Zombie (JJBA Supplement)

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Caution - Here there be monsters!
This content intends to provide a different experience, or goes beyond the scope of the anticipated subjects and situations, than the 5e rules were intended to handle. Some portions of the content below may not be what you expect from traditional game content. When implementing this content, DMs and Players should read over all the information carefully, and consider the following specific notes of interest:
This creature was created as part of the Player Equivalent CR variant rule using the Sideshow (Anime Supplement) class and Monster (5e Background) background, and as such does not follow traditional CR.


Medium undead, neutral evil

Armor Class 16
Hit Points 51 (6d10 + 18)
Speed 30 ft.

18 (+4) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 8 (-1) 10 (+0) 8 (-1)

Saving Throws Str +7, Con +6
Skills Athletics +7, Insight +3, Intimidation +2, Perception +3, Stealth +5, Survival +3
Damage Vulnerabilities radiant
Damage Resistances poison, necrotic
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13
Languages any one language
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)

Spirit Points. The zombie has 6 spirit points which they may expend. All spirit points are regained at the end of a long rest.

Undead Fortitude. If damage reduces the zombie to 0 hit points, it must make a Constitution saving throw with a DC of 5 + the damage taken, unless the damage is radiant or from a critical hit. On a success, the zombie drops to 1 hit point instead.

Weakness to Radiance. Any time the zombie radiant damage, it takes an additional 7 (2d6) radiant.

Sunlight Hypersensitivity. If an amount of skin equal to the surface of the zombie's head or greater is in direct sunlight, they take 9 (2d6 + 2) radiant damage at the end of each of their turns, or every 6 seconds outside of initiative. Creatures attempting to reveal the zombie may do so as the result of a successful shove attempt. Recovering themself requires an action. Additionally, the zombie does not age or need to sleep, and they count as one size larger for the sake of how much you can push, pull, or lift.

Flesh Detection. If there is only one creature in a 15 foot radius of the zombie, they automatically learn their alignment, even if they aren't aware of their presence, so long as they produce a scent.

Brainstorm. When the zombie is targeted by an effect in which they must make a saving throw or the entity initiating the effect makes any sort of attack roll or skill check, the zombie may spend 1 spirit point to contest it with an Intelligence saving throw, completely ignoring the effect on a success.


Multiattack. The zombie makes two Slam attacks.

Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 bludgeoning damage.

Zombie Crush (1 Spirit Point). As a bonus action while grappling a creature in two hands, the target becomes restrained until they escape the grapple and automatically 5 bludgeoning damage at the end of each of the zombie's turns.

Blood Drain (1 Spirit Point). As a bonus action, the zombie gains the following for 1 minute. On a hit with an unarmed strike, they regain hit points equal to the damage you deal unless the target is an elemental, construct, or undead to a maximum of twice the target's proficiency bonus.

When they reduce a creature's hit points to 0 and would regain hit points from this feature, they may instead raise them as an undead after 1 minute. They regain hit points equal to the damage they dealt that reduced to them to 0 hit points, they gain the Zombie feature, and they become charmed by the zombie.

Bloody Summoning (1 Spirit Point). While Blood Drain is active, one willing or unconscious creature within the zombie's reach that is not an elemental, construct, or undead is killed instantly and the zombie regains hit points as if they had hit them with an unarmed strike and spirit points equal to half their proficiency bonus rounded down, and fulfilling their daily requirement of food and water.


Zombies are the vile spawn of a vampire, created either by raising the dead or draining the living of their life, reversing the "flow" of their life energy. While lacking many of the unique powers of their masters, their ability to raise their own zombies makes the threat of a zombie infestation rise exponentially. Very few zombies are able to retain their personalities, but those that do are a much grater threat than a typical zombie.

Variant: Wang Chan

Wang Chan was a Chinese fortune teller and poison expert living in the Ogre Street ghetto in London circa 1888. After providing poison to one Dio Brando, in turn becoming a conspirator and key piece of evidence in uncovering Dio's attempt to poison his adoptive father George Joestar, he was also converted into a vampirised Dio's first zombie, even being his first assassin sent after his brother Jonathan Joestar. Following Dio's fall from grace, Wang Chan was his final servant, toting his head around in an attempt to steal Jonathan's body, though this would be his final confrontation. Wang Chan does not have the Flesh Detection feature, but gains the following actions:

Zombie Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (2d4 + 3) slashing damage.

