Call Bird (5e Spell)

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Revision as of 13:29, 26 January 2020 by Leíf (talk | contribs) (changed the spell from cantrip to 1st level, added CR limit, and added ritual tag.)
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Call Bird
1st-level Conjuration (ritual)
Casting time: 6 hour
Range: 30 ft
Components: V,S,M (A handful of seeds.)
Duration: Instantaneous

Choose one bird of small or tiny size that you can see, that has a CR below that of 1/8, within range. The user mimics the call of the bird, before feeding it. If the type of bird chosen is not intelligent enough to understand speech, it can now understand simple commands such as "Attack this Zombie," or "Bring this message to the Mayor." You may only have one bird under your control at a time.

In combat, you can issue commands as an action, but if the commands are unreasonable, or too complex to understand, the bird will not obey. [DM has the final ruling.] If the type of bird is not listed in the 5e Monsters Manual, apply the statistics of a roughly equivalently-sized bird.

The bird will follow you if it is not currently under an order, until it is dismissed or killed. The bird may leave to hunt or scavenge for food on its own, when not currently under an order, but will never fly too far from you to hear your call. If the bird is placed in a cage, the effect will wear off.

If you use this spell while you already have a bird from this spell, the original bird then breaks free from your control.

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