Bestiary (Spelljammer Supplement)

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Work In Progress


While most life lives sequestered on the planets of crystal spheres, Wildspace and the Phlogiston is home to a number of odd creatures that have adapted to life in the stars, or perhaps predate the crystal spheres themselves.

Spelljammer Creatures[edit]

Name CR Type
Astrovarg 1/2 beast
Bionoid 8 humanoid
Chattur Rogue 1/2 humanoid
Clockwork Spider 1/4 construct
Gravislayer 9 aberration
Hive Mother 18 aberration
Orbus 1/8 aberration
Wryback 1/2 humanoid

Spelljammer Templates[edit]

Name Summary Recalculate CR?
Astrovarg A spacefaring variant of wolf or other pack hunter. yes

Spacefaring Creatures[edit]

The following section in temporary pending an overhaul of this page's layout.



While beholders are typically only a solitary threat to groundlings, spacefaring hive mothers are able to exert their influence on upwards of 10 beholders, or as much as 20 beholderkin, using this hive and a complement of orbi to command a tyrant ship. When multiple hives come into contact with one another, it isn't uncommon for the hive mothers to form a clan, multiple of which might even grow to a full beholder nation. While most beholder nations have fewer than 50 members among their ranks, at least one nation was known to number in the thousands.

Creature CR
Hive Mother 18
Overseer 17
Elder Orb 16
Beholder 13
Death Kiss 10
Director 8
Eye of the Deep 7
Gauth 6
Mindwitness 5
Spectator 3
Argos 1
Gazer 1/2
Orbus 1/8


While most dragons are unique to their given crystal spheres, two types of dragons are known to possess natural spelljamming abilities: sun dragons and moon dragons, each occupying lairs within their relevant celestial bodies. The existence of these extra-crystaline dragons could belie a deeper nature of dragons, particularly in combination with the similarity of dragon gods such as Krynnspace's Takhisis and Realmspace's Tiamat.

Creature CR Creature CR
Sun Dragon, Ancient 21 Moon Dragon, Ancient 19
Sun Dragon, Adult 14 Moon Dragon, Adult 13
Sun Dragon, Young 9 Moon Dragon, Young 7
Sun Dragon, Wyrmling 3 Moon Dragon, Wyrmling 2





Other Creatures[edit]

Name CR Type

Astrovargs+ Crystal Spider Esthetics Infinity Vines Jammer Leaches Mortiss Puffers Scavvers Space Guppy

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