3.5e Fighter Feats, Special

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Special Feats: These feats improve your abilities with special attacks, such as bull rush, disarm, grapple, overrun, sunder, and trip attacks, and feinting in combat.

Special Feats
Name Prerequisite(s) Summary
Animal Master Charisma 17, 6 ranks in handle animal. You are a master at handling animals.
Automail Limb Missing a limb (arm, leg, or any part of an arm or leg, such as a hand or foot), Constitution 15+ This feat allows you to replace a lost limb
Backhand Throughstrike Int 13, Combat Expertise, Improved Disarm, base attack bonus 8+ You can easily breach into the open defense after you disarmed your


Barricade Str 17, base attack bonus +6
Bladesong Symmetry +8 BAB, 13 Strength, Two-Weapon Fighting, Bladesong Style Allows you to use part of your Bladesong AC bonus when two-weapon fighting, with certain conditions.
Bloodied Frenzy 15 Wisdom or less A Fighter's adrenaline turns into a blood lust in dire situations.
Cleave Asunder Str 13, Cleave, Improved Sunder, Power Attack Your Sunder attacks are usually more effective. You are trained in following through when you break an opponent's weapon or shield
Condexor BAB 6, Base Fort Save of 5, SRD:Endurance Use Fort instead of Ref.
Crippling Arm Hold Base Attack Bonus +4, Improved Grapple Each grapple check you win while pinning your opponent, you can attempt to cripple your opponent.
Crippling Leg Hold Base Attack Bonus +6, Improved Grapple Each grapple check you win while pinning your opponent, you can attempt to cripple your opponent.
Dauntless Frame Strength 14, Constitution 12 Countless days spent training have given you a physique like no other.
Defensive Disarm Combat Expertise, Int 13, Improved Disarm When attacked with a weapon, you may attempt to disarm the foe attacking you.
Disarm and Deny Int 13, Combat Expertise, Improved Disarm You can steal a weapon from your opponent.
Disarm and Fling Int 13, Combat Expertise, Improved Disarm, Throw AnythingCW, base attack bonus +8 You can fling enemy weapons towards an unsuspecting target.
Divine Sorcerer Sorcerer <!-A short summary of the feat-> gains turning, loses familiar
Eagle Eye 10 spot Your aye are extremely keen
Fencing Combat School Must be chosen at 1st level You were trained at a combat school.
Formation Expert, Variant Base Attack Bonus +5 Allows you to make Shield Formation Tactial maneuvers.
Greater Demoralize Charisma 15
Greater Feint Int 13, Combat Expertise, Improved Feint, Base attack bonus 4+ Your can use a feint to get into a favorable attack position.
Greater Grapple Base Attack Bonus +6, Str 13 or Dex 13, Improved Grapple Character receives an additional +4 to all grapple checks.
Greater Overrun You can overrun multiple targets.
Greater Parry Dex 19, Combat Reflexes, Parry, Improved Parry Base attack bonus +12 You are trained to parry incoming melee attacks more faster
Grounded Push BAB +8
Grounded Stance
Grounded Strike Str 13, Base Attack +2, Improved Grapple Your so skilled at grappling you cause your opponents damage.
Hero of The Shield Must use a shield(s) as a weapon, must be above 35 years of age, Over Time and use with your shield you have grow accustomed to it and with so, you have learned to improved yourself
Hook Hold Improved Grapple, base attack bonus +6
Improved Counter Parry Dex 19, Combat Reflexes, Parry, Improved Parry, Base attack bonus +8 When you parry incoming attacks, they provoke attack of opportunity.
Improved Demoralize II Charisma 13
Improved Parry Dex 17, Combat Reflexes, Parry, Base attack bonus +8 You have mastered the technique of defending yourself by parry incoming enemy attacks.
Improved Parry Strike Dex 19, Combat Reflexes, Parry, Improved Parry, Base attack bonus +8 When you parry incoming attacks, they provoke attack of opportunity.
Improved Parry, Variant Dex 17, Combat Reflexes, Parry, Base attack bonus +6 You have mastered the technique of defending yourself by parry incoming enemy attacks.
Improved Pin Improved Unarmed Strike, Improved Grapple You pin your opponents more effectively.
Improved Twin Weapon Fighting Dex 18, Twin Weapon Fighting, BAB 10 You gain an additional attack with each weapon with the attack roll of -5 to you highest BAB.
Improved Two Hand Weapon Fighting SRD:Weapon Focus and able to attack twice with a single two hand weapon as a full round action. This feat can only be taken if you use one two hand weapon. You gain an additional attack with you lowest BAB+2 if a two hand weapon is used, but you highest BAB is reduced by 3.
