Roukanken (Rebalanced) (5e Equipment)

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Weapon (katana), Artifact (Requires attunement)

A blade forged by an unknown youkai, the sword Roukanken is said in legends to be capable of destroying ten spirits in one stroke. However, despite the legends surrounding this formidable weapon, no one knows the truth, as not only is the smith who forged it unknown, but no one has ever attempted to fight spirits with it; most who find this blade have found its unbreaking edge more than effective enough at killing the living rather than the dead.

This katana has a blade that is among the longest of katana, but otherwise appears normal at a glance. However, upon closer inspection, the blade can be observed to be flawless, without blemishes, and with a cutting edge so fine it could split a single hair into several strands. The blade is completely rust-free, and does not stain. The hilt's grip is perfect, and the weapon in its entirety is extremely lightweight. The sheathe is black with three red bands near the end that the blade is inserted, some spacing between them. The other end of the sheathe displays ornate, oriental cloud patterns in pink. For some reason, also at the tip of the sheathe, a half-bloomed pink flower of some sort has been tied in place, reasons unknown. Despite one's best efforts, the flower is apparently irremovable.

When attuned to this weapon, one who holds it in their hands is given the faint sense that nothing can stand in their way.

(This is a rebalanced version of the original roukanken)


Lightweight Frame. This weapon weighs 2 lbs. and has the finesse, light, and versatile properties.

Long Blade. Due to this weapon's long blade, it also has the reach property.

Unbreakable Edge. This weapon cannot be broken by any known means. Additionally, if it would be targeted by an effect that would destroy a weapon, such as a Rust Monster's Rust Metal trait or Antennae action, it instead ignores it.

Swift Blade. When you are hit by a ranged weapon attack, you may use your reaction to try and cut the projectile in half. Make a weapon attack with this weapon, if the attack roll is higher than the projectile's. the hit is instead treated as a miss and the projectile is destroyed. You must be holding this weapon in at least one hand to use this. You can use this property once, regain the use after finishing a short or long rest.

Fading Seal

Lightweight Frame. This weapon weighs 2 lbs. and has the finesse, light, and versatile properties.

Long Blade. Due to this weapon's long blade, it also has the reach property.

Honed Steel. As you become more accustomed to this weapon, you feel its real power begin to seep out slightly. You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls you make with this weapon.

Unbreakable Edge. This weapon cannot be broken by any known means. Additionally, if it would be targeted by an effect that would destroy a weapon, such as a Rust Monster's Rust Metal trait or Antennae action, it instead ignores it.

Swift Blade. When you are hit by a ranged weapon attack, you may use your reaction to try and cut the projectile in half. Make a weapon attack with this weapon, if the attack roll is higher than the projectile's. the hit is instead treated as a miss and the projectile is destroyed. You must be holding this weapon in at least one hand to use this. You can use this property once, regain the use after finishing a short or long rest.

Clashing Blades. When a creature you can see targets you with a melee weapon attack, you may use your reaction to contest the attacker's roll with an attack roll with this weapon instead of using your AC. If your attack roll beats the attacker's, then the incoming attack misses and as part of the same reaction, you may choose to use this weapon to make a melee weapon attack against the attacker with disadvantage. You must be holding this weapon in at least one hand to use this. You can use this property once, regain the use after finishing a short or long rest.

First Seal Released

Lightweight Frame. This weapon weighs 2 lbs. and has the finesse, light, and versatile properties.

Long Blade. Due to this weapon's long blade, it also has the reach property.

Honed Steel. Further use of this weapon has revealed more of its power. You have a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls you make with this weapon.

Unbreakable Edge. This weapon cannot be broken by any known means. Additionally, if it would be targeted by an effect that would destroy a weapon, such as a Rust Monster's Rust Metal trait or Antennae action, it instead ignores it.

Swift Blade. When you are hit by a ranged weapon attack, you may use your reaction to try and cut the projectile in half. Make a weapon attack with this weapon, if the attack roll is higher than the projectile's. the hit is instead treated as a miss and the projectile is destroyed. You must be holding this weapon in at least one hand to use this. You can use this property once, regain the use after finishing a short or long rest.

Clashing Blades. When a creature you can see targets you with a melee weapon attack, you may use your reaction to contest the attacker's roll with an attack roll with this weapon instead of using your AC. If your attack roll beats the attacker's, then the incoming attack misses and as part of the same reaction, you may choose to use this weapon to make a melee weapon attack against the attacker with disadvantage. You must be holding this weapon in at least one hand to use this. You can use this property once, regain the use after finishing a short or long rest.

Fatal Draw. While you have this weapon sheathed and one hand free, you may use your reaction to make a special attack with this weapon if one of the two following conditions are met:

  • A hostile creature moves within this weapon's reach.
  • You enter within this weapon's reach of a hostile creature on your turn after taking the dash action.

When you make this special attack, you quickly draw this weapon and slash at the target. You must attack with this weapon in one hand, not two, for this attack. The special attack has the following extra properties in addition to a normal weapon attack from this weapon:

  • You do not add any ability modifiers to the damage of this attack.
  • On a critical hit, the attack deals its maximum damage instead of rolling. Additionally, you do not add any extra critical damage in this case.

