MN medical (5e Equipment)
Cost: 500,000 gp and 10,000 gp in monthly expenses This medical bay is a self-sustaining, fully automated hospital capable of serving an entire city’s population. Spanning multiple decks, it integrates medical, scientific, and advanced technological systems that not only provide unparalleled care but also conduct groundbreaking research to improve life aboard the mega starship. The medical bay provides the following benefits:
UpgradesThis medical bay offers next-level advancements to meet the needs of a city-sized population: Advanced Nanobot Medical Swarm: Costs 50,000 gp and increases monthly expenses by 2,000 gp. Deploys an extensive network of nanobots across the ship. Every individual onboard receives constant health monitoring, and injuries or illnesses are treated immediately. Grants advantage on Constitution saving throws to every creature on the ship. Full Regeneration and Resurrection Facility: Costs 150,000 gp and increases monthly expenses by 5,000 gp. Allows the facility to regrow entire bodies and revive creatures that have died within 1 year without the need for spells or special conditions. This process is seamless and non-invasive. Planetary-Scale Diagnostic Network: Costs 100,000 gp and increases monthly expenses by 3,000 gp. Extends the medical bay's diagnostic capabilities to entire planetary systems. The medical bay can remotely monitor the health of populations on nearby planets, providing warnings and solutions for large-scale epidemics. Genetic Optimization Lab: Costs 200,000 gp and increases monthly expenses by 10,000 gp. Grants the ability to perform genetic enhancements, allowing permanent improvements to physical or mental abilities (+4 to an ability score, DM’s discretion). Can also remove genetic diseases and defects on a mass scale. Temporal Stabilization Unit: Costs 250,000 gp and increases monthly expenses by 15,000 gp. This advanced system can reverse time within the medical bay to a state before an injury or illness occurred. Grants creatures the ability to undo damage taken in the last 24 hours. City-Wide Life Support Module: Costs 300,000 gp and increases monthly expenses by 20,000 gp. Creates a continuous life-support system for the entire city, ensuring breathable air, clean water, and optimal health conditions for all residents. Residents no longer suffer from natural aging effects while aboard the ship. Quantum Healing Core: Costs 500,000 gp and increases monthly expenses by 25,000 gp. Powers the medical bay with limitless quantum energy, enabling instantaneous healing for all individuals onboard. Restores 1d10 hit points per minute to everyone within the ship, regardless of location. AI Doctor Network: Costs 250,000 gp and increases monthly expenses by 12,000 gp. A network of AI doctors performs constant health evaluations, personalized treatments, and medical research. Grants a +15 bonus to all Medicine checks made within the facility and allows for automatic success on checks against complex medical challenges. Interstellar Medical Outreach System: Costs 400,000 gp and increases monthly expenses by 30,000 gp. Allows the ship to project medical aid to other vessels, stations, or planets within a 100-light-year radius. Can treat up to 1,000 patients remotely every day. Dimensional Healing Chambers: Costs 1,000,000 gp and increases monthly expenses by 50,000 gp. Creates pocket dimensions within the medical bay where time flows differently, allowing decades of healing and rehabilitation to occur in seconds. Up to 1,000 creatures can be treated simultaneously, fully restoring all hit points, curing all conditions, and regrowing lost limbs or organs. Population Wellness Grid: Costs 500,000 gp and increases monthly expenses by 25,000 gp. Integrates with the ship’s systems to ensure the health and wellness of the entire population. Provides real-time updates on public health and automatically neutralizes airborne toxins, infections, or threats before they spread. Planetary Terraforming Module: Costs 2,000,000 gp and increases monthly expenses by 100,000 gp. A groundbreaking feature that enables the ship to restore life to dead planets by repairing ecosystems and creating optimal living conditions. The medical bay plays a pivotal role by introducing microorganisms and genetic modifications to support planetary colonization. |
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