Starship Pilot (5e Class)

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Class Features[edit]

Class Features

As a Starship Pilot you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d8 per Starship Pilot level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + Constitution modifier per Starship Pilot level after 1st


Armor: Light armor
Weapons: Simple weapons, firearms
Tools: Navigator's tools, tinker's tools
Saving Throws: Dexterity, Intelligence
Skills: Choose two from Acrobatics, Arcana, Insight, Investigation, Perception, Sleight of Hand, and Technology


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) Simple weapon or light firearm with 20 bullets or (b) Tinker's tools or Navigator's tools
  • (a) Explorer's pack or scholar's pack or (b) {{{item2b}}}
  • (a) Pilot's jumpsuit or (b) Communicator device

Table: The Starship Pilot

Level Proficiency
1st +2 Pilot Training, Quick Reflexes, Construct Starship
2nd +2
3rd +2 Evasive Maneuvers
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement, Ability Score Improvement
5th +3 Fleet Coordination
6th +3 Tactical Mastery
7th +3 Legendary Maneuvers
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement, Advanced Fleet Tactics
9th +4 Master Pilot
10th +4 Legendary Fleet Leader
11th +4 Fleet Command
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement, Overcharge
13th +5 Ship Mastery
14th +5 Coordinated Assault
15th +5 Strategic Bombardment
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement, Grand Admiral
17th +6 Starfighter Ace
18th +6 Legendary Starfighter Maneuver
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement, Starfighter Elite
20th +6

Level 1: Pilot Training[edit]

At 1st level, your rigorous training allows you to pilot any ship with uncanny precision. You gain proficiency in vehicles (space) and the ability to seamlessly control any starship, from tiny starfighters to massive warships. Your expertise extends beyond just piloting—you're familiar with the inner workings of various ships, giving you insight into their weaknesses and strengths. Your natural affinity with starships makes it second nature to navigate through asteroid fields, space storms, or even tight combat zones. Your presence at the helm can mean the difference between life and death.

Level 1: Quick Reflexes[edit]

At 1st level, your instincts sharpen, allowing you to react faster than the average pilot. You gain advantage on initiative rolls and Dexterity saving throws. Furthermore, when a ranged attack is made against you, you can use your reaction to halve the damage. Your ability to read the battlefield and respond with impeccable timing ensures you are always one step ahead, whether dodging enemy fire or making critical maneuvers.

Level 1: Construct Starship[edit]

At 1rd level, your engineering expertise allows you to craft, modify, and upgrade starships. With your Tinker's tools and access to advanced materials, you can build a vessel to your specifications, improving its power, speed, and defenses. You can now design a starship, Your creations are not just functional—they’re works of art, combining both engineering brilliance and military prowess.

Level 4: Ability Score Improvement[edit]

At 4th level, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, the user may increase one ability score by 2, or two ability scores by 1 each. Alternatively, they can choose a feat.

Level 3: Evasive Maneuvers[edit]

At 3th level, your knowledge of evasive tactics allows you to take the ship through impossible maneuvers. Once per short or long rest, when you take the Dodge action, your starship can enter a "Phase Shift," becoming intangible for 1 round, avoiding all damage from attacks, and preventing status effects. You can bend the laws of physics to your will, executing moves that even the most skilled pilots would deem impossible, ensuring you always stay one step ahead of your enemies.

Level 5: Fleet Coordination[edit]

At 5th level, your command over an entire fleet reaches its zenith. You can coordinate up to 5 ships simultaneously, granting them all +2 to attack rolls, saving throws, and initiative rolls for 1 minute. Your charisma and tactical brilliance allow you to direct multiple vessels with pinpoint precision. You can see the whole battlefield at once, orchestrating your forces for maximum impact.

