Yuta Okkotsu, Shinjuku Showdown (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement)

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Yuta Okkotsu, Shinjuku Showdown[edit]

Medium humanoid (Human), lawful good

Armor Class 33
Hit Points 442 (52d8+208)
Speed 95 ft

12 (+1) 16 (+3) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) 30 (+10)

Saving Throws Dex +11, Cha +18
Skills Arcana +12, Athletics +9, Deception +18, Medicine +12, Perception +12, Persuasion +18
Proficiency Bonus +8
Senses passive Perception 22
Challenge 26 (90,000 XP)

Cursed Energy. Yuta has 189 cursed energy that he can use to fuel his abilities. All of his cursed energy is replenished at the end of a short rest.

Cursed Energy Recovery. Yuta regains 1 cursed energy at the beginning of his turns.

Cursed Armor. Yuta can spend up to 12 cursed energy to give himself temporary hit points equal to the cursed energy spent times 10 for 1 minute. Yuta can only benefit from this feature again after 1 minute or having its temporary hit points reduced to 0 (No action required). Yuta gains damage resistance to 4 damage types that aren't Necrotic or Radiant when this armor is used. These damage resistances may be changed on a long rest or once per round as a bonus action or reaction to him using Cursed Armor. Yuta gains 8 temporary hit points at the beginning of your turns while your cursed armor is active.

Cursed Strikes. Yuta can spend up to 10 cursed energy when making an Unarmed Strike in order to add 1d10 necrotic damage to his attack per Cursed Energy spent. He can also use this in response to rolling a natural 20 on an attack roll with an unarmed strike instead of beforehand. On a miss, the energy used remains until he hits a target or until 1 minute passes. Yuta's cursed strikes also deal an additional 6 damage. This bonus can be doubled by spending 3 Cursed Energy.

Cursed-Empowered Strikes. Yuta attacks are considered magical for the purposes of overcoming resistances, and deal 2d12 extra necrotic damage (already included).

Evasion/Endurance. Whenever Yuta makes a Dexterity or Constitution saving throw, he takes half as much damage on a failure and no damage on a success.

Eerie Cursed Energy. At the start of initiative, Yuta may force every creature within 30 ft to make a DC 26 Charisma saving throw. On a failure, they gain the frightened condition for one minute. They can remake this saving throws at the beginning of their turns to end this effect early, on a success they become immune to this effect. In addition, Yuta will gain resistance to Necrotic damage while using Cursed Armor.

Vengeful Spirit (1 Cursed Energy). Once per turn, Yuta can call on Rika to attack, making a Cursed Energy Attack roll against a target within 15 ft of him. This attack deals 1d8 Slashing damage.

Vengeful Spirit Manifestation (6 Cursed Energy). Yuta can manifest Rika for 1 minute (no action required). He can summon it this way 5 times before needing to take a long rest. Yuta may desummon his spirit as a Reaction to it being attacked.

Cursed Love. While Yuta is within 120 ft of Rika, he is immune to the frightened and charmed conditions and he has advantage on Charisma saving throws. Additionally, Rika has advantage on attack rolls while within 5 feet of him.

Speed Supremacy. Once per turn, when Yuta takes an action, bonus action, or reaction, or uses his movement, he can blind his enemies in a quick burst of speed. The feature used will require twice as many reactions to react to. If a creature also possesses this feature, they can expend their use of it for the round to make reactions function as normal. If a feature or action allows him to make multiple attacks or force multiple saving throws, only one of them will receive the benefit of speed supremacy. Additionally, Yuta gains one additional reaction per round.

120% Technique. As part of using a technique, Yuta may spend an extra amount of cursed energy equal to ⅕ (rounded down) of its original cost before reductions, causing the technique to do more damage dice equal to 1/5th (rounded down) of its original amount of damage dice.

50 Meters In 3 Seconds! Yuta has 2 Reactions per round.

Overpowering Cursed Energy. When someone tries to track or feel Yuta’s Cursed Energy, they must roll a DC 26 Wisdom saving throw. On a success, they feel his Cursed Energy but are not shaken by it. On a failure, they are frightened for 1 minute and receive the following detriments:

  • Their ability checks, saving throws, attack rolls, spell save DCs, maneuver save DCs, and Cursed Energy save DCs are reduced by 5.
  • Their focus on their abilities is lost. They cannot concentrate.
  • Yuta’s powers make them become paralyzed in fear. They have disadvantage on his saving throws, and he has advantage on saving throws against their features.

A creature remakes this saving throw at the end of each of their turns. Creatures who are level 26 make this saving throw with advantage. Creatures who are level 23 or below make this saving throw with disadvantage. Once a creature passes this saving throw, they become immune to it for 24 hours.

When Yuta rolls initiative, he can choose any number of creatures within 180 feet of him, or that can see him. They must make the Wisdom saving throw as though they tried to track him or feel his Cursed Energy.

Improved Cursed Energy Output. As apart of any feature which uses cursed energy, Yuta can expend cursed energy equal to half of the feature’s original cost to amplify its output, granting it one of the following benefits:

  • The feature’s number of damage dice increases by 5. If the feature does not deal damage dice, it’s damage bonus increases by a quarter of the original amount.
  • The feature’s range increases by 55 ft.
  • The feature’s bonus to hit is increased by +2.
  • The feature’s DC increases by +2.
  • The feature’s duration increases by 11 rounds.

