UH-144 Falcon (5e Equipment)

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Weight: 15 metric tons
Speed: 1620ft. (184mph) Flying.
Carrying Capacity: 25 metric tons.

The UH-144 Falcon is a troop carrier and transport in service with the UNSC. They can be used as both a troop transport and a gunship, depending on the situation. It was introduced as an economic replacement of the Pelican dropship. It saw much use during the Human-Covenant war, acting as one of the UNSCs main aerial transports. It is 37ft x 33ft x 13ft in size.

Size: Gargantuan
AC: 15
Hit Points: 125 (damage threshold 8)
Crew and Passengers: 1 pilot, 2 gunners (UH-144A, UH-144S), 1 pilot, 3 passengers (UH-144)

MG460 Automatic Grenade Launcher: Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, Range 500/1,000 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (3d6) fire damage. This weapon comes with 40 rounds of ammunition. Explosive: On a hit, everything within 10ft of the target must make a Dexterity saving throw (DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Dexterity modifier) or suffer 1d6 fire damage. If the weapon misses, the ammunition fails to detonate or reflects away harmlessly. Electromagnetic Pulse: When a projectile is fired, it may be charged to fire a special shot. This shot removes quadruple temporary hit points and disables vehicles. The vehicles lose all movement and flying speed and fall at a rate of 150ft. per round. A vehicle impacting with anything takes 36 (8d8) Bludgeoning damage and must use it's next action to move to regain its flying speed.

AIE-486H HMG: +4 to hit, range 70/250 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (2d8) piercing damage. The 7.62mm machine gun has the burst fire (10) and reload (200 shots) properties. An UH-144S comes with 2,000 rounds of 7.62mm ammunition.

M370 Autocannon: +4 to hit, range 300/600 ft., one target. Hit: 18 (4d8) piercing damage. The 70mm autocannon has the burst fire (3) and reload (30 shots) properties. An UH-144S and UH-144A come with 150 rounds of 70mm depleted-uranium slugs.


  • The UH-144A comes with two MG460 Grenade Launchers and one M370 Autocannon. The MG460 Grenade launchers are separate and controlled by different gunners independently. The pilot controls the M370 Autocannon.
  • The UH-144S comes with two AIE-486H HMG turrets and one M370 Autocannon. The AIE-486H HMG turrets are separate and controlled by two gunners independently. The pilot controls the M370 Autocannon.
(one vote)

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