Duality&Dice (5e Campaign Setting)

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Duality&Dice (5e Supplement)(WIP)[edit]

A much harder and high stakes campaign setting than regular D&D, but the players get power to show for it. Based around an original world which is quite similar to the real world. Where people are blessed by gods for power to help fight against evil. The world of Duality awaits.

Here are the various available new features within the new world of Duality.


There is only one available class within this world, you may ask your dm to use a regular D&D class however it is not recommended.


The only available races for Duality&Dice is Human and Variant Human. With this Human gaining a +3 to every stat as opposed to a +1, and the Variant Human gaining a Body Feat from the Divine Feats that they meet the requirements of and +3 in a single stat.

At 7th Level, you gain the Indomitable Human Spirit Feature. Once per long rest, when you are reduced to 0 hit points, you can use up to half of your hit dice to heal yourself and gain 5 stacks of the Radiant Buff.

At 14th Level, you gain the F.E.A.R. Feature. When you are below 15% of your maximum hit points, you gain an additional action each turn.

At 20th Level, you gain the Infinite Potential Feature. Every level, you gain +6 to your overall stat scores. Additionally your highest stat gains an additional +2 to the score at every Ability Score Improvement. These stat benefits ignore the stat cap.


Backgrounds to really shape your character, you may ask you dm to use a regular D&D background however it is not reccomended.


Power granted to your players by gods at the start of their journey, granting them unique abilities at each level.


Feats are cool, but sometimes you want cool buffs without wasting an ASI, gadgets are purchasable mini feats that grant smaller buffs to the holder.

Divine Feats[edit]

The available, much stronger, feats within this brand new world, you may ask your dm to use regular D&D feats however it is not recommended.


A brand new way to spice up combat, taking it to new heights.


Special smaller abilities used at the consumption of Chalk


All available buffs and debuffs and what they do.

Agency Weapons[edit]

Normal weapons just don't cut it, these are the best of the best for your players.


Different creatures available within the world

Variant Rulings[edit]

Some of the variant rulings for the campaign setting which differ from 5e. It is highly recommended to use these rulings unless you wish for the game to be much more difficult.

Damage Tiers: Whenever the mention of Damage tiers appears, it follows this formulative setup. You can either add a damage die to your damage or change the dice tier based on this format (1>d4>d6>d8>d10>d12) capping at a d12. You can assign damage tiers in any way you see fit as long as it keeps within the set rulings.

Jumping: Jumping can be used as a part of your movement. Jumping Formula: ((Movement Speed/10 rounded down)+Athletics+Acrobatics Modifier)*5

Mini Rest: Out of resources? No time to short rest? Take a minute out of your day for a Mini Rest. Healing a number of hit points equal to half your level + your proficiency bonus(rounded up). Additionally regenerate Zenire equal to your level. (More if you have a feature that boost Zenire gained through Short Rests.) You can use this feature once per short or long rest. Additionally, you can only take a Mini Rest a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per day.

Stat Limitations: Normally, stats cannot go higher than 20 unless there are special circumstances. However in this campaign setting, there are much stronger enemies and stats need to match. The limit is 30 however a single stat can bypass going to 35. This limitation stays until 10th level in which the limit is 60 and a single stat can bypass to 65. Finally, after 20th level, the absolute stat maximum is 90 for all stats.

Starting Stats: Due to the higher difficulty of the campaign setting, stronger stats are required. When using standard array, the stats are instead 20, 18, 15, 15, 14, and 12. If you are rolling for stats it will be 4d8 drop lowest one. Point buy is not recommended but if used you are granted a budget of 55 points, the system works the same as 2 points per 1 stat increase.

Magic: Magic does not exist in this world, therefore no effects that dispel or counteract magic are effective and no effective magic works, the reverse also applies.

Brand New Damage Type: Emotional Damage: A damage type that is inflicted by some Auxiliaries and Divinities. It is impossible to have resistance or immunity to emotional damage other than buildings, objects, and constructs. Humanoid creatures are more affected than normal monsters and beasts, taking double damage. This damage type can be worked into regular D&D, for example with the Vicious Mockery Cantrip.

Inspiration: Everybody loves inspiration, but this is just better. When using inspiration, you gain 4 tiers of Advantage. (...>Disadvantage>Neutral>Advantage>Double Advantage>Triple Advantage>...)

Pity: We all hate rolling low on a die. Introducing Pity! You can keep track of pity like Death Saving Throws. If you have had 3 d20 rolls below 10 before having 1 d20 roll above 10, you gain a Pity Die on your next d20 roll. On your next d20 roll, instead of rolling a d20 you roll a d4 with your roll determining a d20 roll between 17-20. (1-17, 2-18, 3-19, 4-20)

Healing When Downed: When you are downed and rolling Death Saving Throws, you cannot get back up by receiving healing, however every instance of healing grants 1 Successful Death Save.

Clutch or Kick: When succeeding a saving throw against a damaging ability, you cannot fall below 1 hit point. Saving Throw Efficiency does not affect this ruling.

SAC/BAC/MAC: Different types of bonus ACs that are additive on top of Unarmored Defense and other normal AC. You cannot stack different types of bonus ACs and if an attack goes over your total AC it hits as normal.

  • SAC; Speed Armor Class, the ability to swiftly dodge and weave attacks. If a creature hits you within your SAC, you make an Acrobatics check against the attack roll. If the attack roll is higher they hit you as normal but if the Acrobatics check is higher you avoid all damage and effects. If the rolls are equal you take half damage and no effects. Additionally, while having SAC greater than or equal to your base AC, you can negate auto hit attacks and change them to an attack roll.
  • BAC; Battle Armor Class, the ability to block and parry attacks in combat. When a creature hits you within your BAC, you can make an attack roll using your active weapon. If your attack roll is higher than the creature that hit you, you negate all damage and effects. If your attack roll is lower, you take half damage and any effects that would occur from a successful hit. If your attack roll is even, both you and the attack take half damage from your weapons; this damage cannot reduce either of you to zero.
  • MAC; Mitigation Armor Class, the ability to make attacks feel meaningless. If a creature hits you within your MAC, the damage is reduced by an amount equal to 10*(the difference of the attack roll and your total AC). If you reduce damage by 100% or more, you heal equal to half the damage dealt. Additionally, take 1% less damage from saving throws per 1 MAC (to a maximum of 5*proficiency bonus %).

Grace: The proper replacement to non lethal attacks. When making an unarmed strike or a melee weapon attack, you can choose to turn it into a Grace attack. The damage is changed to Bludgeoning and the damage tier is reduced until it reaches 1d4. All sources of buffs through Zenire or Divinity abilities will be negated. You cannot benefit from any Buffs or trigger any Debuffs with Grace. This damage will not inflict a failed save on a downed creature and cannoy reduce a creature below 1 hit point. You cannot apply Grace to Zenire Abiliies.

Anime Fight Logic: When hitting a creature with an attack using Strength. You can choose to inflict knockback sending them 10*your Strength Modifier feet away from you. If they impact a surface they recieve damage equal to the remaining distance that they would travel from the knockback.

Nerf This: You or your DM can purposefully lower any skill check, ability roll, DC, actions (includes all actions), or modifiers for when outside of combat.

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