Agency Weapons (Duality&Dice 5e Homebrew)

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A part of the Duality&Dice 5e Homebrew, powerful new weapons that can dish out immense damage.

Agency Weapons List[edit]

Tier E Weapons[edit]

Standard Sword[edit]

A very simple weapon, fast, swift, and able to deal with many foes.

  • 2d8 Slashing damage, 5ft range, Finesse, Versatile (2d10), Does triple damage on a critical hit, instead of double.

Standard Spear[edit]

Long ranged melee weapon with great versatility.

  • 3d10 Piercing damage, 10ft range, Versatile (3d12), Finesse (2d10).

Standard Bow[edit]

A simple ranged weapon to take enemies out from a distance.

  • 2d12 Piercing damage, 120/600ft range.

Standard Claymore[edit]

A heavy weapon with great power behind every swing.

  • 4d8 Bludgeoning damage, 5ft range, Heavy, inflicts Staggered Debuff on a Critical Hit.

Standard Dagger[edit]

Classic edgy weapon made for swift kills.

  • 2d4 Piercing damage, 5ft range, light, finesse.

Tier D Weapons[edit]

Ashen Scinder[edit]

A strange two for one weapon, doubling as a Scythe and a Lance. There appears to be a small little "A" just above the handle. Strange.

  • Scythe Form: 6d8+2 Slashing, 5ft range, +2 to hit.
  • Lance Form: 4d10+2 Piercing, 10ft range, Reach, +2 to hit.
Dual Form[edit]
  • As a free action on your turn, you can manually switch the Ashen Scinder between its Scythe and Lance forms.

Magic Microphone[edit]

I don't think anyone expects a microphone to be a weapon, and what's with this strange "A" on it. Odd.

  • Standard damage 4d8+2 Bludgeoning + 1d4 Necrotic, Versatile (4d10+1d6), 5ft range, +2 to hit.
Voodoo Magic[edit]
  • As a bonus action for 4 Zenire, you can make a grapple check against a creature at advantage, if you succeed you can throw them up to 25ft away and dealing 3d8 Force damage and additional damage based on what they impact.
  • As an action for Zenire up to your proficiency bonus, summon tendrils up to your proficiency bonus costing 1 Zenire each doing 2d6 Necrotic damage on a successful hit, these have 20 hp each and 15 AC and attack using your Zenire ability modifier.
Mic Break[edit]
  • If enemies pass a DC30 Perception Check, they can notice That the microphone stores the user’s Power. The Mic, if noticed, has the same AC as the wielder and half as much hit points(rounded down). If broken you lose half your total hit point pool and your AC is halved until it’s repaired during a Long rest.

Rocket Hammer[edit]

A huge hammer with some form of rocket propeller on the end of it, a strange "A" is engraved on the center of the hammer. Peculiar.

  • 4d12+2 Bludgeoning damage, 5ft range, Two-Handed, Heavy, inflicts Staggered Debuff on a critical hit, +2 to hit.
And Stay Down.[edit]
  • As a bonus action with the Rocket Hammer, the user can drive their opponent into the ground. The opponent must make a Strength Saving throw against the attack roll or take 4d10 Bludgeoning and be knocked prone. Half damage is taken on a failure.


A short sword, with a powerful revolver design baked into it. The loading mechanism and chamber of the gun is built into the back of the blade, making cutting from the backside terribly inconvenient. Strangely, there's an "A" on the stock of the gun

  • Blade: 5d6+2 Slashing damage, 5ft range, +2 to hit.
  • Revolver: 2d10 Piercing damage, 90/300ft range, (Not a Firearm, does not benefit from one shot kill).
Kiss of Steel[edit]
  • When successfully landing an attack with the blade, you may fire the revolver as a bonus action.

Marvelous Mary Jane's[edit]

It's strange really, they're just shoes and yet, they have a blade when you kick. Not to mention the "A" on the heel. Bizarre.

  • 2d4+2 Piercing damage, 5ft range, Finesse, +2 to hit.
The First Prototype[edit]
  • You gain a +20ft movement speed.
  • When taking the dash action, your movement speed increases by an additional 10ft.
  • You gain a +3 to SAC.

Hacha Del Muertes[edit]

A multi use axe that's a hunter's wet dream. Also there's a strange "A" on the hilt. Wacky.

