Class Features[edit]
This page is dedicated to the Fanmade class features created by fans of the Supplement. It focuses on the "Eldritch Invocations" feature of every class. It is asked of you to not create class features based on filler or canon content of Bleach, such as Bounts.
It is good to remember that any GM planning on allowing one of these class features on their table, that the majority of these probably won't be looked over for balance, so proceed with caution.
Zanjutsu Arts[edit]
Hakuda Techniques[edit]
Kido Spells[edit]
Hoho Techniques[edit]
Zanpakuto Type[edit]
These fan-made Zanpakuto Types should be approved before use by your GM
- kurama(WIP)
At 7th level, while in its Shikai, Kurama transforms into a pure black great bowstaff that exudes an air of mystery. Your zanpakuto now gains the reach property. By replacing one of your attack actions with Kurama, you gain damage reduction (DR) against all sources except psychic damage equal to twice your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1)until the beginning of your next turn..
Hollow Mutations[edit]
Base Hollow Mutations[edit]
Gillian Mutations[edit]
Adjuchas Mutations[edit]
These level of mutations are only achievable by ajudcha level hollows, being extremely powerful but also extremely versatile.
- Primal Aspect
Prerequisites: Adjucha or Vasto Lorde evolution
As an Adjucha, you condense your body into a form unique to you. You may select one of the Resurrección Types. You gain the features of your selected Resurrección at the appropriate levels. Abilities which would rely on Zanpakuto damage die instead use your current unarmed damage die. You do not gain the benefits of the 10th level Resurrección class feature. If you become an Arrancar, you may replace this mutation with an Arrancar mutation which you meet the prerequisites for.
Vasto Lorde Mutations[edit]
Lord Mutations[edit]
Unique Mutations[edit]
When you acquire a unique mutation you awaken to something within you that not many hollows possess, a unique ability. You may only have one unique mutation at once, unless your dm says otherwise, and your DM has final say on whether or not you may have a unique mutation or not. Unique mutations do not take up normal mutation slots, and may be obtained at any time, as determined by the DM (usually in backstory or during an appropriate story moment).
- Luz de la Cruz
Prerequisites: Vasto Lorde evolution or greater.
Unlike other hollows, your mere birth was sacred. This has granted you the ability to use this radiant purity to purify others.
- Cruz. As a bonus action for 10 reiryoku, you summon a giant cross made of reishi that floats above you. For the duration, the cross shines bright light within a 15 foot radius of you and dim light within a 30 foot radius. Also, it forces all "Sinners" of your choice that enter or start their turn within your reiatsu radius to make a Charisma saving throw. On a failure, they blinding light purifies their very soul, making them lose an amount of reiryoku equal to your reiatsu die, to a minimum of 0. On a success, they are immune to this mutation until the end of their next turn.
- A creature loses half as much reiryoku (rounded up) if they are resistant to radiant damage.
- A Sinner can be a creature with any of the following characteristics:
- •A creature that lives or takes pleasure in devouring souls, such as Hollows.
- •A creature with Hollow reiatsu, such as Fullbringers, creatures with the Hybrid Soul spiritual feat that has Hollow as one of its options, or Shinigami with the Visored spiritual feat.
- •A creature with Evil in their alignment.
- Cruz Sagrada. You can create large sized crosses to launch as attacks against the impure. Whenever you take the attack action, you can spend 5 reiryoku to replace one of your attacks by a Cruz Sagrada (you cannot replace more than your proficiency bonus in attacks per turn). Make a ranged reiryoku attack roll against a creature within 30 feet of you. On a hit, they take xd10 radiant damage (with x being your Wisdom modifier) and must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, they become Cleansed for 1 minute, with the maximum amount of damage they can receive per turn when the condition is caused this way being up to your Wisdom modifier. On a success, they take additional radiant damage equal to your Wisdom modifier.
- They can remake the Wisdom saving throw at the start of their turns, ending the condition early on a success.
- A creature with the Intuition Resistant feature takes no additional damage on a success.
- Spirit Siphon
Prerequisites: Vasto Lorde evolution or greater.
Your strength comes not from sheer increase in power, but from the thousands of opponents you have faced. Every time you reduce a creature to 0 hit points, you gain ¼ of their maximum Reiryoku, rounded to the nearest 5 and add that to your Reiryoku maximum. If the creature doesn't have reiryoku, you instead gain a reiryoku equal to their CR rounded to the nearest 5. The creature killed must be a minimum of CR 1 for this to take effect.
- Devouring Menace. Your act in devouring the spiritual energy of other creatures has allowed you to transcend past the normal power level for hollow of your level. For every 20 reiryoku you've gained through this mutation, you gain one additional mutation that you meet the prerequisites of. You may only gain up to your proficiency bonus mutations this way. Additionally, you count as one level higher for the purposes of your reiatsu feature.
- Natural Progression. Due to your mutation's capabilities, your evolution is far greater and faster than any other hollow. Whenever you have gained 50 or more reiryoku from this mutation, you gain the Arrancar feat.
- Vampiric Exploits. When you reach a certain threshold of true strength, your mutation gains the ability to drain vitality too. Whenever you have gained 100 or more reiryoku from this mutation, you gain the following:
- Every time you reduce a creature to 0 hit points, you gain ⅛ of their maximum hit points, rounded to the nearest 5 and add that to your hit point maximum. The creature killed must be a minimum of CR 1 for this to take effect.
Seiren Techniques[edit]
Blut Techniques[edit]
Reishi Manipulation Techniques[edit]
Heilig Pfeil Techniques[edit]
Hirenkyaku Techniques[edit]
Invention Techniques[edit]
Quincy Spells[edit]
Quincy Shicksals[edit]
Object Manipulations[edit]
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