Durable Gillian (Soul Society Supplement)
Durable Gillian[edit]
Gargantuan undead (Hollow), unaligned Armor Class 15 (Unarmored Defense)
Saving Throws Str +7, Con +9 Reiryoku. The Durable Gillian has 50 reiryoku. Whenever it uses reiryoku, it is spent. It regains all reiryoku at the end of a short or long rest. Siege Monster. The Durable Gillian deals twice as much damage to objects and structures. Reiatsu-Empowered Strikes. The Durable Gillian attacks are considered magical. Spiritual Algamation. The Durable Gillian has advantage on saving throws against effects that would affect its soul, such as the soul cage spell. Soul Devourer. Whenever the Gillian reduces a creature in Soul form to 0 hit points, they may choose to devour them, regaining reiryoku and hit points equal to the creature's reiatsu level times 5. These Reiryoku and hit points cannot pass their maximum. They can also devour the corpse of a soul who died in at max one minute ago. When a soul is devoured this way, they are killed outright and cannot be revived unless the Durable Gillian is killed by a zanpakuto. Soul Separator. As part of hitting a creature that's not on soul form, it can spend 2 reiryoku to separate their soul from their bodies, turning them into a Wandering Spirit for 1 minute or until they die or are knocked unconscious. This only works if the creatures' reiatsu level is lower than 1. Hollow Regeneration. The Durable Gillian regains 2 (1d4) hit points after every minute passed while they are in the Hueco Mundo plane. Endurance. Whenever the Durable Gillian is subject to an effect that forces it to make a Constitution saving throw, it takes half as much damage on a failure and no damage on a success. Camaraderie. When the Durable Gillian uses Negación, it can spend 5 more Reiryoku to bring any creatures of its choice within 15 feet of it with it. Those creatures are lifted with it in the barrier of light, and at the end of the minute, also reach the Garganta and travel to Hueco Mundo. High Speed Regeneration. At the start of each of its turns, the Durable Gillian regains 5 hit points, as long as it has at least 1 hit point and 1 Reiryoku. Piel Áspera. The Durable Gillian reduces all damage by an amount equal to its proficiency bonus (4), reducing all damages outside of psychic by said value. Cuerpo Autosuficiente.' The Durable Gillian has advantage on all Constitution checks and saving throws. ACTIONSMultiattack. The Durable Gillian makes two stomp attacks. Stomp. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (2d4 + 3) bludgeoning damage. Great Stomp. The Durable Gillian makes a Stomp attack roll against all creatures within 10 feet of it. Garganta. The Durable Gillian can spend 10 reiryoku to open a portal between dimensions, sending them to Hueco Mundo. If they do not move 5 feet or lose concentration, they are transported to any location they can visualize in Hueco Mundo or a random location on the plane, or to the last place they used Garganta, at the beginning of their next turn. If they are already within Heuco Mundo, this portal instead works as if it were the gate spell, minus that they cannot pull a creature through the gate. Negácion (5 Reiryoku). Whenever the Durable Gillian is outside of Hueco Mundo, as an action, it can surround itself with a pillar of light, as it summons a garganta at the top of it. For the next minute, it slowly floats up, as no creature can enter the light, nore harm it through it in any way; the Durable Gillian cannot be targeted by attacks or effects, and it is excluded from the targets of any area of effect. At the end of the minute, it reaches the Garganta, and is safely transported back to Hueco Mundo.
The Durable Gillian has 5 mutations: Negácion, Camaraderie, High Speed Regeneration, Piel Áspera, Cuerpo Autosuficiente.
The Durable Gillian's reiatsu level is 10.
Invisible Force. The Durable Gillian is considered invisible to creatures without the Spiritual Awareness feature. Spiritual Awareness. The Durable Gillian can see creatures with the Invisible Force feature.
Body Feats. Strengthened Defense, Strong Body. |
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