Talk:Longtime Hivemind (5e Spell)
Food for thought:
Core Problems[edit]
1. Casting Time & Duration (Balance Issue) 8 Hours is a massive casting time, especially for a spell that could effectively last forever. This makes the spell either: A downtime ritual (which removes combat applications entirely). A tool for exploiting infinite duration effects. ✅ Suggested Fix: Change casting time to 1 hour (ritual). Duration: 1 week, with the option to renew the connection with a short ritual.
2. Mental Stat Bonuses (Overpowered)[edit]
Permanent scaling stat increases to Wisdom, Intelligence, and Charisma (up to +4!) are extremely out of line for 5e balance — especially without concentration or duration limits. ✅ Suggested Fix: Replace flat bonuses with temporary advantage on mental ability checks and saving throws. Cap mental stat boosts at +1 per 3 members, maxing at +3.
3. Proficiency Sharing (Broken)[edit]
Sharing the highest proficiency from the group is borderline game-breaking — especially with tool proficiencies or saving throws. ✅ Suggested Fix: Limit shared proficiencies to Saving Throws and Skills only. Choose one shared proficiency per 3 members.
4. Psychic Damage Distribution (Too Strong)[edit]
Bypassing psychic resistance and immunities while letting damage spread across the whole network makes the Hivemind almost invulnerable to mental attacks. ✅ Suggested Fix: Damage distribution should only apply to psychic damage from spells or effects, not general psychic damage. Add: "Creatures cannot distribute psychic damage that originates from their own mistakes or self-inflicted damage."
5. Death Effect (Unnecessarily Punitive)[edit]
75% max HP + 3 levels of exhaustion is overkill. That's a guaranteed death spiral for the entire party if one person drops. ✅ Suggested Fix: Reduce psychic backlash to 50% max HP and 1 level of exhaustion. Add a Charisma saving throw to halve the effect.
Synaptic Concord
8th-level Necromancy (Ritual)
Casting Time: 1 hour
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M (a red ruby worth 200 GP per creature to be bound, which is consumed)
Duration: 7 days (Renewable with a 1-hour ritual)
You forge a psychic network between up to **10 willing creatures**, binding their minds into a unified **Synaptic Concord**. Those joined in the Concord share thoughts, senses, and instincts — but prolonged connection blurs the line between self and swarm.
Concord Benefits[edit]
While connected, all members gain the following benefits:
- **Telepathic Network:** All members can communicate telepathically across any distance on the same plane.
- **Sense Sharing:** Any member can use an action to perceive through another member's senses.
- **Proficiency Sharing:** The Concord shares **one skill proficiency and one saving throw proficiency** among all members, using the highest modifier among them (chosen when the spell is cast).
- **Mental Resilience:** Members are immune to being **charmed, frightened, possessed, or having their memories or personality altered**.
Gestalt Cognition[edit]
The collective mind strengthens as more creatures are bound:
Members | Ability Bonuses | Save Advantage | Max Ability Score Cap |
2-3 | +1 Wisdom, +1 Intelligence | Wisdom | 22 |
4-5 | +2 Wisdom, +2 Intelligence | Wisdom, Charisma | 22 |
6-9 | +3 Wisdom, +3 Intelligence | Wisdom, Charisma, Intelligence | 24 |
10 | +3 Wisdom, +3 Intelligence, +1 Charisma | All Mental Saves | 24 |
Psychic Buffer[edit]
Whenever a member of the Concord takes psychic damage, they may choose to **distribute the damage evenly** among all connected members (rounded down). This shared pain bypasses **psychic resistances and immunities**.
Death Feedback[edit]
If a Concord member dies, all remaining members must make a **DC 18 Charisma saving throw** or take psychic damage equal to **50% of their maximum hit points** and gain **1 level of exhaustion**. On a success, they take half damage and no exhaustion.
Loss of Self[edit]
Each dawn, creatures linked to the Concord for at least 24 hours must succeed on a **DC 15 Wisdom saving throw** or suffer **Synaptic Drift**, rolling on the table below:
d6 | Effect | Duration |
1-2 | Minor hallucinations (whispers, shadowy figures) | 24 hours |
3-4 | Disadvantage on Insight and Persuasion checks | 24 hours |
5 | Cannot distinguish own thoughts from others | 24 hours |
6 | Automatically fails saving throws against mind-altering effects | Until the Concord ends |
Severing the Concord[edit]
A creature can leave the Concord voluntarily by meditating for **1 hour**, severing their link. The spell ends when only one creature remains connected.
Can someone Change the Name to Synaptic Concord? I dont know how to do that.