Vatar (4e Deity)

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The Storm Striker's hammer

Lawful Good
Domains: Storm, Strength
Warpriest Domain: Protection

Vatar was one of the main deities in the Old World Pantheon. He was part of the Council of Four Meditations, and oversaw much of the affairs, being advisor to the other primary gods, Orelia, Shabast, and Yue. Despite his great power and control over storms, he was not a vocal proponent of violence, and advised with great wisdom. He commands his followers do the same:

  • Cautionary Strength: Violence is a means of last resort.
  • Illusory Battles: If one prepares well enough, fighting is an illusion.
  • Order: Defend the just orders and destroy what stands against it.



Vatar's main symbol is his weapon of choice, a hammer capable of summoning lightning and thunderous weather, called Himmelmeister. He is commonly depicted as an old, bearded man in armor akin to that of a viking and a knight. His main following was in the countries of Hocheim and Preius in the Vergus region of the continent Ördren.

While he was stern and wise, he also dearly loved his daughter, Roga. He commands the respect of much of the Old World Pantheon, and fear from their enemies. His rival was Quthok. As part of his following, the clerics of his order shirked chaos and violence in favor of peace and meditation. Rallying to arms is when all else fails.

After the Gorge, he and the other main deities tried to salvage the world and lead it with normalcy as before. Some say they were too rigid and afraid to change. Faith which granted them the status of deities was waning with their recognition, and he was pressed to take measures to save his status as a god. They all insisted that it would lead to tyranny and chaos, and rebuffed these suggestions. This ended in a major failure which only stoked dissension among their ranks, and his own daughter overthrew and slew him in the end.

Clerical Training[edit]

Prayers and Rites[edit]


One of Vatar's main standings in the Old World was as "Dishang," a god in the Celestial River Pantheon of Ba Xin. Hosting a large body of dwarven faith, Vatar had a great concentration of worshipers within the 63 different dwarven tribes that thrived in Ba Xin. Dishang means "Lord over Earth" and refers to Vatar's other common name of Sky Striker. Vatar's powers cross down from the heavens down to earth, with lightning that shears the sky and thunder that rumbles through the earth in the form of temors. Various temples are erected with Dishang as the main patron within dwarven communities. There are also smaller altars often placed near graves and within the center of households.

Heralds and Allies[edit]

<!- The heralds and allies of the deity. ->


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