Choso (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement)
Medium undead (death painting), lawful neutral Armor Class 20 (unarmored defense)
Saving Throws Dex +11, Con +10, Cha +11 Cursed Energy. Choso has 72 cursed energy that he can use to fuel his abilities. All of his cursed energy is replenished at the end of a long rest. Cursed Energy Recovery. Choso regains 1 cursed energy at the beginning of each of his turns. Powerful Build. Choso counts as one size larger when determining his carrying capacity and the weight he can push, drag, or lift. Body Owner. Choso has advantage against effects that would change his form Poisonous Blood. If Choso's blood comes into contact with a creature or he hits them with an attack, it takes 1d12 poison damage at the start of it's turns until 1 minute passes. Also, the creature must make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or be knocked prone and have it's movement speed reduced to 0 until the beginning of it's next turn. Also, on a failure it also becomes poisoned. Poison damage from this feature overcomes resistances and immunities. Evasion/Endurance. When Choso is subjected to an effect that allows him to make a Dexterity or Constitution saving throw to only take half damage, he instead takes no damage if he succeeds on the saving throw, and only half damage if he fails. Cursed Armor. For an amount of Cursed Energy up to 5 and no action required, Choso surrounds himself with cursed energy for one minute. He gains temporary hit points equal to the amount of Cursed Energy spent times 20 for the duration. He can only benefit from this feature again after 1 minute or having his temporary hit points reduced to 0. If Choso is unable to use actions for any reason, he cannot use this feature. Curse-Empowered Strikes. Choso's unarmed strikes are considered magical for the purposes of overcoming resistances, and deal 1d12 extra necrotic damage (already included). Blood Weight (3 Cursed Energy). As a free action, Choso can cause a creature he can see with his blood on them, such as literally on them or staining their clothes, to be weighed down by his blood. For each Blood Point worth of blood on the creature their speed is reduced by 5 feet, if this reduces their speed to half it’s normal value they have disadvantage on Dexterity saves, and if it reduces their speed to 0 they automatically fail Dexterity saves. Choso must spend 1 Cursed Energy at the start of the weighed down creature’s turns to maintain this effect. You may determine how many blood points a creature has on them as it being equal to how many blood points a technique that hit them cost before reductions. Flowing Red Scale (3 Cursed Energy). As a Free Action, Choso increases his body temperature, pulse rate, and the number of red blood cells to greatly enhance his physical capabilities. For 1 minute:
If Choso uses Maximum Output on this technique, it becomes Flowing Red Scale: Stack:
Flowing Red Scale Focus. Choso can concentrate his Flowing Red Scale into a certain part of his body or on a specific task to amplify it’s effects on that part, such as in his eyes to increase dynamic visual acuity or into the circulation and heat of his blood to melt ice on him. At any time (no action required) Choso may choose Perception checks or ability checks using one stat amongst Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution, foregoing an amount of benefits of his choice from Flowing Red Scale and Flowing Red Scale: Stack until the end of his next turn. The first benefit forgone grants advantage on the chosen kind of checks, each benefit after granting a +2, for the same duration. Choso may do the same for Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution saving throws, however this only grants him +1 to the save for every 2 benefits sacrificed after the first. Crimson Overflow. Choso can condense, accelerate and launch his blood at maximum speed, efficiency and lethality. Every feature of his cursed technique costs only half as many Blood Points (rounded down, already included). Additionally, every time he spends additional Cursed Energy in his cursed techniques while Convergence is active, every 1 Cursed Energy he spends will count as 4 added, although this still cannot make the bonuses go above the maximum. This works for damage, duration and temporary hit points in case of his Cursed Armor. Finally, he gains an additional Reaction per round. Blood Edge (Up to 5 Blood Points). By rotating his blood at high speed, Choso can increase its strength and lethality by making a weapon out of it. Choso can create any kind of non-magical melee weapon as a free action, although they count as magical for the purposes of overcoming resistances and have a duration of 1 minute. For every two blood points used the weapon gains one additional