Bevel (Shard Ne'Vaal Supplement)

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Bevel is the landmass connected to Himmländ via the Ohr Strait.

The continent of Bevel



Arguably one of the most advanced and expansive civilizations of the Old World, Preius was virtually an empire that spanned much of the continent. Their neighbors were reduced to practically tributary states and they had ambitions to extend far beyond their nautical limits. However, many of their overseas expeditions were thwarted due to distance and powerful natives who resisted conquest.


Arana is one of the small kingdoms located at the southern tip of Bevel. They have had a fractious history due to the many groups which resist their central authority. This ultimately led tot heir subjugation by Preius.


This nation has perhaps one of the most compressed populations in the world. Their people are believed to have migrated from Dasoon originally onto Bevel's southeastern coast. Their dense population and mixed culture proved to be an asset as they have effectively warded off most attempts to conquer them from Preius.




Fhalatian Range

Mount Gar

Gilo Gulf

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