Fecht (Shard Ne'Vaal Supplement)

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Fecht is a confederacy-style state that was formed with multiple treaties between powerful mountain tribes that resided around Mount Gar. As of recent history, it was conquered by Preius and turned into a partially-independent tributary state.


Half of Fecht is entirely mountainous, encompassing the southwestern portion of the Fhalatian Range. The part of Fecht that is below high altitude is largely verdant and also flat all the way out to the Ocean of Kirsus.


The mountainous tribes that compose Fecht include orcs, gnoll, goblinoids, and goliaths. Each of these groups are considered separately autonomous, creating a very splintered form of coexistence.


Fecht is considered a confederacy of mountain tribe members. These tribes all largely deal in their own business, but have agreed to treaties past that would bind them to aid another in the event of attack. In light of their state under Preius, the confederacy still endures and largely governs their own affairs. However, the tribes now have to collectively pay tribute to their conqueror. They convene every year to do so.


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