Mantra Magic 3HD, Wis 12, must not be barred from using magic A small collection of spells drawn from ones own force of will that require no real training
Martial Cadence Power Attack, Base Attack Bonus +4 The Character gains a damage multiplier while attacking the same enemy
Master Bull Rush Str 13, Power Attack, Improved Bull Rush, base attack bonus 4+ You are an expert at delivering a Bull Rush, so much so that you can avoid some of the standard penalties.
Master Disarm Int 13, Combat Expertise, Improved Disarm, Weapon Focus (any), Fighter level 4. You are an expert at disarming your opponent.
Master Feint Int 13, Combat Expertise, Improved Feint, base attack bonus 3+ Your are an expert at feinting your opponent.
Master Grapple Dex 13, Improved Unarmed Strike, Improved Grapple, base attack bonus 4+ You are an expert at grappling and can even turn your opponent's failed attempts against him.
Master Overrun Str 13, Power Attack, Improved Overrun, Fighter level 4th. Your are an expert at the overrun maneuver.
Master Sunder Str 13, Power Attack, Improved Sunder, Fighter level 4. Your are an expert at sundering your opponents weapons.
Master Trip Str 13, Combat Expertise, Improved Trip, base attack bonus 4+ Your trips are so fast and brutal they can leave your enemies dazed.
Natural Multiattack More than 3 primary attacks, Multiattack Feat Allows for many attacks
Nature Sympathy Level 6,Handle Animal Rank 10 This allows for a character of any class to obtain an Animal Companion
One with the world 20 rank to hide you are able to mend hide your presence as if you wasn't even there
Ordinary Crafter Crafting rank 5+ <!-A short summary of the feat-> can make non-magic items
Pin Weapon Base attack bonus +3 This feat allows you to 'lock blades' with an opponent, reducing their ability to react
Practiced Feint Bluff 4 ranks, Sense Motive 4 ranks You can make and sense feints with increased skill.
Quick Swap Int 13, Combat Expertise, Improved Feint, Base attack bonus +6 You can confuse your opponent by swapping your weapon between hands.
Ranged Parry Dex 17, Combat Reflexes, Parry, Improved Parry, Base attack bonus +12 You may parry projectiles attemt you and objects entering your reach.
Reach Your Potential spellcaster 5th level+, spellcasting stat 20+ <!-A short summary of the feat-> caster levels are equal to HD
Reflexive Recovery Dex 13, Combat Reflexes, Lightning Reflexes Your amazing reflexes allow you to recover almost instantly from being knocked prone.
Resist Critical Proficiency with armor, Base attack bonus +8 You are better able to resist critical blows with your selected armor.
Riposte, Variant Dex 13, weapon focus, combat reflexes, improved parry. You have trained the style of parrying to perfection. You can now riposte his attack when parried.
Skillful combat BAB+8 Allows the user to attack with great skill, taking advantage of his knowledge of the weaknesses of others and exploiting their openings
Strangle Hold Base Attack Bonus +8 You are so skilled at grappling you can attempt to strangle your opponent.
Strike at the Tail Base attack bonus +6, Int 13, Combat Expertise, Improved Disarm You have learned superior disarming techniques.
Stronger Shooter Your strength is apparently so strong that you can ignore things like reflex and aiming.
Superior Eagle Eye 20 spot 10 search Your eye have become top notch,your vision is unhindered and you seem to be able to se a few second ahead of time
Superior Feint Int 13, Combat Expertise, Improved Feint, Base attack bonus +6 You can fake out your opponents with incredible speed.
Three weapon fighting BAB+6, you can use three weapons, one in each hand and another in your mouth, this is known as the art of 'San Buki Shura'.
Tornado Smash Str 17, Dex 13, Int 13, Combat Expertise, Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, Whirlwind Attack, Power Attack, Improved Bull Rush, base attack bonus +12 Your Whirlwind attack sends the enemies flying.
Toss Dex 13, Improved Unarmed Strike, Improved Grapple You may throw an opponent when grappling.
Unbalancing Feint Int 15, Combat Expertise, Improved Feint, Vexing Feint, Base attack bonus +7 Your feint can unbalance your opponent.
Vexing Feint Int 15, Combat Expertise, Improved Feint, Base attack bonus +5 Your feinting technique has a longer lasting effect.
Whirling Feint Dex 13, Int 13, Combat Expertise, Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, Whirlwind Attack, Improved Feint, base attack bonus +8, Bluff 10 ranks. You can feint all opponents in your reach at once.