  • Axe Form: 4d8+2 Slashing damage, 5ft range, Finesse, Light, applies Bleeding on hit, +2 to hit.
  • Dagger Form: 4d8+2 Piercing damage, 5ft range, Finesse, Light, applies Bleeding on hit, +2 to hit.
  • Throwing Form: 2d6+2 Piercing damage + 2d6+2 Slashing damage, 30/60ft range, Finesse, Light, applies 2 stacks of Bleeding on hit, +2 to hit.
Multitool of the Hunter[edit]
  • As a free action, you can switch the weapon between it's three forms to best suit the combat sutuation.

Royal Flush[edit]

A deck of playing cards, black as midnight with a slick gold finish. An "A" is on the back of each card. Mysterious.

  • 1d12 Slashing damage, 40/100ft range, light, finesse, +2 to hit.
Card Trick[edit]
  • You can make an additional attack with this weapon once per turn.
Full House[edit]
  • After landing an attack with this weapon, roll 1d4. The number rolled will determine the house of the card and what effect occurs.
  • 1: Spades: Ignores resistances and deals an additional 2d6 damage.
  • 2: Hearts: Grants life steal equal to half the damage dealt(rounded up), additionally the creature must succeed a Wisdom Save or be charmed for 1 minute.
  • 3: Clubs: Card can ricochet to another creature up to 15ft away from the original target dealing equal damage and granting advantage on your next attack.
  • 4: Diamonds: Card explodes in a 5ft radius from the target dealing 4d4 Force damage to all creatures in range.
Ace Up My Sleeve[edit]
  • Upon landing a critical hit with this weapon, the Full House effects are heightened as shown. Additionally, you can make 3 additional attacks, the additional attacks can only trigger once per turn.
  • 1: Spades: Ignores resistances and immunities, deals an additional 5d6 damage, damages all creatures in a 100ft line based on location of original target.
  • 2: Hearts: Grants life steal equal to double the damage dealt, heal a creature within 15ft of you half of damage dealt (rounded up), target must succeed a Wisdom Save at disadvantage or be charmed for 1 minute.
  • 3: Clubs: Card can ricochet up to 5 times to creatures up to 20ft away from each other, each ricochet increasing damage by 50% (rounded up), grants advantage on your next attack.
  • 4: Diamonds: Card explodes in a 50ft radius from the target dealing 10d10 Force damage to all creatures in range, you can choose any number of creatures to be immune to the explosion.

Bait and Switch[edit]

A crimson blade. It's appearance is quite hard to follow. However it seems to always have a "A" somewhere on the weapon. How abnormal.

  • 4d8+2 Slashing damage, 5ft range, finesse, +2 to hit.
The Eyes Deceive[edit]
  • As a bonus action while wielding this sword, you can make it appear as a different weapon through light refraction, creatures must succeed an Investigation check within 10ft range or a Perception check past 10ft range against your Zenire Save DC or else they will fall for the trick. You can treat enemies that fail the check as Blinded and all attacks from you will deal an additional 50% damage.

Vagabond Shashka[edit]

A Russian blade, seeming like a katana. A mysterious "A" is embedded to the scabbard. Uncanny.

  • 4d8+2 Slashing damage, 5ft range, finesse, +2 to hit.
No Mercy[edit]
  • While wielding this weapon, you can use your bonus action to change between Guiding Light and Piercing Darkness.
  • Guiding Light: When landing an attack, apply one stack of the Blaze debuff. Sheds light in a 20ft range.
  • Piercing Darkness: When landing an attack, apply one stack of Bleeding debuff. Grants 60ft darkvision.


A dagger, or so it seems. According to every known blacksmith, it's just an ordinary dagger, nothing special. However in the proper hands, it can destroy foes with ease.

  • 2d6+2 Piercing damage, 5ft range, finesse, light, +2 to hit.
Evolving Blade[edit]
  • For every level of Awakened Duality you have while wielding this weapon, you gain an additional 1d8+2 damage on successful attacks.
  • For every 2 levels of Awakened Duality, you gain a +2 to hit and an extra 15ft of movement speed.
  • If you have at least 5 levels of Awakened Duality, the range increases by 5ft and it's damage tier increases by 7.
  • For every 5 levels of Awakened Duality, you gain +3 to your SAC.
  • At 6th level, the blade has grown enough to form a sword. You can now switch the damage type of Tensenkosama between Slashing and Piercing at will.


"Why the hell would a phone be a weapon?" "Why not?" "Touché."

