5e Barbarian Classes

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Barbarian classes have themes of generally raging, going berserk, or being an uncivilized fighter.

Barbarian Classes

Classes based on the barbarian archetype.
Name Summary Spellcasting Hit Die
Avatar of War a stronger version of the barbarian 12
Bear Knight Warriors capable of channeling the power of a divine bear. 12
Beastblood Individuals raised by wild animals, giving them animal characteristics, in addition to great physical resistance. 10
Berserker Look at me Barbarian. I'm the tank now. Play a Viking of Norse Legend. 12
Berserker, Variant Look at me Barbarian. I'm the tank now. Play a Viking of Norse Legend. 12
Berserker, Variant 2 Look at me Barbarian. I'm the tank now. Play a Viking of Norse Legend. 12
Blood Ravager A tank that enjoys taking damage a bit more than they should. 2d12
Blood Ravager, Variant A tank that enjoys taking damage a bit more than they should. 3d8
Bloodrager Bloodragers are a rare form of barbarian that has both a Sorceror's bloodline and a Barbarian's ancestors. In the battlefield they blend their intense anger and the burning fervor of l spells to destroy any foe who would dare apose them. half 10
Brute A warrior who relies in brute force and furious passion to win battles, instead of using tactics and technique. 12
Colossus 1d12
Crucifix Semi-Immortal soldier that specializes in reanimating itself and continuing battle by leaching life force from his enemies or using their expanded internal reserves 4
Demoniac Beserker Demoniac Beserker are those who possess traces of a demonic bloodline, either by birthright or consumption of demonic flesh, who have initiated contracts using their own bodies as bargaining chips with demon lords that dwell deep beneath the realms in the planes of misery. 12
Demonserker Demonserkers are those who possess traces of a demonic bloodline, either by birthright or consumption of demonic flesh, who have initiated contracts using their own bodies as bargaining chips with demon lords that dwell deep beneath the realms in the planes of misery. 12
Dragon Fighter A warrior who draws his techniques and power from the dragons. 12
Elemental Barbarian 1d12
Furserker Fearsome warriors who utilize their bestial strength to crush their foes. Furred races only. 12
Greatwyrm Soul 12
Indomitable A extremely durable and unstoppable warrior. 12
Primal Fighter A fighter that relies on their primal instincts to battle instead of form and technique. 12
Primitive Warrior A wild warrior that rely on primitive technology and pure instincts battle dangerous foes. 12
Psychopath, Variant A crazed killer or manipulative murderer. 10
Sergeant Fighters who drive their inner potential that can be competed with spells. 10
The Fallen Monk A Fallen Monk on the path of retribution, deciding on whether to seek vengeance or forgive his enemies. 12
True Barbarian A relentless being with endless fury 12
Zealot Barbarian Look at me Barbarian. I'm the tank now. Play a Viking of Norse Legend. 12

Barbarian Mashup Classes

Mashup classes with multiple themes, one of which is the barbarian archetype.
Name Summary Spellcasting Hit Die
Accursed A Cursed Eldritch Shape Shifter 8
Barebones A man set on showing the world how far he can go with only his body and some quick wits. 12
Beast Hunter A bloodthirsty warrior, fighting and killing to fufill the hunt, gaining benefit as the blood sheds from either the self or the enemies. 10
Behemoth What barbarians and fighters wish they could be. 10
Blood Knight A bloodthirsty warrior, fighting and killing for the glory of the blood god, gaining benefit as the blood sheds from either themself or their foes. 10
Devil User Rebalanced A rebalance of the original Devil User class, based on the manga series Chainsaw Man. 12
Fearless Guardian Warriors that face danger head-on to conquer fear itself. As their resolve strengthens, they become unbreakable walls that control the battlefield. 8
Fist Dealer A powerful unarmed brawler, who strives for power trough whatever means necessary 10
Furry Clad in cursed fursuits, these savage warriors are animals in their minds and abilities. 10
Gear Wielder 10
God Saiyan A powerful saiyan choose by the god 10
God's Descendant 10
Guarded Fighter A commoner not quite adept at fighting, accompanied by their skilled fighter of a guard. 6
Hero, Variant Individuals chosen by fate to courageously oppose injustice. 12
Legendary Hero As a Legendary Hero, you gain the following features. half 1d8
Logger As a Logger you gain the following class features. 8
Master Puppeteer A person who uses a puppet as a tool to amplify their abilites. half 10
Nordic Warrior A warrior that comes from the north, protected by magical runes and by the gods themselves, and imbued with lust for pleasure, adventure and war. 10
Pit Fighter, Soulbeast Variant A person fighting for perhaps glory at victory, plenty of money to be won or were pressed into participating into Illegal Pit Fights 12
Plague *Dies in bubonic* 10
Possessed A creature destined to have a monster reside within itself. 6
Scarcaster 8
Son of Odin The Son of Odin is a warrior of the battlefield who calls upon the power of the Gods of War to slay his foes. This class is a Barbarian variant, and meant to be used with the barbarian subclasses. 12
Storm Titan Created through various perilous ways a storm titan is a marvel of nature commanding the elements of a storm, growing to colossal sizes, and possessing dominating strength. 12
Technical Brawler Beat em down 'n' good, using any means necessary! 8
Trapped Dragon Dragons cursed to appear in humanoid form, these mighty warriors retain some of their draconic visage and use it against foes. 12
Viking Fighters with a propensity for songs and going berserk. 12
War's Champion 12
War's Champion, Variant 12
Wendigo The Wendigo is seen as the embodiment of gluttony, greed, and excess: never satisfied after killing and consuming one person, they are constantly searching for new victims. 12
Wild Master Combination of Barbarian and Ranger 10

Barbarian Classes Based on Existing Fiction

Barbarian classes which are based on characters or archetypes from other works of fiction.
Name Summary Spellcasting Hit Die
Berserker, Heroic Spirit A specialized class based of the Berserker Servants from the Fate series 12
Doom Slayer, 4th Variant For those who want to rip and tear. 12
Dragoon (Legend of Dragoon) Warriors bound to the spirits of dragons, able to invoke the elemental power of dragons to conjure magic and transform into a hybrid dragon form, known as the Dragoon form. 10
Kiwami Heat Kiwami Heat focuses on fighting with unarmed strikes but handled weapons are welcomed. 8
Vampire, Hellsing Use the souls of your enemies to gain great power. 10

Barbarian April Fools Classes

Barbarian classes with a more comedic twist.
Name Summary Spellcasting Hit Die
Gamer Gamers have strange powers and habitats. They can teleport to places they've already been (as long as they choose to SAVE), they are good at punching things, they can use lazers and they don't get enough sunlight! An adventure is just what they need to look like a human instead of looking like a being of vampiric descent. 12

Incomplete Barbarian Classes

Barbarian classes with one or many improving, reviewing, or removing templates present. Please help work on the problem presented on the template.

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