Talk:College of the Epic Saga (5e Subclass)

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So the ability for Songs of Legend is too powerful for a 1 minute duration. I am the author who playtested, 3 rounds is where it wasnt unbalanced. If you go with one minute your average bard with a party of 5 will cause 150 points of damage or healing with one use. The mods keep changing it to 1 minute. I do not suggest using that. Cdragon2k (talk) 10:13, 18 October 2021 (MDT)

It's because 5e doesn't use durations outside 1 round, 1 minute, 10 minutes, 1 hour, 8 hour, or 24 hours. And Swanky isn't a mod, They're just a user. --Lavie (talk) 10:45, 18 October 2021 (MDT)

From my experience in 5e combat(and I have plenty of experience in it), combat will rarely go over 6 rounds, let alone 10. In the theoretical situation where it does, it does become a bit powerful, but that case is basically unheard of.
Either way, it's really just standardization. 5e avoids round-counting at every opportunity, so instead of specific timings like 3-4e, it either lasts a round, until the end of combat, until the end of exploration, or until the end of the day. It's not like this isn't for good reason. Imagine having several players and monsters each with their own counters, sometimes multiple. Bit of a nightmare to take care of. --SwankyPants (talk) 10:53, 18 October 2021 (MDT)
Ok I get from where you are coming from, My mistake that as a homebrew that it sometimes doesnt follow the 'standard.' Homebrew in 5E tends to be wildly unbalanced, I balance it and in the age where we play online so much, a counter isnt but a click away and really isnt hard to track at all, but I digress. Let the DMs who want to try it out decide how to mitigate the problem. Cdragon2k (talk) 11:11, 18 October 2021 (MDT)