Discussion:Godhood, how does one do it?
Godhood, how does one do it?[edit]
Eiji 16:59, 15 August 2007 (MDT)[edit]
I have wondered, they have information on gods and powers and whatnot. Is it possible however to ascend from mortality to godhood (even if just a divine rank 0 quasi-diety). I have seen such a class progression for dragons (Dracomonion I think, or Races of the Dragon). Specifically one of my older, stronger characters is looking for immortality, but finds merely extending life insufficent, lichdom and the green star prestige class troubling (he has a high Con, he LIKES his hitpoints), and godhood so very tempting as he already sees himself as one.
By what means can he actually achieve godhood? Read Epic Levels. Epic Levels Discusses Deities.
Firstly, yes this is anonymous but only due to not being able to create an account as of yet. Being a god essentially is not helpful in any way due to gods drawing their power from belief/devotion/fanaticism/etc. (if you are going by that rule) before becoming a god the Character would first have to reach high renown levels and already be thought of as a god. History has shown us that pre-existing religions and many other singular people don't take kindly to humans ascending to godhood and most likely will either deny your existence (hence not believe in you)or attempt to kill you, which is never good. Also, becoming god would take up an incredible amount of time and would be done sooo late game that it would either be a status symbol or a completely useless status symbol. Godhood is something that should never be obtained in a regular game due to it giving the player either to much power over the world (which is obviously not good for reasons not needing to be specified) or not enough power which gives the now, "god" a bad attitude and gives the impression that godhood is useless and a waste of time. P.S. this was a huge waste of time :(
some anon dude[edit]
- Apotheosis Chrysalis (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Apotheosis Chrysalis Conjuration (Creation)
- Spellcraft DC: 50
- Casting time: 10 minutes
- Range: 15
- Duration: Permanent
- Saving Throw: None
- Spell Resistance: No
- To Develop: 1,000,000 sp, 30 days
Perhaps the most powerful spell ever devised by an elven female. This epic conjuration creates a cocoon which can enable one to become a deity. Cassia, a goddess of hedonism and decadence, used this spell to enable her ascent to godhood. The spell requires many years of research beforehand, and once the basic knowledge of how the energies behind the spell work, it takes almost a month to figure out how put them in the right order to cast the spell.
The cocoon, once conjured, has a hardness of 20, will shock all those who try to touch it, and will enable one to absorb ambient energy from the surrounding area without letting as much as one joule of it leave the chrysalis. Further energy can be obtained by getting sentient beings to send some to the Chrysalis. The process of using the Chrysalis will likely take over a year, and may never be completed if the Chrysalis is sent to a place where there is no energy to absorb, in which case, the caster is stuck in the Chrysalis in a state of suspended animation...forever. If the Chrysalis process IS a success, the caster will eventually revive as a rank 1 demigod, and will spend several months hatching from the cocoon. The Chrysalis can be used again to raise the divine level even higher (1 extra rank per successful use), but can only go up to level 19.
There is also the possibility that the Chrysalis can be cut open from the outside before it is finished. If this is the case, all of the time was wasted, save for the fact that the cocoon's material should be an excellent source of magical energy (unless there was little to no energy absorption.)
Material Components: A sheet of adamantine large enough to cover the caster (so that no energy leaves the Chrysalis.) and a piece of the sun (which has the raw energy needed to convert the Adamantine into an organic form without making it lose any of its resiliency.)
Focus: An artifact (minor or major) or relic crafted by a deity or with the aid of a deity.
XP Cost: 20,000
Fenris 02:30, 16 August 2007 (MDT)[edit]
See Ambriosia of the Gods (3.5e Equipment).
Sam Kay 07:32, 16 August 2007 (MDT)[edit]
I don't think he can... To be honest don't let a character become a god. Such a thing is way too powerful for a player to handle without abusing it (no matter how balanced a player they are, godhood corrupts)
Eiji 12:16, 16 August 2007 (MDT)[edit]
It's mostly flavor beyond anything else (if it were a class I'd take all levels but the last which chances you into a demigod. It would fulfill my characters wishes, and provide a nice capstone to a good campaign.
