Tilia (Existence Supplement)

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The Basics[edit]

Tilia is the eastern most nation upon the southern continent and the longest, covering land from the Inner Sea all the way to the Forsaken Pass. Though the southern portion of the continent is thin, it butts right up against the Meroria Mountains along nearly its entire west side, having long since hindered the nation’s ability to expand.

Tilia has four major cities throughout its expanse, though many minor cities and towns exist and are used for trading. Noa Olan, the capitol and largest of the cities, sits on the Slit River where it meets the ocean and does quite a bit of trading with Fertor far up the eastern coast. Noa Borta sits upon the mouth of the Quick Falls river, and is also a major trade city, though much smaller than Noa Olan. San Oron, sitting where Tilia meets the Great Forest and the Meroria Mountains, is a well fortified mining and logging city. Much of the wood and ore needed throughout the nation is acquired from this city, though in more recent years the wood has been less frequent with the war between Tilia and the elves. Matill, a fortified sea port, sits where Tilia meets the Inner Sea and the eastern Dead Pass, with many cavalry units stationed in order to run down any threats that emerge from the Dead Pass, while having a strong navy to protect the nation from any major naval invasions.


The Tilia pantheon is the prevalent belief system, though with their faith comes much of how the world is perceived. After many hundreds of years of women being treated as little more than tools for breeding, the nation had a major upheaval and the women took charge of everything. This went well within the pantheon for the goddesses were focused on almost exclusively. The power the goddesses gained allowed them to beat down and capture all but one of the male gods in the pantheon and sentence them to eternity in the lower reaches of their plane. The one god to escape was set as guardian of the other males, with great rewards granted so long as they remained forever captive.

Race & Gender[edit]

After thousands of years of the local women being nothing but breeding stock, a change was well in the making. Thanks to the major war happening on the southern continent, almost two hundred years ago, more than 150 years before the end of the war, change came. With most of the men of the nation killed in the war, the women alone were left to manage everything, and with this, they took power. When the few surviving men returned home, they found everything changed, and not for the better.

Women ran everything, from politics, to shops, to even the farms, and the men became regulated to little better than slaves. A man has no formal training, where all women gain massive education to help keep the separation of gender. The men, instead of going to school, are put to work on manual labor, working the fields, the mines, or even building a building, yet always overseen by a woman who has the knowledge to manage everyone beneath them. For the military, the men serve as the soldiers as is common, though they are poorly trained and equipped, though all officers are women, and these women have no issue sending their subordinates on suicide missions in the droves. In this society, if a woman accuses a man, without another woman acting in his defense, he will always be found guilty of the crime, no matter how farfetched it is.

For races, Tilians care little, so long as they look close enough to humans that they are not considered disgusting. Thus, the elves, half-elves, dwarves, gnomes and many others are welcomed within the nation, though creatures such as goblinoids or the more exotic races are not.

Current Affairs[edit]

Doing her best to keep out of the brewing conflict between Belgoria and the Great Forest elves and Aarlan has not been easy, but with careful diplomacy and a few more lewd expeditions of her diplomats, things are looking promising. This is a good thing since a sudden increase in the number of Tengus raids has been occurring. Many small villages have been wiped out along the coast, the males slaughtered and the females gone missing, though for what reason, none are sure.

Recently, a bard has managed to slip pass the borders of Tilia from Belgoria, and he brings with him many great stories of days gone by, where the men of Tilia were expanding their borders and living the life of luxury. His favorite piece, and the one most requested, has something to do with each man having a harem of women for his own personal use and pleasures, though a likely exaggerated story it is causing quite the commotion throughout the communities. There have been some minor up risings in the more remote areas, and though these uprising have been dealt with using a very sharp sword, most times it is too late to protect the overseer and by the time the authority arrives she is either dead or most often mentally shattered as her body is, so ravaged by her underlings. A massive reward has been offered for the bard, alive, to be paid in full no matter the gender brining him in.

Though far less importance to the queen and the nation, it would seem the number of harpy sightings has increased, and though not abnormal for one to be found time to time, the increasing number has been causing alarm in the smaller villages. What else is strange is that many of the sightings are being seen along the coast and in the south instead of closer to the Dead Pass where normal sightings are made.

To the north, from the Inner Sea, raids have increased, though what really set these raids apart is that instead of typical pirates, the raiders are most often the undead. Since no serious losses have occurred, the Inner Sea fleet having suffered only a few sunken ships and ravaged coastal towns, the queen has refused to increase the size of the navy, in terms of ships or manpower.


Common Classes[edit]

Barbarian: With no formal training, and little in the way of equipment, for many to survive the way of the barbarian comes into play. Many men will answer this call when forced to war, and thanks to their more primitive natures and lack of education, the way of the barbarian is a natural course for them.

Cleric: Faith to the goddesses is quite powerful in this nation, and many temples can be seen throughout the land. The clergy are powerful in their own way, with the queen ensuring she has their blessing before any law is passed. The clergy are, of course, always women, though on occasion a few men enter as the lowest ranks to lead worship of the only male deity in the pantheon allowed to be worshipped.

Oracle: Ever since the upheaval upon the mortal plane where the Tilian faithful became a woman dominated society and the Tilian pantheon followed with the capture of all the gods by the goddesses, many have been granted blessings from up high. The oddest thing though, most of their oracles are men, though when a woman becomes such, she is honored beyond that of a minor noble.

Wizard: Using the arcane arts, women are able to bridge the gap between the physical strength of men and women. With so many schools sponsored by the state, a woman has no problem become a wizard if she has the knack for it, no matter if she has the upbringing of a peasant or a princess.

Rare Classes[edit]

Bard: A bard is a person who means to inspire others, and while the queen of Tilia does not mind this, she ensures that all bards are very closely regulated. No song, nor story, about the past before the women were in control is allowed, and the only stories told or songs sung speak of the glories and adventures of the women.

Fighter: Though Tilia has been at war often in the past, the Meroria Mountains to the west, the ocean to the east have, and the Forsaken Pass to the south has done wonders to ensure the need for a well trained, standing military is always at a minimum. With men naturally stronger than women, to compensate for this the warriors are often very poorly trained and armed.

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