User:Marasmusine/List of Disambiguation Pages
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This is mainly to removing these pages from Special:LonelyPages
- Aarakocra
- Aasimar
- Aberration
- Ability
- Ability Modifiers
- Ability Score
- Abjuration
- Aboleth
- Abomination
- Acid
- Acid arrow
- Acolyte
- Acrobat
- Acrobatics
- Adamantine
- Adamantine Golem
- Adapter
- Adept
- Adventures
- Aether
- Age
- Aid
- Air
- Air Elemental
- Alchemist
- Alchemy
- Alert
- Alertness
- Alien
- Alignment
- Alu-fiend
- Amazon
- Amazonian
- Ambidextrous
- Amulet
- Ancient
- Android
- Androsphinx
- Angel
- Angelic
- Animal
- Animate Dead
- Animist
- Ant
- Antimagic Field
- Ape
- Apothecary
- Apprentice
- Arcana
- Arcane
- Arcane Archer
- Arcane Eye
- 5e SRD:Arcane Focus
- Arcane Trickster
- Archer
- Archivist
- Archmage
- Archon
- Arctic
- Armadillo
- Armor
- Armor Class
- Armor Proficiency
- Armor Spikes
- Army
- Arquebus
- Arrow
- Artifact
- Artificer
- Ash
- Assassin
- Assault Rifle
- Athletics
- Atlantis
- Attack
- Auger
- Augury
- Aura
- Aurora
- Avatar
- Avenger
- Aviator
- Awaken
- Awakening
- Axe
- Azer
- Badger
- Bag
- Balance
- Ball
- Ballista
- Bandit
- Bane
- Banishment
- Banshee
- Barbarian
- Bard
- Barkskin
- Barrier
- Basilisk
- Bat
- Battleaxe
- Battlemage
- Battlemind
- Bazooka
- Bear
- Beast
- Beastmaster
- Bee
- Beetle
- Behir
- Beholder
- Bender
- Berserk
- Berserker
- Bestow Curse
- Black
- Black Dragon
- Black Mage
- Blackguard
- Blackheart
- Blacksmith
- Blade
- Blade Master
- Blademaster
- Blast
- Bleed
- Bless
- Blight
- Blind
- Blinded
- Blindsight
- Blink
- Blink Mage
- Blood
- Blood Elf
- Blood Hunter
- Blood Knight
- Bloodline
- Blowgun
- Blue
- Blue Dragon
- Bluff
- Blur
- Boar
- Bob
- Bolas
- Bolt
- Bolter
- Bolts
- Bomb
- Bone
- Bonebreaker
- Book
- Boomerang
- Boot
- Bound
- Bow
- Bowman
- Brain
- Brawler
- Bread
- Brute
- Buccaneer
- Buckler
- Bugbear
- Bulette
- Bullet
- Bullywug
- Bulwark
- Bunny
- Burst
- Calamity
- User:Calidore Chase/Groupings
- Call Lightning
- Calm Emotions
- Caltrop
- Camel
- Candle
- Cane
- Cannon
- Cannoneer
- Cantrip
- Cape
- Cat
- Catapult
- Catfolk
- Catgirl
- Cavalier
- Cave
- Celestial
- Centaur
- Centipede
- Chain
- Chain Mail
- Chainsaw
- Chakram
- Champion
- Changeling
- Channeler
- Chaos
- Chaos Beast
- Chaos Knights
- Charge
- Charisma
- Charm
- Charm Person
- Charmed
- Child
- Chime
- Chimera
- Chocobo
- Choker
- Chorus
- Chromatic
- Chronomancer
- Circlet
- Clairvoyance
- Claw
- Claymore
- Cleave
- Cleric
- Climb
- Cloak
- Clockwork
- Clone
- Cloud
- Cloudkill
- Clown
- Club
- Cockatrice
- Cold
- Colossus
- Combat Focus
- Command
- Common
- Commune
- Comprehend Languages
- Compulsion
- Concentration
- Conditions
- Cone of Cold
- Confusion
- Conjuration
- Conjurer
