Races (Maztica Supplement)

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Humans make up roughly half of Maztica's population, being found in all corners of Maztica. Each of the nine nations is primarily composed of one human culture of the same name.

Desert Dwarves[edit]

A unique variety of dwarf, desert dwarves build their homes into canyon wall primarily in the House of Tezca, though some communities also make their homes in the Sands of Itzcala. Their small communities primarily sustain themselves on the fruits of the desert, primarily through maintained patches of wild prickly pears and iczotl, and from crops bought with exquisite glassware.

Poscadar Elves[edit]

Often found in and around the Pasocada Basin, the poscadar elves are a nomadic branch of Tel-quessir. They are considered great hunters, with legends telling of poscadar slaying deer from miles away with a single arrow.

Payit Halflings[edit]

Halflings native to dense jungles of the Far Payit Peninsula, payit halflings are sharp ambush hunters. Their elusive nature and hostility toward anyone who encroaches on their territory leads them to be poorly understood.


Native to the Lopango peninsula, the feline tabaxi society is comprised of a number of "hunts", large communal families, that cooperated to create large tribes lead by elders and shamans. While some of the nine nations respect them as neighbors, others find trade value in their pelts, hishna power in their claws, and labor in their young.


Maztican orcs trace their history back to Zaltec and the Night of Wailing, rather than from Gruumsh, and make up the vast majority of Jagre Nexal's population. They are largely insular, rarely leaving the Valley of Nexal due to the dangers surrounding the city and the orders of the jagre.

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