5e Necromancer Classes

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Classes of the necromancer archetype focus on death, undeath, and necromancy, and often include becoming undead.

Necromancer Variant Classes

Classes which are variants of the Necromancer archetype.
Name Summary Spellcasting
Death Dealer Life is so overrated...why not cause more death to flourish full
Death Monarch A spellcaster able to draw power from the shadowfell, using this dark energy as a weapon, a refuge and to exert control over dead creatures. half
Deathslinger A mercenary for the grave to ensure that no one escapes when death comes knocking half
Devil User Rebalanced A rebalance of the original Devil User class, based on the manga series Chainsaw Man.
Ghost Caller Support your allies, become a ghost
Martyr, Variant
Medium Command armies of ghosts from the rear or from the frontlines of battle (Spirit Commander Variant). third
Necromancer, 3rd Variant A master of life and death can be a wonderful companion or a terrible enemy full
Necromancer, 6th Variant A master of life and death can be a wonderful companion or a terrible enemy full
Nekomancer Those who form contracts with the Ancient fey Nekomata aren’t warlocks but instead Nekomancers
Night Blood A Night Blood is a vampire cousin: fewer weaknesses at the tradeoff of being less powerful. half
Pure Necromancer A dedicated student of the secrets of death.
Ruined King
Sanguimancy You are no normal caster. What other achieve by various difficult methods you reach by utilizing the essence of life itself. full
Shadow Lord Death's representative, given authority to reap souls at will. half
Shadow Stalker Death's representative, given authority to reap souls at will. full
Soul Keeper
Vampire, Hellsing Use the souls of your enemies to gain great power.

Necromancer Mashup Classes

Classes which are mashups partly inspired by the Necromancer archetype.
Name Summary Spellcasting
Athcana Lich, Variant Even death cannot stop you now; explore the new possibilities given to you in undeath. full
User:Austain/Big Crack
Blood Sampler A spellcaster who takes blood from others and uses it in magical ways, empowering their spells with the blood of dragons. full
Bloodguard A dark knight who receives powers through sacrifice to a higher being half
Bone Collector Memory of the party, connections to past encounters, takes on the big bad, animates skeletons. full
Dark Omen Grim knights that are fueled by dark powers. half
Death Incarnate Beings beyond reasoning of normal people, that embrace Death as their life, goal and means of justice.
Death's Servant full
Death's Servant, variant full
Devil User Rebalanced A rebalance of the original Devil User class, based on the manga series Chainsaw Man.
Ghost Caller Support your allies, become a ghost
Ghoul, Variant A Humanoid monster with powerful Natural weapons that have plenty of power, and utility. Very helpful especially when you need to sate a diet that consists of human flesh.
God's Descendant
Lich A spellcasting warrior that's hard to put down but must power their phylactery. half
Lich, 3rd Variant Even death cannot stop you now, explore the new possibilities given to you in undeath. full
Lich, 4th Variant Even death cannot stop you now, explore the new possibilities given to you in undeath. full
Lich, Variant Even death cannot stop you now, explore the new possibilities given to you in undeath. full
Lifedrinker Creatures of mystique and unholy wonder that move in the night and feed on unsuspecting victims.
Martyr, Variant
Masked Hunter Hunters wielding a knife and a bow, sacrificing lives for eldritch creatures.
Necromancer, 4th Variant A spellcaster who uses the corpses of friend or foe to aid him. full
Saboteur Saboteurs are blessed combatants who take blessings from light and dark celestials or deities.
Sanguimancy You are no normal caster. What other achieve by various difficult methods you reach by utilizing the essence of life itself. full
Stitchpunk A gruesome second cousin to surgeons who uses surgical knowledge for many helpful and harmful purposes.
Tager A person who has inextricably bonded themself with a being from the Far Realm, gaining a shifted form in the process.
Vampire, 2nd Variant You were once alive, but now this blessed curse rules your life. half
Vampire, Hellsing Use the souls of your enemies to gain great power.
Vampire, Stone Mask Variant A normal creature, twisted by an artifact of great power.
Vampyr A Pure-blooded vampire who's heart still beats.
Vampyre You are a night walker. One who glides through oceans of blood. Beyond human. A monster whose power radiates with a darkness. One that casts a shadow on darkness itself.
Vampyre Knight You are one of the last descendants of old these Vampyre's use their blood to empower them selves and show true fear. half
Wendigo The Wendigo is seen as the embodiment of gluttony, greed, and excess: never satisfied after killing and consuming one person, they are constantly searching for new victims.

Incomplete Necromancer Classes

Incomplete Classes which are variants of the Necromancer archetype or which are mashups inspired by the Necromancer archetype.
Name Summary Spellcasting
Blood Cursed A cursed individual that uses blood-and unholy-magic to defeat it's opponents and maybe seeks vengeance.
Clan Eshin Acolyte A master assassin and cutthroat for hire the skaven of clan eshin are monsters when left to their own devices.
Death Knight Ever wanted to play a Warcraft style Death Knight in 5E? I have amalgamated the previous versions into this more vanilla variant. half
Death Knight, 3rd Variant Ever wanted to play a Warcraft style Death Knight in 5E? I have amalgamated the previous versions into this more vanilla variant. half
Ghostblade Buff your allies Debuff your enemies
Necromancer, 7th Variant Some call them glorified graverobbers, some fear them, and others despise them. The Necromancer raises undead minions for use on the battlefield. half
Scourge Scourges are forces of destruction. Being a scourge does not necessitate being evil or notorious, but rather that you pull from a pool of energy, devoted to light, death, blood, fire, or frost. Some scourges could be in another category, but those are the major 5.
Soul Herald Your power comes from your soul, the more you grow the stronger it gets. full
Spirit Weaver full
The Inscribed, Epithet Variant Every Inscribed has a word attached to their soul.
True Formula Mage Decompose magic and use it to your advantage full
True Lich Even death cannot stop you now, explore the new possibilities given to you in undeath. full
True Necromancer Build your army of Darkness full
Vampire Assassin third
Vampire Lord Ancient Vampires of great power and influence.
Vampire, Hellsing, Variant Use the souls of your enemies to gain great power.
Yorick Mori

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