Lichbane (5e PlantFungi)
“ | They say that plant life is probably the first of life we can see. They don't move like insects, and yet they are of life. But if there can be unlife, then maybe there are also flowers of that kind as well... | ” |
—Illit Rhyzor, lich |
Physical Description[edit]

Resembling a reed-like growth amid the tundras of Hagai, lichbane is something like a thin, bone-white rod of grass that is likened to "bones sprouting from the earth." Looking closely, one might notice it has slight sections along the stem, not unlike bamboo. The texture of this plant is largely similar to hollow bird bones or dried out driftwood. It grows pale, white leaves in the shape of long, slender blades. Towards the bottom, lichbane widens into a cluster of thin bulbs resembling thicker knobs of boney material. The root of the plant is said to vaguely resemble coccyx bones. Lichbane grows grey flowers once every decade. These flowers are long and bell shaped, with ten petals. When fully bloomed, these flowers develop pollen pods that hang out from the ovary past the petals. These stamen have yellow anther that can appear like an agonized face if you look very closely. As can be expected, the many motifs of death and ill-omen in this plant make it generally a growth of bad luck.
Survelem is the god of death and undeath in Grisaire. It is said that Survelem created the lichbane from the bones of only the most beautiful of the dead as a present to Darakan'ta. This initial rendition of lichbane was closer to that of bamboo. To Darakan'ta's shock, the branches began to flower with the mourning voices of the dead. She placed these in Hagai, where their moans harmonized with the frigid howls of the tundra winds on cold nights.
Illit Rhyzor, legendary lich and devout follower of Survelem, was said to avoid areas with these flowers for fear he might tread and break them. This is where they get the name lichbane.
They are considered sacred plants of Survelem, showing that there is a thin line between life and death, and the two tend to mirror one another in many ways. If one goes to the local temples dedicated to Survelem in Shiberto or Yurit, they will probably find these placed as offerings to the god in pots. It is said that gifting these to someone is the equivalent of wishing them death, so they make very bad gifts.
Lichbane is found in locations where no other plants can grow in Hagai, meaning they do not grow in the tundras with grasses and lichens. Instead, they are often found by chilling mountainsides, under precarious cliffs and also in stony, icy crevasses. These locations where little else thrives as well as the danger of the site drives the theory that lichbane grows where death has touched. So, where an ice climber fell to her death might be marked by the growth of lichbane at the base of a glacier. This remains unverified. In general, lichbane are rare sights even in the wild.
Growth and Harvest[edit]
This plant is impossible to cultivate. Lichbane is always found and picked, but no one has ever been able to grow it in a greenhouse. Luckily, when picked, lichbane has an incredibly long shelf life, able to appear unchanged for as long as 2 years before it starts showing any gray.
Its brittle texture and bland taste is not the only reason that no one eats lichbane. The stems of lichbane can puncture the stomach lining if not ground into a fine powder before ingestion. The powder made from ground lichbane stems can be used to thicken soup, much like how one might use collagen from bones. Lichbane flowers, however, are a common ingredient in certain teas in Yurit'em, particularly during the Day of Tea celebration.
Other Common Uses[edit]
The pollen pods are used in folk medicine that is said to cure insomnia. However, using too much of it will knock someone out like a somniferous and even cause death in the case of an overdose, though this has yet to be proven. These medicines are often in the form of powders that are inhaled directly, rather than swallowed. Some hunters in Hagai have learned to place this medicine in waters where their quarry drink to render them sleepy. If placed in still water with fish, the fish will eventually float to the surface after an hour or so. It is also notable that this effect also works on undead, but not constructs.
An alternative use for lichbane is to simply leave it whole as decoration. The pollen pods of lichbane are said to moan very quietly in an eerie manner if one listens closely. This moaning sound is said to repel undead, making the plant a sort of ward. One can also harvest the moaning pods to create incense to burn, which creates a smoke that also repels undead similarly.
Lichbane Traits[edit]
Boney, reed-like growths that bear ill omen
Age. Lichbane, if left alone, is said to grow eternally. Once picked, it can last for three years before wilting away.
Size. These plants grow in tiny clusters of shoots. If left to grow, they can reach about a medium size bush of reeds.
Soporific. A creature that eats the pollen of lichbane falls asleep within an hour of ingestion. Constructs are immune to this effect.
Undead Repellant. Undead creatures cannot willingly move within 10 feet of a lichbane plant.
Random Height and Weight[edit]
Base Height |
Height Modifier* |
Base Weight |
Weight Modifier** |
1′ 0'' | +1d4 | 0.1 lb. | × (1d2) lb. |
*Height = base height + height modifier |
Suggested Uses[edit]
This is mostly a rare plant that has more symbolic meaning. However, its potency as a sleeping draught and undead repellent might make for players to hunt and use in creation of schemes and machinations. It's recommended you don't really use the overdose idea. If you do, make the plant extra rare.
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