Legendary Cursed Energy Output. If Yuta uses the Improved Cursed Energy Output and uses either Maximum Output or Chanting on a feature, its total cursed energy cost will now be reduced by 14. This cursed energy reduction does not apply for the purposes of the One In A Billion feat.

Freed Spirit. Yuta can use Rika's Cursed Energy pool as a substitute to only use his Copied Techniques.

Reverse Cursed Technique. Yuta has a healing pool of 3900 that he can use with his reverse cursed energy. If he is suffering from a physical effect injury such as a concussion or something similar, one of these effects can be healed for every 10 hit points healed with reverse cursed technique. If you're not using the Limb System variant rule, Yuta regrows back limbs for every 20 hit points he regains. Yuta can use his RCT until his healing pool ends before getting burnout, during which he can't use RCT until his healing pool recovers. At the beginning of his turns while in a combat where his life is at risk, he regains 10 hit points of his healing pool back. His healing pool automatically goes back to full at the end of a short rest. Whenever Yuta makes a creature regain hit points, they will regain half as many hit points as temporary hit points. They cannot gain temporary hit points from this feature again until the current temporary hit points vanish. For every 10 Cursed Energy spent on the Reverse Cursed Technique, Yuta can choose to end one of the conditions currently affecting the target, or reduce one level of exhaustion.

Improved Output. Yuta may use his Reverse Cursed Technique on others, though the amount he heals other creatures is halved. Additionally, whenever he deals damage to a Cursed Spirit with an Unarmed Strike or a Natural weapon, he may spend up to 10 Cursed Energy to deal 5 radiant damage per 1 Cursed Energy spent. The total amount of radiant damage is subtracted from his healing pool.


Multiattack. Yuta makes 4 attacks.

Unarmed Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +26 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 14 (2d10 + 3) Bludgeoning and 28 (2d12+15) Necrotic damage.

Grade 1 Cursed Katana. Melee Weapon Attack: +29 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 17 (2d10 + 6) Slashing and 45 (2d6+2d12+25) Necrotic damage. (Versatile. Hit: 13 (2d6 + 6) Slashing and 47 (2d8+2d12+25) Necrotic damage.)

G Warstaff. Melee Weapon Attack: +37 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 25 (2d10 + 14) Slashing and 44 (1d12+2d12+25) Necrotic damage.

Exorcise. Yuta can automatically destroy a cursed spirit within 30 feet of himself with a CR of 4 or lower that he can see.

Resurrection (25 Cursed Energy). As an Action, Yuta can touch a creature that has been dead for no longer than 24 hours and that died for any reason except old age. This closes all wounds, and cures all diseases affecting the creature when it died. It also replaces damaged or missing organs and limbs, as it brings it back to life.

Basic Barrier (1+ Cursed Energy). Yuta can spend up to 11 cursed energy to make a dome starting from himself with a 5 foot radius and a 10ft. in height. For each cursed energy spent, the barrier’s maximum radius and height both increase by 10ft, but Yuta may choose to make it smaller if he wishes. This barrier has 10 times the amount of cursed energy spent hit points, resistance to all damage from the inside, is vulnerable to all damage from the outside and is immune to Psychic damage. This barrier has an AC of 23 and automatically fails saving throws. This barrier lasts 2 minutes. Yuta can deactivate this basic barrier at will (no action required).

Curtain(5 Cursed Energy). Yuta covers the sky and the ground within a 2165-foot radius with a dome of darkness for 10 minutes. The curtain makes the sky become dark despite the time of day, provoking any cursed spirits out of hiding. Those without levels in the Jujutsu Sorcerer class cannot see anything inside the barrier, merely seeing as if nothing but the vegetation was there. Creatures who can see into the ethereal plane or have levels in the jujutsu sorcerer path can see the black half-sphere. The curtain has 300 hit points. This barrier has an AC of 23 and automatically fails saving throws. It is also immune to Psychic damage.

Cursed Energy Slash (1+ Cursed Energy). While Cursed Cursed Energy Weapon Enhancement is active on a weapon that deals slashing damage, Yuta can spend up to 11 Cursed Energy to produce a huge cursed energy slash. Every creature within a 30 ft line make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take 53 (2d6+2d6+2d12+26) necrotic damage + 27 (2d6+2d6+2d12) necrotic damage per Cursed Energy spent, on a success they take half as much damage. This feature deals double damage to structures and objects. When using this feature, Yuta may spend up to an additional 11 Cursed Energy to produce a second cursed slash. A creature is only affected once if they're in the area of multiple slashes. Yuta may choose to make this feature's range a 60 ft line, a 30 ft cone, or a 20 ft radius centered around himself.

Cursed Energy Ray (1+ Cursed Energy). Yuta can spend up to 11 Cursed Energy to launch a cursed energy ball in a line of 30ft. Once it reaches the end of the line, it will explode in a 15ft. circle, making every creature in that range make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take 6 (1d12) necrotic damage + 6 (1d12) necrotic damage per Cursed Energy spent, and half as much on a success. If Yuta spends the maximum amount of Cursed energy that he can on this feature, its line reach becomes 60ft., and its 15ft. circle becomes a 30ft. cylinder. It also deals six times as much damage to objects and structures. Yuta may choose to change the Dexterity saving throw to another saving throw of his choice.

