Talk:Nocturne (5e Race)

Featured Article Nominee[edit]
I know this may be sudden or quick for such a new article but I find very well designed and flavorful. I particularly enjoy the "optional rule" and references listed that were used for inspiration. Also, find the quote and image to compliment this race very well. But! this page needs to be supported, commented, or opposed from within the community, and double checked for featured article formatting and content standards. BigShotFancyMan (talk) 07:49, 14 June 2018 (MDT)
- Support: Per above. I'd even prefer if this was the Nocturne race instead of variant, especially considering the "original" is CfD. BigShotFancyMan (talk) 07:49, 14 June 2018 (MDT)
- Comment: Oh wow. Glad you like it bsfm. I feel like a pokemon master at this point, except with FA's instead of pokemon... even though I do a lot of work with MetalShadowOverlord on all his pokemon races but I digress. I can't seem to find any issue with this other than a personal preference to not insta-support something I've been the primary contributor for. So I'll see if others see an issue with it and fix those as they come up but it might as well be a support at this point. —ConcealedLight
(talk) 08:28, 14 June 2018 (MDT)
- You're very welcome! and well said on FA=pokemon. BigShotFancyMan (talk) 08:58, 14 June 2018 (MDT)
- Support: I really like the lore and the flavor of this race. I think they could be a lot of fun to play Varkarrus (talk) 10:28, 7 July 2018 (MDT)
- Support: This race is just oozing with flavor, and I can't really say there is any part of this race that doesn't feel unique or well done. I put my full support behind this becoming a FA.--Blobby383b (talk) 16:51, 7 July 2018 (MDT)
- Comment: With Shadow Movement, instead of using 5 feet increments isn't the precedent to use 1 foot increments, with difficult terrian (movement)
- This is correct. Good eye. —ConcealedLight
(talk) 22:50, 6 August 2018 (MDT)
- Support: If it wasn't apparent before it is now. —ConcealedLight
(talk) 20:52, 4 September 2018 (MDT)
- Support: This is well made, with useful fluff. Seeing as we have reached concensus, this may become a Featured Article. --Green Dragon (talk) 00:38, 31 October 2018 (MDT)
- Comment: I like everything about this race however could you potentially make a change to the way the Fellvision feat is written? due to "being able to see in darkness as if it were bright light" my DM effectively made my character blind because of sunlight sensitivity and then in order to make my character "not blind" he nerfed me. Zman55
Came back with some useful NPC's from this race, easy to make commoners for the Shadowfell region, which in turn, made for a great sidekick for one of my PC's. --Cransiosis (talk) 23:00, 9 April 2019 (MDT)
The Nature of the Shadowfell[edit]
Baddy: So, in the official sources it talks about how ever-changing the plane is — Now this Race states the Shadowfell being static and unchanging, which is bugging me, since everything else, flavor and all, is so good. It shouldn't be too difficult to change that to fit the official lore, right? —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Hamster Baddy (talk • contribs) . Please sign your posts.
- Hey there Hamster Baddy, you can click the signature button at the top of the editing box to write out proper signatures. Anyway, yes you are right about the Shadowfell lore saying that the plane is ever shifting and changing. I would also like the race's lore to be changed to acknowledge this, but it is more difficult than swapping out the lore. To change the info on the Shadowfell, one would likely need to alter the entire second paragraph of the race's society section and this is a featured article, editing major portions of it requires us to come to an agreement on what changes the page needs before going through with it.
- For now, I will suggest the following revision to the second paragraph of the race's society section: "While the themes of light and dark are prominent within nocturnian culture, so is the theme of ignoring changes. A nocturne is said to be able to ignore things such as waking up in a different place then when one went to sleep. This is due to nocturnes coming from a warped world that is forever morphing and changing in random and unpredictable ways. This very world, being devoid of color, has caused nocturnes themselves to become colorblind. Often, a shout can not be heard from over a dozen feet in the Shadowfell, so nocturnes are usually not individuals of many words and when they do speak it is often soft, quiet, and to the point. Nocturnes that have never been to the Material Plane are often plagued by headaches, lethargy, and sickness, describing their minds as irritated and saying that they are not used to the Material Plane."
- What are your thoughts on the revision? Is there something that should be tweaked in some way, or is it good to plug into the race as is? --Blobby383b (talk) 16:05, 27 January 2022 (MST)