Awakened Duality Class (Duality&Dice 5e Homebrew)

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The only available class in the Duality&Dice 5e Homebrew.

Awakened Duality (Class)[edit]

Class Features[edit]

Hit points:

  • Hit dice: d8
  • Hit points at level 1: 8+Constitution modifier
  • Hit points per level past level 1: 1d8 (or 6)+Constitution modifier


  • Saving Throws: None
  • Weapons: Agency Weapons
  • Tools: None
  • Armors: None
  • Skills: 5 of your choice


Awakened Duality Class Table[edit]

Level Proficiency Bonus Abilities Unarmored Movement Zenire
1 +2 Zenire, Specialization, Divinity - 5
2 +2 Unarmored Movement, Unarmored Defense +10ft 10
3 +2 Optimized Action, Calm Mind +15ft 15
4 +2 Ability Score Improvement, Recruitment +20ft 20
5 +3 Extra Attack, Auxiliaries, Showtime +30ft 25
6 +3 Alchemy, Specialization Feature, Ability Score Improvement +35ft 30
7 +3 Further Optimized, Zen Mind, Extra Attack (2) +40ft 35
8 +3 Body and Mind, Action Surge, Ability Score Improvement +45ft 40
9 +4 Bodily Enhancements, Recruitment Feature +50ft 45
10 +4 Evolution, Ability Score Improvement, Extra Attack (3) +60ft 50
11 +4 Specialization Feature, Devastating Force +65ft 55
12 +4 Zenire Focus, Untamed Power, Ability Score Improvement +70ft 60
13 +5 Ebb and Flow, Equilibrium Spirit +75ft 65
14 +5 Karmic Debt, Recruitment Feature, Extra Attack (4) +80ft 70
15 +5 Specialization Feature, Perfected Optimization, Tranquil Zen, Forsaken Boon +90ft 75
16 +5 Extra Attack(5), Zenire Pulse, Action Surge(2), Ability Score Improvement +95ft 80
17 +6 Recruitment Feature, Showtime Enhancement +100ft 85
18 +6 Extra Attack(6), Extremity, Ability Score Improvement +105ft 90
19 +6 Specialization Feature, Ability Score Improvement +110ft 95
20 +6 True Awakening, Action Surge(3), Ability Score Improvement +120ft 100
21 +7 Divine Boon, Extra Attack(7), Ability Score Improvement +150ft 110
22 +7 Specialization Rerun, Action Surge(4), Ability Score Improvement +200ft 120
23 +8 Specialization Rerun, Divine Boon, Extra Attack(8) +250ft 130
24 +8 The Choice, Ability Score Improvement +300ft 150
25 +9 Divinity Unfurled, Extra Attack(9), Ability Score Improvement +350ft 200
26 +10 The Result, Ability Score Improvement, Divine Boon +420ft 260

1st Level[edit]


A mystic energy that flows within you, allowing you to be more capable in all aspects. You have an amount of Zenire equal to 5 times your Awakened level and can access many abilities with this energy. You choose 2 ability scores of Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma as a Zenire ability modifier. When calculating your Zenire ability modifier or Zenire ability score, you take the average between the 2 scores you have chosen.

  • Zenire Save DC: 8+proficiency bonus+Zenire ability modifier
  • Zenire Attack Bonus: proficiency bonus+Zenire ability modifier

You regain all Zenire after a long rest and half of your Zenire on a short rest.

When you have 0 Zenire out of your maximum, you will lose all passive abilities granted through this class, Divinities, or any Divine Feats. You will become vulnerable to all damage regardless of other effects. If you are reduced to 0 hit points, you will instantly die.


You were blessed by the gods, granting you immense power and true access to your Zenire, select a Divinity.


Select a specialization between Serene, Experienced, or Adventurous.


Mind and Soul: Your innate mastery of the mind and body grants you superb control over your Zenire, you can add your Intelligence and Constitution modifiers to your Zenire total after other increases and you gain proficiency in Intelligence and Constitution Saving throws.

