Divinities (Duality&Dice 5e Homebrew)

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A part of the Duality&Dice Homebrew, more impactful than a normal subclass which grants unique abilities for each level.

Divinities List[edit]

Mountain Shaper: Earth Blessed[edit]

Earth Blessed.png

Storm Chaser: Storm Blessed[edit]


Heartfelt Lover: Love Blessed[edit]


Celestial Daydream: Moon Blessed[edit]

Masterful Hacker: Technology Blessed[edit]

Snow Dancer: Winter Blessed[edit]

Blazing Parade: Summer Blessed[edit]

Solar Sovereignty: Sun Blessed[edit]

Mystic Mirage: Illusion Blessed[edit]

Untainted Serenity: Purity Blessed[edit]

Sky Walker: Wind Blessed[edit]

Myriad Illustrator: Art Blessed[edit]

Fleeting Memories: Autumn Blessed[edit]

Blossoming Bloom: Spring Blessed[edit]

The People's Blessing: Humanity Blessed[edit]

Demolition Oblivion: Destruction Blessed[edit]

Deadeye Gunslinger: Firearms Blessed[edit]

Invigorating Growth: Nature Blessed[edit]

Unwavering Tides: Hydrokin Blessed[edit]

All-Seeing Eyes: Vision Blessed[edit]

Blinding Shadows: Light and Dark Blessed[edit]

Perfect Warrior: Weaponry Blessed[edit]

Guaranteed Gambler: Luck Blessed[edit]

Innate Dealmaker: Contract Blessed[edit]

Special Divinities[edit]

These Divinities are granted at the discretion of the dm, as they do not fall under the normal pretenses of being blessed and force specific traits upon a character. DMs, allow with caution.

A Blessing's Curse: Life and Death Blessed[edit]

Imaginative Creator: Creation Blessed[edit]

Blitzing Blades: Dueling Blessed[edit]

Alchemical Apprentice: Alchemy Blessed[edit]

Divine Synergies[edit]

When certain Divinities are paired together, greater benefits will follow.

Wrath of Eclipse[edit]

Bladesmith's Eternity[edit]

The Seasons[edit]

Simplicity of Frost[edit]

A Conceptual Perfection[edit]

The Moon?[edit]

Written In Water[edit]

Encapsulated Forces[edit]

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