Anime (5e Campaign Setting)

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Rating: 2 / 5
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Welcome to the Anime Multiverse![edit]

This is the place where heroes of all types gather! Ninjas, pirates, aliens, superheroes, monsters and more have come from all your favorite anime and manga to be played by YOU!

Ever wanted to reject your humanity and become a god? Or a vampire? Or even a cat girl?

When you saw the adventures of great heroes like Naruto, Goku, or even Subaru Natsuki and wanted to step into their shoes?

Well, all of that is possible AND MORE in the anime multiverse!

Campaign Setting Information[edit]

Players Guide

Various classes that have yet to be incorporated into other campaign settings.
Various races that have yet to be incorporated into other campaign settings.

The Anime Multiverse

Monsters, NPCs, and other creatures that have yet to be incorporated into another setting.
Items that have yet to be incorporated into another setting.

Dungeon Master's Guide

PECR Sub-Settings

The following is a list of Anime settings that use PECR.

Non-PECR Sub-Settings

The following is a list of Anime settings that use traditional CR.

Adventures & Tables
Ideas for quests, dungeons, campaigns, and conflicts. Also tables for random encounters and other things.
Variant Rules
The general rules that all anime campaigns should follow.

Miscellaneous information and leftovers from this setting.

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