Level 6: Tactical Mastery[edit]

At 6th level, you gain the ability to issue complex tactical commands that can change the course of a battle. Once per long rest, you can issue a "Coordinated Strike" order, in which all ships under your command make attacks with advantage and deal maximum damage for 1 round. Your strategic mind can foresee every possibility, allowing you to create devastating synergies between the ships under your command, overwhelming your enemies with coordinated precision.

Level 7: Legendary Maneuvers[edit]

At 7 level, you gain access to one of the following Legendary Maneuvers: - *Phantom Drift*: Your starship can move through solid objects or enemies without taking damage for 1 round, then reappear at a distance of your choosing. - *Solar Cannon Burst*: Unleash a devastating pulse from your ship's weapons, dealing 8d10 radiant damage in a 100 ft. cone. These maneuvers are the stuff of legends, pushing the limits of physics and technology, and striking fear into your enemies.

Level 8 Advanced Fleet Tactics[edit]

At 8th level, you can now issue a special command transforms your fleet into an unstoppable force. Once per short rest, all ships in your fleet gain +3 to AC and +2 to damage rolls for 1 minute. Additionally, all ships can "Phase Out" of the battlefield for 1 round, becoming untargetable. Your control over fleet tactics is unrivaled, allowing you to position your ships perfectly to maximize damage and evade counterattacks.

Level 9: Master Pilot[edit]

At 9h level, your piloting skills reach their peak. You can take two turns instead of one when piloting your ship, and once per short rest, you can activate "Hyperdrive" to double your ship's movement speed for 1 minute. You no longer just pilot your ship—you become one with it, anticipating threats and navigating through space with a fluidity and speed that is unmatched.

Level 10: Legendary Fleet Leader[edit]

At 10h level, your leadership is so potent that it can turn the tide of war. Once per long rest, you can activate your *Fleet Ascendancy*, granting all ships under your command +5 to all attack rolls, saving throws, and damage rolls, as well as 50 temporary hit points. The mere presence of your fleet elevates them to near-mythical status, and your enemies know that facing you on the battlefield is certain doom.

Level 11 Fleet Command[edit]

At 11h level, you can issue a command that temporarily enhances the capabilities of your entire fleet. Once per short rest, all ships under your command gain +3 to AC and advantage on all attack rolls for 1 minute. Your command presence is so powerful that your fleet operates like a single, cohesive unit, seamlessly executing your orders and ensuring victory.

Level 12: Overcharge[edit]

At 12h level, you can overcharge your starship’s systems for devastating results. Once per long rest, you can activate *Overdrive*, increasing your ship’s weapon damage by 2d12 and movement speed by 100 ft for 1 minute, at the cost of taking 20 points of damage for every attack made during the overcharge. The power you unleash in this state is immense, but the strain on your ship can cause lasting damage if not carefully controlled.

Level 13: Ship Mastery[edit]

At 13th level, your mastery over starships allows you to repair and enhance your vessel in the midst of battle. Once per short rest, you can restore 10d10 hit points to your ship as a bonus action, and you can use this to repair major systems that enhance its offensive or defensive capabilities. You understand every wire, every bolt, every system of your ship so thoroughly that you can fix, enhance, and upgrade it mid-flight, ensuring it always performs at its best.

Level 14: Coordinated Assault[edit]

At 14th level, your fleet executes operations with military-grade precision. Once per long rest, all ships in your fleet can perform a *Coordinated Assault*, granting all vessels a full round of attacks with advantage and critical hits on a roll of 18-20. This is the epitome of battlefield coordination, where every strike lands with surgical precision, and every ship becomes a devastating force on its own.

Level 15: Strategic Bombardment[edit]

At 15h level, you can call in a powerful orbital bombardment. Once per long rest, all ships under your command can execute an orbital strike, dealing maximum damage to any target within a 200-foot radius. The bombardment lasts for 1 minute, hitting all targets within range with devastating force. This is your ultimate weapon—an overwhelming show of force that can obliterate entire fleets in the blink of an eye.

