by some mystical figure to defend themself without the use of spells.
Cost: 100,000 gp
Ammo Type: Arcane Focuses
Properties: Ammunition(range 200/600), Capacity(1,FL), Misfire(1,Explode), Recoil(2), Explosive(15), Special, Two-Handed, Hooked(14)
Damage: 1d100 (force)
Rarity: Artifact
Weight: 15 lbs
- The Firearm of The Archmagi’s Specialty
This damage is considered magical.
This gun is hobbled together, likely by a bandit or other similar foe, and is much more prone to recoil and misfire, but is very powerful.
Cost: 500 gp
Ammo Type: Cannonball
Properties: Ammunition(range 40/120), Capacity(9,FL), Misfire(12,Break), Recoil(3), Automatic(3), Two-Handed, Hooked(16), Heavy, Unwieldy(10d2, rolled when found), Special
Damage: 1d20 (bludgeoning)
Rarity: Uncommon
Weight: 40 lbs
- Scrapgunne Specialty
When found, this gun has 1d6 gun mods on it, chosen randomly by the DM.
This gun spits flaming projectiles of any magnitude.
Cost: 1,000 gp
Ammo Type: Any
Properties: Ammunition(range 20/60), Capacity(1,BAR), Misfire(3,Explode), Recoil(3), Explosive(5), Special, Two-Handed, Hooked(14), Loading
Damage: 3d5 (fire)
Rarity: Rare
Weight: 15 lbs
- Brazier Specialty
Each attack made uses up a bit of sulphur, if there is no sulphur, the attack cannot be made.
Siege Firearms[edit]
These are firearms that are large and supposed to be mounted on a surface, some are anti-personnel, other are armor piercing, some are for defense, some are for offense, I’m saying that they aren’t limited to siege.
Extra Note[edit]
Do please note that the following equation was used to find the cost for these firearms, and may be changed, whatever you or your DM wish: Cost in GP = (Siege Engine HP * 10) * (Tons, or less, of Exotic Materials + 1) * [1 + (Maximum Average Damage Output per Round / 100)] You can read more about this at https://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Talk:Constructing_Siege_Engines_(5e_Variant_Rule).
Medium Object
Armor Class: 19
Hit Points: 60
Damage Immunities: Poison, Psychic
Cost: 1,800
A heavy, automatic, rotary barreled gun that is belt fed. Because it is automatic, and it would take a very long time to wind up, so instead it uses a hand crank to turn the barrel and fed the belt into said barrel. Typically made of steel and mounted on the ground or a vehicle of some sort, instead of carried by wheel. However, to prevent overheating, it has a barrel made out of wolfram.
It takes an action to attack, a bonus action to aim, and a full action to reload. It can store a maximum of 100 bullets(mini cal.) before it needs to be reloaded. If there are no bullets(mini cal.) stored, then an attack cannot be aimed. Every bullet(mini cal.) shot gives it a heat point. At the end of every round, it loses 1d10 heat points, if the total heat point value of it is greater than 500, it glows maroon and that die switches to 1d12, if the total heat point value of it is greater than 900, it glows red and that die switches to 1d20. If the total heat point value of it exceeds 1000, then it glows scarlet, damage/attack rolls made are made with disadvantage, and deals 1d4 fire damage to the user at the end of every round, this increases by 1d4 every 100 heat points, at a heat point value of 2000, it glows orange and warps, and can no longer shoot until repaired with a successful DC 20 tinker tool’s check, which can only be made when it has 25 or less heat points.
Full on Assault The chaingunne expends all ammunition stored inside of it. Each creature in an 80 ft. cone must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw, taking 3(1d4) piercing damage per bullet shot on a failed save(by per bullet shot, if 100 bullets are shot, that’s 100d4 damage, but that damage is spread out among the creatures, so, in total, 100d4 damage will be dealt, but not to each creature), and half as much on a success. Creatures within 20 ft. of the chaingunne have disadvantage on this save. Creatures beyond 45 ft. of the chaingunne take half damage on a fail and no damage on a success, instead.
Fire The chaingunne expends 20 rounds of ammunition if it has it, otherwise, the damage roll is made with disadvantage. Each creature in an 80 ft. line 5 ft. wide must make a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw, taking 50(20d4) piercing damage on a failed save, and half as much on a success. Creatures within 30 ft. of the chaingunne have disadvantage on this save. Creatures beyond 60 ft. of the chaingunne take half damage on a fail and no damage on a success, instead.