Cursed Energy Pressure (1+ Cursed Energy). Yuta can spend up to 11 Cursed Energy to exude Cursed Energy from his body, forcing all creatures within 5 ft of him to make a Strength saving throw. On a failure, they take 22 (1d10) necrotic damage + 5 (1d10) necrotic damage per Cursed Energy spent and are knocked prone. On a success, they take half as much and are not knocked prone.

Domain Expansion: True & Mutual Love (20 Cursed Energy). Yuta opens his Domain Expansion.


Martial Arts. When Yuta uses his action to make an unarmed strike, as a bonus action he can make another one or a one-handed weapon attack.

Cursed Blast of Blows. After taking the Attack action on his turn, Yuta can spend 3 Cursed Energy to perform two unarmed strikes as a bonus action.

Cursed Patient Defense. Yuta can spend 3 Cursed Energy to take the Dodge action as a bonus action on his turn.

Cursed Wind Step. Yuta can spend 3 Cursed Energy to take the Disengage or Dash action as a bonus action on his turn, and his jump distance is doubled until the end of their turn.

Cursed Weapon Enhancement. Yuta can spend up to 10 Cursed Energy to enhance his sword. His Katana attacks will deal extra Necrotic damage equal to 2 times the amount of Cursed Energy spent. It also increases its reach by 5 ft.

Maximum Output. Yuta can spend Cursed Energy equal to twice the original cost of one of his cursed techniques to amplify its cursed energy output, making it gain two of the following benefits the next time its cast:

  • The technique's range is increased by half its original range rounded to the highest 5. For example, a technique with 10ft. of range would become a 15ft. range technique. This range increase does not work with touch based techniques.
  • The technique's damage dice is increased by half of its original dice rounded up. For example, a technique with 10d10 die of damage would add 5d10 die of damage to the total damage die.
  • The technique's bonus to hit is increased by half of its original bonus rounded up. For example, a technique with a +7 to hit would add a +4 to hit in its maximum output form.
  • The technique's DC is increased by 5.
  • The technique's duration is increased by half of its original duration. For example, a technique that lasts a minute would last 1 minute and 5 rounds.

Copy. Yuta may command Rika to make a Claw attack against a creature. If the attack hits, she can extract the creature's DNA. Yuta must make a Charisma saving throw against the target's Cursed Energy DC. On a success, he copies their Cursed Technique. On a failed save, he does not copy the cursed technique. If a creature heals the damage he dealt in order to copy or heals the destroyed limb you used to copy, then his copied technique goes away and he no longer have access to it. If a creature dies before it can heal the damage or limb, then he keeps the copied technique after they have died. He gains all features of the copied Technique as if he had it at his level, but doesn't gain Reversal Techniques, Maximum Techniques, or Domain Expansions. Extension Techniques and the incantations for Chanting must also be learned. When he sees one of these being used he may make a DC 20 Charisma saving throw with advantage in order to learn it.

If a creature is level 27 or higher, they must be below half hit points or have a limb reduced to 0 hit points before Yuta may attempt to Copy their Cursed Technique with this feature.

While an active duration which affects him from one of his cursed techniques (such as Limitless’ one minute Infinity or Hakuna Laana’s one minute dance) is active he may not use any of his other cursed techniques, doing so will immediately end the duration. He also cannot use additional kinds of actions granted by one cursed technique (such as the extra reactions granted by Projection Sorcery) to use another cursed technique.

When Yuta copies a cursed technique, he must spend as much Cursed Energy as the technique’s Lapse requires. Yuta can have up to 6 of these techniques permanently stored within Rika. Whenever he learns more than his limit, he must choose which technique to remove. In addition, he'll automatically pass the Charisma saving throw if he has already copied the cursed technique before. Rika must be in the world to use any copied Cursed Techniques.

Freed Spirit. Yuta may gain up to 32 Cursed Energy. Rika spends Cursed Energy equal to how much he gained. Cursed energy gained this way cannot exceed his maximum, and if Rika does not have enough cursed energy to spend he instead gains as much as she can spend.

Improved Reverse Cursed Technique Yuta spends any amount of Cursed Energy, regaining 20 hit points for each energy he spends, and removing the same amount of healing from his healing pool. Every 1 Cursed Energy Yuta spends on this feature counts as 2.


Cursed Energy Reinforcement Whenever Yuta makes a Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, or Wisdom saving throw, he may spend up to 16 Cursed Energy as a reaction to add the number of energy spent as a bonus to the saving throw. He also has an extra reaction specifically for this feature.

Improved Reverse Cursed Technique When Yuta receives damage, he may use his Improved Reverse Cursed Technique.

Vengeful Spirit Protection (1 Cursed Energy). As a Reaction to a melee attack roll your spirit can manifest and protect you, granting you a +2 to your armor class for this attack.