Level 16: Grand Admiral[edit]

At 16th level, you have the authority and respect to command fleets of up to 50 ships. All ships under your command gain resistance to all damage types for 1 hour. You are a figure of legend—your fleets operate as a singular force, and your enemies tremble at your approach.

Level 17: Starfighter Ace[edit]

At 17th level, you are the pinnacle of pilot prowess. Your ship’s speed increases by 100 ft, and you gain the ability to perform the *Ace Maneuver*, allowing you to re-roll any failed attack roll with your starship. As a true starfighter ace, your every move is calculated to perfection, and even the most skilled enemies are no match for your speed and precision.

Level 18: Legendary Starfighter Maneuver[edit]

At 18th level, you can perform a Legendary Starfighter Maneuver, allowing you to take two additional turns per round. Once per short rest, you may activate the maneuver, making you an unstoppable force in combat. This ability grants you godlike control over your ship, allowing you to dictate the pace of battle and leave your enemies in your wake.

Level 19: Starfighter Elite[edit]

At 19 level, you have become the ultimate starfighter pilot, a living legend. You can perform your *Legendary Starfighter Maneuver* at will, without restriction, making you the embodiment of the ideal pilot. You are the epitome of perfection, performing feats that no other pilot can even imagine. The universe bends to your will as you dominate space itself.

Starship Types and Features[edit]

Starships are categorized based on their size and function. Each type has specific requirements and characteristics that improve as you level up and gather resources. Here are the different starship types and their features:

Small Starship[edit]

=Size:= Small =Level Unlock:= Level 1 =Build Time:= 2 weeks =Material Cost:= 100 units of standard alloys, 50 energy crystals =HP:= 50 + 10/level =AC:= 15 =Speed:= 60 ft =Weapons:= 1 mountable weapon =Modifications:= 2 slots


- Basic storage for personal gear and weapons. - Limited crew capacity (1-3 people). - Basic engines for fast travel but limited in combat strength. - Basic weaponry, including light laser guns or small projectile weapons.

Available Modifications for Small Starships:[edit]

- **Enhanced Shields** (Requires Level 2): Increases shield resistance by 50% and grants the ability to regenerate shields during combat. - **Advanced Sensors** (Requires Level 3): Grants the ship enhanced perception abilities, allowing it to detect hidden objects or enemies within a 500 ft radius. - **Resource Synthesizer** (Requires Level 5): Enables the ship to create small amounts of basic resources daily (e.g., food, ammunition). - **Small Cargo Expansion** (Requires Level 4): Increases the cargo capacity of the ship by 50 units. - **Cloaking Device** (Requires Level 6): Allows the ship to become invisible for 1 hour, making it undetectable by most sensors or enemies.

Medium Starship[edit]

=Size:= Medium =Level Unlock:= Level 6 =Build Time:= 1 month =Material Cost:= 500 units of advanced alloys, 250 energy crystals =HP:= 200 + 20/level =AC:= 17 =Speed:= 50 ft =Weapons:= 2 mountable weapons =Modifications:= 4 slots


- Enhanced crew space (3-10 people). - Better armor and speed. - Advanced weapon systems for medium-range combat. - Advanced engines that offer more maneuverability and speed than smaller ships.

Available Modifications for Medium Starships:[edit]

- **Improved Weapons System** (Requires Level 7): Adds one more mountable weapon to the ship, giving the ship more firepower. - **Plasma Cannons** (Requires Level 8): Upgrades the ship's weaponry with plasma-based attacks that deal 2d10 energy damage on a hit. - **Shield Reinforcement** (Requires Level 10): Doubles shield resistance for 1 round, protecting the ship from heavy damage. - **Drone Bay** (Requires Level 9): Allows the ship to deploy up to 3 drones for reconnaissance or combat. - **Advanced Power Core** (Requires Level 11): Increases the ship’s energy efficiency, allowing it to run longer without needing to recharge. - **Improved Cloaking Device** (Requires Level 12): Provides a stronger cloaking field, making the ship nearly invisible to enemy sensors.