Single Shot Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, range 60/180 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d8) piercing damage. The attack and damage roll are made with advantage, and the attack is a critical hit on a 19-20 instead of a 20. The chaingunne expends 1 round of ammunition.
Gargantuan Object
Armor Class: 24
Hit Points: 800
Damage Immunities: Poison, Psychic
Damage Resistances: Non-magical Damage except Non-Magical Lightning Damage
Damage Vunerablities: Lightning Damage, Massive Damage from Siege Beasts or Siege Engines
Cost: 121,600 gp
A huge firearm that propels massive armor piercing bolts with refined magnetite, manned by dozens of people, but with one pilot.
It can hold a maximum of 6 armor piercing bolts at a time, and each armor pricing bolt requires 50 gp of materials, which are expended when the bolt is created, a component pouch, and a successful DC 20 smith’s tools check to make, and takes 2 hours to make. Natural and non-natural armor is ignored when making an attack against a target. When it takes lightning damage, it is forced to make a Load and Fire or Pulse attack as a reaction. Attacks that siege engines or beasts make against it are considered magical for the sake of overcoming resistances.
It takes a full action to take one of the following actions:
Turn Left The railgunne turns left on it’s mounting station up to 90°, with the exact amount chosen by the pilot.
Turn Right The railgunne turns right on it’s mounting station up to 90°, with the exact amount chosen by the pilot.
Tread Forward The railgunne travels forward along it’s treads up to 20 ft., with the exact amount chosen by the pilot.
Tread Backward The railgunne travels forward along it’s treads up to 20 ft., with the exact amount chosen by the pilot.
Load & Fire Ranged Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, range 200/600 ft., one target. Hit: 90 (20d8) piercing damage. The target is grappled as the bolt impales them on a hit(escape DC 20), while it is grappled, it is restrained and takes 1d4 bludgeoning damage at the end of each round(except the round it was hit by the bolt) as the weight of the bolt falls on them and pushes outward from the point of penetration. One armor piercing bolt is expended. All terrain within 10 ft. of the target is considered difficult terrain and all creatures on said terrain must make a DC 18 Dexterity save or be knocked prone as the ground cracks and is uplifted, and a cloud of dust and debris rises, heavily obscuring all area within 10 ft. of the target. This attack can only be made if the target is being aimed at, see the aim attack below.
Aim The railgunne aims the barrel up or down with a series of pulleys, if the railgunne is pointing in the direction of the target, the target is considered being aimed at, and will continue to be considered aimed at until it moves.
Pulse The railgunne creates a pulse of (magnetic) force. All creatures within 200 feet of the railgunne wearing ferrous armor are lifted into the air and take 1d6 bludgeoning damage for every 10 feet away from they are, as if they were falling, and they end up prone within 5 feet of the railgunne. All creatures within 200 feet of the railgunne holding/wielding a ferrous object are disarmed, and their object is sent anywhere within 5 feet of the railgunne. All creatures within 200 feet of the railgunne take 1d20 lightning damage and must make a Constitution save with a DC equal to the lightning damage they just took or are stunned for 1d4 rounds.
Large Object
Armor Class: 16
Hit Points: 50
Damage Immunities: Poison, Psychic
Cost: 1,500 gp
The raygunne is likely the most complex weapon in this Broadbarrel, and DMs may choose to forgo it because it’s so high tech, even if it is used, it would only be experimental, and not found mainstream in the world. It works by magnifying radiation from a hunk of uranium in the raygunne with a high powered telescope.
It can take one actions on its turn. It shines bright light in a 10 ft. radius, and dim light for another 10 ft..
Track Target The raygunne zones in on a target, and the target is considered aimed at.
Ray Attack The raygunne shoots a ray out. Pick a target, the target‘s ray point level increases by 1, see the ray table below. The target loses all ray point levels when it is no longer being aimed at, and this attack can only be made when the target is being aimed at.
Magnify The raygunne’s telescope magnifies by having another lens be inserted into itself. Whenever a target is attack by the raygunne’s ray attack, they suffer two ray point levels instead of one. This action can only be taken once, and the effect of this lasts only for 5 rounds, after that, the lens melts, and must be replaced with 3 GP of glass and other materials and a successful DC 12 glassblower’s tools check.
Ray Table[edit]
When a creature suffers a ray point level, they get an effect determined by this table, and suffer the effects of all ray point levels below. If the effect is damage, they take the damage at the end of the round. The random disease is chosen by the DM. Both the random disease and cancer are permanent until cured, the don’t go away when they lose their ray point levels.