- Constitution
- Construct
- Contagion
- Contingency
- Control
- Control Flames
- Control Winds
- Controller
- Corrupt
- Couatl
- Counterspell
- CR
- Crab
- Craft
- Create
- Creation
- Creature
- Crescent
- Critical
- Critical hit
- Crocodile
- Crossbow
- Crossbow bolts
- Crossbow, hand
- Crossbow, heavy
- Crossbow, light
- Crow
- Crown
- Crusader
- Cryomancer
- Crypt
- Crystal
- Cunning
- Cure
- Cyclops
- Dagger
- Damage
- Damage Reduction
- Dance
- Dancer
- Dancing
- Dark
- Dark Elf
- Dark Knight
- Darkbolt
- Darkmantle
- Darkness
- Darkvision
- Darkwood
- Dart
- Dash
- Dawn
- Daylight
- Daze
- DC
- Dead
- Dead Eye
- Deafened
- Death
- Death knight
- Death Knight
- Deception
- Decipher Script
- Deep Gnome
- Deer
- Defender
- Deities
- Deku
- Delayed Blast Fireball
- Delver
- Demigod
- Demiplane
- Demon
- Demon Hunter
- Demonic
- Dervish
- Desert
- Detect
- Detect Magic
- Detect thoughts
- Deva
- Devil
- Devourer
- Dexterity
- Dhampir
- Dimension
- Dimension door
- Dimension Door
- Diplomacy
- Diplomat
- Dire
- Disable Device
- Disciple
- Disease
- Disengage
- Disguise
- Disintegrate
- Disintegration
- Dispel
- Dispel Magic
- Dispelled
- Divination
- Divine
- Dodge
- Dog
- Domain
- Doom
- Doppelganger
- Draco
- Dracon
- Draconian
- Dragon
- Dragon Breath
- Dragon Knight
- Dragon Slayer
- Dragonborn
- Dragonkin
- Dragoon
- Drain
- Drake
- Dream
- Drider
- Drifter
- Drow
- Druid
- Druidcraft
- Druidic
- 5e SRD:Druidic Focus
- Dryad
- Duelist
- Duergar
- Dullahan
- Dungeon Master's Guide
- Dust
- Dust Devil
- Dwarf
- Dwarven
- Dwarven Defender
- Dwarven urgrosh
- Eagle
- Earth
- Earth Elemental
- Earthbind
- Earthquake
- Eater
- Echolocation
- Eel
- Eladrin
- Eldritch
- Eldritch Knight
- Eldritch knight
- Elemental
- Elementalist
- Elephant
- Elf
- Elixir
- Elk
- Elusive
- Elven
- Emotion
- Enchantment
- Endurance
- Energy Drain
- Engineer
- Enhancement
- Entangle
- Enthrall
- Epic
- Escape Artist
- Etherealness
- Ettercap
- Ettin
- Evocation
- Executioner
- Exhaustion
- Expert
- Expertise
- Extract
- Eye
- Eyebite
- Fabricate
- Faerie Fire
- Fairy
- Falchion
- Falconer
- Familiar
- Farmer
- Fast Healing
- Fate
- Fatigue
- Fear
- Feeblemind
- Fencer
- Feral
- Fey
- Fiend
- Fiendish
- Fiendish Codex
- Fighter
- Finesse
- Finger
- Finger of Death
- Fire
- Fire Arrow
- Fire bolt
- Fire Elemental
- Fire Shield
- Firearm
- Fireball
- Fist
- Flail
- Flame
- Flame Arrow
- Flame Tongue
- Flaming
- Flare
- Flaws
- Flesh to stone
- Flintlock
- Fly
- Fog cloud
- Forbiddance
- Force
- Forcecage
- Foresight
- Forest
- Forge
- Forgery
- Fortitude
- Fortress
- Fortune
- Fox
- Frightened
- Frog
- Frost
- Frostbite
- Fury
- Ganon
- Gargoyle
- Gate
- Gather Information
- Gauntlet
- Geas
- Gem
- Gemini
- Genasi
- Gerudo
- Gestalt
- Ghast
- Ghost