Taijutsu Sorcery After taking the Attack Action on his turn, Yuta may take the Dodge Action as a Reaction. This dodge only works against Melee Attacks, and if a creature rolls a Nat 1 on a melee attack against him he may make 1 Melee attack against a creature within range.


The can take 4 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature's turn. The regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.

Attack. Yuta moves up to half his movement and can make an Unarmed Strike or a Katana attack.

Improved Reverse Cursed Technique. Yuta uses his Improved Reverse Cursed Technique.

Cursed Technique (2 Actions). Yuta may use one of his Cursed Techniques.

Domain Expansion (3 Actions). Yuta uses his Domain Expansion.

Yuta Okkotsu inside of his Domain Expansion, Source

After the loss of his mentor, Yuta trained alongside the other members of Jujutsu High in order to face off against the Strongest Sorcerer in History.

Jujutsu Sorcerer.

Yuta has 26 levels in the Jujutsu Sorcerer class.

Domain Expansion: True & Mutual Love

Through many battles and copies, you have finally learned how to expand your domain. Inside this barrier, you're filled with a world of blades, and broken pillars. You may apply a copied technique as the sure hit effect, doubling its damage for this purpose, and forcing the other techniques you’ve copied into blades. At the start of each of your turns, you may pick up one of these blades as a free action and roll a d6(with each value corresponding to a technique you choose when you open the domain) to determine the copied technique within the blade. You may then use that technique without expending cursed energy until the start of your next turn, however its damage does not increase from using a domain when used in this way.

The sword disappears at the start of your next turn as well.

Refinement Points

Yuta's domain refinement points are 800.

Domain Durability. His domain has 2600 hit points.

Technique Efficiency. While inside his domain, Yuta may use Copy or any of the Lapse Techniques of any of his Copied Techniques for 0 Cursed Energy.

Increased Potency. While inside his domain, Yuta's cursed techniques deal 10 additional damage dice.

Domain Amplification. As an Action for 10 Cursed Energy, Yuta can cover his body to "wear" his domain in order to neutralize cursed techniques for 1 minute. Once activated, it automatically negates any defensive technique, offensive technique, or spell that affects him, and him can bypass barriers such as infinity. In addition, Yuta cannot use his Innate Technique unless he dismisses Domain Amplification as a bonus Action. Even if Yuta dismisses it, for the next minute he can reactivate it as a bonus action without spending the cursed energy again. This technique does not work against techniques on Maximum Output or with a cost of 10 or more cursed energy before reductions if the user has 51 or more higher refinement than Yuta. If they are within 50 refinement of Yuta, he has resistance to their technique, and if they have 51 or less refinement than Yuta, he is immune to their techniques even if they use Maximum Output. Yuta may use Domain Amplification while his Domain Expansion is active.

Lasting Domain. Yuta's Domain lasts for 2 minutes instead of 1.

0.2 Domain Expansion. As a part of opening his Domain Yuta may choose to have it last only until the end of his turn. The cost for this domain expansion is halved, and it cannot be reacted to unless the creature has a higher Dexterity score than his Charisma score. When opening his domain this way, all creatures will be targeted by its effects and any effects that would happen at the beginning of any creature's turn now instead happen as soon as the domain is opened in this way.

Efficient Expansions. Yuta's Domain Expansion cost is reduced by 8 (already added) and he only gains 1 level of exhaustion after his domain ends.

Durable Barrier. Yuta's Domain gains immunity to all non-magical damage from both sides, but remains resistant to all damage from the inside and vulnerable to all damage from the outside.

Barrier Properties

  • Barrier Resistance. As part of expanding his Domain, Yuta can choose to make the barrier vulnerable to all damage from the inside and resistant to all damage from the outside. He also may spend an additional 5 Cursed Energy while expanding his domain to make both sides of the barrier have no vulnerabilities or immunities. This feature cannot be used by a Barrierless Domain.
  • Barrier Movement. At the beginning of his turn while his Domain Expansion is active, he may choose to move the domain up to 120 feet in any direction. The relative positions of the creatures inside the domain do not change due to the movement. This feature cannot be used by a Barrierless domain.
  • Barrier Entry. As a Free Action while Yuta's domain is active he may alter the barrier, deciding one thing that may pass through it unimpeded. This feature cannot be used to stop creatures from leaving a barrierless domain.
Tokyo Jujutsu High

Design Note: These features aren't applied to the statblock, as it is up to the GM what would be best for the npc

Yuta knows three enhancements in which he can apply to his cursed technique. A technique cannot have multiple enhancements, nor can one enhancement be applied to multiple techniques.

  • Power Enhancement. Yuta can now spend up to 8 additional cursed energy on the technique to add an additional damage die to the technique per cursed energy spent.
  • Cursed Energy Economy. The cursed energy cost of the technique is now reduced by 8 (to a minimum of 1 cursed energy).
  • Distance Enhancement. Yuta can spend up to 8 additional cursed energy on the technique to add 10 feet to the range per cursed energy spent.

At the end of a short rest or long rest, Yuta may reallocate his enhancements.

