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Official material designed for the Pathfinder DnD ruleset by paizo.
Pages in category "PFSRD"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 3,059 total.
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- PFSRD:Aasimar
- PFSRD:Aberrant Tumor
- PFSRD:Aberration Type
- PFSRD:Ability Focus
- PFSRD:Abjurant Salt
- PFSRD:Abjuration School
- PFSRD:Ablative Barrier
- PFSRD:About Feats
- PFSRD:Absorb Toxicity
- PFSRD:Absorbing Touch
- PFSRD:Abundant Ammunition
- PFSRD:Abundant Revelations
- PFSRD:Accelerate Poison
- PFSRD:Accursed Critical
- PFSRD:Accursed Hex
- PFSRD:Achievement Feats
- PFSRD:Acid Arrow
- PFSRD:Acid Effect
- PFSRD:Acid Fog
- PFSRD:Acid Pit
- PFSRD:Acid Splash
- PFSRD:Acidic Spray
- PFSRD:Acrobat Slippers
- PFSRD:Acrobatics
- PFSRD:Acute Senses
- PFSRD:Adder Strike
- PFSRD:Additional Traits
- PFSRD:Adept
- PFSRD:Adept Champion
- PFSRD:Adhesive Blood
- PFSRD:Adhesive Spittle
- PFSRD:Adjuring Step
- PFSRD:Adjustable Disguise
- PFSRD:Adjustable Polymorph
- PFSRD:Admixture Vial
- PFSRD:Adoration
- PFSRD:Advanced Ranger Trap
- PFSRD:Aegis of Recovery
- PFSRD:Age Resistance
- PFSRD:Aggressive Thundercloud
- PFSRD:Agile Alpenstock
- PFSRD:Agile Maneuvers
- PFSRD:Agonize
- PFSRD:Air Bubble
- PFSRD:Air Effect
- PFSRD:Air Geyser
- PFSRD:Air Step
- PFSRD:Air Walk
- PFSRD:Alarm
- PFSRD:Alchemical Allocation
- PFSRD:Alchemist
- PFSRD:Align Weapon
- PFSRD:Alignment Feats
- PFSRD:All Tools Vest
- PFSRD:Allegro
- PFSRD:Allfood
- PFSRD:Allied Spellcaster
- PFSRD:Alluring Golden Apple
- PFSRD:Alter Musical Instrument
- PFSRD:Alter Self
- PFSRD:Alter Winds
- PFSRD:Amateur Gunslinger
- PFSRD:Amateur Investigator
- PFSRD:Amateur Swashbuckler
- PFSRD:Amplify Elixir
- PFSRD:Ampoule of False Blood
- PFSRD:Amulet of Bullet Protection
- PFSRD:Amulet of Elemental Strife
- PFSRD:Amulet of Hidden Strength
- PFSRD:Amulet of Magecraft
- PFSRD:Amulet of Mighty Fists
- PFSRD:Amulet of Natural Armor
- PFSRD:Amulet of Proof against Detection and Location
- PFSRD:Amulet of Proof against Petrification
- PFSRD:Amulet of Spell Cunning
- PFSRD:Amulet of Spell Mastery
- PFSRD:Amulet of the Planes
- PFSRD:Anaconda's Coils
- PFSRD:Analyze Dweomer
- PFSRD:Anatomy Doll
- PFSRD:Anchored Step
- PFSRD:Animal Aspect
- PFSRD:Animal Companion Feats
- PFSRD:Animal Growth
- PFSRD:Animal Messenger
- PFSRD:Animal Purpose Training
- PFSRD:Animal Shapes
- PFSRD:Animal Soul
- PFSRD:Animal Trance
- PFSRD:Animal Type
- PFSRD:Animate Dead
- PFSRD:Animate Objects
- PFSRD:Animate Plants