  • 5d4+2 Lightning damage, 15ft range, finesse, light, reach, +2 to hit.
Tactical Taser/Hackbot[edit]
  • The ETHD:CToS has a battery percentage equal to 100%, it drains at a rate of 2% per hour and loses 5% after each usage. It is recharged to 100% after a long rest. After a short rest you can roll a d100, regaining that amount of charge up to 100%.
  • When hitting a creature with the ETHD:CToS, they must make a Constitution saving throw against your current battery percentage or they will be stunned until the end of their next turn.
  • As a bonus action, you can consume 10% battery percentage to regain 15 Zenire.
  • As a bonus action you can consume 20 Zenire to regain 10% battery percentage.
  • When receiving Lightning damage, if the damage was less than 3 times your Awakened Duality Level, you regain charge equal to half the damage taken up to 100%. If it was more than 3 times your Awakened Duality Level, you must succeed a Constitution Saving Throw equal to the damage dealt or else the ETHD:CToS will short circuit and will be disabled for 1 minute.

Arms of Harvest[edit]

Mimicry of one of natures natural born predators. Forearm blades prefecting the art of the kill.

  • 3d6+2 Slashing Damage, 5ft range, finesse, +2 to hit.
The Art Of Malice[edit]
  • These weapons must be attached, however it means you cannot be disarmed or drop these weapons.
  • You gain +4 BAC while the Arms of Harvest are attached to you.
  • These weapons can make attacks as if unarmed strikes, however gain no benefit from damage or any AC of unarmed strikes features.

Tier C Weapons[edit]

Hinatori Karishin[edit]

The Ashen Scinder Evolved. A great blaze lays deep within.

  • Scythe Form: 10d6+4 Slashing damage + 4d4+1 Fire damage, 5ft range, Versatile(10d8), +5 to hit.
  • Lance Form: 7d8+4 Piercing damage + 4d4+1 Fire damage, 10ft range, Versatile(7d10), Reach, +5 to hit.
  • Blast Form: 12d12 Fire damage + 8d12 Radiant damage, 100ft line, Dexterity Saving Throw, inflicts 2 stacks of Blaze regardless of success or fail, half damage on success.
Bird of Eternal Flame[edit]
  • While wielding the Hinatori Karishin, every instance of Fire or Radiant damage you deal will heal you 3d6 hit points.
  • You can swap between Scythe and Lance form as a free action, swapping to Blast Form requires a bonus action.
  • Attacking with Blast Form requires a full action, alternatively you can expend 15 Zenire to use it as attacks via the Attack action and Extra Attack.

Hakie no Yokairyoku[edit]

The Magic Microphone Evolved. A dark aura emanates outwards.

  • 8d8+4 Bludgeoning damage + 6d4+1 Necrotic damage, 5ft range, Versatile(8d10+6d6), +5 to hit.
A Darkened Presence[edit]
  • As a bonus action for 4 Zenire, you can make a grapple check against a creature at advantage, if you succeed you can throw them up to 50ft away and dealing 3d8 Force damage per 5ft thrown and additional damage based on what they impact.
  • As an action for Zenire up to 3 times your proficiency bonus, summon tendrils up to your proficiency bonus each costing 1 Zenire each doing 5d6 Necrotic damage on a successful hit, these have half of your maximum hp and AC and attack using your Zenire ability modifier.
  • You gain a 20ft aura. All creatures within that aura must succeed a Constitution saving throw or fall Prone at the start of their turns. Your Save DC increases by 5 for this aura. You can choose a number of creatures to be unaffected by this aura.


The Rocket Hammer Evolved. The head so heavy you might drop it and turn to dust.

  • 12d12+8 Bludgeoning damage, 10ft range, Reach, Heavy, Two handed, +5 to hit.
Look Down On The Weak[edit]
  • When landing an attack, inflicts the Staggered Debuff. When landing an attack on a creature that is Staggered, the creature must succeed a Constitution Saving Throw or be knocked Prone.
  • When attacking a Prone enemy, increase damage by 10 damage tiers or 20 tiers on a critical hit, as well as changing the damage type to Force and reducing movement speed to 0 until the start of your next turn.

Tsu no Shu Ansa[edit]

The Marvelous Mary Jane's Evolved. Any female assassin would want this on their feet. Maybe even a male if they're brave enough.

  • 8d4+6 Piercing damage, 5ft range, Finesse, +6 to hit.
Murderous Alacrity[edit]
  • Increases movement speed by 50ft.
  • Grants a bonus to Initiative equal to half of your Charisma Modifier.
  • Grants a bonus to your SAC equal to half of your Charisma Modifier.
  • All hits are considered critical hits if the target has a Debuff.
  • When taking the Dash Action, your movement speed triples instead of doubles.

Chihaken Gizagiza[edit]

The Hacha Del Muertes Evolved. Get some bleach for this amount of bloodshed.