Specialized Technique

Design Note: This feature isn't applied to the statblock, as it is up to the GM what would be best for the npc

One of Yuta's cursed techniques will gain all of the following benefits:

  • Increased Damage Output. Its damage dice number will increase by 10.
  • Increased Reach. Its range will increase by 30 feet.
  • Optimized Technique. Its cursed energy cost will be halved (rounded up, minimum 1).
Technique Alteration

Design Note: These features aren't applied to the statblock, as it is up to the GM what would be best for the npc

Yuta knows three technique alterations he can put on his cursed techniques. He can put an alteration on only one of his techniques.

  • Massive Range. As part of using his technique, Yuta can spend 10 extra cursed energy. His technique’s range, width, and radius increase by 220 feet. If it has a range of touch, its range instead becomes 110 feet.
  • Careful Manipulation. As part of using his technique, Yuta can spend 5 extra cursed energy. He is able to use his technique more carefully, allowing him to avoid certain creatures. He may select any number of creatures to not be affected by it for its duration.
  • Multi-Targeting. As part of using his technique, Yuta can spend 10 extra cursed energy. He is now able to target up to 8 creatures with it. This only works on techniques that are only able to target one creature originally.

Yuta may change his alterations at the end of a long rest.

Cursed Techniques.

When a feature refers to Yuta's cursed techniques, it refers to Copy, or any Cursed Technique features he has copied.

Cursed Energy Reinforcement

Yuta is constantly reinforcing his body with cursed energy, granting himself the following benefits as long as he has at least 1 Cursed Energy:

  • When Yuta makes a Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence or Wisdom ability check, he may add his Charisma mod to it.
  • When calculating his jump distance and height, Yuta may add his Charisma score when calculating distance and modifier when calculating height. Additionally his jump distance and height are doubled.
  • Yuta may add his Charisma score when determining his carrying capacity. His carrying capacity (including maximum load and maximum lift) is also doubled.

Cursed Speech

Throat. Yuta's throat has it's own set of hit points. His throat is damaged every time he spend cursed energy into a cursed word, losing 2 hit points per cursed energy spent in said word. His throat has 221 hit points, and he regains 1 hit point for his throat at the beginning of his turns. This cannot exceed the throats' maximum. Whenever his throat would be reduced to 0 hit points Yuta can make a DC20 Constitution saving throw. On a success, his throat is reduced to 1 hit point instead. He can only make this saving throw once before needing to take a long rest. Yuta can't regain hit points for his throat if it reaches 0 without the use of RCT.

Cursed Speech. The DC for all of Yuta's Cursed Words is 26. The Cursed Words you can affect creatures with are listed below:

  • Don't Move. As a bonus action or reaction for 4 Cursed Energy, Yuta can force a creature within 60 ft. of him that he can see to make a Charisma saving throw. On a success, nothing happens, on a failure they will be unable to preform any activity requiring physical movement until the beginning of his next turn.
  • Sleep. As a bonus action for 4 Cursed Energy, Yuta can force a creature within 60 ft. of him to make a Charisma saving throw. On a failure, they fall unconscious for 1 minute, until they receive damage, or a creature spends it's action to awake them. Creatures with more than half their maximum hit points automatically succeed.
  • Return. As a bonus action for 4 Cursed Energy, Yuta forces a Shikigami, Familiar, or summon within 60 ft. of him to make a Charisma saving throw. On a failure, they are desummoned.
  • Run Away. As a bonus action or a reaction to a creature moving for 2 Cursed Energy, Yuta forces one target within 60 ft. of him to make a Charisma saving throw. On a failure, they are forced to immediately take the dash action (Even if it's not their turn) and run as far away from him as possible. If this is done outside of their turn it spends the movement on their next turn.
  • Blast Away. As a bonus action for 4 Cursed Energy, Yuta forces one target within 60ft. of him to make a Charisma saving throw. On a failure, they will be launched 100 ft. back from the spot they were in, taking 1d12 force damage per 10ft. traveled.
  • Plummet. As a bonus action for 6 Cursed Energy, Yuta forces a target to make a Charisma saving throw. On a failure, they will receive 10d8 force damage and will be knocked prone due to a field of intensified gravity crushing them. If they fail by 5 or more, they are also incapacitated until the beginning of your next turn. On a success, they take half damage and are not knocked prone.
  • Get Crushed. As a bonus action for 10 Cursed Energy, Yuta forces a target to make a Charisma saving throw. On a failure, they are imploded which makes them lose 20d12 maximum hit points and have disadvantage in Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution saving throws until the beginning of your next turn. If they fail by 5 or more, they are also incapacitated until the beginning of your next turn. On a success, they take half damage and don't get disadvantage.
  • Get Twisted. As a bonus action for 10 Cursed Energy, Yuta forces a target within 60ft. of him to make a Charisma saving throw. On a failure one of their limbs will be twisted, reducing the limbs hit points to 0. The limb cannot be the Skull, Jaw or Torso.
  • Explode. As a bonus action for 6 Cursed Energy, Yuta forces a target within 60ft. of him to make a Charisma saving throw. On a failure they will explode from the inside out making them receive 20d8 fire damage. If they fail by 5 or more, they receive First Degree Burns.
  • Die. As a bonus action for 20 Cursed Energy, Yuta chooses a target within 60 ft. of him. If they have 150 hit points or less they must make a Charisma saving throw. On a failure, they die instantly.