Ray Point Level | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | |
Effect | Blinded | Poisoned | 1d6 Radiant Damage | 1d6 Poison Damage | 1d10 Fire Damage | 1 Level of Exhaustion | A Random Disease | Cancer |
Extra Note[edit]
Do please note that cancer is a disease found in the links section.
Small Object
Armor Class: 20
Hit Points: 120
Damage Immunities: Poison, Psychic
Cost: 1,320 go
The mortar is a gun that fires explosive rounds with deadly force, though with low capacity and high reload time.
It takes an action to load, aim, or fire the mortar. It can hold 1 explosive round before it needs to be reloaded.
Fire Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, range 100/300 ft., 10 ft. radius. Hit: 33 (5d12) fire damage. An explosive round is expended. Dust and smoke lifts and for the rest of the round a 5 ft. radius centered on the target is lightly obscured. All creatures in the radius must succeed a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or be knocked prone. The damage roll is made with disadvantage to all creatures except the target, in which the damage roll is made with advantage. The target takes 1d3 bludgeoning damage, though that damage roll is made with disadvantage.
Medium Object
Armor Class: 20
Hit Points: 100
Damage Immunities: Poison, Psychic, Fire
Cost: 2,840 gp
Also called flamethrowers in modern times. It extracts the explosives inside explosive rounds and sprays it with an air compartment, which has air pumped into it and released with a valve. Typically it is made of wolfram so that it doesn't overheat too easily.
It takes an action to load, fire, or aim the firegunne. Every time an attack is made, it gains a heat point. It loses 1d2-1 heat point at the end of every round. At 10 heat points, the only attack that can be made is the explode attack. It can hold 2 explosive rounds at a time before it needs to be reloaded.
Blaze The firegunne sprays out fire. All creatures in a 15 ft. cone must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 10d3 fire damage on a fail, and half as much on a success. 1 explosive round is expended. All creatures that take damage are set ablaze, see the links section.
Explode The firegunne combusts. All loaded explosive rounds are expended, and each creature within 15 ft. of the firegunne must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 5d6 or 10d6 fire damage on a fail(they take 5d6 damage if only 1 explosive round was expended, and 10d6 if 2 were expended), and half as much on a success. The user and firegunne take this damage too. All creatures that take damage are set ablaze, see the links section.
Air Blast The firegunne blasts out air from it’s compartment. Each creature in a 20 ft. line 5 ft. wide must succeed a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw or be winded. When a creature is winded, roll a d3. On a 1, the creature is knocked prone. On a 2, the creature is lifted up in the air 1d3*10 feet. On a 3, roll a d2, on a 1, they take 1d4 bludgeoning damage, on a 2, they take 1d4 thunder damage. Additionally, the area of effect in which this attack has is considered strong wind(20 mph).
Small Object
Armor Class 23
Hit Points: 250
Damage Immunities: Poison, Psychic
Cost: 16,875 gp
The shredder stores multiple rolls of shot, and releases them with a quick burst, annihilating anything in it’s path as bladed spikes slash and pierce.
It takes an action to load (up to) 5 rolls of shot, and an action to make an attack. It can hold up to 50 rolls of shot. It takes a full action to pack it with explosive powder, a gunner’s kit is required to pack it with powder.
Blast Shot The shredder shoots it’s shot. All loaded rolls of shot are expended. And all creatures within 30 ft. of the shredder take 1d8 piercing damage per expended roll of shot. The shredder must be packed with explosively powder, and after the attack, it is no longer packed with explosive powder.
Impale The shredder has bladed spikes protrude from the holes inside, dealing 1d12 piercing damage to all creatures within 10 ft. of the shredder. The shredder is then considered primed. It can be unprimed as a bonus action. While it is primed, it cannot make the blast shot attack or be reloaded.
Slice & Dice The shredder spins quickly, dealing 3d6 slashing damage to all creatures within 5 ft. of the shredder.
Gun Mods[edit]
Guns are highly modifiable, these are some modifications that can be added. Each gun mod requires an amount of gold pieces(or its equivalent) in the form of materials and a successful tinker’s tools check equal to the score written next to the mod’s name in parentheses, you may only have one gun mod per category of gun mods. If you fail the check, the money is expended, but gun mod is not created.