damage tier (d10->d12->2d6). This also means he can’t create melee cursed tools this way. Taijutsu Sorcery. Once per turn, Choso can make an unarmed strike with advantage. If he already had advantage on an unarmed strike, he raises the critical hit range for the attack by 1. Cursed Enhanced Body. As long as Choso has 1 cursed energy or more, he may add 2 to his attack and damage rolls with unarmed strikes or weapons he is proficient with (already applied). ACTIONSMultiattack. Choso makes three attacks. Unarmed Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +13 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 16 (2d8 + 7) bludgeoning damage and 6 (1d12) necrotic damage. Crimson Binding (1 Cursed Energy, 2 Blood Points). Choso pulls blood from the surroundings creating a net that envelops an opponent he chooses within 30ft of him. The target must succeed on a DC 19 Dexterity throw become restrained. The creature can spend it's action after being restrained to roll a DC 19 Strength saving throw, breaking itself free from the effect on a success. Slicing Exorcism (5 Cursed Energy, 3 Blood Points). Choso creates a Rotating wheel of blood at high speeds to use as a bladed projectile, that is a 5ft circle. For 1 minute, he can use a bonus action to move the Wheel of Blood to a place within 30ft of it's current location that he can see. When this wheel moves through a creature's space the creature must make a DC 19 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save the target takes 17d8 Slashing Damage, on a successful save the target takes half as much damage. A creature may be forced to make this saving throw once per round. Blood Tidal Wave (10 Cursed Energy, up to 100 Blood Points). Choso creates a tidal wave of blood from his body. All creatures who enter a radius around him or start their turn within it must make a DC 19 Strength saving throw, taking Xd8 bludgeoning damage and falling prone on a failure and half as much without falling prone on a success, where X is 1/5th the amount of Blood Points spent (rounded down). The radius is an amount of feet equal to the amount of Blood Points spent, to a maximum of 30 feet. If Choso spends blood points such that the radius would exceed 30 feet then at the start of each of his subsequent turns the radius expands in increments of 30 feet until it matches the radius for the amount of Blood Points spent, at which point the tidal wave ends, remaining centered on the point at which you first cast it. Piercing Blood (8 Cursed Energy, 7 Blood Points). Choso focuses blood into a highly pressurized piercing beam that deals massive damage to targets and structures. He pull bloods into his hands and fires it at a target within 60ft of him, making a ranged attack roll with a +11 to hit. On a hit the target receives 19d12 piercing damage. If Choso spends the maximum on his Convergeance before using the technique, it becomes a 5 foot wide, 120 foot long line that forces all targets in that line to make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they will take the piercing blood damage, and half as much on a success. When Choso activates this cursed technique in it's line form, he can create a new line during subsequent rounds by spending half the initial Cursed Energy and Blood Points as an action. He needs to maintain this state as if concentrating in a spell. Blood Rain (4 Cursed Energy, 4 Blood Points). Choso shoots a beam of blood into the sky that later falls down as hundreds of droplets of piercing blood. He launches a pressurized beam of blood directly upwards. He can choose for it to fall down at the end of the same turn or for it to fall after up to 5 rounds, at the begginning of his turn at said round. When the Blood Rain falls, all creatures in a circle with 30ft of radius must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take 15d8 piercing damage, or half as much on a success. Blood Terrain Infusion (8 Cursed Energy, 6 Blood Points). Choso spreads his blood through the ground to destroy and manipulate it. He puts both hands on the floor and spreads massive amounts of blood in a 30ft radius circle centered anywhere he chooses as long as he's inside it. All creatures in the circle must make a Dexterity saving throw, receiving 5d10 piercing damage and being knocked prone on a failure, or only receiving half as much damage on a success. If Choso spends the maximum on his Convergeance before using this technique, he may create a 100ft tall cylindrical pillar in the area of the circle, elevating every creature in it to the top. Him and any creature that has passed their saving throw may choose to escape the area before being elevated. Additionally, he may use this technique from a further range without needing to be in the area if in the past minute his Piercing Blood or Blood Rain techniques