Shout. Yuta can increase the action cost of his words by one (free action -> bonus action -> action) making them affect every chosen creature in a 60ft. radius instead.

Cursed Energy Dependent. The effectiveness of the cursed words depends on the target's cursed energy. For every 10 cursed energy he has above a creature, the DC to resist his cursed words is increased by 1. This increase cannot go above his proficiency bonus in amount. Additionally, for every +1 he gains in this way, the damage he receives to his vocal cords is halved. For every 10 cursed energy a creature has above him, they gain a +1 bonus in saves to resist his cursed words. This bonus cannot go above their proficiency bonus. Also, for every +1 the creature has, the damage he receives to your vocal cords is multiplied, with the multiplier being twice the amount of +1s.

If no targets are affected by Yuta's Cursed Words, he doesn't spend any Cursed Energy nor does he receive any damage to his throat.

Quick Word. Yuta may use "Don't Move" as a Free Action instead of a Bonus Action, and as a Bonus Action instead of an Action. Additionally, he may use the Ready action on this word with no Action required.

Cursed Energy Superiority. If Yuta has 10 or more cursed energy than the target, they make the saving throws against his cursed words with disadvantage. If they already had disadvantage from any other source, they must roll three dice and pick the lowest result.

Cursed Tongue. All of Yuta's Cursed words benefit from Quick Word.

Star Dictator

Star Dictator. As an Action for 4 Cursed Energy each, Yuta may summon up to 8 Pteranodon Shikigami. By commanding these Shikigami to fly in an orbital pattern with a Bonus Action, he can create a domain. The damage and range of this domain depends on how many shikigami are active and the center of this domain can be any point within 30ft of him. For 1 shikigami the damage and range is 3d10 slashing and a 30ft radius, for 2 it is 6d10 and 60ft, for 3 it is 9d10 and 90ft, for 4 it is 12d10 and 120ft, for 5 it is 15d10 and 150ft, for 6 it is 18d10 and 180ft, for 7 it is 22d10 and 210ft, and for 8 it is 25d10 and 240ft. This damage is considered a sure hit effect as it is part of a domain. This damage is dealt at the end of Yuta's turns. He can also have all the shikigami in a smaller radius. Such as 4 shikigami dealing 12d6, but only within a 15ft radius. The shikigami end their turns at even points throughout the radius of the domain.

Mole Rat Shikigami. As an Action for 12 Cursed Energy each, Yuta may summon up to 2 Large Mole Rat Shikigami. This shikigami creates his domain once it has completed a loop using its movement speed. Yuta can control this shikigami to walk around and once it makes it back to where it started his domain will be created. Once his domain is created this way, his Pteranodon Shikigami do not have to move in a specific path in order to create the sure hit slashes. This means that they can freely move and attack when he commands them. The slashes will still be created and do damage based on the amount of shikigami alive.

G Warstaff

G Warstaff. As a Free Action for 1 Cursed Energy, Yuta may create the G Warstaff. It has the reach and two-handed properties and he may use his Charisma mod for its attack and damage rolls and on a hit it deals 2d10 + 10 piercing damage. Additionally, it counts as a Special Grade Cursed Tool. He cannot use the benefits of cursed strikes on G Warstaff. He may dismiss G Warstaff at will. Whenever Yuta hits a creature with G Warstaff, he fulfills G Warstaff's condition for ink and attaches a manga panel to the target, being able to view 1 second into the target's future. Hitting a target more than once adds another 1 second to the total, making him gain the benefits of the earlier second along with the current. As a reaction or bonus action for 2 cursed energy, he can view into that creature's future and gain the following benefits until the beginning of his next turn depending on how many seconds he currently can see as long as he's not blinded:

  • 1 Second - The creature's attack rolls against him are made with disadvantage.
  • 2 Seconds - Yuta has advantage against the creature's saving throws.
  • 3 Seconds - Yuta has advantage on attack rolls against the creature.
  • 4 Seconds - Yuta knows all the actions the creature's next turn at the start of their turn.
  • 5 Seconds - Yuta knows all the actions of the creature's next turn at the end of his turn.
  • 6 Seconds - Yuta know all the actions of the creature's next turn at the beginning of his turn.

Yuta can see up to 6 seconds into the future and can affect up to 10 creatures with this. He may end the technique at will.

Predictable Attacks. As long as Yuta can see 2 seconds into a creature's future, whenever he makes a saving throw he take half damage on a failure, and no damage on a success if the saving throws are caused by that creature.

Perfect Strike. Once per turn when Yuta hits a attack with his G Warstaff against a creature that he can see 3 seconds into the future, he can turn that attack into a critical.

Illuminated Actions. Whenever Yuta rolls with advantage against a creature because of this technique, the feature's critical hit radius is reduced by 5. Also, whenever a creature rolls with disadvantage against him because of this technique, the rolls critical failure's radius is increased by 5.

The Enlightened One. Whenever Yuta has advantage because of this technique, he can roll 3 dices instead of 2 and keep the highest roll. Also, whenever a creature has disadvantage on attack rolls against him because of this technique, they roll 3 dices instead of 2 and keep the lowest roll.