That Ambroisia's a joke item though, isn't it? Given it doesn't grant immortality, just toughness to kill, he wouldn't be much up for it.
Sledged (talk) 2007 August 16 12:27 (MDT) |
Officially, though it is possible to become a god, there aren't any established d20 game mechanics for becoming a god, or on how to role-play or DM one. Under 2E, there was a spell to ascend to godhood in the Forgotten Realms, but it was a 12th-level spell (which is not the same as an epic spell), which aren't allowed anymore. You could create an epic spell to ascend to godhood, but I'd recommend setting the Spellcraft DC to somewhere around 300 to 400 at minimum. Also, the role-play means to become a god may be different for each d20 world, and/or there may be multiple ways to do so. Quasi-deities could be played as PCs, since they have a lot of limitations compared to other deities. Here are a couple of unofficial templates for quasi-deities. |
There's no better laugh than the one that you're ashamed to share with your mother. —Stephen Notley, creator of Bob the Angry Flower
Eiji 15:01, 17 August 2007 (MDT)[edit]
I've managed to work out a version that I think my DM likes. I feel like sharing it with you because.
The following build is made for the character who is a Red Dragon Disciple (hence the focus on red dragon parts). It contains the transform seed and some of the powers, the one I felt weren't necessarily a part of being a god but extra supernatural powers that came with it.
The burning of gp instead of xp is a house rule, burning 40,000 gp can be swapped out for burning 20,000 xp.
- Seed Transform (for the process for turning into a diety) (ad hoc) 46
- Seed Ward (Resist fire 5) 14
- Seed Fortify (DR 10/epic) 50
- Seed Fortify (SR 32) 55
- Perma Effect x5
- Pretotal: 825
- Grow over the next 9 days (ad hoc) -18
- Extra 10 mins casting -20
- Extra 100 days casting -200
- Backlash 56d6 damage -56
- Burn 40,000 gp -200
- Total: 349
Also required are the following items.
- Nectar
- Amber
- Life Mana Shard (Unique world item, life giving stone)
- Astral Driftmetal (find on Astral Plane)
- Ichor of any sort (DC 20 Fort save vs 1d10 Con damage)
- Fresh Red Dragon Blood (Infused into self)
- Red Dragon Scales (entire dragon)
- Red Dragon's Draconis Fundamentum
- Potion of Ascension
For the potion it is... (Wish spell, Brew Potion, Knowledge Arcane 25, CL 31th). You must succeed on a DC 25 Fort save or die.
In addition a personal holy symbol must be crafted before the ritual as focus. After being worn 9 days it is absorbs into you. It is made of any metal found on the Shadow Plane and costs 1500 gp to create with a Craft Epic Wondrous Item feat and craft check (metalworking) DC 30.
One is to be consumed or used each day of the ritual. The gold amount from what is usually an xp is also consumed, as he mimics the path of a dragon into divinity.
Green Dragon 11:54, 18 August 2007 (MDT)[edit]
You should add this someone onto D&D Wiki...
Eiji 00:36, 5 October 2007 (MDT)[edit]
Godhood by other means... While the game with my future epic-spell created godling is still underway, I felt inspired.
Any reviews of the Divine Ascendant class is greatly appreciated. I figure I'd mention it since it's on subject. I want to see if the power is balanced.
Anonymous 00:50, 11 October 2009 (MDT)[edit]
Well this is a way to become a god, its simply if you do something of amazing things that would please AO or which would give you enough respect from him so you can become a god.