Knowledge Unveiled: Knowledge came easy, and from it was born power, you gain expertise in a skill you have proficiency in and you gain proficiency in 2 skills you don’t have proficiency in. Additionally you can spend Zenire equal to your proficiency bonus to ignore disadvantage on saving throws.


Fighting Style: Your experience in battle has quickly adopted into a specialized form, select one of the following fighting styles.

  • Archery: You gain a +4 to attack rolls made with a ranged weapon.
  • Defense: You gain +4 BAC.
  • Dodge: You gain a +2 to SAC.
  • Dueling: When you are wielding a melee weapon and no other weapons, you gain a +3 bonus to damage rolls with that weapon.
  • Jumping: You have a +5 to hit when attacking creatures if you and an ally are within 5ft of the creature.
  • Stealth Attacker: When attacking a creature that doesn’t know of your presence, or that you have advantage against, you can double the damage if you hit.
  • Two-Weapon Fighting: When you engage in two-weapon fighting, you can add your ability modifier to the damage of the second attack, and increase your BAC by 1.

Unwavering Combatant: You know your way around the battlefield and can properly adjust to battles, you gain proficiency in Strength and Wisdom Saving throws and you can add your proficiency bonus twice to these saving throws.


Martial Arts: You never learned how to use weapons, and just freestyle combat however you see fit. Select one of the following Martial Arts Styles.

  • Kung Fu: Classic Martial Arts, your unarmed strikes use Dexterity and deal 1d10 damage, upgrading to 1d12 at level 5, 2d8 at level 9, 2d12 at level 13, and 4d8 at level 17. Additionally, when taking the Attack action to make an unarmed strike you can expend Zenire up to your proficiency bonus to make additional unarmed strikes equal to the amount of Zenire spent.
  • Acrobat: Dexterous maneuverability from your time jumping about, your unarmed strikes use Dexterity and deal 1d6 damage, upgrading to 1d10 at level 5, 2d6 at level 9, 2d10 at level 13, and 4d6 at level 17. Additionally, you don’t provoke opportunity attacks from creatures you’ve hit during that round.
  • Boxer: Hit hard and strike fast, your unarmed strikes use Dexterity and deal 2d6 damage, upgrading to 2d10 at level 5, 4d6 at level 9, 4d10 at level 13, and 8d6 at level 17. Additionally, your AC increases by 2 against melee attacks.

Free Spirit: You don’t let anything hold you back from your ambitions, you gain proficiency in Dexterity and Charisma Saving throws and you are not affected by difficult terrain. Additionally, your movement speed increases by an amount equal to 5*proficiency bonus.

2nd Level[edit]

Unarmored Movement[edit]

  • While not wearing armor, your movement speed increases by 10ft, increasing differently at each consecutive level as listed in the class table.
  • If you are moving more than 750ft in a round, you count as Invisible to creatures at a lower Level/CR to your Awakened Duality Level.

Unarmored Defense[edit]

  • While not wearing armor, your AC becomes 10+DEX+Your Zenire Ability Modifier.

3rd Level[edit]

Optimized Action[edit]

With the state of this cursed world, you know you aren’t doing enough to beat the monsters, so you got stronger. You gain the following abilities.

  • Onslaught: As a bonus action for an amount of Zenire equal to your proficiency bonus, you can make attacks equal to half the Zenire spent(rounded up). These attacks cannot use abilities that buff weapon/unarmed strikes damage. (Includes Feats).
  • Flee: As a bonus action for an amount of Zenire equal to your proficiency bonus, you can take the Disengage, Dodge, and Dash action. Additionally, you gain a bonus to Acrobatics and Stealth equal to Zenire spent.
  • Still Mind: As a bonus action for an amount of Zenire equal to your proficiency bonus, you can force an amount of attacks against you to miss equal to half of Zenire Spent.

Calm Mind[edit]

Staying calm is what is needed to survive in this world, you focused your mind and soul to be better.

