Prerequisite: Proficiency with brewer's tools
You can whip up drinks so marvelous they can provide seemingly supernatural benefits. If you have access to brewer's tools, you can spend 1 minute whipping up a number of drinks equal to your proficiency bonus. Once you do, you must resupply your tools by finishing downtime before you can do this again. The batch of drinks you whip up must all be the same type, but can be any one of the following types. A creature can scarf down one of your drinks with its Use an Object action, or drink it more slowly over time; the drink's effect triggers when the drink is finished.
- Healing Tonic. The creature regains a number hit points equal to its Constitution modifier + double your proficiency bonus.
- Hot Cocoa. The creature gains resistance to cold damage for 1 hour.
- Cold Elixir. The creature gains resistance to fire damage for 1 hour.
- Fizz Pop. The creature can hold its breath indefinitely until 1 hour from when it finishes the drink.
- Energy Drink. The target's speed increases by 10 feet for 1 hour. For this duration the creature has advantage on any save against being dazed, stunned, or rendered unconscious.
- Intoxicating Beverage. The creature becomes dazed for 1 hour. While dazed in this way, it has disadvantage on any save against being charmed or nauseated, has advantage on any save against being frightened, and any Charisma check made to influence it in a non-threatening way has advantage.
If a drink you've prepared with this perk goes unfinished for a day, it loses its potency and becomes no different than ordinary water.