- Ghost touch
- Ghoul
- Giant
- Gith
- Githyanki
- Githzerai
- Gladiator
- Glaive
- Glibness
- Glove
- Gnoll
- Gnome
- Goblin
- God
- Goddess
- Gold
- Golden Lynel (5e Creature)
- Golem
- Goliath
- Goodberry
- Gorgon
- Goron
- Grapple
- Grass
- Gravity
- Grease
- Great
- Greataxe
- Greatclub
- Greater Restoration
- Greatsword
- Green
- Green Dragon
- Gremlin
- Grenade
- Griffon
- Grimlock
- Grit
- Grung
- Guard
- Guardian
- Guidance
- Gunblade
- Gunslinger
- Gust
- Guy
- Gypsy
- Hag
- Halberd
- Halberdier
- Half
- Half-Demon
- Half-Dragon
- Half-dragon
- Half-Elf
- Half-Giant
- Half-Kobold
- Half-Orc
- Half-Troll
- Halfling
- Hallow
- Hammer
- Hand
- Handaxe
- Handle Animal
- Harlequin
- Harm
- Harpoon
- Harpy
- Haste
- Hat
- Hawk
- Heal
- Healer
- Heartless
- Heat
- Hecatoncheires
- Heightened
- Hell
- Helm
- Helmet
- Herald
- Herbalist
- Hero
- Heroes' Feast
- Heroism
- Hidden
- Hide
- High Elf
- Hippogriff
- Hit Dice
- Hit Points
- Hobgoblin
- Hole
- Holy
- Holy Avenger
- 5e SRD:Holy Symbol
- Homunculus
- Hook
- Hoplite
- Horizon walker
- Horn
- Horned
- Horrid Wilting
- Horse
- Hound
- Hulk
- Human
- Human paragon
- Humanoid
- Hunt
- Hunter
- Hunting
- Huntress
- Huntsman
- Hydra
- Hyena
- Hylian
- Hypnotic Pattern
- Ice
- Identify
- Illusion
- Illusionary
- Illusory
- Immolation
- Imp
- Impaler
- Implosion
- Imprisonment
- Infernal
- Inflict Wounds
- Inquisitor
- Insight
- Intellect
- Intelligence
- Intelligent
- Intimidate
- Inventor
- Investigation
- Investigator
- Investiture
- Invisibility
- Invisible
- Invoker
- Ioun stone
- Iron
- Ironwood
- Item Crafting
- Javelin
- Jedi
- Jelly
- Jester
- Judge
- Juggernaut
- Jump
- Jumper
- Justice
- Kabuto
- Kalashtar
- Kama
- Katana
- Kenku
- Ki Fighter
- Kick
- Killer
- King
- Kitsune
- Knife
- Knight
- Knock
- Knowledge
- Kobold
- Kraken
- Kuo-Toa
- Kusarigama
- Lamia
- Lance
- Lancer
- Language
- Lantern
- Large
- Lava
- Law
- Leader
- Leadership
- Leather
- Leather Armor
- Leech
- Lesser Restoration
- Level
- Levitation
- Lich
- Light
- Light hammer
- Lightning
- Lightning Bolt
- Lineage
- Lion
- Listen
- Litany
- Living Dead
- Lizalfos
- Lizard
- Lizardfolk
- Longbow
- Longstrider
- Longsword
- Lord
- Loremaster
- Loxodon
- Luck
- Lunar
- Lute
- Lycanthropy
- Lynel
- Mace
- Machine
- Macuahuitl
- Maelstrom
- Mage
- Mage Armor
- Magic
- Magic Circle
- Magic Missile
- Magic Resistance
- Magic Stone
- Magician
- Magma
- Magmin
- Magus
- Mana
- SRD:Manifester
- Manticore
- Mantis
- Mantle
- Manual
- Map
- Marilith
- Marine
- Mark
- Marshal
- Martial Artist
- Mask
- Mass suggestion
- Master
- Master Sword
- Masterwork
- Maul
- Maximize Spell
- Maze
- Mech
- Medic
- Medicine
- Medium
- Medusa
- Mending
- Mephit
- Mercenary
- Merchant
- Merfolk
- Merrow
- Message
- Metal
- Meteor