  • Enhance: As a bonus action for an amount of Zenire equal to your proficiency bonus, increase the damage of a Divinity Ability by 1d12 for each Zenire Spent.
  • Focus: As a reaction for an amount of Zenire equal to your proficiency bonus, you can halve the damage of a saving throw effect. You still recieve any additional effects or Debuffs.
  • Steady Aim: After a successful attack, you can spend an amount of Zenire equal to your proficiency bonus to change the hit into a crit.

4th Level[edit]

Ability Score Improvement[edit]

You’ve grown and it truly shows, you can select a Divine Feat or add a total of +5 to your stats. Optionally, you can select a regular D&D feat at your dm’s discretion.


Your skills have been properly recognized, and you have been invited to be a full fledged member of The Agency. You gain access to Gadgets and can choose between one of these branches, granting different benefits.

Assassination Branch[edit]

Focused on single target elimination, the Assassination Branch will allow you to hone in on your killer instinct. You gain the following benefits:

  • Murderous Intent: When attacking a creature that has not yet taken a turn, all successful hits will do 50% more damage.
  • Singled Out: When there are less enemies than allies on the battlefield, you deal additional damage dice equal to your level on a successful hit.
War Branch[edit]

When peace is shattered, the War Branch is always there to end the tides against the armies. You gain the following benefits:

  • Turn the Tides: While in combat, you have a 30ft aura around you in which all allies will gain +5 BAC.
  • Army Slayer: When there are more enemies than allies on the battlefield, you gain advantage on all attacks.
Balance Branch[edit]

Keeping the world in check is no easy feat, but the Balance Branch will fix you right up to make sure there is no discrepancy in the world. You gain the following benefits:

  • Eternal Cycle: When killing a creature, you regain hit points equal to your level+the creature’s CR (rounded up).
  • Balanced Matchup: When there are an equal number of enemies and allies on the battlefield, all Zenire consumption of allies is reduced by your level (to a minimum of 1).

5th Level[edit]

Extra Attack[edit]

When taking the attack action, you can make an additional attack. You gain additional extra attacks at higher levels as shown in the class table.


Quick tip from your Agency supervisors, don't die. A task made much easier with the help of these useful tools. You can select an Auxiliary from the list. You can change which Auxiliary you have equipped at the end of a long rest, or if you are at an Agency building.


Your bond with your allies has grown, you can now use the sacred bonds of action to obliterate your opponents. You gain the following benefits.

  • You gain proficiency in Performance, if you already have proficiency, you gain Expertise. If you already have Expertise, you gain mastery in Performance.
  • You can band together with an ally to create a Showtime attack, which utilizes the best within both of you. When the dm allows the execution of a Showtime attack, you and your ally narrate how it affects the creature targeted, then you both make a Performance check. The combined number rolled*50 is the amount of damage dealt by the Showtime. This damage increases to the combined number rolled*100 at level 10 and to the combined number*1000 at level 15 and the combined number rolled*26000 at level 20.
  • For every level after gaining this feature, you gain a +1 to your Performance.

6th Level[edit]


A secret art, now known to you. You gain access to all abilities you meet the prerequisites of in the Alchemy page.

Specialization Feature[edit]

You've grown, and it truly shows in your capabilities. You gain abilities based on the Specialization you picked.


Enhanced Soul: When making a saving throw, you can expend 7 Zenire to gain Saving Throw Efficiency for that saving throw. Saving Throw Efficiency allows you to take half effects on a failed save and no effects on a success. Additionally, you can add your Constitution and Intelligence modifiers to your Zenire Twice after other additive effects.


Fighting Style Enhancements: You can choose an additional fighting style from your Specialization. Additionally, all fighting styles gain enhanced versions as shown.

  • Archery: You gain a +4 to ranged attack rolls and a +2 to damage from ranged attacks.
  • Defense: You gain a +5 to BAC and a +1 to all saving throws.
  • Dodge: You gain a +2 to SAC. Additionally, you can move through a creature's space without expending additional movement.
  • Dueling: When wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no other weapons, you gain a +3 to attack rolls and damage.
  • Jumping: You have a +5 to hit and advantage when attacking creatures if you and an ally are within 5ft of the creature.
  • Stealth Attacker: When attacking a creature that doesn’t know of your presence, or that you have advantage against, you can triple the damage if you hit.
  • Two-Weapon Fighting: When you engage in two-weapon fighting, you can add your ability modifier to the damage of the second attack, you can add your proficiency bonus twice on the attack roll, and you increase your BAC by 1.

