True Summoning (5e Spell)

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Design Note: This page was created using the Epic Magic (10th+ Level Magic) Variant Rule.

True Summoning
10th-level Conjuration
Casting time: 1 hour
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M (a holy symbol enchanted by a god worth at least 1,000,000 gp and the body and soul of a creature with a CR of 20 or higher)
Duration: Instantaneous
Casters: 3

Choose a deity, demon, celestial, or other high level entity with a CR of 50 or less. The soul of the sacrifice is destroyed and the entity is brought into the plane that the casters currently reside in. If the sacrifice is unwilling, they must make a DC 20 INT, CON, and CHA saving throw. On a success of all three saving throws, the spell fails and the sacrifice is revived as if under the effects of the True Resurrection spell. On a fail of any of the saving throws, the spell continues. The sacrifice may be revived only through the use of the Wish spell when casted at a 10th level or higher. (At least 5 casters are required to cast the Wish spell in this way.)

The entity takes on slight physical or combat characteristics of the sacrifice. (For example, if the sacrifice is an elf, the entity may take on the same pointed ears. If the sacrifice could cast the spell Guiding Bolt, the entity may be able to add it to their spell list.) If the entity is destroyed or killed, they return to their home realm. If the entity exists in a plane they otherwise could not physically enter for a week or longer, they will make a DC 30 CHA saving throw at the end of every day or return to their home realm. Binding the entity to the desired realm requires the consent of the entity and the casting of a Wish spell at a 10th level or higher.

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