Large Starship[edit]

=Size:= Large =Level Unlock:= Level 11 =Build Time:= 3 months =Material Cost:= 1,000 units of advanced alloys, 500 energy crystals =HP:= 500 + 30/level =AC:= 18 =Speed:= 40 ft =Weapons:= 4 mountable weapons =Modifications:= 6 slots


- Suitable for deep-space exploration, fleet command, and large combat missions. - More powerful engines and advanced tactical capabilities. - Enhanced weaponry and armor for heavy combat situations. - Increased storage and crew capacity for a more complex operation.

Available Modifications for Large Starships:[edit]

- **Ion Cannons** (Requires Level 13): A specialized weapon that disables enemy ships, reducing their movement speed by 50% for 1 minute. - **Battle Hardened Armor** (Requires Level 14): Grants the ship resistance to physical damage, reducing damage taken by 25%. - **Self-Repair System** (Requires Level 15): Automatically repairs minor damage sustained during battle, restoring 2d8 HP every round. - **EMP Missiles** (Requires Level 16): Launches a missile that disables all electronic devices on an enemy ship for 1 round, rendering them vulnerable to physical attacks. - **Advanced Medical Bay** (Requires Level 17): Increases the healing abilities of the medical bay, allowing it to heal 2d10 HP per long rest. - **Holographic Decoy** (Requires Level 18): Deploys a decoy that mimics your ship's movements, confusing enemies and allowing you to escape or attack from a hidden position.

Colossal Starship[edit]

=Size:= Colossal =Level Unlock:= Level 17 =Build Time:= 6 months =Material Cost:= 2,500 units of rare alloys, 1,200 energy crystals =HP:= 1,000 + 50/level =AC:= 20 =Speed:= 30 ft =Weapons:= 6 mountable weapons =Modifications:= 8 slots


- Massive crew capacity (10-50 people). - Equipped for large-scale battles, long-term missions, and commanding fleets. - Maximum defensive and offensive capabilities. - Ability to support multiple specialized crew roles like command, research, and combat.

Available Modifications for Colossal Starships:[edit]

- **Mega Blaster** (Requires Level 19): A massive energy weapon capable of hitting multiple targets within a 100-ft radius, dealing 5d6 radiant damage to each target. - **Mega Warp Core** (Requires Level 20): Doubles the ship’s speed for FTL travel, allowing it to reach distant locations in record time. - **Gravity Well Projector** (Requires Level 21): Creates a localized gravity well that pulls enemy ships toward your vessel, reducing their movement and dealing 2d6 gravitational damage. - **Anti-Missile Defense** (Requires Level 22): Adds a system to intercept and destroy incoming missiles or projectiles. - **Heavy Drone Bay** (Requires Level 23): Adds the ability to deploy up to 10 drones for a combination of combat, reconnaissance, and repair functions. - **AI Crew Assistance** (Requires Level 24): Adds AI-controlled crew members that provide the ship with increased efficiency, reducing maintenance costs and improving operations.


=Size:= Meganave =Level Unlock:= Level 21 =Build Time:= 1 year =Material Cost:= 5,000 units of legendary alloys, 3,000 energy crystals =HP:= 2,000 + 100/level =AC:= 22 =Speed:= 20 ft =Weapons:= 10 mountable weapons =Modifications:= 10 slots


- The ultimate starship with overwhelming firepower, defense, and storage capabilities. - Capable of commanding entire fleets, conducting research, and surviving in hostile environments. - Capable of creating new weaponry and ship enhancements on the fly.