Martial Arts Enhancements: Your martial arts style becomes enhanced as shown.

  • Kung Fu: Classic Martial Arts, your unarmed strikes use Dexterity and deal 1d10 damage, upgrading to 1d12 at level 5, 2d8 at level 9, 2d12 at level 13, and 4d8 at level 17. Additionally, when taking the Attack action you can expend Zenire up to your proficiency bonus to make additional unarmed strikes equal to the amount of Zenire spent. All creatures hit must make a Constitution saving throw or be knocked prone. Creatures can only be subjected to 1 saving throw this way per round.
  • Acrobat: Dexterous maneuverability from your time jumping about, your unarmed strikes use Dexterity and deal 1d6 damage, upgrading to 1d10 at level 5, 2d6 at level 9, 2d10 at level 13, and 4d6 at level 17. Additionally, you don’t provoke opportunity attacks from creatures and you can add your Acrobatics modifier to the damage of all unarmed strikes.
  • Boxer: Hit hard and strike fast, your unarmed strikes use Dexterity and deal 2d6 damage, upgrading to 2d10 at level 5, 4d6 at level 9, 4d10 at level 13, and 8d6 at level 17. Additionally, your AC increases by 3 against melee attacks and you can reduce damage taken of any attack by your Constitution modifier twice (to a minimum of +1).

7th Level[edit]

Further Optimized[edit]

You got stronger before, now you got smarter with that strength. Your Optimized Action has become enhanced as shown.

  • Onslaught: As a bonus action for an amount of Zenire equal to your proficiency bonus, you can make attacks equal to the Zenire spent. These attacks cannot use abilities that buff weapon/unarmed strikes damage. (Includes Feats).
  • Flee: As a bonus action for an amount of Zenire equal to your proficiency bonus, you can take the Disengage, Dodge, and Dash action. Additionally, you gain a bonus to Acrobatics and Stealth equal to Zenire spent. Additionally you gain a bonus to movement speed equal to 5 times your Dexterity Modifier.
  • Still Mind: As a bonus action for an amount of Zenire equal to your proficiency bonus, you can force an amount of attacks against you to miss equal to half of Zenire Spent. Each attack that misses through this feature grants you 2d8 hit points of healing.

Zen Mind[edit]

The calm mind you had once before wasn't enough. Now you have achieved a peaceful zen in your mind. Your Calm Mind has become enhanced as shown.

  • Enhance: As a bonus action for an amount of Zenire equal to your proficiency bonus, increase the damage of a Divinity Ability by 1d12 for each Zenire Spent. Additionally you gain a bonus to hit or a bonus to your Save DC equal to half of your proficiency bonus (rounded up).
  • Focus: As a reaction for an amount of Zenire equal to your proficiency bonus, you can halve the damage of a saving throw effect. You can ignore 1 additional effect or Debuff from the saving throw.
  • Steady Aim: After a successful attack, you can spend an amount of Zenire equal to your proficiency bonus to change the hit into a crit. Additionally, your next attack gains a bonus to hit equal to half of your level (rounded down).

Extra Attack (2)[edit]

  • You can 2 additional attacks per attack action. Additionally you can withhold an extra attack to increase your BAC by 3 per extra attack withheld.

8th Level[edit]

Body and Mind[edit]

You have honed your body and mind past normal human limitations. You gain the following benefits.

  • You gain a +4 to Constitution saving throws.
  • You can reduce damage taken by your proficiency bonus(to a minimum of 1) once per round.

Action Surge[edit]

Adrenaline fills your veins in combat. You gain the following benefits.

  • During combat, you can gain an additional action for your turn. You regain this feature on a mini, short, or long rest.

