Nobara Kugisaki, Shinjuku Showdown (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement)
Nobara Kugisaki[edit]
Medium humanoid (human), chaotic good Armor Class 20 (Unarmored Defense)
Saving Throws Dex +9, Cha +9 Cursed Energy. Nobara has 38 cursed energy which she can use to fuel her abilities. All of her cursed energy is regained at the end of a long rest. Cursed-Empowered Strikes. Nobara's unarmed strikes are considered magical and she adds 1d12 necrotic damage to his unarmed strikes (already included). Cursed Energy Recovery. While in combat, Nobara regains 1 Cursed Energy per turn, up to her maximum. The combat must be one where her life is at risk. Evasion. Whenever Nobara makes a Dexterity saving throw, she takes half as much damage on a failure and no damage on a success. Nail Projectiles (1 Cursed Energy). Whenever Nobara would make an unarmed strike, she may instead hold a nail up in the air with her cursed energy and then hitting it with her hammer, making a ranged cursed energy attack roll with a range of 30/120 ft. This may also be a Melee Cursed Energy Attack Roll while she is within 5 ft of your target. On a hit, she deals 2d6 + 5 piercing damage and the nail is stuck on the target. She spends this nail regardless of the nail hitting or missing it's target. As a bonus action while Nobara is touching a creature that has taken damage frm Nail Projectiles, she may make a Charisma check against a DC of 10. On a success, she will regain the nail spent. Nobara will have advantage on Perception checks against creatures that have one of her nails pierced into them, and they cannot hide from her as your cursed energy resonates from them. A creature may also remove a nail from their body themselves by making a Strength check against her Cursed Energy DC as an action. On a success, the nail is removed. Strong Body. Nobara reduces all non-magical damage she takes besides psychic by 3. Cursed Energy Tracker. Nobara can focus on one creature for 1 minute, seeing the “sparks” of cursed energy that always happen before cursed technique usage. For that minute when that creature forces her to make a save using their cursed technique or makes a cursed energy attack roll against her using their cursed technique they must roll a Stealth check, using Charisma instead of Dexterity, against a Perception check from Nobara. If she wins, Nobara gains advantage on the saving throw, or the attack roll is made with disadvantage. Negative Flow. Whenever Nobara is under the effects of the conditions frightened, Berserk, Bleeding, are under half her maximum hit points, missing a limb or in an encounter that's total CR is higher than her CR; she will gain 3 temporary cursed energy at the start of her turns which cannot go above 1/4th of her cursed energy maximum. 50 Meters in 3 Seconds! Nobara has two reactions per round. Acrobatic Fighter. Whenever Nobara makes an unarmed strike while within 5 ft. of a solid surface or another object like a pole, she may use it to leverage a powerful attack against her opponent, dealing an additional damage die of her unarmed strike on a hit. If there are not any solid surfaces, Nobara may use half of her movement speed to drop to the ground on his hands, extending her legs up and making a powerful kick. Also, once per turn, whenever Nobara falls onto a creature, she can make a DC 10 Acrobatics check. On a success, she may make one unarmed strike against that creature. Cursed Energy Concealer. Nobara may Hide as a Bonus Action by making a Stealth check. For the next 10 minutes, wherever she passes through she will not leave her cursed energy tracks behind carelessly, so any person that tries to track or sense her remains will need to be successful on a contested check against what she rolled +5 , if they have any ability or feature that would allow them to track her energy, and if not they can't track you at all. While both Nobara and her Cursed Energy are hidden, the benefit of being an Unseen Attacker also extends to her saving throws, forcing any creatures affected to roll their saving throw with disadvantage. ACTIONSUnarmed Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d8 + 4) bludgeoning damage + (1d12 + 5) necrotic damage. Resonance Nail. When using one nail and her hammer, Nobara can drive the nail through the body part used for Resonance. This attack will always hit. When you deal damage to the doll the target will receive damage based on what part of them is mixed in, using the Resonance Strengths listed below. Exorcise. Nobara can automatically destroy a cursed spirit within 30 ft. of her that she can see that has a CR equal to or lower than 2. BONUS ACTIONSMultiattack. Nobara makes two attacks with her Unarmed Strikes. Martial Arts. After using the attack action, Nobara can make an unarmed strike or an one-handed weapon attack with a bonus action. Cursed Weapon Enhancement. Nobara can spend up to 4 Cursed Energy to add to her melee weapon damage rolls for 1 minute. Whenever she hits a target with her weapon, it takes extra necrotic damage equal to twice the amount spent. Cursed Blast of Blows (3 Cursed Energy). After Nobara uses the Attack action, she can perform two unarmed strikes. Cursed Patient Defense (3 Cursed Energy). Nobara can take the dodge action as a bonus action on her turn. Cursed Wind Step(3 Cursed Energy). Nobara can take the dodge action as a bonus action on her turn. Hairpin (4 Cursed Energy). Nobara can make one or more of her nails that are currently stuck on a surface, object or creature make a huge Cursed energy Explosion. Every creature within a 10 ft. radius of the nail must attempt a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take 8d8 force damage and are knocked prone, taking half as much damage on a success and not becoming prone. Nobara can only explode a 4 nails at a time before she reaches her limit. REACTIONSResonance. When a creature takes slashing or piercing damage within Nobara's reach, she may make a Sleight of Hand check against the enemy's AC(+3 for fine, +6 for strong, +9 for very strong). If she can bypass it, Nobara can grab a part of the enemy of the highest resonance strength she can qualify for and mixes it with her straw doll. After she has mixed the part, she can spend 1 Cursed Energy to activate resonance, enabling her to target