have hit the ground, as they impregnate the soil with his blood, making him able to cast this ability on that area. Blood Wave (6 Cursed Energy, 5 Blood Points). Choso rapidly makes a huge wall of blood expand in an area around him and then dissipate. He expands a circular wall of blood around him up to 30ft. All creatures in the area must make a Strength saving throw. On a failure, they take 15d6 bludgeoning damage and are pushed to the end of the wall's range. On a success, they take half as much damage and are not pushed, breaking through the blood. When Choso spends extra Cursed Energy into this technique with Convergence, it's maximum range increses by 10ft per Energy spent. Blood Spikes (8 Cursed Energy, 6 Blood Points). Choso manifests sharp spikes of blood that rapidly fire at enemies. Choso can summon up to 10 blood spikes that he can hurl at targets within 60ft. Each spike requires a ranged cursed energy attack roll and replaces an attack in the attack action. On a hit, each spike deals 4d10 piercing damage. If you have spent the maximum amount for Convergence before using this technique, the number of spikes increases to 15, and their damage increases to 10d10. Blood Caltrops (7 Cursed Energy, 5 Blood Points). Choso summons caltrops made of crystallized blood that hover and strike any enemies that enter his space. Choso creates 10 blood caltrops that hover in a 30ft radius around him for 1 minute. Whenever an enemy creature enters this area or begins their turn there, they must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, they take 6d8 piercing damage and their movement speed is reduced by 60ft, on a successful save, they take half as much damage and their movement is not reduced. If Choso has spent the maximum amount on Convergence, the number of caltrops increases to 15, and their damage increases to 8d8 and their movement speed is reduced by 120ft. Blood Meteorite (6 Cursed Energy, 4 Blood Points). Ranged Cursed Energy Attack: +11 to hit, range 30 ft., one target. Hit: 97 (15d12) bludgeoning damage and the target must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they will become stunned until the beggining of Choso's next turn, on a success they're not stunned. This technique can be used without convergence being active and is not affected by Water Dilution. Supernova (4 Cursed Energy, 2 Blood Points). Choso creates small orbs of condensed blood that explode in dozens of piercing blood particles. He creates a small orb of blood that could fit in his hand at an unocuppied space that he can see within 30ft, and it stays there for at maximum 1 minute. The orb explodes, forcing every creature within 10ft. of it to make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, the creature receives 16d10 piercing damage and is knocked prone. On a success they receive half as much damage and aren't knocked prone. Choso may create up to 6 orbs at once, spending additional Cursed Energy and Blood Points for each, and may choose for them to explode immediatly upon creation or manually later as a Reaction to a creature entering it's range of explosion. BONUS ACTIONSMartial Arts. When Choso uses his action to make an unarmed strike, as a bonus action he can make another one or a one-handed weapon attack. Cursed Blast of Blows. After taking the Attack action on his turn, Choso can spend 3 Cursed Energy to perform two unarmed strikes as a bonus action. Cursed Patient Defense. Choso can spend 3 Cursed Energy to take the Dodge action as a bonus action on his turn. Cursed Wind Step. Choso can spend 3 Cursed Energy to take the Disengage or Dash action as a bonus action on his turn, and his jump distance is doubled until the end of his turn. Blood Spit (1 Blood Point). Melee Cursed Energy Attack: On a hit the target's face is covered in Choso's blood for 5 rounds. For 3 Cursed Energy as part of covering a creature’s face in blood or no action required while a creature’s face is covered in blood Choso may cause the blood to burst, dealing 4d4 piercing damage to them and 2 eye limbs on their face as well as making them blinded until the end of their next turn. If they were preforming any kind of action when Choso bursts the blood they must make a concentration save or fail to preform the action, all resources used wasted. Once Choso have used this, the feature ends early. Choso may also use this feature once per round as part of taking damage. Convergeance. Choso compresses and condenses blood to it's absolute limit for 1 minute. During this technique's duration, whenever he uses one of his cursed techniques he can spend up to 5 additional Cursed Energy (and an equal amount of Blood Points) to enhance the technique's potency. For each Cursed Energy he uses, the technique will receive one additional die of damage or 1 additional turn of duration. Additionally, only while Convergeance is active, Choso can use the following techniques: Piercing Blood, Blood Rain, Blood Terrain Infusion and Blood Wave. Maximum Output. Choso can spend cursed Energy equal to twice the original cost of one of his cursed techniques to amplify it's cursed energy output, making it gain two of the following benefits the next time its cast:
REACTIONSBlood Shield (6 Cursed Energy, 5 Blood Points). Choso creates a protective barrier of blood around himself, absorbing incoming damage. Choso forms a blood shield with 132 hit points . This shield absorbs damage before any other effects apply. When the shield's hit points are reduced to zero, any remaining damage is quartered, and Choso takes the remaining damage. If Choso spent the maximum amount on Convergence, it now can shield other people. When used it now covers an area in a 10 foot radius, centered on Choso, blocking others from damage. Any remaining damage is still halved, but is only dealt to Choso. Taijutsu Sorcery. After taking the Attack Action on his turn, Choso may take the Dodge Action as a Reaction. This dodge only works against Melee Attacks, and if a creature rolls a Nat 1 on a melee attack against him he may make 1 Melee attack against a creature within range. Cursed Enhanced Body (1-5 Cursed Energy). Whenever Choso makes a Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence or Wisdom saving throw, he may add the number of energy spent as a bonus to the saving throw. |
Choso, alongside his two brothers, Kechizu and Eso, are incarnated Cursed Womb: Death Paintings. Choso initially sided with Kenjaku's alliance with Mahito until he discovered one of the curse user's past identities was the cruel father of the Death Painting Wombs, Noritoshi Kamo. He also found out that Yuji Itadori is another relative of Kenjaku's and has aligned himself with his new "younger brother". [2] Choso's cursed technique, Blood Manipulation, is an inherited technique passed down in the Kamo Clan. As the name implies, it allows the user to control and shape their blood beyond it's natural form or motion for a variety of effects. It can be used to manipulate every aspect of the user's blood, including blood composition, plasma, and red blood cells. Internal and external blood can be utilized as long as it belongs to the user. [3] Jujutsu Sorcerer. Choso has 20 levels in the Jujutsu Sorcerer class. Blood ManipulationBlood Points. Choso's technique uses Blood Points as a currency alongside Cursed Energy to fuel it's techniques. Choso uses his own blood for the technique, and may gain Blood Points by expending his own hit points, gaining 1 Blood Point per hit point spent. Choso may also use blood from his surroundings to fuel his techniques, up to 10 ft away, gaining an appropriate amount of Blood Points as determined by the DM. Due to the versatility of this technique, all of his techniques that involve manipulating his own blood count as a Lapse technique. Blood Crystalization. Choso will gain resistance to piercing, slashing and bludgeoning damage when he activates his Cursed Armor, and is also able to spend Blood Points instead of Cursed Energy to activate it, spending 1 Blood Point per 1 Cursed Energy. When he deals damage with his Cursed Strikes or Curse-Empowered Strikes features, he may change it's damage type to piercing, slashing or bludgeoning. In addition, while his Cursed Energy Armor is activated his unarmed strike damage die tier is increased by 1. Water Dilution. Choso's mastery over Blood Manipulation is profoundly impacted when submerged in large volumes of water. While he is at least half submerged, he cannot use any of his Cursed Technique features that manipulate blood externally. The sheer volume of water disrupts the integrity of blood, preventing it from holding it's shape and making external manipulation impossible. While Submerged, he cannot use the Crimson Binding, Slicing Exorcism, Blood Spit, Blood Tital Wave and Convergence for the duration of his submersion or while in heavy rain. If he attempts to do so, he spends cursed energy and blood points as normal but nothing happens. Cursed Techniques. When a feature refers to Choso's cursed techniques, it refers to Blood Crystalization, Crimson Binding, Slicing Exorcism, Blood Weight Blood Spit, Flowing Red Scale, Convergence, Piercing Blood, Blood Rain, Blood Terrain Infusion, Blood Wave, Blood Spikes, Blood Caltrops, Blood Shield, Blood Meteorite, Blood Edge and Supernova. Choso's Feats. Athlete History, Resilient, 50 Meters in 3 Seconds! Cursed Martial Artist, Taijutsu Sorcery Energy to Blood, Blood Edge, Supernova Dense Cursed Energy, Immense Cursed Energy, Overflowing Cursed Energy Improved Durability. This creature uses the Improved Durability rule. |
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