Races (Mass Effect Supplement)

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The races of the Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies sit in an uneasy balance.

Council Species[edit]

The Citadel Council governs over two-thirds of the Milky Way galaxy,

  • Asari: one of the oldest and longest-lived galactic species, the vaguely-simian asari were the first to discover the Citadel, and control galactic politics with grace and wisdom.
  • Salarians: the second species to discover the Citadel, the reptilian salarians are quick-witted and short-lived, being responsible for much of the galaxy's technological improvement and leading the galaxy's most powerful intelligence agency.
  • Turians: the third species to discover the Citadel, the avian turians were given their seat to represent the Council's military interests and to cement their position as galactic peacekeepers.
  • Humans: following the Battle of the Citadel in 2183, a mere 35 years after humanity discovered the prothean ruins on Mars and their first forays in intersolar travel, a human representative was given the fourth seat on the Citadel Council.

Associate Species[edit]

  • Drell: once a populous reptilian species on their desert homeworld, the drell learned of the disastrous effects of their rapidly-growing industry on their fragile ecosystem far too late, leaving a mere 375,000 living drell across the entire galaxy as a client species of the hanar.
  • Elcor: the great titans of Dekuuna, elcor are as physically powerful as they are deliberate, leaving them slow in their decision making.
  • Hanar: most similar to Earth's jellyfish, the hanar are one of the few species to retain religion as a major aspect of their society.
  • Volus: joining the Citadel only a few years following the salarians, volus biology is almost entirely unknown to the galaxy, though their economy rivals, end even surpasses, those of some Council species.

Non-Council Species[edit]

  • Batarians: once an uneasy associate species, the batarians' paranoid, war-like government retracted their embassy following extended conflict with humanity.
  • Krogan: rivaling the elcor in might while lacking their deliberate decision making, though they are still dwarfed by their homeworld's ecology, the krogan live for war.
  • Quarians: confined to their enviro-suits due to their weakened immune systems, the quarians lost their associate status after accidentally creating the geth.
  • Vorcha: having an average lifespan of only 20 years, vorcha reproduce and adapt rapidly, though their lack of an advanced intellect like the salarians leaves them largely uneducated.

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