the straw doll giving you access to a special attack, which is explained separately, due to it's functions. Hairpin (4 Cursed Energy). Nobara can make one or more of her nails that are currently stuck on a surface, object or creature make a huge Cursed energy Explosion. Every creature within a 10 ft. radius of the nail must attempt a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take 8d8 force damage and are knocked prone, taking half as much damage on a success and not becoming prone. Nobara can only explode a 4 nails at a time before she reaches her limit, this can also be done as a bonus action. Nobara may also choose for the exploded nail to only affect one creature, making the creature with the nail stuck make a Constitution saving throw, and suffer the effects as it normally would on a failure. Internal Hairpin. While a creature has a nail stuck on themselves, Nobara can use a bonus action or a reaction to spend 8 Cursed Energy and activate hairpin, making the Nail rotate in great speeds to harm the creature. The creature must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they take 8d10 necrotic damage and are stunned until the beginning of her next turn. On a success, they take half as much damage and are not stunned. Since this damages the insides of her target, when she rolls the d12 the creature's limb will instantly be reduced to 0 hit points if the creature failed the save. If you're not using the limb system variant rule, the limb will just explode. |
Nobara is a confident and brash young woman with an unshakable character. More than anything, Nobara is determined to stay true to herself no matter what. She takes great pride in being both a pretty girl and a strong fighter, refusing to let anyone influence her. Jujutsu Sorcerer. Nobara has 12 levels in the Jujutsu Sorcerer class. Resonance. The following features more detail on Nobara's Resonance. When using the Resonance Nail action, along with having a body part to utilize, using one nail and Nobara's hammer she can drive the nail through the body part. This attack will always hit. When she deals damage to the doll the target will receive damage based on what part of them is mixed in, which is explained below. This damage overcomes resistances and immunities, and is considered Major Soul Harming.
Very Strong Resonance. Alternatively to the normal use of Resonance, Nobara may instead of using the straw doll to target the creature, she can instead use the creature’s very body in place of it to dramatically increase its effectiveness. As an Action and 6 cursed energy, Nobara may make an attack roll on a creature under one of the following conditions: incapacitated, restrained, stunned, petrified, or paralyzed. On a hit, the creature is knocked prone and struck by resonance with its body being used in place of the straw doll, dealing 14d12 Necrotic Damage, and for 1 minute, every time the target tries to use a feature that costs CE, they must make a Charisma saving throw with disadvantage. On a success, nothing happens. On a failure, the feature fails to activate although the creature still loses the amount of CE they would use in that Feature. The creature may repeat the saving throw at the end of its turns, still with disadvantage, ending the effect on a success. All stronger effects carry special effects of the ones weaker than it, keeping the duration of the stronger effect.
Design Note: These features aren't applied to the statblock, as it is up to the GM what would be best for the npc Nobara knows six enhancements in which she can apply to her cursed technique. A technique cannot have multiple enhancements, nor can one enhancement be applied to multiple techniques.
At the end of a short rest or long rest, Nobara may reallocate her enhancements.
Design Note: This feature isn't applied to the statblock, as it is up to the GM what would be best for the npc One of Nobara's cursed techniques will gain all of the following benefits: Increased Damage Output. Its damage dice number will increase by 5. Increased Reach. Its range will increase by 30 feet. Optimized Technique. Its cursed energy cost will be halved (rounded up, minimum 1). Nobara may change her specialized technique at the end of a week.
Cursed Techniques. When a feature refers to Nobara's cursed techniques, it refers to Nail Projectiles , Resonance , Hairpin, and Internal Hairpin. When Nobara scores a critical hit (It must be a Natural 20 for it to count) with an unarmed strike that benefits from Cursed Weapon Enhancement or Cursed Projectiles, she can choose to land a Black Flash. Before the damage calculation, roll a d6 to see how much additional Necrotic damage Nobara's Black Flash will add onto the damage roll using the table below:
In addition, the amount of dice she rolls from a critical with this attack will increase by one additional damage die, and the Black Flash simply does not occur if the attack wouldn’t otherwise hit(such as if negated by an ability or the attack roll isn’t a crit and doesn’t hit the opponent’s AC). Nobara's next attack on the same turn will trigger a Black Flash on a Natural 15 or higher, known as a Black Flash DC. For every other Black Flash after the second, the Natural attack roll must be 1 higher than the previous. (Ex. Third Black Flash lands on a 8, the DC becomes 9. Fourth lands on a 9, the DC becomes 10.) Failing to land a consecutive Black Flash results in the DC being lost, requiring another Natural 20 to regain it, beginning at the starting DC. In The Zone. Nobara gains the following benefits for a number of minutes equal to the black flashes she hit in the turn; the benefits will last from during the turn she landed the Black Flash until those number of minutes after it:
Nobara's Binding Vows. Resonance Conduit. Nobara is now able to transfer all the Soul Harming damage of Resonance from a Cursed Objects to the Cursed Object. In order to do this you lose the ability to harm the Cursed Objects in any manner while using Resonance. Feats. Nobara's feats are: Strong Body, Resilient, 50 Meters in 3 Seconds!. Immense Cursed Energy, Cursed Energy Tracker, Negative Flow, Cursed Energy Concealer. Black Flash, Acrobatic Fighter. Improved Durability. This creature uses the Improved Durability rule. |
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