Sky Manipulation

Sky Manipulation. As a Reaction to an attack roll, Yuta may spend 3 Cursed Energy to add +6 to his AC by distorting the sky until the end of this turn. If this technique makes a ranged attack miss, he can make a ranged cursed energy attack roll against the attacker. On a hit, the target takes the attack’s damage roll + 10. If this technique makes a melee weapon attack miss, it will render the limb used in the attack useless, making it count as broken until the beginning of the creature's next turn. If Yuta has taken the dodge action, he may use this reaction on creatures of his choice within your reach.

This may also be used as a Reaction to being forced to make a cone or line saving throw, adding +6 to the roll. If Yuta passes, him and all other creatures within range are not affected, and he forces all creatures to make the saving throw from his range, using his cursed energy dc for it.

Thin Ice Breaker. As an Action for 10 Cursed Energy, Yuta may make a ranged cursed energy attack roll against a point within 60 ft of him. All creatures, objects, and structures within a 10 ft radius of said point are targeted by this attack roll. On a hit, they take 330 (60d10) Force damage and must make a Strength saving throw. On a failure, they are knocked prone and pushed back 100 ft. On a success, they aren't knocked prone and are pushed half as much. This technique deals twice as much damage to objects and structures.

Enhancing Thin Ice Breaker. Whenever Yuta makes a melee weapon attack roll, he can spend 10 Cursed Energy to grant it advantage. On a hit, the attack's damage is changed to force and is considered a critical hit.

Technique Extinguishment

Technique Extinguishment. As an Action for 2 Cursed Energy, Yuta may force a creature within 150 ft of him to make a DC 26 Charisma saving throw. On a failure they take 78 (12d12) radiant damage and cannot use any cursed technique features, and any effects coming from those features they currently have active on them are disabled for the next 2 minutes. On a success, they take half as much damage, and don't have their cursed technique features negated. A creature who has their cursed technique negated has to spend double the cursed energy on every feature which costs cursed energy, although this doesn’t affect a creature who lacks a cursed technique, and any creature who reaches 0 hit points while having an disabled technique dies from the brain damage of having their technique removed, and healing the removed technique requires the Burnout Recovery feature even if revived. They may remake the saving throw at the beginning of their turns, ending the effect early on a success.

When creatures fail the saving throw against this technique, their cursed tools and magic items fail to function for the remainder of the duration. Additionally, if they fail the saving throw, they take 13 (2d12) radiant damage at the beginning of their turns as their bodies are engulfed in divine flames, continuing until they pass the saving throw or the minute ends. This feature deals twice as much damage against Cursed Vessels.

Searing Reversal. After successfully using the Technique Extinguisher feature on a target, you can choose to spend an additional 2 cursed energy to unleash a pulse of radiant energy that forces all creatures within a 10-foot radius of the target to make a Charisma saving throw. On a failure, they take radiant damage equal to your Curse-Empowered Strikes and have disadvantage on their next saving throw against your Technique Extinguishment until the end of their next turn. On a success, they take half as much damage and suffer no additional effects.

Jacob's Ladder. As an Action for 10 Cursed Energy, Yuta may choose a point within 200 ft of him. A beam of light strikes down in a 10 ft circle centered on the point he chooses, every creature in said area other than you has to make a Charisma saving throw. On a failure, they take 117 (18d12) radiant damage and suffer the same effects as Technique Extinguishment until the end of their next turn. On a success, they take half as much damage and do not receive the side effects. On a failure, the creature’s speed is 0 until the start of Yuta's next turn. At the start of his next turn after using Jacob’s ladder, Yuta can keep the beam going for 1 cursed energy, repeating all of the above effects and dealing a cumulative 6 (1d12) additional radiant damage as an action. If a creature fails a saving throw vs that beam once, they gain disadvantage on the charisma saving throw against the next beam.

This technique may also be used as a way to destroy cursed objects. As an Action for 6 Cursed Energy, Yuta can make a ranged cursed energy attack roll against the object's Cursed energy DC. On a hit, the object will be completely destroyed, removing any curses that were affecting creatures because of it or removing creatures imprisoned inside.

If this technique is used with Maximum Output, its beam of light range increases to a 30 foot circle. Also, it will ignore features such as evasion that reduce damage.

Celestial Retribution. Creatures that fail their saving throw against Technique Extinguishment not only cannot use their cursed techniques but also become vulnerable to radiant damage for the duration. Additionally, if a creature reaches 0 hit points while affected by Technique Extinguishment, it is killed outright as the radiant beam erases their being.


Dismantle. When taking the Attack Action, Yuta spends 1 Cursed Energy and then can spend up to 31 Cursed Energy to replace one of his attacks with a cursed energy attack roll against a creature within 320 ft of him. On a hit, the target takes 1d8 slashing damage per cursed energy spent in the attack (not counting the initial 1 Cursed Energy) and must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they are bleeding. On a success, they receive no additional conditions. This attack roll is made with advantage if the target cannot see invisible objects. Multiple attacks may be replaced with dismantle, but cursed energy may be spent for each attack. This cannot replace attacks from features such as Cursed Blast of Blows. A creature needs blindsight to see the slash.