Available Modifications for Meganaves:[edit]

- **Tactical Missile Pods** (Requires Level 25): Adds multiple missile pods to the ship, allowing for rapid, multi-target missile launches. - **Thermal Shielding** (Requires Level 26): Provides the ship with protection against extreme heat and fire damage, reducing damage taken from heat-based attacks by 50%. - **Warp Core Stabilizer** (Requires Level 27): Stabilizes the ship’s warp drive, reducing the risk of malfunction during FTL travel and increasing travel speed. - **Holographic Command Center** (Requires Level 28): Enhances strategic command, giving the pilot advantage on all tactical checks during fleet battles. - **Reinforced Hull** (Requires Level 29): Adds additional durability to the ship, providing +2 AC and resistance to physical damage. - **Quantum Drive Upgrade** (Requires Level 30): Grants the ship the ability to make instantaneous jumps through space once per long rest.

Ship Customization Modifications[edit]

As your starship evolves, you’ll gain access to various upgrades. These modifications are limited by ship size and level. Each modification enhances specific attributes of your starship and provides a wide range of functionalities to improve your ship’s effectiveness in different scenarios. You can only install modifications if your ship meets the size and level requirements.

For example, a small starship can only benefit from minor enhancements like improved shields, sensors, and basic weapons, while larger starships unlock more advanced modifications like AI assistance and specialized weapons systems.

Starship Rooms and Customizations[edit]

Each starship comes with specific rooms designed for various purposes, including combat, research, crafting, and storage. These rooms can be improved as your ship grows and gains new resources, unlocking more powerful functionalities, and allowing your ship to become even more efficient in fulfilling your role as a pilot.

Small Starship Rooms[edit]

Small starships typically have limited space and are designed for quick missions, reconnaissance, and rapid travel. The following rooms are available on small ships:

1. =Cargo Hold=

  =Capacity= 50 units  
  =Function= Store basic resources, components, and personal gear.  
  - =Basic Upgrade= Increases capacity by 50 units.  
  - =Advanced Upgrade= Increases capacity by 100 units and allows for the storage of specialized materials such as exotic alloys.  

2. =Weapon Workbench=

  =Function= A basic room where pilots can modify and enhance weapons for their personal use.  
  - =Crafting Tools= Allows for the modification of common weapons (laser pistols, basic rifles, etc.).  
  - =Precision Tools= Allows crafting of higher-tier weapons, such as energy blasters and ionized weapons.  

3. =Medical Bay=

  =Function= Basic healing for minor injuries and ailment  P medical (5e Equipment)

4. =Living Quarters=

  =Function= Provides space for rest and relaxation.  
  - =Comfortable Bedding= Increases the effectiveness of short rests by 1 hour.  
  - =Advanced Living Space= Reduces fatigue and grants advantage on saving throws against exhaustion.

Medium Starship Rooms[edit]

Medium starships offer more space and additional rooms. These vessels can carry a crew, and their rooms allow for a greater variety of tasks:

1. =Enhanced Cargo Hold=

  =Capacity= 250 units  
  =Function= Expanded storage for larger quantities of materials, supplies, and personal items.  
  - =Cargo Optimizer= Increases capacity by 100 units.  
  - =Magnetic Lockers= Items stored are automatically organized, reducing the time spent on retrieving necessary resources.  

2. =Armory=

  =Function= Store and modify weapons, armor, and other combat tools.  
  - =Weapon Smithing Tools= Allows for modifications to standard energy rifles, making them more powerful or accurate.  
  - =Armor Forging Equipment= Provides the ability to craft stronger protective suits or repair damaged armor.  

3. =Advanced Medical Bay=

  =Function= Provides advanced medical treatment for both minor and major injuries, M medical (5e Equipment)

4. =Crew Quarters=

  =Function= Accommodates the ship's crew with adequate personal space.  
  - =Personal Pods= Increases comfort for each crew member, reducing the chances of morale loss.  
  - =Luxury Cabins= Increases morale, providing advantage on saving throws against fear effects.  

5. =Engineering Bay=

  =Function= Maintain and repair the ship’s engines, reactors, and mechanical systems.  
  - =Basic Tools= Allows for regular maintenance of engines and systems.  
  - =Advanced Diagnostics= Detects any faults in the systems faster and allows for better ship optimization.  