9th Level[edit]

Bodily Enhancements[edit]

With all the Zenire coursing through your body, it managed to improve your physique. You gain the following benefits.

  • You gain a +7 in Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution.
  • You gain a Body Feat you meet the requirements of based on the stat you improved.

Recruitment Feature[edit]

All the work you've put into helping in The Agency has paid off. You gain the following benefits based on the Recruitment Branch you picked.

Assassination Branch[edit]

The art of assassination is more than just killing, it requires deep thought, process, and planning. You gain the following benefits.

  • Cut Them Deep: When attacking an enemy that has not taken a turn yet, you deal an additional 6d8 damage.
  • Swift Actions: You gain a +3 to your Initiative rolls.
War Branch[edit]

War is a declaration to fight for what each side believes in. A bloody argument. You gain the following benefits.

  • Stand Tall: All allies within 10ft of you gain a +2 to their BAC.
  • Never Falter: All allies within 20ft of you are immune to the Frightened Condition.
Balance Branch[edit]

To maintain balance is a tough job, do you slay good and evil? You gain the following benefits.

  • Here We Stand: When an ally you can see receives damage, you can make the attacker take damage equal to half of the damage.
  • Here They Fall: When an enemy you can see dies, all allies within 20ft of that enemy gain the Radiant Buff.

10th Level[edit]


The Zenire inside your body has made your body undergo a transformation. Almost mimicking the Divine. You gain the following benefits.

  • You gain a +2 to every stat.
  • Your AC increases by 2.
  • Your Zenire Attack Bonus and Zenire Save DC increase by 1.
  • You can expend Zenire up to your proficiency bonus to increase the damage of abilities from your Divinity by 1 tier per Zenire spent.
  • You gain an additional bonus action.

11th Level[edit]

Specialization Feature[edit]

You've awakened your strength even further. You gain the following abilities based on the Specialization you picked.


Mind Over Matter:

  • You gain advantage to all saving throws.
  • Your Zenire total increases by 20%(rounded up).
  • You gain advantage to all skill checks.
  • All of your damage increases by 1 tier.

Fighting Style Enhancements: You can choose an additional fighting style from your Specialization. Additionally, all fighting styles become further enhanced versions as shown.

  • Archery: You gain a +15 to ranged attack rolls and a +8 to damage from ranged attacks.
  • Defense: You gain a +10 to BAC and a +4 to all saving throws.
  • Dodge: You gain a +5 to SAC. You can move through another creature's space. If you can circle around a creature (40ft) more times than their Perception Modifier, you're next hit is a Natural 20 Critical hit.
  • Dueling: When wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no other weapons, you gain a +10 to attack rolls and damage.
  • Jumping: You have a +12 to hit and advantage when attacking creatures if you and an ally are within 5ft of the creature.
  • Stealth Attacker: When attacking a creature that doesn’t know of your presence, or that you have advantage against, you can increase the damage tier by your proficiency bonus twice and triple the damage if you hit.
  • Two-Weapon Fighting: When you engage in two-weapon fighting, you can add your ability modifier to the damage of the second attack, you can add your proficiency bonus twice on the attack rolls, you can increase both attacks damage tiers by 1, and you increase your BAC by 3.

Martial Arts Enhancements: Your martial arts style becomes enhanced as shown.

  • Kung Fu: Classic Martial Arts, your unarmed strikes use Dexterity and deal 1d10 damage, upgrading to 1d12 at level 5, 2d8 at level 9, 2d12 at level 13, and 4d8 at level 17. Additionally, when taking the Attack action you can expend Zenire up to your proficiency bonus to make additional unarmed strikes equal to the amount of Zenire spent. All creatures hit must make a Constitution saving throw or be knocked prone. Creatures can only be subjected to saving throws this way 5 times per round.
  • Acrobat: Dexterous maneuverability from your time jumping about, your unarmed strikes use Dexterity and deal 1d6 damage, upgrading to 1d10 at level 5, 2d6 at level 9, 2d10 at level 13, and 4d6 at level 17. Additionally, you don’t provoke opportunity attacks from creatures and you can increase the damage tier of all unarmed strikes by your Acrobatics modifier.
  • Boxer: Hit hard and strike fast, your unarmed strikes use Dexterity and deal 2d6 damage, upgrading to 2d10 at level 5, 4d6 at level 9, 4d10 at level 13, and 8d6 at level 17. Additionally, your AC and saving throws increase by 5 against attacks and you can reduce damage taken of any attack by your Constitution modifier twice (to a minimum of 1).