Receivers are what function the gun, and act like a hub, connecting the bullets, trigger, barrel, and all that stuff.
- Automatic Receiver(16)
This receiver allows for automatic fire, which means the following: The gun gains the automatic property, and, if the modder so chooses, the gun gains the spread property, but it costs an extra 5 gold pieces to make and puts a -1 penalty on the tinker’s tools check made to make this mod. If the gun with this mod has the cocking or loading property, it loses it. The gunfire quota for the automatic gun is equal to half of it’s capacity, rounding up.
- Semi-Automatical Receiver(14)
This receiver allows for semi-automatic fire, which means the following: The gun loses the following properties, if it has them:
- Automatic
- Spread(unless the ammo used to fire this gun is the following ammo type: Roll of shot)
- Cocking
- Loading
- Manual receiver(12)
This receiver allows for manual fire, which means the following: The gun gains the cocking property. And loses the following properties, if it had them:
- Automatic
- Spread(unless the ammo used to fire this gun is the following ammo type: Roll of shot)
Barrels determine what size of ammunition fit in the gun.
- Tiny Barrel(15)
The barrel is very small, which means the following: The ammo type changes to the following ammo type: Bullet(Mini Cal.)
- Small Barrel(14)
The barrel is small, which means the following: The ammo type changes to the following ammo type: Bullet(Low Cal.)
- Normal Barrel(13)
The barrel is normal sized, which means the following: The ammo type changes to one of the two following ammo types, chosen by the modder:
- Bullet(Med. Cal.)
- Roll of Shot(if this ammo type is chosen, the gun the spread property)
- Large Barrel(14)
The barrel is big, which means the following: The ammo type changes to the following ammo type: Bullet(High Cal.) Additionally, you get a +1d4 damage bonus on damage rolls made with the weapon with this mod, though this roll is made with disadvantage.
- Huge Barrel(15)
The barrel is very big, which means the following: The ammo type changes to one of the two following ammo types, chosen by the modder:
- Cannonball
- Explosive Round
Triggers are what light the explosive powder that propels the projectile.
- Matchlock(10)
The gun uses a matchlock system which sets a burning wick to the explosive powder when the trigger is pulled, this means the following: The gun is affected by the properties of matchlock guns in the guns variant rule, see the links section.
- Wheellock(14)
The gun uses a wheel lock system where the trigger’s lock scrapes against steel to create a spark that lights the explosive powder, this means the following: The gun is not affected by the properties of matchlock guns in the guns variant rule, see the links section.
- Flintlock(17)
The gun works in the same way as a wheellock gun, but the lock is made of flint to get a better spark, this means the following: The gun is not affected by the properties of matchlock guns in the guns variant rule, see the links section. Additionally, if the gun with this mod misfires, the projectile will still hit the target.
Stocks help with recoil and stability, and rest upon or push into your shoulder.
- Stock(14)
This stock helps you stabilize and steady your gun by a small margin, this means the following: Increases the recoil score of the gun by 2, and decreases the strength requirement to use this weapon with the hooked property without it being hooked by 1.
- Recoil Compensating Stock(17)
This stock helps you steady your gun, this means the following: Doubles the recoil score of the gun, at a minimum of a recoil score of three.
- Weight Stabilizing Stock(17)
This stock helps you stabilize your gun, this means the following: The strength modified of the user is doubled when considering whether one can use this gun with the hooked property without it being hooked via the strength requirement.
- High End Stock(20)
This stock can do what all stocks can do, but better, this means the following: Removes the following properties from the gun with this mod:
- Hooked
- Recoil
Sights are what help you aim and hit your target. You can start and stop aiming as a bonus action. While you are aiming, your speed is halved. You can only gain bonus from your sights when aiming.
- Iron Sights(12)
Iron sights don’t have any magnification, just a crosshair, this means the following: Your proficiency modifier is doubled when considering attack rolls for the gun with this mod.
- Mounted Lens(14)
A mounted lens adds slight magnification, this means the following: Your proficiency modifier is doubled when considering attack rolls for the gun with this mod. Additionally, your normal range increases by 50%, and your long range doubles.
- Mounted Spyglass(18)
A mounted spyglass adds high magnification, this means the following: Your proficiency modifier is doubled when considering attack rolls for the gun with this mod. Additionally, your normal range doubles, and your long range triples.