  • 4d8+5 Slashing damage, 5ft range, Light, Finesse, Thrown (30/60ft), applies Bleeding on hit, +5 to hit.
Bloodbath Shredder[edit]
  • When attacking a creature inflicted with the Bleeding debuff, you gain a +10 to hit.
  • For every hit against a creature inflicted with Bleeding, lower their AC by 1, lasting until Bleeding is dispelled.
  • Applies DoT Vulnerability upon scoring a critical hit.

Tensekosama Shingei Keiso[edit]

The Tensekosama Evolved. Doesn't it already evolve. What the hell.

  • 3d8+5 Piercing damage, 5ft range, Light, Finesse, +5 to hit.
Eternally Evolving Blade[edit]
  • For every level of Awakened Duality you have while wielding this weapon, you gain an additional 1d8+2 damage on successful attacks.
  • For every 2 levels of Awakened Duality, you gain a +2 to hit and an extra 15ft of movement speed.
  • If you have at least 5 levels of Awakened Duality, the range increases by 5ft and it's damage tier increases by 7.
  • For every 5 levels of Awakened Duality, you gain +3 to your SAC.
  • At 6th level, the blade has grown enough to form a sword. You can now switch the damage type of Tensenkosama Shingei Keiso between Slashing and Piercing at will.
  • For every level after 10th, you gain an additional damage die to your total damage.
  • You can use the Probability Parry Auxiliary without expending an Auxiliary slot.

Tier B Weapons[edit]

Serpentine Glaive[edit]

"The roar of a dragon is more powerful than the flames it spews."

  • 25d8+15 Slashing damage, 10ft reach, Versatile(25d10), Reach, +10 to hit.
Sonic Shout[edit]
  • After missing an attack, you can spend 10 Zenire to let out a draconic roar from the glaive. All creatures (excluding you) within 20ft of the target must succeed a Constitution saving throw or take 20d12 Thunder damage and are Deafened for 1 minute. Half damage is taken on a success with no Deafened condition. You can use this feature once per turn.

Tier A Weapons[edit]

Atmos Blade[edit]

A katana, looking no different from a regular katana. This blade however, is sharp enough to split atoms, if done right.

  • 50d10+40 Slashing damage, 5ft range, Finesse, Versatile(70d12), +12 to hit.
Pinpoint Slash[edit]
  • As an action, you can attempt a Pinpoint Slash, making an attack roll as normal, however losing advantage if you have it. If the attack is a critical hit, there will be a massive explosion on the target dealing 90d12 Force damage to all creatures within 15ft of the target (excluding yourself).

Tier S Weapons[edit]

Ballistic Balisong[edit]

A midnight black butterfly knife, it doesn't seem like much of a threat. When used in the right hands however, it can devastate even gods.

  • 30d4+70 Piercing damage + 20d4+20 Bludgeoning damage, 5ft range, Finesse, Light, +20 to hit.
Hidden Mechanism[edit]
  • As a reaction to missing an attack or being hit by an attack, you can press a small button on the knife and launch the blade directly at the target. The creature must make a Dexterity Saving throw or take 200d4+20 Piercing damage and be inflicted with the Bleeding Debuff.


The second weapon ever forged by the Forsaken Blade. Inspired by his time in Russia. A little sloppy compared to the first forge but nothing to scoff at.

  • 48d10+48 Slashing damage, 10ft range, +30 to hit.
Unsettling Speed[edit]
  • You gain a +200ft movement speed.
  • Once per turn you can Dash as a free action.
  • Your SAC increases by 4.

Frost Fans[edit]

A midnight black folding fan. It gives off a potent cooling when used normally. Although it seems to have more combat practicality.

  • 10d4+40 Slashing damage, 5ft range. Finesse, Light, +12 to hit.
Cooling Breeze[edit]
  • While wielding this fan, you can change any damage you deal to Cold damage except Divinity Abilities.
  • When an enemy is hit by Cold damage, they must succeed a Constitution Saving Throw against your Zenire Saving Throw or they will be inflicted with the Frozen Debuff.
  • Hitting a Frozen enemy with the fans will inflict the Dissociation Debuff on the target.

Cyclic Formation Bow[edit]

A bow handle that extracts Zenire from the user to exert powerful blasts. Be careful of how you wield it.