- Meteor swarm
- Mime
- Mimic
- Mind
- Mind blank
- Mind Flayer
- Mind Spike
- Minion
- Minotaur
- Miracle
- Mirror
- Mislead
- Mist
- Mithral
- Mobile
- Moblin
- Mole
- Monk
- Monkey
- Monster Manual
- Monster Manual II
- Monstrosity
- Monstrous Compendium
- Moon
- Moonbeam
- Morningstar
- Morph
- Mortal
- Mount
- Mounted Combat
- SRD:Mounted Combat
- Move Silently
- Movement
- Mule
- Multiclass
- Mummy
- Muse
- Music
- Musket
- Mutant
- Mystic
- Naga
- Naginata
- Namekian
- Natural
- Nature
- Necklace
- Necromancer
- Necromancy
- Necrotic
- Needle
- Neko
- Net
- Night
- Nightmare
- Ninja
- Noble
- Nobody
- Nomad
- Nondetection
- Novakid
- Nymph
- Oathbow
- Oathbreaker
- Obsidian
- Ocean
- Octopus
- Ogre
- Ogrillon
- Oil
- Oni
- Ooze
- Open Lock
- Opportunist
- Oracle
- Orb
- Orc
- Orcish
- Organization
- Orion
- Otyugh
- Outlaw
- Outsider
- Overlord
- Owl
- Owlbear
- Pain
- Paladin
- Pangolin
- Panther
- Paragon
- Paralyzed
- Parry
- Parrying Dagger
- Passwall
- Peace
- Pegasus
- Perception
- Perfect
- Perform
- Performance
- Permanency
- Persuasion
- Pestilence
- Petrified
- PF2 SRD:Dwarven Lore
- PF2 SRD:Elven Lore
- Phantasmal killer
- Phantom
- Phase
- Phoenix
- Pick
- Pike
- Pin
- Pirate
- Pistol
- Pixie
- Plague
- Plane
- Plane Shift
- Planeswalker
- Planetar
- Plant
- Plasma
- Plate
- Player's Handbook
- Player's Handbook II
- Poison
- Poisoned
- Poisoner
- Polar ray
- Poltergeist
- Polymorph
- Pony
- Porpoise
- Portal
- Potion
- Prayer
- Predator
- Prestidigitation
- Priest
- Primal
- Prince
- Prism
- Prismatic
- Prismatic spray
- Produce Flame
- Profession
- Prone
- Prosthetic
- Protect
- Protection from Energy
- Protoss
- Psion
- Psionic Fist
- Pudding
- Punch
- Puppet
- Puppeteer
- Pyromancer
- Pyrotechnics
- Quantum
- Quarterstaff
- Quicken
- Quincy
- Rabbit
- Races
- Rager
- Raider
- Rain
- Rainbow
- Rakshasa
- Ram
- Ranged
- Ranger
- Rapier
- Rat
- Raven
- Ray
- Ray of frost
- Ready
- Reaper
- Reaver
- Red
- Red Mage
- Regenerate
- Regeneration
- Reincarnate
- Religion
- Remove disease
- Repeat
- Resistance
- 5e SRD:Resistance
- Restoration
- Restrained
- Resurrection
- Revenant
- Revivify
- Revolver
- Ride
- Rifle
- Ring
- Ripper
- Rito
- Ritual
- Robe
- Robot
- Roc
- Rock
- Rod
- Rod of wonder
- Rogue
- Ronin
- Rope
- Rose
- Ruin
- Run
- Rune
- Runic
- Sage
- Sahuagin
- Sai
- Saint
- Saiyan
- Salamander
- Salt
- Samurai
- Sanctuary
- Sand
- Satyr
- Savage
- Savant
- Scavenger
- Scent
- School
- Scimitar
- Scion
- Scorch
- Scorching Ray
- Scorpion
- Scout
- Scout (5e Subclass)
- Scribe
- Scroll
- Scrying
- Scythe
- Sea
- Search
- Secret
- Seek
- Seeker
- Seeming
- Sending
- Sense
- Sense Motive
- Sentinel
- Sequester
- Shade
- Shadow
- SRD:Shadow (disambiguous)
- Shadowdancer
- Shaman
- Shapechange
- Shaper
- Shark