PS. This is based on forgotten realms
xido 14:31, 16 October 2009 (MDT) - EGO and SPIRIT variant rule system rolls/checks[edit]
eeeillllyieghllghhh..... blegh... That's my official response to mr/mrs Anonymous, on account of official Nobodies Anonymous Fan Club Response for Stray Nobodies, Public Relations Dept. xp ;)
Pleasing another god in the hope of divine favor in addition to the terms of creating competitive deific entities? Yuck. Which capricious gods would employ such means? Obviously those without avatars, petitioners, or at least some common sense when it comes to the terms of being a deity, or granting that privilege to another - which is in no way a simple process or responsibility on either end. There surely are other ways... ;)
Okay, so I posted the content about the Inath (Variant Rule), or 'Cabala Inata' a while back and have gotten a little review and help in keeping organized in categories, redirects, etc. I am gonna ask for some help from everyone willing to join the discussion, which will also help contribute specific points to the delineation of the operations in the system. First, I really need some input on how best to Q&A evaluate the Ego (Inath Roll) and Spirit (Inath Roll) rolls.
I want to describe here the roll of Ego, and why it was created and how it can be used in anyone's game system with ease: 'Ego' is described in DMG/SRD as a roll made against an intelligent item ('an object or creature with sentience' from here on in), and is a special roll utilizing a set of characteristics unique to the item and the opposing willpower/personal force of its handler. Such a challenge of wits and ego takes place between divine beings as being the energy that they willingly use - not that which is inert, underlying, subconscious, or inborn; Ego is the direct, willing, and focused use of a divine ability - and specifically those with a Deific descriptor (De:Deific::Su:Supernatural). It is possible to use this alternative roll system in place of the intelligent item ego check, with similar results for mortals, and heightened results for immortals/Inath Characters (Variant Rule).
Spirit is the internal forces which are inherent in the soul or spiritual energy (which can sometimes be described also as 'ki', 'incarnum', 'magic', 'immortality', 'spiritual force', etc.), and is inborn and not subject to direct, focused thoughts, and often only used as a last resort, in many ways like a saving throw against and Ego roll or similar divine/deific effect. Beyond this, the applicability is limited only to advance legendary hero-deities, or quasi-deities/demigods, and those unique individuals who make specific use of their Spirit rolls (and/or there spiritual/divine power) as active choices.
I need a real Q&A as to how, why, and in what application these rolls can be made, between item and creature, creature and demigod/immortal, deity and believer/non-believer, and any combination thereof - that is necessary for me to get a scope of the larger concerns at work as opposed to how it is played out in game session terms (which is the specific information I have for it, since we play-tested it before I had it summarized. :P)
I want to start with that point, and then work into how one progresses past the threshold of what we call mortality.
ALSO, everyone please choose a base race or two (PHB or MMI only) to bring to the discussion table, and we can roleplay you into the conversation :P - we will evaluate their precise incarnation cycles and racial traits pertaining to the Inath advancement system. If you choose an animal, please no one else choose another animal - each animal is a little different, but they're all in the same category (state if the animal is able to be domesticated or not - or at least how sociable/independent it is). I can spew better when I have questions though. :P ;) After that, we can really talk it up about how players can advance in a way that makes sense, has a level of playing balance, making new checks or skill uses, and flexible system I have in place. I know it has a name, and I know that in some ways that makes it a little scary or kooky, and I know a lot of pages don't have properly defined or formatted content (ie, I don't know quite how to format a table on here for the telekinesis skill (Inath Skill) - they need your review and discussions. ......... And contributions..? ;) -- xido 14:31, 16 October 2009 (MDT)
- (MysticFlame 13)My personal house DM rule is that one must be at least lv 20, have accomplished notable feats worthy of the position the seek or may be offered, and have a notable following to even be seriously considered. The one seeking godhood must consult the the Ultimate God of the Good or Evil Pantheon, who must then approve them to a vacant opening, (having the favor of other Gods of the pantheon helps immensely The path to True Neutral Godhood is more difficult as most Gods either side with Good or Evil (or will when the great battle happens.) It's not completely impossible, but very difficult.
in my setting[edit]
to become deity one must defeat the deity they wish to become like(deities are always 40 lvls higher than opponents) if one takes place of 3 deity they are evil if 5 ao sees a problem an chalanges them to duel he has everything of the challengy....x10. although add x10 for each deity killed after 5.