Cleave. As an Action, or replacing an attack as part of the Attack Action if Yuta targets a creature he is grappling or an object, for 1 Cursed Energy and then up to 41 Cursed Energy he makes a melee weapon attack roll against a creature. On a hit, they take 2d6 slashing damage per cursed energy spent (not counting the initial 1 Cursed Energy) and must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they are bleeding. On a success, they receive no additional conditions. The cursed energy is not spent if he misses. This feature adapts its output to attempt to cut the target down in one fell swoop. When Yuta spends cursed energy on this feature, he will learn how much cursed energy he needs to spend for the average damage of his cleave to reduce the target to 0 hit points from their current hit points, taking into account temporary hit points, damage reductions and thresholds, resistances and immunities, and any other feature which would directly affect the outcome. He will be told the maximum amount if he cannot reduce them to 0 hit points from their current amount by this calculation. If a creature is reduced to 0 hit points by this feature, they are cleaved into various small pieces. You need blindsight to see the slash.

Dismantle Maneuvers. Yuta can execute the following Dismantle Maneuvers:

  • False Slash. Whenever Yuta cst's dismantle he can choose to make it miss to gain advantage on the next two melee attacks on his turn.
  • Hand of Slashing. As a Free Action for 4 Cursed Energy, Yuta can coat his hands in small slashes until the beginning of his next turn. For the duration, once per round he may try to grab a melee weapon attack that was made against him. The attack roll is reduced by 5, if it is smaller than 26 you simply grab the attack, negating it completely and ending their attack or multiattack action. If they attack with a natural weapon or unarmed strikes, they take 26 slashing damage.
  • Slash Skating. As a Bonus Action for 4 Cursed Energy, Yuta can coat his feet with slashes and utilize them to skate around for 1 minute. For the duration, his walking speed is doubled and he ignores difficult terrain. He may end this at will.
  • Slashing Body. As a Bonus Action for 10 Cursed Energy, Yuta can coat his whole body with slashes, creating a barrier that rips and rends the air around him. For 1 minute, reduce all damage taken except psychic and thunder by 36. Whenever Yuta attacks with an unarmed strike, deal an additional 1d8 slashing damage.

Furnace: Open. As a Full Turn Action (which cannot be reduced except via binding vows), and for up to 51 Cursed Energy, Yuta can force every creature within 5 ft of him target to make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they will take 2d12 fire damage per energy spent and receive Second Degree burns. On a success, they take half as much damage but receive First Degree burns. If they have Evasion, they do not receive effects on a success. If they fail or he hits by 5 or more, they receive Third Degree burns instead. If Open reduces a creature to 0 hit points, it kills it outright by disintegrating it. Open deals twice as much damage to objects and structures. Also, Open ignores resistance to fire damage. Whenever Dismantle hits a creature or an object Yuta gains 1 Preparation Counter, and whenever Cleave hits a creature or object he gains 2. He must spend 100 Preparation Counters to use furnace: Open.

Cursed Energy Manipulator

Otherworldly Reinforcement. The amount by which Yuta's Cursed Enhanced Body adds to his attack and damage rolls as well as the limit on how much can be spent to add to saves with Cursed Enhanced Body is increased to 15. The amount of Cursed Energy that Yuta can spend on his cursed energy enhancements is increased by 1.

Master of Enhancement. As long as Yuta has 1 Cursed energy, he passively gains the maximum benefits of Cursed Enhanced Body for all saves which he can apply it to. Additionally the cost of his cursed energy enhancements is reduced to 1 regardless of how much they would normally cost. Cursed Energy Reinforcement now increases his armor class by his full Charisma modifier instead of only half.

Positive Energy Master

Almost a Doctor. Whenever Yuta makes a Medicine check to stabilize someone and succeed, the creature regains 1 hit point.

Perfect Body. Yuta is immune to disease and whenever he would make a Constitution saving throw or check he can spend 1 Cursed Energy to give himself advantage on the roll.

Beyond Their Limit. Whenever Yuta makes a creature regain hit points with reverse cursed technique, he may spend 5 additional Cursed Energy to make said creature feel a surge of energy in their bodies. They will gain the following benefits for 1 minute:

  • Their movement speed increases by 10ft.
  • They can do an extra bonus action.
  • They will gain resistance to all damage but psychic.
  • Their damage rolls will always count as if they have spent the maximum amount of cursed energy on Improved Output.

After the sudden surge ends, they must make a DC 25 Constitution saving throw. On a failure their body will suffer backlash from the energy gained, making them gain 5 levels of exhaustion. On a success, their body does not suffer as much but will still receive 1 level of exhaustion.

Yuta's Binding Vows.

Final Sacrifice

Yuta's Feats.

Jujutsu Genius, Natural Sorcerer, Cursed Partner

50 Meters In 3 Seconds!

Taijutsu Sorcery

Freed Spirit

Basic Barrier, Domain Expansion

Immense Cursed Energy, Overflowing Cursed Energy, Overpowering Cursed Energy

Cursed Energy Manipulator, Cursed Enhanced Body, Cursed Energy Reinforcement, Cursed Energy Slash, Cursed Energy Ray, Improved Cursed Energy Output, Legendary Cursed Energy Output

Reverse Cursed Technique, Improved Reverse Cursed Technique, Improved Output

Improved Durability. This creature uses the Improved Durability rule.

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