- PFSRD:Animate Rope
- PFSRD:Animated Portrait
- PFSRD:Annihilation Spectacles
- PFSRD:Anonymous Interaction
- PFSRD:Ant Haul
- PFSRD:Antagonize
- PFSRD:Anthropomorphic Animal
- PFSRD:Anti-Incorporeal Shell
- PFSRD:Anticipate Dodge
- PFSRD:Anticipate Peril
- PFSRD:Antilife Shell
- PFSRD:Antimagic Field
- PFSRD:Antipathy
- PFSRD:Antiplant Shell
- PFSRD:Apparatus of the Crab
- PFSRD:Apple of Eternal Sleep
- PFSRD:Appraise
- PFSRD:Apprentice's Cheating Gloves
- PFSRD:Aquatic Cummerbund
- PFSRD:Aqueous Orb
- PFSRD:Arachnid Goggles
- PFSRD:Arboreal Hammer
- PFSRD:Arc Slinger
- PFSRD:Arcana Theft
- PFSRD:Arcane Armor Mastery
- PFSRD:Arcane Armor Training
- PFSRD:Arcane Blast
- PFSRD:Arcane Cannon
- PFSRD:Arcane Concordance
- PFSRD:Arcane Eye
- PFSRD:Arcane Lock
- PFSRD:Arcane Mark
- PFSRD:Arcane Shield
- PFSRD:Arcane Sight
- PFSRD:Arcane Strike
- PFSRD:Arcane Talent
- PFSRD:Arcane Trickster
- PFSRD:Arcanist
- PFSRD:Archon's Aura
- PFSRD:Archon's Torch
- PFSRD:Aristocrat
- PFSRD:Armbands of the Brawler
- PFSRD:Armor Mastery Feats
- PFSRD:Arrow Eruption
- PFSRD:Arrow Magnet
- PFSRD:Arrow of Law
- PFSRD:Arrowmaster's Bracers
- PFSRD:Ash Storm
- PFSRD:Aspect of the Bear
- PFSRD:Aspect of the Beast
- PFSRD:Aspect of the Falcon
- PFSRD:Aspect of the Stag
- PFSRD:Aspect of the Wolf
- PFSRD:Assassin
- PFSRD:Assisting Gloves
- PFSRD:Astral Projection
- PFSRD:Atavism
- PFSRD:Atonement
- PFSRD:Augment Summoning
- PFSRD:Augury
- PFSRD:Aura of Doom
- PFSRD:Aura of Greater Courage
- PFSRD:Aura Sight
- PFSRD:Awaken
- PFSRD:Awesome Blow
- PFSRD:Back to Back
- PFSRD:Badger's Ferocity
- PFSRD:Bag of Holding
- PFSRD:Bag of Tricks
- PFSRD:Baleful Polymorph
- PFSRD:Ball Lightning
- PFSRD:Balm of Impish Grace
- PFSRD:Band of the Stalwart Warrior
- PFSRD:Bandages of Rapid Recovery
- PFSRD:Bane
- PFSRD:Bane Baldric
- PFSRD:Banish Seeming
- PFSRD:Banishment
- PFSRD:Banshee Blast
- PFSRD:Bard Spell List
- PFSRD:Bard's Escape
- PFSRD:Barkskin
- PFSRD:Barroom Brawler
- PFSRD:Barrow Haze
- PFSRD:Bashing Finish
- PFSRD:Batrachian Helm
- PFSRD:Battle Cry
- PFSRD:Battle Herald
- PFSRD:Battlemind Link
- PFSRD:Bead of Force
- PFSRD:Bead of Newt Prevention
- PFSRD:Bear's Endurance
- PFSRD:Beast Shape I
- PFSRD:Beast-Bond Brand
- PFSRD:Beastspeak
- PFSRD:Befuddling Strike
- PFSRD:Beguiling Gift
- PFSRD:Believer's Boon
- PFSRD:Believer's Hands
- PFSRD:Belt of Dwarvenkind
- PFSRD:Belt of Equilibrium
- PFSRD:Belt of Fallen Heroes
- PFSRD:Belt of Foraging
- PFSRD:Belt of Giant Strength
- PFSRD:Belt of Incredible Dexterity
- PFSRD:Belt of Mighty Constitution