Perfect Cube (5e Spell)
5th-level Abjuration (ritual) | |
Casting time: | 1 action |
Components: | V,S,M (1 Emerald, which doesn't get used up in the spell) |
Duration: | Concentration, 30 minutes |
Holding the Emerald aloft, it begins to glow, growing into a cube of force energy. The cube grows to the desired size (from 1 inch on edge up to 5 feet on edge), and things are still able to pass through it. It then "locks" when the spell is finished casting, forming an impenetrable barrier of force energy on all sides. During the "locking", a creature on the border of the cube must make a DC 10 Dexterity save or take 2d6 force damage. The cube is still subjected to gravity and can be moved but weighs no more than a hollow glass cube of similar size. Creatures and items can be trapped in here and are still subject to being jostled thus. Nothing can physically pass through the cube without a charisma save. The cube can be destroyed by a damage source that causes disintegration, such as a disintegrate spell, dispel magic 5th level or 30 or more fire damage.
For every level above 5th, the duration is extended by 5 minutes
When cast as a ritual, the Perfect Cube lasts for 24 hours, with every level above 5th extending the duration by 4 hours.
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