- Shatter
- Shield
- Shift
- Shifter
- Shillelagh
- Shinobi
- Shortbow
- Shortsword
- Shotgun
- Shovel
- Shuriken
- Sickle
- Siege
- Sigil
- Silence
- Sin
- Sith
- Size
- Skald
- Skaven
- Skeleton
- Skill
- Skills
- Skull
- Slaad
- Slave
- Slayer
- Sleep
- Sleight of Hand
- Slime
- Sling
- Slingshot
- Slow
- Slug
- Smite
- Smoke
- Snake
- Sniper
- Snow
- Snowball
- Sobruaro
- Solar
- Soldier
- Solitude Seven
- Song
- Sonic
- Sorcerer
- Soul
- Soul Warden
- Soulbound
- Soulknife
- Space
- Space marine
- Spartan
- Spawn
- Speak
- Speak Language
- Speak with Animals
- Spear
- Specter
- Speed
- Spell
- Spell Turning
- Spellcraft
- Spelljammer
- Sphere
- Sphere of Annihilation
- Spider
- Spider Climb
- Spider Rider
- Spike
- Spirit
- Spot
- Spray
- Sprite
- Spy
- Staff
- Stalker
- Stance
- Stand
- Starborn
- Statue
- Stealth
- Steam
- Steed
- Steel
- Stirge
- Stone
- Stone Shape
- Stoneskin
- Storm
- Strength
- Strike
- Striker
- Stun
- Subclass
- Succubus
- Suggestion
- Summon
- Summoner
- Summoning
- Sun
- Sun elf
- Sunbeam
- Sunburst
- Survival
- Survivor
- Svirfneblin
- Swarm
- Swift
- Swim
- Sword
- Sword Mage
- Swordmaster
- Swordsman
- Symbol
- Syringe
- System Reference Document
- Tactician
- Tail
- Talisman
- Talon
- Tank
- Tarrasque
- Telekinesis
- Telepath
- Telepathic
- Telepathy
- Teleport
- Tempest
- Temple
- Terminator
- Terror
- Thaumaturgy
- Thief
- Thunder
- Thunderwave
- Tiamat
- Tidal Wave
- Tiefling
- Tiefling Paragon
- Tiger
- Time
- Time Lord
- Time Stop
- Time Walker
- Tinkerer
- Tiny
- Titan
- Tome
- Tome of Magic
- Tongues
- Tortle
- Totem
- Tough
- Tower
- Tower shield
- Toxic
- Track
- Trainer
- Trample
- Transmutation
- Transmute Rock
- Traps
- Treant
- Trebuchet
- Tree
- Trickster
- Trident
- Troglodyte
- Troll
- True strike
- Tumble
- Tunic
- Turtle
- Twili
- Twilight
- Tyrant
- Unarmed
- Unarmed strike
- Unconscious
- Undead
- Undead Summoner
- Undeath
- Undying
- Unearthed Arcana
- Unholy
- Unicorn
- Use Magic Device
- Use Rope
- Valgora
- Valkyrie
- Vampire
- Vampiric Touch
- Vanguard
- Variant
- Veil
- Vessel
- Viking
- Vine
- Virtue
- Vision
- Vorpal
- Vulture
- Walk
- Wall
- Wall of Fire
- Wall of force
- Wand
- War
- War Pick
- Warblade
- Ward
- Warden
- Warforged
- Warhammer
- Warlock
- Warlord
- Warmage
- Warp
- Warrior
- Wasp
- Watcher
- Water
- Water Elemental
- Water weird
- Wave
- Weapon
- Weapon Master
- Weapon Proficiency
- Weasel
- Weather
- Weaver
- Web
- Weird
- Wendigo
- Werewolf
- Whale
- Whip
- Whirlwind
- Whistle
- White
- White Mage
- Wight
- Wild
- Wind
- Wind walk
- Winter
- Wisdom
- Wish
- Witch
- Witcher
- Wizard
- Wolf
- Wood
- Worg
- Worm
- Wraith
- Wrangler
- Wrath
- Wrench
- Wrestler
- Wyrm
- Wyvern
- Xorn
- Yuan-Ti
- Zebra
- Zephyr
- Zombie
- Zone
- Zora
- Zweihander