Devastating Force[edit]

Your Zenire has reached Divine levels and your destructive capabilities have increased as well. You gain the following benefits.

  • Your Zenire attack modifier and Zenire Save DC increase by 5.
  • You deal double damage to Constructs and Buildings.
  • Enemies take 10 damage per round while within 5ft of you.

12th Level[edit]

Zenire Focus[edit]

The massive amounts of Zenire within you boost your brain's processing power. You gain the following benefits.

  • You gain a bonus to hit equal to 1/50th of your Zenire total (rounded up).
  • Your Perception increases by +2.
  • You gain a +2 to initiative rolls.

Untamed Power[edit]

The, almost divine, amount of power you hold has changed everything. You gain the following benefits.

  • By expending 10 Zenire on an successful attack, you can automatically turn the attack into a critical hit. This feature will not allow for the instakill feature of Firearms.
  • When landing a critical hit, you can increase the damage tier of the overall damage by 7.
  • You gain a +2 to your Zenire Attack Rolls and Zenire Save DC.

13th Level[edit]

Ebb and Flow[edit]

You've perfected your every movement in combat. Your Optimized Action has become enhanced as shown.

  • Onslaught: As a bonus action for an amount of Zenire equal to your proficiency bonus, you can make attacks equal to the Zenire spent plus 2. These attacks cannot use abilities that buff weapon/unarmed strikes damage. (Includes Feats).
  • Flee: As a bonus action for an amount of Zenire equal to your proficiency bonus, you can take the Disengage, Dodge, and Dash action. Additionally, you gain a bonus to Acrobatics and Stealth equal to Zenire spent plus 10. Additionally you gain a bonus to movement speed equal to 5 times your Dexterity Modifier.
  • Still Mind: As a bonus action for an amount of Zenire equal to your proficiency bonus, you can force an amount of attacks against you to miss equal to half of Zenire Spent. Each attack that misses through this feature grants you 3d10 plus an amount equal to Zenire Spent hit points of healing.

Equilibrium Spirit[edit]

You don't think in combat anymore. You just use your instinct and it works. Your Calm Mind has become enhanced as shown.

  • Enhance: As a bonus action for an amount of Zenire equal to your proficiency bonus, increase the damage of a Divinity Ability by 2d12+6 for each Zenire Spent. Additionally you gain a bonus to hit or a bonus to your Save DC equal to half of your proficiency bonus (rounded up).
  • Focus: As a reaction for an amount of Zenire equal to your proficiency bonus, you can halve the damage of a saving throw effect. You can ignore 1 additional effect or Debuff from the saving throw. The damage is additionally reduced by your Awakened Duality Level.
  • Steady Aim: After a successful attack, you can spend an amount of Zenire equal to your proficiency bonus to change the hit into a crit. Additionally, your next attack gains a tier of Advantage.

14th Level[edit]

Karmic Debt[edit]

All the power, rivalling even the Divine. You knew it had to have a price, and so it did. You gain the following benefits.

  • When you kill a creature, you gain Gaiire equal to five times the CR of the creature. When your Gaiire is greater than your Zenire total, you will take 5d4 damage whenever you use Zenire. When your Gaiire is greater than or equal to double your Zenire total, you will take 20d6 damage whenever you use Zenire. Gaiire can be cleansed by the Goddess of Purity.

Recruitment Feature[edit]

You've shown great prowess in your branch of The Agency. You gain the following benefits based on the Recruitment branch you picked.

Assassination Branch[edit]

If you kill the enemy fast enough, defenses are not necessary.

