Kryann Mountains (Existence Supplement)

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The Basics[edit]

The Kryann Mountains are the Easternmost mountain range of the northern continent. With the Deadlands to the north and the Wastelands to the west, the natives of the Kryann Mountains have needed to become hardy warriors, ever vigilant and ready to defend their homes. Forming a pact of peace with the Fertorians approximately two hundred years ago has secured their eastern border from most threats and allowed their focus to continue to grow where danger resides.

Krazam is the northwestern-most of all Kryann cities, located on the mountain where the East Dead River starts and still remains uncorrupted by the deadly magic coursing over the rest of the Wastelands. Krazian is located in the northeastern reaches of the range and is a stronghold against incursions from the Deadlands, protecting the heart of the Kryann Mountains from the deadly beasts that would otherwise overrun the nation. Mordo is in the central west of the range, bordering the Wastelands, and is under constant threat of undead invasion; while Krazack, the capitol city, is located on the central eastern border, and has not seen active war or major threats since the truce with Fertor long ago. Heliabiaty, the only major gnome city, is located in the southernmost reaches of the range, far from any major dwarven stronghold, and is trusted to defend the southern reaches from any incursion.

All the cities, even Heliabiaty, are connected by a vast network of underground roads, with minor cities and trade posts scattered along the way. At any time, massive dwarven and gnomish armies may use these roads to march to war if a threat is too great for a single stronghold to withstand.


The dwarves and gnomes of the Kryann mountains share a single pantheon. Though others are allowed, no true dwarf or gnome would ever worship another deity, and thus such faiths are very rare.

Race & Gender[edit]

The dwarves and gnomes are the primary residents of the mountains, though orcs and goblins are a constant threat, as are all manners of beasts typically found in mountains. Humans, dwarves and gnomes are all on the same footing, with gender having no distinction of capability. All goblinoid races are hated and hunted down, even half-orcs, and though other races may be allowed to enter, few are around to do such.

Current Affairs[edit]

With Fertor having a major political shift in power, the Dwarven Queen is unsure what the future for their peace treaty may hold. As such, the armies are gathering to prepare a defense, and with requests coming from the Yellows to seek revenge against the Greens, the Queen suspects at least minor skirmishes to be in the future. The Gnomes of Heliabiaty are ever tedious to deal with, but have been strangely quite in the recent months, leading the Queen to start to worry, as a mother of a wayward child might. As such, she has recently sent a small, well armed, band of warriors down the long pass from Krazack to the gnomish city in order to report what is going on.

From the west, the undead are stirring beyond normal, and a recent siege of Mordo was finally broken by a well formed rally from the populace. Krazam was besieged by monsters recently as well, and though no formal siege was started, the threat remains constant especially as a horde of undead seems to be approaching the city from the south. Krazian has been sending more and more raiders into the Deadlands, seeking to kill as many monsters before becoming a threat as possible, but with fewer and fewer parties returning, the city is preparing for an all out war against whatever unseen enemy might be out there.


Common Classes[edit]

Fighter: Life in the mountains is not easy, and many dwarves take up arms to defend their holds and the mountains from the constant incursions of goblinoids and other monstrosities. The current Queen also has an order for all holds to have a standing army of at least 15% of the population ready at all times, with reserves of another 20% trained and ready for battle.

Ranger: Often, small bands of dwarves are sent out to seek down and destroy a roaming monstrosity, or a small band of orcs and goblins. Many of these rangers are away from home for years at a time, protecting the frontier from all manner of threats, a few though remain in the homeland and controlled by the Queen to capture fugitives that arise at home.

Summoner: Though not naturally an arcane race, some dwarves have learned that by going the path of the summoner, they can be a much stronger fighter to protect their homes than they naturally would. The gnomes as well often choose this path instead of that of the warrior, trusting their Eidolon to protect them instead of their own weaker martial powers.

Wizard: Many of the gnomes are inquisitive creatures, and learning more is always a welcome way to pass the time between random, elaborate projects. Wizardry is a common path many gnomes take, and though a wizard is more likely to be encountered in the southern reaches of the mountain range, the Queen wisely recruits some into the army to keep at all major holds.

Rare Classes[edit]

Alchemist: Only a gnome would ever dream of becoming an alchemist, but after a massive incident 480 years ago that nearly destroyed the entire city of Heliabiaty, alchemy has been banned. A few gnomes may practice in secret, though the very nature of alchemy means that it is difficult to keep hidden for long.

Monk: A dwarf without arms and armor is no dwarf at all, and few gnomes are confident enough in their physical prowess to ever dream of becoming a monk. Thus, while there are a few outcasts that may enter into such arduous training as that which is required to become a monk, they are exceptionally rare.

Rogue: Law and order are the means to survival, and those that seek to gain through unscrupulous means are hunted down and thrown into jail for a long time. With neither race naturally nimble, few can take the path of the rogue and survive uncaught for long.

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