Shabast (4e Deity)

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An obsidian cat with heterochromia

Lawful Neutral
Domains: Knowledge, Death
Warpriest Domain: Death

Shabast was one of the main deities in the Old World Pantheon. He was part of the Council of Four Meditations, and oversaw much of the affairs, being advisor to the other primary gods, Orelia, Vatar, and Yue. He was a very reserved deity who preferred to observe, though it is said his strength was fearful when provoked. He demanded the same kind of discipline from his followers:

  • There are only the fools and the wise in the world. Not good or evil.
  • See and listen before doing and you will ever prevail.
  • All walk towards the same inevitable end.


Shabast is commonly seen as a feline-headed god, and one of the main gods from the Griot Pantheon, which is centered within Aulordimo. They refer to themselves as "we" in speech and like talk in very esoteric terms. Shabast's main companions and sacred animals are panthers and black cats, the latter of which are believed to be takers of souls to the afterlife. Their domain is said to lie in the Golden Sands, where a magnificent temple doubles as a tomb to enshrine those who dedicated their lives to Shabast. The Golden Sands are parallel to an actual desert in Okut by planar alignment

The nemesis of Shabast is Espera, who stole one of his eyes during the Astral Period. While the eye was replaced, Shabast bears her a grudge. The two compete on the platform of knowledge and Shabast believes her to be a fraud and a temptress. Shabast's original eyes were green. One is now replaced with gold. When Shabast is enraged, the eyes change to blue and red.

Clerical Training[edit]

Prayers and Rites[edit]


<!- Descriptions of the deity's temples. ->


As one of the primary Four Meditations, Shabast is flanked by some of the most powerful gods who stand for order and justice in the world. He commonly found friends among the lower gods of the Meditations within desert regions, though he is known to also command wind creatures to carry his invisible presence across the world.

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