  • Your hit dice is reduced by 1 (d10>d8>d6).
  • Your SAC is increased by 7.
  • Your damage tier of all attacks is increased by 5.
War Branch[edit]

Survival is a necessity in a combat.

  • Your hit dice is increased by 1 (d8>d10>d12>d20>2d12)
  • Your BAC is increased by 5.
  • Your hit point maximum is increased by your level.
Balance Branch[edit]

Maintaining composure in the face of adversity is the true way to fight.

  • Your MAC is increased by 3.
  • You gain a +7 to all Saving Throws.

Forsaken Boon[edit]

Your Karma has opened possibilities to improve further. You can select a Forsaken Boon. If you do not wish to take a Forsaken Boon, you can instead gain zero benefit.

15th Level[edit]

Specialization Feature[edit]

Improving upon you abilities even further than before, you've reached greater heights. You gain the following abilities based on the Specialization you picked.


Peace of Mind

  • You gain expertise in all saving throws.
  • You gain permanent Saving Throw Efficiency for Intelligence and Constitution saving throws.
  • Your BAC increases by your proficiency bonus.
  • When you are hit with an attack, you can use a reaction to half the damage recieved.

Field Expert

  • You can add your proficiency bonus to attack rolls and damage of weapons.
  • As a bonus action, you can brace. Receiving the minimum possible damage from all attacks until the start of your next turn.
  • You gain resistance to Slashing, Bludgeoning, and Piercing damage from weapon attacks.

True Freedom

  • At the start of each of your turns, you can roll a Dexterity Saving Throw against a target that inflicted you with a Condition or Debuff to end the condition or Debuff early.
  • Your movement speed cannot be reduced.
  • Whenever you are hit with an attack, you can roll a d10. On a 8-10, you will receive no damage. On a 1-7, you will receive damage as normal.

Perfected Optimization[edit]

The pinnacle of utilizing Zenire in basic combat. Your Optimized Action has been improved as shown.

  • Onslaught: As a bonus action for an amount of Zenire equal to half your proficiency bonus, you can make attacks equal to double your proficiency bonus.
  • Flee: As a bonus action for an amount of Zenire equal to your proficiency bonus, you can take the Disengage and Dash action, this version of the Dash action triples your movement speed as well as increases your SAC by 1 for every 10ft you move this turn. This version of Disengage grants advantage to Dexterity Saving Throws and a bonus to your SAC equal to your proficiency bonus.
  • Still Mind: As a bonus action for an amount of Zenire equal to your proficiency bonus, you can take the Dodge action, when opponents miss you while in this state, you can move up to your movement speed and make attacks against them up to your proficiency bonus if they are within range. Additionally, you gain advantage in all saving throws.

Tranquil Zen[edit]

Absolute peace of mind, all brought forward by Zenire. Your Calm Mind has become enhanced as shown.

  • Enhance: As a bonus action for an amount of Zenire equal to your proficiency bonus, you can enhance your body, increasing the damage tier of all attacks this turn by 25.
  • Focus: As a reaction for an amount of Zenire equal to your proficiency bonus, you can add your proficiency bonus 5 times to all saving throw you make for the next 3 rounds.
  • Steady Aim: As a bonus action for an amount of Zenire equal to half your proficiency bonus, you can gain triple advantage on all attack rolls you make this round.

16th Level[edit]

Zenire Pulse[edit]

The Zenire flowing within your veins, it's almost like a second blood. You gain the following benefits.

  • You can add your Zenire ability modifier to your hit points for every level.
  • Your AC increases by an amount equal to your proficiency bonus.
  • You gain a +10 to hit as long as you have more than 60 Zenire.

Action Surge(2)[edit]

Zenire gives you a rush of adrenaline. You now have two uses of Action Surge per short or long rest.

17th Level[edit]

Recruitment Feature[edit]

The Agency expects nothing but the best. Show them you can exceed expectations. You gain the following benefits based on the Recruitment Branch you picked.

Assassination Branch[edit]

Killing, a simple concept. Make it happen.