Extend Claws (1 Spirit Point). As a bonus action, the reach of Wang Chan's Zombie Claws increases by 5 feet for 1 minute.

Variant: Jack the Ripper

The legendary murderer who stalked the streets of London in 1888, Jack the Ripper was Dio Brando's second servant, having been chosen for bearing the same ruthless nature as his new master. Jack the Ripper would be Jonathan Joestar's first challenge in the labyrinthian entrance to Windknight's Lot, though he would not survive this fight. Jack the Ripper does not have the Flesh Detection feature, but gains the following actions:

Dagger. Melee or Thrown Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft. or 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d4 + 4) bludgeoning damage.

Insert Weapon (1 Spirit Point). As a bonus action, Jack the Ripper inserts one light melee weapon with the thrown property into his body. He may have up to 3 weapons in his body at a time.

Flex Eject. Jack the Ripper makes a thrown attack with any weapons inserted in his body of his choice.

Variant: Adams

Originally a citizen of Windknight's Lot, Adams was converted into a zombie during Dio's conquest of the area. Wearing the skin of another citizen, he attempted to trick Jonathan Joestar into turning his back, only to be quickly defeated. Adams does not have the Zombie Crush action, but gains the following actions:

Tongue Twister (1 Spirit Point). As a bonus action, the reach of Adams' Slam increases by 15 feet but deal half as much damage to creatures beyond 5 feet for 1 minute.

Variant: Page

Once a loyal knight of Windknight's Lot alongside three others, Page was executed for taking part in a noble's rebellion, only to be resurrected as an insectoid zombie hybrid by Dio Brando and forced to serve as one of his castle guards. Page does not have the Flesh Detection feature or Zombie Crush action, but gains the following feature and actions:

Insectoid Muzzle. Page gains a +1 bonus to his unarmed strikes' critical threshold.

Fanged Muzzle (2 Spirit Points). As a bonus action, Page gains a further +2 bonus to his unarmed strikes' critical threshold until the end of his next turn (+3 total).

Needle Vein Strike (1 Spirit Point). One creature within 10 feet must attempt a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they are restrained until the end of your next turn and are damaged by one of his unarmed strikes. On a success, he becomes restrained until the end of his next turn.

Variant: Jones

Once a loyal knight of Windknight's Lot alongside three others, Jones was executed for taking part in a noble's rebellion, only to be resurrected as an canine zombie hybrid by Dio Brando and forced to serve as one of his castle guards. Jones does not have the Flesh Detection feature or Zombie Crush action, but gains the following feature and actions:

Powerful Jaws. If Jones is grappling a creature or being grappled by a creature, his melee attacks automatically hit the creature and he gains a +3 bonus to the attack's damage roll. Jones may still make an attack roll to determine if he scores a critical hit. This feature extends to creatures who are too large to be grappled as long as he climbs on to them.

Quick Fangs. As a bonus action, Jones make an unarmed strike, and he may spend 1 spirit point to make a second unarmed strike as part of this bonus action.

Needle Vein Strike (1 Spirit Point). One creature within 10 feet must attempt a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they are restrained until the end of your next turn and are damaged by one of his unarmed strikes. On a success, he becomes restrained until the end of his next turn.

Variant: Plant

Once a loyal knight of Windknight's Lot alongside three others, Plant was executed for taking part in a noble's rebellion, only to be resurrected as an frog zombie hybrid by Dio Brando and forced to serve as one of his castle guards. Plant does not have the Flesh Detection feature or Zombie Crush action, but gains the following feature and action:

Reinforced Body. Each of his body parts are Sturdy one additional time.

Needle Vein Strike (1 Spirit Point). One creature within 10 feet must attempt a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they are restrained until the end of your next turn and are damaged by one of his unarmed strikes. On a success, he becomes restrained until the end of his next turn.

Variant: Bonham

Once a loyal knight of Windknight's Lot alongside three others, Bonham was executed for taking part in a noble's rebellion, only to be resurrected as an fish zombie hybrid by Dio Brando and forced to serve as one of his castle guards. Bonham does not have the Flesh Detection feature or Zombie Crush action, but gains the following feature and action:

Split Head. Bonham may take the Search action as a bonus action and may may spend 1 spirit point when he takes the Search action to be unable to be surprised for 1 hour.

Needle Vein Strike (1 Spirit Point). One creature within 10 feet must attempt a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they are restrained until the end of your next turn and are damaged by one of his unarmed strikes. On a success, he becomes restrained until the end of his next turn.

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