Microscopic Scientific Ninja Tools (Shinobi World Supplement)

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Wondrous Item, Very Rare (requires attunement)

A direct successor to Shinobi-Ware, microscopic scientific ninja tools lack neither versatility nor ease of use, flooding the bloodstream of one of the user's limbs with chakra-reactive cells. In order to attune to this item, one must inject them using a specially made syringe as an action, becoming paralyze until the end of their next short rest. In order to unattune to it, a creature must use the same syringe to remove them over the course 12 uninterrupted hours.

At will for 2 chakra, you may create any one piece of equipment, three thrown weapons or projectiles, or up to 20 GP of any other item that is no larger than a 5 foot cube. Items created in this way can not be magical, have an AC of 18 and 20 hit points, and are made of a black chitinous material with brightly glowing segments of a color of your choice. If you create a second item in this way, the first item disappears, crumbling to dust.

Kawaki using his microscopic scientific ninja tools, [Source].
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