  • 1d12 Force damage, 200ft line, +8 to hit.
Energy Insinuation[edit]
  • This bow can make 1 attack per action. This bow will hit all targets within the range as long as the attack roll would hit the target. Does not ignore cover.
  • When making an attack with this bow, you can expend any amount of Zenire to increase the damage tier by 1 per Zenire spent before rolling to attack.
  • When rolling a natural 20 with this bow, you are forced to expend all but 1 Zenire into the attack. The range increases to infinity until it hits an object in which it will explode in a 300ft sphere. The attack roll will convert to a Constitution saving throw that ignores Saving Throw Efficiency.
  • When rolling a natural 1 with this bow, all Zenire you expended on the bow will be wasted and no damage tier increase will be put into place. Additionally the bow will temporarily shut down for 1 minute and cannot be used until it has reset.


All firearms can instantly kill upon landing a critical hit, therefore none of the following weapons can benefit from Advantage, the Deadeye Buff, critical range increases, or any reroll ability. Additionally no auto crit conditions or debuffs affect the instant kill effect. Further more you do not add your Dexterity modifier to the attack roll or damage of any firearm unless specifically stated.

Glock 17[edit]

A simple firearm that can deal devastating damage.

  • 4d8 Piercing damage, 250/600ft range, light, loading (12 rounds).

.22 Module Reform Ver. 226[edit]

A modified version of a basic .22 revolver.

  • 10d6 Piercing damage, 6000/50000ft range, light, loading (6 rounds).

Divine Weapons[edit]

Weapons beyond mortal comprehension. Crafted only by the best that divinity can offer. Not to be held by mortal hands.


An Odachi unlike any other, spanning a massive 8 feet and 4 inch length, it would take a god among men to wield this blade. Thankfully he exists.

  • 70d8+44 Slashing damage + 53d12+13 Force damage, 10ft range, inflicts Bleeding Debuff on a successful hit, +50 to hit.
Faster Than Light[edit]
  • You gain +1200ft movement speed.
  • You gain a +16 to SAC.
  • You gain a +50 to Stealth when you move more than 200ft in a round.
  • You deal an additional 25 damage for every 10ft you've moved this round.
  • You gain 5 additional actions.


The first of the Twin Kusanagi. The shorter sister variant of the blade that holds within the Frost Dragon's Fangs. Its blade as cold as winter itself.

  • 26d10+26 Slashing damage + 10d10+10 Force damage, 5ft range, Finesse, Light, +26 to hit.
Defensive Stature[edit]
  • You gain a +30 to AC.
  • When using this blade in Dual Wielding, it does not use your bonus action and instead you can take an additional attack after every attack action/extra attack.
  • You gain 3 additional reactions.
Frost Fangs[edit]

A hidden power lays within this blade. The might of the Frost Dragon Kuroina.

  • As a bonus action for 50 Zenire, you can summon forth Kuroina, sprouting from the hilt of the sword. Kuroina will change the range of the blade to 120ft and adds 1000d4+400 Cold damage to each attack. However, while Kuroina is active, you lose the Defensive Stature feature.


The second of the Twin Kusanagi. The slightly longer brother wielding the Sea Serpent's Wrath. The blade flows as clean as water.

  • 26d10+26 Slashing damage + 10d10+10 Force damage, 5ft range, Finesse, Light, +26 to hit.
Offensive Nature[edit]
  • You gain a +40 to hit to anything while wielding this weapon.
  • When using this blade in Dual Wielding, you gain 3 additional actions.
  • You gain 3 additional bonus actions.
Wrath of Water[edit]

A terrifying power lays withing this blade. The wrath of the Sea Serpent Mizenata.

  • As a bonus action for 50 Zenire, you can summon forth Mizenata, sprouting from the hilt of the blade. Mizenata will change the range of the blade to 120 ft and adds 1000d4+400 Force damage to each attack. However while Mizenata is active, you lose the Offensive Nature feature.


The famed "Alchemical Winged Spear". Nobody has seen this majestic weapon and lived to tell the tale. Except the man who wields it of course.

  • 26d6+26 Piercing damage + 26d10+26 Slashing damage + 30d10+30 Force damage, 10ft range, Finesse, +52 to hit.

To even wield this weapon requires the work of two other Divine Weapons, Kuroina and Mizenata. Requires the Alright Gang, Restoration Feat.

  • As a bonus action, you can fuse Kuroina and Mizenata, combining sheath, blade, and all. This allows you to use Renkitsubasa. Otherwise it is impossible to wield this weapon.
Spirit of the Wind[edit]

The Alchemical Wind Spirit lives within this spear. Capable of many things beyond our wildest dreams.

  • As a reaction, you can absorb any Zenire based attacks that have hit you. Reducing the damage to 0 and regaining an amount of Zenire equal to what was used.
  • When using the attack action, you can replace up to 6 attacks with Seeking Wings. These Seeking Wings will deal 200d4+70 Piercing damage with 150ft range and will hit their target no matter what.

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