Bestiary (Sanctuary's Lot Supplement)

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Sanctuary's Lot Bestiary

New Encounters

A list of new monsters created specifically for the Sanctuary's Lot setting.

From the Monster Manual

A brief discussion of including 5e MM encounters in the Sanctuary's Lot setting

A number of creatures from the 5e Monster manual would make excellent stand-ins for creatures from The Dark:

aboleth, carrion crawler, chuul, darkmantle, gibbering mouther, grell, oozes, stirge

Similarly, several 5e creatures work well as inhabitants of The Dream:

couatl, doppleganger, manticore, mimic, naga, nightmare, rakshasa, sphinx

Creatures from the Verge tend to be insubstantial, angry, and confused beings of naked psyche. Ghosts, in particular, are a (relatively) common manifestation of The Verge of Dreams in the mortal realm.

banshee, ghost, shadow, specter, will-o wisp, wraith

Finally, due to the influence of these three other realms, the following monsters might be encountered in this world:

Spirits from the Verge that have successfully taken control of the corpse of a recently slain human could be depicted using the statistics of a ghoul, revenant, or wight.
Grimlocks and sahuagin represent variant abominations created by the deliberate union of humanity and creatures from The Dark.

From Other Sources

other user created creatures appropriate for the Sanctuary's Lot setting

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