← 7p Spells • 12p Spells →
- 9-Point Spells. Each of these spells costs 9 spell points to cast (DMG'14 p288), and has power comparable to a 5th-level spell.
- Endlessly Demanding. When you cast any 9 to 11p spell, you must finish break before you can again cast any 9 to 11p spell. (This limit also applies any spell upcast to these amounts.)
- One Cast per Turn. You can only use the Cast action once per turn. This is especially notable with spells with a cast time of 1 bonus action.
- Materials Required. If a material component (M) is listed, it is required. There is no effect that lets you broadly ignore material components within this system.
9-point evocation (cave, cold, mountain)
150 feet
Until dispelled
V (Rocks fall, everyone dies), S
Designate a point in range. Rocks and ice are conjured 100 feet in the air above that point, and rain down furiously in its approximate direction. Each creature within a 50-foot-square centered on that point, and up to 100 feet above this square, must make a Reflex save. On a failed save a creature takes 5d6 bash damage plus 5d6 cold damage, or half as much on a successful save. Any object or structure in this square takes the damage with no save.
Fallen rubble turns the 50-foot square into difficult terrain indefinitely. If any bit rubble is removed from where it fell, that bit vanishes. Each 5-foot square can be cleared with a phase of work. A typical creature working alone would need a day to clear it all.
Heroic Speech
9-point enchantment (glamour, hypnotism, speech)
Phase (or 10 minutes)
30 feet
2 shifts (or 8 hours)
V, S
Up to 10 creatures in range who can hear you throughout the cast time become heroically inspired. Each gains 10 temporary hit points, which last for the duration.
Whenever one of these creatures fails an ability check, attack roll, or saving throw, it can choose to consume 5 of these temporary hit points (or as many remain if less than 5) to reroll the d20 and use the new result if it is higher. Once these temporary hit points are depleted, the effect ends on that creature.
Steal Dragonbreath
9-point augmentation (dragon, thievery)
120 feet
Instant or Concentration up to 1 round
When you see a dragon or other creature in range perform a breath attack, you can cast this spell as a reaction targeting that creature. The target must make a save.
Success. If the target succeeds on its save, you and your allies have advantage on any saving throw made against the breath attack, and on each success a creature takes no damage if it would otherwise take half damage.
Failure. If the target fails its saving throw, you steal its breath. The creature's breath attack action is wasted with no effect. You can choose to enact Concentration on this spell until the end of your next turn. If you do, your lungs are filled with the stolen breath attack. Once before the end of your next turn, you can use the stolen breath attack as if it was your own, substituting your spell mark for the attack's normal mark. You gain no inherent knowledge of what the breath attack will do until you use it.
- This work includes material taken from the System Reference Document 5.1 (“SRD 5.1”) by Wizards of the Coast LLC and available at [1].
- Both this work and the SRD 5.1 are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License available at [2].