Orcs (Grisaire Supplement)

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Orcs are an ancient race of humanoids in Grisaire created by the joint efforts of Igu-Rab-Ichi and Darakan'ta.


An interesting property of orc biology is in that of the female members. All orc females are able to bear children from young ages, but many lack the ability to lactate. Young orc babies do rely on mother's milk. As such a single mother may end up nursing many orc babies, not just her own. These orc young are therefore usually placed in nurseries within orc communities where they are communally taken care of by designated orcs. Childrearing is a joint effort in any orc community, and even more so in that of a traveling warband.

Premutian Orcs[edit]

Hagan Orcs[edit]

Wasteland Orcs[edit]

Notable Orcs[edit]

A notable number of orcs have helped shape and continue to shape not only the fate of their own race but with a reach beyond that.

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