- Crystal Ball(22)
A crystal ball let’s you see anywhere, this means the following: Your proficiency modifier is doubled when considering attack rolls for the gun with this mod. Additionally, your normal range doubles, and your long range triples. You can choose to succeed attack rolls made with this gun thrice per day, and one of those can be succeeded with a critical roll as well.
Ammo Storage[edit]
All guns need to store ammo somehow, be it barrel, clip, or magazine.
- Barrel(10)
The gun has a singular barrel in which the gun is loaded, this means the following: The capacity score of the gun with this mod is set to 1.
- Double Barrel(12)
The gun gets a secondary barrel to load bullets into, this means the following: The gun gains the loading property, and the capacity score is set to 2.
- Clip(14)
The gun uses a clip, which consists of a metal strip with ridges in which the projectiles sit tightly between, this means the following: The gun’s capacity score is set to either 3, 4, or 5, chosen by the modder. If the capacity is 3, the tinker’s tools check to make this mod gets a +1 bonus to the roll. If the capacity is 5, the tinker’s tools check to make this mod gets a -1 penalty to the roll.
- Cylinder(16)
The gun uses a cylinder, which is what things like revolvers use, this means the following: The capacity score of the gun is set to 6.
- Magazine(18)
The gun uses a magazine, which is similar to a clip, however, it is has an outer casing and allows for higher capacity, this means the following: The capacity score of the gun is set to 7, 8, 9, or 10, chosen by the modder. If the capacity is 7, the tinker’s tools check to make this mod gets a +1 bonus to the roll, and the mod costs 3 gold pieces less to make. If the capacity is 9, the tinker’s tools check to make this mod gets a -1 penalty to the roll, and the mod costs 3 gold pieces more to make. If the capacity is 10, the tinker’s tools check to make this mod gets a -2 penalty to the roll, and the mod costs 5 more gold pieces to make.
- Tubular Magazine(20)
This gun is uses a magazine that is shaped in a tube to fit more projectiles, this means the following: The gun gets a capacity score ranging from 11 to 20, chosen by the modder. If it is 16 or higher, the tinker’s tools check is made to make this mod is made with disadvantage, if it is 15 or lower, it is made with advantage.
- Belt(25)
This gun uses a belt, which is like a clip, but it’s a strip, not the ridges though, they are still metal to hold the bullets, is made out of leather treated to be blast resistant, this way more projectiles can be fit, this means the following: The capacity score of the gun with this mod is any number greater than 20, chosen by the modder. If it is greater than 30, the gun will get the following property:
- Special: This gun is prone to overheating, this means the following: If this gun shoots more than 30 projectiles in a single attack, it will deal an amount of fire damage to the wielder equal to every projectile fired after 30 during the attack, and this gun will misfire if it shoots more than 50 projectiles, the kind of misfire being the following misfire type: Explode.
Melee Capabilities[edit]
Melee capabilities are what allow guns to be effective in close range.
- Sawed off Front(8)
This gun’s barrel is sawed of one the front of it, making it jagged and sharp, this means the following: The gun gains the bayoneted(1d4) property.
- Bayonet(12)
This gun has a blade situated at the front, this means the following: The gun gains the bayonetted(1d6) property.
- Combination Weapon(16)
This gun is a mix between a gun and a pointed weapon of sorts, this means the following: The gun gains the bayonetted(1d8) property.
- Gunsword(20)
This gun is a combination weapon that is more suited for melee combat, and is combined with a sword, this means the following: The gun gains the bayonetted(1d10) property.
- Gunlance(25)
This gun is more lance than gun, but retains the features it normally has, this means the following: The gun gains the following properties:
- Bayonetted(1d12)
- Reach
- Heavy
- Mounted Drill(30)
This gun has a drill mounted on the front, which is turned via crank on the side, this means the following: The gun gains the following properties:
- Bayonetted(1d20)
- Reach
- Heavy
Suppressors help with the umph of your gun.
- Muzzle Brake(13)
Muzzle breaks help with nullifying recoil, making it easier to steady your gun, this means the following: Steadying your gun can now be done as a free action, though you can only take this free action if you have not taken any other free actions on your turn and you can’t take any more free actions on your turn after taking this free action.
- Silencer(15)
A silencer will make your gun more suited for stealth in the way that is blocks the light and sound emitted from firing, this means the following: Firing your gun will not reveal your location.
- Extender(17)
This gun mod is an extension of the barrel, which straightens the path of the projectile fired, meaning the following: The gun loses the spread property if it has it, and has the normal range increased by 20 feet, and the far range increased by 50 feet.
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