If you have drawn this weapon after rolling for initiative, you may spend your action on your turn to sheath it again. You must spend your action to sheath it in this way in order to be able to use this special attack again in the same combat encounter.

Second Seal Released

Lightweight Frame. This weapon weighs 2 lbs. and has the finesse, light, and versatile properties.

Long Blade. Due to this weapon's long blade, it also has the reach property.

Ultimate Steel. As your familiarity with this weapon increases further, the true extent of the blade's power grows ever closer to unveiling itself. You have a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls you make with this weapon. This weapon deals 1d8 + 1d6 slashing damage instead of the slashing normal for a katana, its versatile damage is 1d10 + 1d8.

Unbreakable Edge. This weapon cannot be broken by any known means. Additionally, if it would be targeted by an effect that would destroy a weapon, such as a Rust Monster's Rust Metal trait or Antennae action, it instead ignores it.

Swift Blade. When you are hit by a ranged weapon attack, you may use your reaction to try and cut the projectile in half. Make a weapon attack with this weapon, if the attack roll is higher than the projectile's. the hit is instead treated as a miss and the projectile is destroyed. You must be holding this weapon in at least one hand to use this. You can use this property once, regain the use after finishing a short or long rest.

Clashing Blades. When a creature you can see targets you with a melee weapon attack, you may use your reaction to contest the attacker's roll with an attack roll with this weapon instead of using your AC. If your attack roll beats the attacker's, then the incoming attack misses and as part of the same reaction, you may choose to use this weapon to make a melee weapon attack against the attacker with disadvantage. You must be holding this weapon in at least one hand to use this. You can use this property once, regain the use after finishing a short or long rest.

Fatal Draw. While you have this weapon sheathed and one hand free, you may use your reaction to make a special attack with this weapon if one of the two following conditions are met:

  • A hostile creature moves within this weapon's reach.
  • You enter within this weapon's reach of a hostile creature on your turn after taking the dash action.

When you make this special attack, you quickly draw this weapon and slash at the target. You must attack with this weapon in one hand, not two, for this attack. The special attack has the following extra properties in addition to a normal weapon attack from this weapon:

  • The attack roll is made with advantage, and scores a critical hit on a roll of 18, 19, or 20. However, you do not add any ability modifiers to the damage of this attack.
  • On a critical hit, the attack deals its maximum damage instead of rolling. Additionally, you do not add any extra critical damage in this case.

If you have drawn this weapon after rolling for initiative, you may spend your action on your turn to sheath it again. You must spend your action to sheath it in this way in order to be able to use this special attack again in the same combat encounter.

Unleashed Blade

Lightweight Frame. This weapon weighs 2 lbs. and has the finesse, light, and versatile properties.

Long Blade. Due to this weapon's long blade, it also has the reach property.

Insurmountable Edge. With seemingly endless time and training in using this weapon, it has finally revealed to you its true colors. You have a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls you make with this weapon. This weapon deals 2d8 slashing damage instead of the slashing normal for a katana, its versatile damage is 2d10. Additionally, this weapon's damage now ignores damage resistance and damage immunity to slashing damage, and when you land a critical hit with this weapon, you double the attack's damage instead of rolling for critical damage; this effect does not apply to the critical hits of Fatal Draw.

Unbreakable Edge. This weapon cannot be broken by any known means. Additionally, if it would be targeted by an effect that would destroy a weapon, such as a Rust Monster's Rust Metal trait or Antennae action, it instead ignores it.

Swift Blade. When you are hit by a ranged weapon attack, you may use your reaction to try and cut the projectile in half. Make a weapon attack with this weapon, if the attack roll is higher than the projectile's. the hit is instead treated as a miss and the projectile is destroyed. You must be holding this weapon in at least one hand to use this. You can use this property once, regain the use after finishing a short or long rest.

Clashing Blades. When a creature you can see targets you with a melee weapon attack, you may use your reaction to contest the attacker's roll with an attack roll with this weapon instead of using your AC. If your attack roll beats the attacker's, then the incoming attack misses and as part of the same reaction, you may choose to use this weapon to make a melee weapon attack against the attacker with disadvantage. You must be holding this weapon in at least one hand to use this. You can use this property once, regain the use after finishing a short or long rest.

Fatal Draw. While you have this weapon sheathed and one hand free, you may use your reaction to make a special attack with this weapon if one of the two following conditions are met:

  • A hostile creature moves within this weapon's reach.
  • You enter within this weapon's reach of a hostile creature on your turn after taking the dash action.

When you make this special attack, you quickly draw this weapon and slash at the target. You must attack with this weapon in one hand, not two, for this attack. The special attack has the following extra properties in addition to a normal weapon attack from this weapon:

  • The attack roll is made with advantage, and scores a critical hit on a roll of 18, 19, or 20. However, you do not add any ability modifiers to the damage of this attack.
  • On a critical hit, the attack deals its maximum damage instead of rolling. Additionally, you do not add any extra critical damage in this case.

If you have drawn this weapon after rolling for initiative, you may spend your action on your turn to sheath it again. You must spend your action to sheath it in this way in order to be able to use this special attack again in the same combat encounter.

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