Worldtree (5e Spell)

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Design Note: This page was created using the Epic Magic (10th+ Level Magic) Variant Rule.

10th-level Conjuration
Casting time: 1 Day
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S, M (a seed from the first tree, and dirt, rock, or other natural parts from any number of planes, all of which is consumed in the tree's growth)
Duration: Instantaneous
Casters: At least 2

You plant a seed into a ground fertilized with pieces of at least one different plane of existence. The more casters partake in casting this spell, the more planes can be connected to the tree. Each caster must have travelled to and deposited a natural part of any given plane for the world tree to form a connection with.

Over the spell's casting, the seed germinates and grows rapidly from the ground. The tree grows as high as 30 feet per caster. Once the spell is finished, any creature can willingly touch any part of the tree and transport itself to one of the planes connected. If a creature takes with them a leaf from the tree and burns it once transported, the world tree calls them back to where it is planted.

Every thousand years, one plane at random is disconnected from the world tree, until all have been severed, and the tree slowly withers and dies.

(3 votes)

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