  • When attacking a creature that is below it's maximum hit points, all of your damage is doubled.
  • All of your critical hits will increase damage by another 1.5x.
  • You gain advantage and a +20 to hit when attacking humanoids or creatures that haven't taken a turn in combat.
War Branch[edit]

Survival, the number one rule of fighting.

  • When you are hit by an attack, you can reduce the damage to 0. You can do this a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per long rest.
  • You have advantage to death saving throws. Additionally, you only need to succeed 2 death saves to stabilize yourself as opposed to 3.
  • You gain a +20 to BAC from attacks from non humanoid creatures.
Balance Branch[edit]

Maintain, why ask for any more.

  • Your Zenire total increases by 20%.
  • Your Zenire Attack Bonus and Zenire Save DC increase by 10.
  • You gain a 30ft aura around you granting all creatures of your choice (including you) the Radiant buff.

Showtime Enhancement[edit]

Your bond with your allies has grown even stronger. You gain the following benefits to your Showtime.

18th Level[edit]


Zenire is closely bonded to life, maybe that can be utilized. You gain the following benefits.

  • When making a Zenire based attack, you can expend 10% of your current hit points (minimum of 60) to triple the damage and guarantee a hit or failed save.

19th Level[edit]

Specialization Feature[edit]

You've nearly perfected your techniques and skills. You gain the following benefits based on the Specialization you picked.

  • The damage tier of all Zenire based attacks increases by 10.
  • Your Zenire maximum increases by 20%(rounded up).
  • Your Zenire Save DC increases by 10.
  • Your Zenire Attack Bonus increases by 6.
  • The damage tier of all weapon attacks increases by 8.
  • You gain a +15 to hit with weapon attacks.
  • You gain a +30 to damage with weapon attacks.
  • You heal 7d8 hit points when killing a creature with a weapon attack.
  • The damage tier of all unarmed strikes increases by 20.
  • Your SAC increases by 15.
  • Your movement speed is tripled.
  • Your initiative increases by 10.

20th Level[edit]

True Awakening[edit]

The powers of your Zenire have reached a truly divine level. From this, you yourself have become a divine being. You gain the following benefits.

  • All of your stats below 20, become 25.
  • All of your stats between 21-29, gain a +10
  • All of your stats above 30, gain a +15.
  • All damage dice is increased by 15 damage tiers.
  • If you die, you will be resurrected where your body is after 1 year.

Action Surge(3)[edit]

With divine speed, you are beyond normal capabilities. You can now use action surge 3 times per short or long rest.

21st Level[edit]

Divine Boons[edit]

Truly, you are Divine. You can select a Divine Boon. If you do not meet the requirements of a Divine Boon, you can instead gain a +15 to your overall stats.

22nd Level[edit]

Specialization Rerun[edit]

Broaden your horizons, you're past humanity. You need to be more to keep up. You gain the benefits of a 1st level Specialization that you don't already have.

Action Surge (4)[edit]

With immaculate and perfected combat prowess, you have achieved perfection. You can now use Action Surge 4 times per short or long rest.

23rd Level[edit]

Specialization Rerun[edit]

You're better than just a jack of all trades. No no, you specialize in all. You gain the benefits of a 1st level Specialization that you don't already have.

24th Level[edit]

The Choice[edit]

The karma residing within you, with your newfound Divine power. What should you do? Choose one of the following abilities.

Karmic Awakening[edit]

Karma, everyone calls it a bad thing, but what's wrong with it.

Karmic Reversal[edit]

Cleanse yourself of impurities. You don't need karma for power.

25th Level[edit]

Divinity Unfurled[edit]

You can do so much more than was once imagined. You gain the following benefits.

  • You regain 10 Zenire after successfully damaging a creature.
  • If you die, you will be resurrected where you body is after 6 months.
  • Your damage tier increases by 20.

26th Level[edit]

The Result[edit]

You made a choice, now fate has decided what has been determined. You gain one of the following abilities based on what you picked in The Choice.

False Divinity[edit]

You chose to embrace the Karma. Who knows if it was the right choice.

Men Among Gods[edit]

You were pure of heart. For that, you are truly free.

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