5e Gunslinger Classes
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Gunslinger classes tend to be martial classes that focus on using ranged firearms.
Gunslinger Classes[edit]
Name | Summary | Spellcasting | Hit Die |
Armed Infantry, Variant | A soldier with access to firearms. | 10 | |
Bounty Hunter | A being who seeks their target's death, for money, for faith, or for fun. | 8 | |
Bullet Saint | A bullet saint is a paragon of firearm combat, able to dish out powerful damage with multiple firearms at their disposal. Bullet saints follow a creed of almost worship of guns. It's their unshaken belief in their partners that gives them power. | 8 | |
Crossbowman, Variant | A crossbowman who uses his sensitivity to modify the impact of his arrows, which are formed from streams of emotions. | 10 | |
Gunfighter | A specialist in combat and manufacturing of firearms. | 8 | |
Gunman | A fighter who masters the use of firearms | 10 | |
Gunslinger | An adventurer who uses their intellect to create weaponry of mass destruction. Bang bang. | 10 | |
Gunslinger, 1st Variant | With fire and steel, these people shall claim what's theirs through the barrel of a firearm. | 8 | |
Gunslinger, 3rd Variant | third | 8 | |
Gunslinger, 5th Variant | With fire and steel, these people shall claim what's theirs through the barrel of a firearm. | 8 | |
Gunslinger, 6th Variant | With fire and steel, these people shall claim what's theirs through the barrel of a firearm. | 8 | |
Gunslinger, 7th Variant | With fire and steel, these people shall claim what's theirs through the barrel of a firearm. | 8 | |
Gunslinger, Historical Variant | "I'm your huckleberry" | 8 | |
Gunslinger, Pathfinder Variant | 8 | ||
Gunwitch, Variant | A Gunwitch is a mage of smoke and lead, weaving ancient magic with the cold precision of firearms. This class acts as a tactical hunter, calculated and prepared. | 8 |
Gunslinger Mashup Classes[edit]
Name | Summary | Spellcasting | Hit Die |
Armed Infantry | A soldier with access to simple firearms. | 10 | |
Artillery-man | Relentless and versatile soldiers who protect the people and are experts with firearms. | 10 | |
Daring Swashbuckler | A whimsically roguish martial class, en garde! | 10 | |
Devil User Rebalanced | A rebalance of the original Devil User class, based on the manga series Chainsaw Man. | 12 | |
Engineer, Variant | Utilize technological devices to your advantage! | 10 | |
Fistmancer | full | 8 | |
Fistmancer Variant | full | 8 | |
Gear Wielder | 10 | ||
Gun Witch | A class inspired by weird west style gunslingers and K6BD's Gun Witches; a spellcasting warrior that combines spells and ranged weapons into a deadly combination. | half | 8 |
Gunslinger, 4th Variant | Another gunslinger class based on single shot weapons more fitting of a medieval setting. | 10 | |
Gunslinger, Variant | "I'm your huckleberry" | 8 | |
Gunwitch | A gunwitch improves their effectiveness with firearms by using magical runes. | half | 8 |
Handcannoneer | When a gunslinger just doesn't satisfy your destructive needs and you think you need more damage. | 8 | |
Hassan | Become the most lethal of assassins by learning from the heritage of the greatest assassins to come before you | 8 | |
Hitman | Hitmen excel in precision, stealth, and combat, eliminating targets with calculated efficiency and deadly accuracy. | 8 | |
Marksman | 8 | ||
Masked Hunter | Hunters wielding a knife and a bow, sacrificing lives for eldritch creatures. | 8 | |
Mech Pilot, Variant | 8 | ||
Mechromancer, Variant | An individual who through some experiment was partially converted to machine and as a result, seeks to fully complete the conversion | 6 | |
Minuteman | The enemy is 30 minutes from the gates, but I'll be ready in one | 10 | |
ODST | A soldier with unbreakable will jump from orbit into the battlefield they are the epitome of shock troops | 10 | |
Sniper | Snipers are incredible shooters, able to eliminate their targets from great distances and with incredible precision. | 8 | |
Soldier | A modern combatant. | 10 | |
Soldier, 2nd Variant | A martial combatant. | 10 | |
Soldier, Variant | A modern combatant. | 10 | |
Specialist | 6 | ||
Spy, Variant | A stealthy class with high versatility. | 8 | |
Valorant Agent | As an Agent you gain the following features | 1d8 |
Gunslinger Classes Based on Existing Fiction[edit]
Name | Summary | Spellcasting | Hit Die |
Agent | 10 | ||
Astartes | FOR THE EMPEROR | 12 | |
Blaster | A warrior who uses a magical weapon called a Pile Bunker, a weapon which deals massive explosions and can shred through any obstacles. | half | 10 |
Demon Wielder | Fighters who utilize the power of demons to assist them in battle. | 10 | |
Destiny Warlock | Radical Space Wizards | 10 | |
Doom Slayer, 3rd Variant | 12 | ||
DoomSlayer, 5th Variant | Rip and Tear, Until it is done | 12 | |
Gungeoneer | A dungeon delver who uses their wit and intellect to dip dive and dodgeroll through traps and enemies. | 10 | |
Gungeoneer, Variant | A dungeon delver who uses their wit and intellect to dip dive and dodgeroll through traps and enemies. | 10 | |
Gunlance Wielder | 10 | ||
Gunmen Pilot Variant | 1d8 | ||
Mandalorian | A group of people native to the planet Mandalore, and wear special armor made of a substance called Beskar. | 10 | |
Maverick Hunter | A buster-wielding agent dedicated to the destruction of gone-maverick reploids. | 8 | |
Rebel Corps Soldier | A soldier who uses their will to aid the rebellion in any way they can. | 8 | |
Spawn | They call me by many names, demon, monster, nephilim... but I only respond to one name, Spawn | 12 | |
The Stranger | An individual using his wits and modifications of his own body to fight for his own survival | 10 | |
UltraKiller | You are a machine built for one singular purpose HIGH OCTANE DEATH your lows will be the deepest pits of despair, but your highs will be so tall not even the heavens can reach. | 4 |
Gunslinger April Fools Classes[edit]
Name | Summary | Spellcasting | Hit Die |
Emperor, the False Archfiend Version | Emperor are people that are born to great things. | 10 |
Incomplete Gunslinger Classes[edit]
Gunslinger classes with one or many improving, reviewing, or removing templates present. Please help work on the problem presented on the template.
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