In my environment:[edit]
The Deific Sphere is a entirely seperate plane located outside of the Planar Globe (A Visible Conglomeration of all the planes in the Material Sphere), which is still contained entirely within the Deific Sphere. Gods and Goddesses can pluck mortals from the Material Sphere to become Deities (Usually Heroes or Demigods at best), if they so choose, which is common if they happen to be champions of a particular god or goddesses ideals.
Otherwise, they must find a way to break into the Deific Sphere, the environment positively flowing with deific energies. Jwguy 13:03, 10 February 2010 (UTC)
I know a way to god hood[edit]
I may be anonymous but this is a rule for godhood i have read about and have followed since to become a god The cycle is: Cross class: Wiz/Rog Demigod God
Get Wiz to level 10 and Rog to level 10 you become demigod get demigod to level 10 you become god and being a god you did on your own and can name yourself as a god if alot of people pray and worship to you, you get from it.Supposedly you get the class "Supreme God" if you get 20 in demigod 20 in god 20 in wiz and 20 in rog but i don't believe in the "Supreme God" class, so if you want to go ahead.
ElvenKingSLave 11:57, 23 November 2011 (MDT)[edit]
I have never thought of becoming a god in any of my games (mostly because I never survive to the high levels) but isn't the concept of a god the following?:
- A being that people or intelligent creatures pray to for some reason or another.
- A being of great power that no mer mortal can best.
- A being that can have great effect upon the world at will.
If we go with these three concepts, then any level 20+ chars could in any setting become a god if they could convinced enough people so pray to them.
Defeated anything hostile of higher or equal level to them self and had powers or spells at their disposal that could change anything (meaning at least 8th level spells).
I know this isn't a "how to become a god for dummies" but I generally go with the house rule "if more then 5.000 people pray to you daily, your a god", and that is and infinite source of plot hooks and quests. :)
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Liquid Black Dragon[edit]
So, I was just writing up a new version of D&D where this is part of the game play (gods). The thing is, you can't fake real eXPerience. That means, any short-cuts, like complicated spells or potions, will eventually fail. These solutions are exactly like writing a character to be a LVL100, while they only have 10000XP. That's how potions and spells work: they don't give you the experience that would allow you to be an eternal being. Eternal beings stay eternal because their experience is far beyond the mortals. So, instead in 6 homebrew, it is the last tier (the 6th actually). This tier is both for dragonborns who become dragons, and PCs who become dietys. I'd imagine only a dozen or so people would ever get the XP to get this far. Such characters would get D&D figurines that could be bought by other characters.
Once a god, you can rule over your own realm (like ravenloft, for example).
Further, since your question didn't say whether you wanted to be a god or how to be one. Once you get to god level, you can duplicate equipment that any of your followers have in their inventory. The amount of energy you expend and how well the reproduction is depends on the followers and their PieTY. Further, since you are competing with other gods for attention and power, you can place things in their environs for them to come across. For example, you might place it in the hands of their enemy (getting past the enemy`s gods) knowing that their follower can defeat them. Various parts of the realms are rules by various gods who keep the order of life therein, so other gods must sneak items in so as to be unnoticed.
Last point is that gameplay itself has to evolve in order to make epic campaigns where deity level engagement and experience could develop. Otherwise it all becomes meaningless.
My take on how to become a god[edit]
So I’ve always had the idea that when someone is born of mortal parents, they are stuck a mortal because of their mortal blood, and can only become a demigod through a god’s blessing. If you were born from a mortal and a god, then you would be a demigod. But the only way to become a god completely is if you had a god’s blood and no mortal blood. So, how do you obtain a god’s blood and remove all the mortal blood? Multiple gods. At least one of them has to have some sort of conflict with another. If one of them is slain and their blood is spilt, collect it and replace all of your mortal blood with theirs. Showgun (talk) 21:05, 12 March 2025 (UTC)