Large Starship Rooms[edit]

Large starships are often used for heavy combat, fleet leadership, or long-range exploration. They come with more advanced rooms designed for strategic planning, crew support, and technological development:

1. =Command Center=

  =Function= Acts as the brain of the ship, coordinating various operations.  
  - =Tactical Interface= Provides enhanced strategic analysis for the pilot, granting +2 to all Intelligence-based rolls during combat.  
  - =Advanced Command System= Increases coordination with other ships in the fleet, allowing the player to give orders more effectively, granting allies +1 AC for 1 round after receiving the command.  

2. =Advanced Armory=

  =Function= A larger and more comprehensive weapons storage room, allowing for advanced weapon customization and crafting.  
  - =Crafting Stations= Create specialized weapons such as plasma grenades, energy rifles, and more.  
  - =Armor Rack= Offers the ability to craft personal armor upgrades and store multiple suits.  

3. =Laboratory medical=

  =Function= Used for scientific experiments, research, and medical research, G medical (5e Equipment)

4. =Hangar Bay=

  =Function= A large bay for storing and launching small craft such as fighters or drones.  
  - =Drones= Allows you to deploy drones for reconnaissance, combat, or repair.  
  - =Fighter Squad= Adds up to 5 fighter ships under your command, which you can deploy for space combat.  

5. =Research & Development Room=

  =Function= This room allows you to develop new technologies, ship upgrades, or experimental items.  
  - =Prototype Lab= Grants the ability to create one-use prototype items (such as a one-time-use shield booster).  
  - =Tech Enhancement= Unlocks the ability to develop and research advanced ship modifications.  

Colossal Starship Rooms[edit]

Colossal starships are designed for large-scale operations and fleet control. They feature specialized rooms for combat, command, research, and even fleet management:

1. =Fleet Command Center=

  =Function= Coordinate entire fleets, directing other ships with ease.  
  - =Fleet Coordination Tools= Grants the ability to issue commands to nearby fleet ships, providing buffs to their combat capabilities.  
  - =Strategic Nexus= Allows the ship to analyze battlefield conditions, granting advantage on all tactics-related rolls.  

2. =Hyperbaric Medical Bay=

  =Function= Provides top-tier medical services and advanced treatment for the crew C medical (5e Equipment)

3. =Fleet Support Bay=

  =Function= Refit and repair your ships, and deploy additional support units.  
  - =Repair Drones= Deployable drones that provide emergency repairs for nearby ships.  
  - =Reconstruction Forge= Allows for the refitting of damaged ships, restoring them to full working condition.  

4. =Command Bridge=

  =Function= The center of operations for all commands and communications.  
  - =Centralized Command= Increases the ship's tactical awareness, allowing you to make multiple moves per turn.  
  - =Holo-Communications= Provides advanced communication tools, giving you the ability to coordinate with other fleet members in real-time.

Meganave Rooms[edit]

Meganaves are truly enormous ships, featuring expansive and complex rooms that grant high levels of functionality:

1. =Megahiperbaric medical bay=

MN medical (5e Equipment)

  - =Universal Fabricator= Produce advanced weapons, shields, and other technologies with materials from across the galaxy.  

2. =Legendary Vault=

  =Function= A secure room designed to store rare and powerful items.  
  - =Enhanced Security= Increases the security of your vault, protecting valuable items from theft or sabotage.  
  - =Time Distortion Chamber= Allows time to pass faster in the vault, enabling rapid item research and upgrades.  

3. =Gravity Control Room=

  =Function= Manipulate gravity in your ship, making it easier to navigate or attack enemies.  
  - =Gravity Pulse= Send out a pulse that weakens enemy ships' gravity, reducing their movement speed.  
  - =Gravity Manipulator= Allows you to reduce gravity in certain sections of the ship, aiding in the efficiency of your crew.